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UNHCR Sudan Kassala, Senior Resettlement Assistant, LICA 5,UNOPS, Written Test 07 July 2021

Written Test for the Position of Senior Resettlement Assistant, LICA5, 07 July 2021

UNHCR Sudan, Kassala Sub Office

Duration of the test is 45 minutes only
10:00 – 11:05
(Sudan time GMT +2)
Thank you for your interest in this position
and for agreeing to complete this test.

Please read the instructions carefully:

1. Please save this document using your candidate code after completing the written exam.
Example: “yourcodenumber”.doc. Please do not write your name anywhere in the
answer sheet
2. You have one hour to complete this test.
3. Please answer all questions in English.
4. The test has a total possible score of 100 points. The number of possible points for each
question is indicated at the end of the question.
5. The test is primarily aimed at testing your knowledge of resettlement as well as your
analytical skills. Your ability to write clearly and concisely in English and to prepare
well-organized responses will also be assessed. Therefore, please leave time to check
your answers.

Good luck!

UNHCR Sudan Kassala, Senior Resettlement Assistant, LICA 5,UNOPS, Written Test 07 July 2021

Code NO:

1. Congratulations!! You have just been appointed as Associate Resettlement Officer

( Case Identification), Sudan. Upon arrival at your duty station, the Resettlement
Officer tells you that there is an urgent need to identify suitable cases for resettlement
consideration. The Resettlement officer asks you to help draft a resettlement case
identification strategy. You decide to start by outlining four methodologies that you
will champion to rapidly boost case identification.

Outline and explain these methodologies, being sure to identify any relevant
stakeholders, activities, and resources for each methodology. (30 marks)

2. The following is an extract from an RRF section 5.2 prepared by a caseworker. The
RO has assigned you as reviewer for this case. In following with UNHCR RRF
writing standards and guidance, review the section in “track changes”, making
relevant changes, and point out in “comments” material information that is missing
from the segment that you require the caseworker to include or add towards
completion of a well written RRF(40 marks).

Kindly provide additional information with respect to the applicant’s medical need from his
diagnosis, Treatment, Prognosis and consent for resettlement. Mention what condition the
applicant is suffering from.

Kindly also mention the vulnerability the applicant faces what measures, steps have been
taken at the camp level and why is resettlement under this category the most suitable for the
applicant with respect to treatment in the camp or country of asylum.

UNHCR therefore presents case for resettlement consideration under the medical and
disability needs resettlement category.” –

3. Case processing towards the USA quota for 2021 is in high gear, and you have just
participated in a field mission to interview cases for possible submission to the USA.
The following is the information that you have collected as ‘basis of the refugee claim
(RRF 4.1) after interviewing a refugee for resettlement consideration.

opposition to the regime. The act is tantamount to treason, and it is highly likely the evader or deserter and their


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