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TABLE 5-1 ● Common Prefixes

Ex. Tachy- Tachycardia Prefix: tachy- (fast/rapid) “a condition of rapid or
Word root: card/i (heart) fast heart beat”
Suffix: -ia (condition)
1. dia- Diagnosis Prefix: dia - (complete) "knowledge of identifying
Root word: gnos/o - abnormal conditions;
(knowledge) disease, illness"
Suffix: osis - (condition)
2. dif- Differential Prefix: dif/fer- (apart) "something that makes a
Root word: ( distinction between two
Suffix: al - (pertaining to) differing items"
3. diplo- Diplosis Prefix: "condition of cells having
Root word: dipl/o - two homologous copies
(double) of each
Suffix: osis - (condition, chromosome"
usually abnormal)
4. dis- Dissection Prefix: dis - (apart; to "process of cutting (a
separate) body) apart"
Root word: sect/o - (to
Suffix: ion - (process)
5. dys- Dysentery Prefix: dys - (bad/painful) "abnormal condition of
Root word: enter/o the intestines"
Suffix: y - (condition,

6. ec- Ectoblast Prefix: ecto - (out; "outer layer of an

outside) immature cell"
Root word:
Suffix: blast - (embryonic,
immature cell)
7. ecto- Ectoderm Prefix: ecto - (out; "outermost layer of skin
outside) cells"
Root word:
Suffix: derm - (skin)
8. edem- Edema Prefix: edem - (swelling) "swelling caused by
Root word: excess fluid trapped in
Suffix: a - (pertaining to) the body's tissues.
9. endo- Endocrinology Prefix: endo - (in; within) "study of glands that
Root word: crin/o - secrete products into the
(secrete) blood"
Suffix: logy - (study)
10. epi- Epicardium Prefix: epi - (above; upon) "serous membrane that
Root word: cardi/o - forms the innermost
(heart) layer of the
Suffix: ium - (structure) pericardium and the
outer surface of the
11. erythr- Erythrocyte Prefix: "red blood cell"
Root word: erythr/o -
Suffix: cyte - (cell)
12. eu- Eukaryote Prefix: eu - (good; "cell with a true nucleus"
Root word: kary/o -
Suffix: ote - (expand)
13. ex- Excision Prefix: ex - (out; away "process of cutting out;
from) away from"
Root word: cis/o (to cut)
Suffix: ion - (process)
14. exo- Exophthalmos Prefix: exo - out; away "a bulging of the eye
from anteriorly out of the
Root word: thalm/o - orbit"
15. extra- Extradural Prefix: extra - (outside) "pertaining to the outside
Root word: dur/o - (dura of dura matter, but within
matter) the skull"
Suffix: al - (pertaining to)
16. fasci- Fasciculus Prefix: fasci - (meaning "small bundle or tract,
band or fascia) especially of nerve or
Root word: muscle fibers. "
Suffix: culus - (little, as
molecule and corpuscle)
17. fore- Foreskin Prefix: fore - (front side) "fold of skin which
Root word: covers the head"
Suffix: skin - (meaning
18. haplo- Haplobiont Prefix: haplo - (single, "an organism, esp a plant,
simple) that exists in either the
Root word: diploid form or the
Suffix: biont - (living in haploid form"
the environment
19. hemi- Hemiparesis Prefix: hemi - (half) "weakness; paralysis
Root word: restricted to one side"
Suffix: paresis -
20. hetero- Heterogeneous Prefix: hetero - (other; "originating outside the
another; different) organism"
Root word: geno - (birth;
production; formation;
Suffix: us - (pertaining to)
21. homo- Homogeneous Prefix: homo - (same) "identical cell types; of
Root word: gene - (basic the same type, having the
physical and functional same characteristics"
unit of heredity)
Suffix: us - (pertaining to)
22. homeo- Homeopathy Prefix: "treatment of disease
Root word: home/o - using minute doses of
(sameness; unchanging; drugs that would
constant) otherwise produce
Suffix: pathy - (disease; symptoms of disease"
23. hydro- Hydrocephalus Prefix: "accumulation of fluid in
Root word: hydr/o - the brain"
2nd root word:cephal/o -
Suffix: us - (structure;
24. hyper- Hypergeusia Prefix: hyper - (above; "abnormally heightened
excessive) sense of taste"
Root word:
Suffix: geusia - (taste)
25. hypo- Hypodermic Prefix: hyp/o - (deficient; "pertaining to the region
below; under; less than immediately beneath the
normal) skin"
Root word: derm/o -
Suffix: ic - (pertaining to)
26. idio- Idiopathic Prefix: "pertaining to of
Root word: idi/o - unknown cause"
(unknown; individual;
Suffix: ic - (pertaining to)
27. infra- Infraorbital Prefix: infra - (beneath; "beneath the eye"
Root word: orbital - (eye)
28. inter- Intercostal Prefix: inter - (between) "pertaining to
Root word: cost/o - (rib) between the rib"
Suffix: al - (pertaining to)

