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International policies to reduce plastic marine pollution from
single-use plastics (plastic bags and microbeads): A review

Dirk Xanthos ⁎, Tony R. Walker

Nowadays, our marine environment polluted by plastics.

This is not good to our marine environment. We need to take
action about this problem before getting worse. There are a lot
of plastic particles are floating in our sea. Human was created
marine litter waste into our marine environment. Another causes
is plastic processing. Everybody know that plastic have the
lifespan about thousand of years. There is an announcement
from UNEP in 2014 that concern about widespread of plastic to
marine life. Since 1970, plastic have been reported as one of the
problem in the marine environment. 95.

There is a few studies that the use of single-use plastics

need to subtract in the marine environment. This studies were
create because of the lack of research about how to subtract the
use of plastics. Moreover, this can help how to identified future
research. Nowadays, all the governments in the world have a
strategies to bar lightweight bags sale and cause taxes from the
shop who sell them. For example, in our country everyone who
wants to use plastic bags after buy things need to pay 20 cent. A
lot of country was banned the using of plastics. For example,
Columbia has plan to reduce 80% the use of plastic bags by the
year 2020 and their plastic bags use will eliminate by 2025. This
will decrease the use of plastic bags. The coastal borders
countries which rapidly developing countries such as India and
China discharge estimated the largest quantities into the world’s
ocean. Then, both of countries already introduced bans plastic
bags. This is to prevent town drainage system were clogging and
prevent animal from eat plastic bags because they thought it can
be eaten. Next, microbeadS were a category of microplastics.
Microbeads are most common used in personal care of products
such as cleanser. They have added in facial scrub and body
washes because they have contribute great scrubbing power.
Microbeads are very small and sometimes difficult to see. The
plan of banned the use of microbeads leads to reduce the
pollution of our marine environment. There is a lot of
government in the world have take an action such as implement
policy to reduce the use of plastic bags and microbeads.

In conclusion, this article give review how to minimize the

use of plastic bags and mocroebread and tell about the important
to save our marine enviroment. Actually every countries have
developed the policies. This will help to increase our marine
environment. Howeever, we need a consistent action to make
sure that this policy run smoothly all over the world.

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