29. iso- Isotonic Prefix: "pertaining to having

Root word: is/o - (same; equal tension"
ton/o - (tension)
Suffix: ic - (pertaining to)
30. macro- Macroglossia Prefix: macro - (large) "condition of having an
Root word: gloss/o - enlarged tongue"
Suffix: ia - (condition)
TABLE 5-2 ● Common Suffixes
1. -form Cruciform Prefix: cruci - (cross) "resembling the shape of
Root word: a cross"
Suffix: form - (resembling;
in the shape of)
2. -gen Androgen Prefix: "substance that produces
Root word: andr/o - male hormones"
Suffix: gen - (substance
that produces)
3. -genesis Cytogenesis Prefix: cyt/o - (cell) "The formation,
Root word: development, and
Suffix: genesis - variation of cell"
4. -globin, -globulin Hemoglobin Prefix: "a protein of red blood
Root word: hem/o - cells that transports
(blood) oxygen"
Suffix: globin - (protein)
5. -gram Cardiogram Prefix: "record of muscle activity
Root word: cardi/o - within the heart"
Suffix: gram - (record)
6. -graph Cardiograph Prefix: "instrument for recording
Root word: cardi/o - the muscle activity within
(heart) the heart"
Suffix: graph -
(instrument for
7. -graphy Angiography Prefix: angi/o - (blood "process of recording
vessel) blood vessels"
Root word:
Suffix: graphy - (process
of recording)
8. -gravida Nulligravida Prefix: null/i - (have, not) "woman who has never
Root word: been pregnant"
Suffix: gravida - (pregnant
9. -ia Normocapnia Prefix: "normal arterial carbon
Root word: norm/o - dioxide pressure"
(rule, order
Suffix: capnia - (carbon
10. -iasis Cholelithiasis Prefix: "abnormal condition of
Root word: chol/e - (bile, the gallbladder;
gall) formation of gallstones"
Suffix: iasis - (abnormal
11. -ile Hemophile Prefix: "attracted to blood"
Root word: hem/o -
Suffix: phile - (love;
attacted to)
12. -ion Hypertension Prefix: hyper - (above; "abnormally high blood
excessive) pressure"
Root word:
Suffix: tension -
13. -ism Hypoinsulinism Prefix: hypo - (below "deficiency of insulin due
normal) either to inadequate
Root word: insulin - secretion of the
(insulin) hormone"
Suffix: ism - (condition)
14. -ist Cytologist Prefix: cyt/o - (cell) "One who specializes in
Root word: log/o - study the study of cells"
(process of)
Suffix: ist - (specialist)
15. -itis Hepatitis Prefix: "inflammation of the
Root word: hepat/o - liver"
Suffix: itis -
16. -kinesia Hyperkinesia Prefix: hyper - (above, "Excessive sickness due
excessive) to motion"
Root word:
Suffix: kinesia - (motion,
movement, or sickness)
17. -lepsy Epilepsy Prefix: epi - (above; upon) "unprovoked seizure"
Root word:
Suffix: lepsy - (seizure)
18. -lith Uterolith Prefix: utero - (uterus; "abnormal concretion"
Root word:
Suffix: lith - (stone;
19. -logist Urologist Prefix: uro - (urinary "specialist of the urinary
system) system"
Root word:
Suffix: logist - (specialist)
20. -lysis, -rrhexis Dialysis Prefix: dia - (complete) "separation of particles
Root word: (waste…) in a liquid"
Suffix: lysis - (breakdown;
21. -malacia Aortomalacia Prefix: "Softening of the walls of
Root word: Aort/o - the aorta"
Suffix: malacia -
(softening of a biological
22. -megaly Cardiomegaly Prefix: "enlargement of the
Root word: cardi/o - heart"
Suffix: megaly -
23. -meter Arthrometer Prefix: arthr/o - (joint; "an instrument for
relating to joints) measuring the range of
Root word: movement of a joint"
Suffix: meter -
24. -metry Alkalimetry Prefix: alkali - (alkali) "measurement of the
Root word: strengths of alkalis"
Suffix: metry - (procedure
of relating to
25. -ness Illness Prefix: ill - (Not healthy; "state of being sick or
sick) unwell"
Root word:
Suffix: ness -
(corresponding to)
26. -oid Splenoid Prefix: splen - (spleen) "resembling the spleen;
Root word: spleenlike"
Suffix: oid -
27. -ole Cholangiole Prefix: Cholang/i - "a bile canaliculus"
(Combining form
denoting bile duct)
Root word:
Suffix: ole - (small or
28. -oma Leukoma Prefix: leuk - (white) "dense, white corneal
Root word: opacity"
Suffix: oma - (swelling or
29. -opia Asthenopia Prefix: astheno - "eyestrain or ocular
(asthenia; weakness) fatigue"
Root word:
Suffix: opia - (defects in
vision or other specified
conditions of the eye)
30. -ory Olfactory Prefix: Pertaining to sense of
Root word: olfact/o - smell"
(minimal perceptible
Suffix: ory - (pertaining
31. -spasm, -stalsis Gastrospasm Prefix: gastro - (stomach) "spasm of the smooth
Root word: muscle of the stomach"
Suffix: spasm - (cramps
and contractures)
32. -stasis Thrombostasis Prefix: thromb/o - (blood "stasis of blood in a part
clot, coagulation) with formation of
Root word: thrombus"
Suffix: stasis - (stoppage
or slowdown in the flow
of blood or other body
33. -sthenia Myasthenia Prefix: mya - (muscle) "abnormal weakness of
Root word: certain muscles"
Suffix: sthenia -
34. -stenosis Bronchostenosis Prefix: bronch/o - "narrowing of a
(bronchus) bronchus"
Root word:
Suffix: stenosis -
(narrowing or
35. -stomy Septostomy Prefix: septo - (septum) "the surgical creation of
Root word: an opening through the
Suffix: stomy - (surgical interatrial septum"
36. -taxia Ataxia Prefix: a - (not, without "disorders that affect co-
Root word: ordination, balance and
Suffix: taxia - (movement speech"
of an organism in
response to an external
37. -tension Hypertension Prefix: hyper - (above "highblood pressure"
Root word:
Suffix: tension -
38. -therapy Chemotherapy Prefix: "treatment of disease
Root word: chem/o - using chemicals; drugs"
(drug, chemical)
Suffix: therapy -
39. -tome Chondrotome Prefix: chondr/o - "surgical instrument for
(cartilage) cutting a cartilage"
Root word:
Suffix: tome - (cutting,
cutting instrument)
40. -tomy Hemispherectomy Prefix: hemi - (half) "removal; excision;
Root word: resection of half the
Suffix: ectomy - (removal; brain"
41. -tony Hypertony Prefix: hyper - (above; "stiff muscle tone"
Root word:
Suffix: tony - (muscle
tension or nerve tension)
42. -tripsy Neurotripsy Prefix: neuro - (nerve, "Surgical crushing of a
nervous system) nerve"
Root word:
Suffix: tripsy - (crushing)
43. -trophy Atrophy Prefix: a - (not, without) "decrease in size of a
Root word: body part, cell, organ, or
Suffix: trophy - (nutrition, other tissue"
nourishment, growth)
44. -tropin Thyrotropin Prefix: thyro - (thyroid "a hormone secreted by
gland) the pituitary gland which
Root word: regulates the production
Suffix: tropin - of thyroid hormones"
(stimulating effect of a
hormone )
45. -tropic Dextrotropic Prefix: dextro - (on the "Turning to the right"
right side,)
Root word:
Suffix: tropic - (pertaining
to a turn)
46. -ula, -ule Nodule Prefix: nod - (knot, lump) "growth of abnormal
Root word: tissue"
Suffix: ule - (small)
47. -uria Polyuria Prefix: poly - (many) "Excessive urination"
Root word:
Suffix: uria - (urine)
48. -y Cardiotoxicity Prefix: "toxicity that affects the
Root word: cardio - heart"
toxic - (poison)
Suffix: y - (inclined to)

TABLE 5-3 ● Combining Forms and Associated Body Systems

1. hidr/o Hidromeiosis Prefix: hidr/o - (sweat, "The swelling of the
sweat glands) epidermis after it is
Root word: exposed to water, with
Suffix: meiosis - (the consequent blockage of
process of cell division by the sweat ducts"
which reproductive cells
(gametes) are formed)
2. hist/o Histopathology Prefix: hist/o - (tissue) "study of diseases of the
Root word: patho - tissues"
Suffix: logy - (study of)
3. hydr/o Hydroadipsia Prefix: "condition of being
Root word: hydr/o - thirsty for water"
Suffix: dypsia - (thirst)
4. kerat/o Keratoscope Prefix: "instrument used to
Root word: kerat/o - evaluate the shape of the
(cornea; hard; horny anterior surface
tissue) of the cornea"
Suffix: scope -
(instrument for visual
5. melan/o Melanoma Prefix: melan/o - (dark "person with very dark
Root word: skin"
Suffix: derm - (skin)
6. cost/o Costochondral Prefix: "pertaining to the joints
Root word: cost/o - (rib) between the ribs and
chondr/o - (cartilage costal cartilage"
Suffix: al - (pertaining to)
7. dactyl/o Dactylogy Prefix: "process of
Root word: dactyl/o - communicating by signs
(fingers; toes) made with the fingers
Suffix: logy - (study; the (sign
process of) language)"
8. fibul/o Fibulocalcaneal Prefix: fibul/o - (fibula) "belonging to the fibula
Root word: calcane - and the calcaneus"
(heel bone; calcaneus)
Suffix: al - (pertaining to)
9. humer/o Humeroulnar Prefix: "portion of the elbow
Root word: humer/o - joint between the
(humerus) trochlea of the humerus
ulnar - (ulna) and the trochlear notch
Suffix: of the ulna"
10. mandibul/o Mandibulotomy Prefix: "surgical technique used
Root word: mandibul/o - to give access to cancers
(mandible) in the back of the. tongue
Suffix: tomy - (removal; (known as the tongue
base) and tonsils"
11. fibr/o Fibromyalgia Prefix: "disorder characterized
Root word: fibr/o - by widespread
(fibrous connective musculoskeletal pain"
Suffix: myalgia - (muscle
12. my/o, muscul/o Myorrhaphy Prefix: "suture of a muscle"
Root word: myo -
Suffix: rrhaphy - (suture)
13. kinesi/o Kinesiology Prefix: "study of the mechanics
Root word: kinesi/o - and anatomy of human
(movement) movement "
Suffix: logy - (study of)
14. alveol/o Alveolodental Prefix: "pertaining to a tooth or
Root word: alveol/o - teeth and to a socket or
(alveoli) sockets"
Suffix: dental - (pertaining
to teeth/tooth)
15. bronch/o Bronchostaxis Prefix: "bleeding in small
Root word: bronch/o - amounts from a bronchus
(bronchus; bronchia) or bronchi"
Suffix: staxis - (dripping;
16. cyan/o Cyanobacteria Prefix: "blue colored bacteria)
Root word: cyan/o -
Suffix: bacteria -
17. nas/o, rhin/o Nasology Prefix: "a scientific study of
Root word: naso - (nose) noses"
Suffix: logy - (study of)
18. olfact/o Olfactory Prefix: "Pertaining to olfaction or
Root word: Olfact/o - sense of smell"
(minimal perceptible
Suffix: ory - (pertaining
19. cholecyst/o Cholecystogram Prefix: "radiograph of the
Root word: cholecyst/o - gallbladder made after
(gallbladder) ingestion or injection of a
Suffix: gram - (written radiopaque substance"
20. choledoch/o Choledocholithiasis Prefix: "presence of one or more
Root word: choledoch/o - gallstones in the common
(relating to bile duct) bile duct"
Suffix: lithiasis -
(condition or presence of
21. cirrh/o Cirrhosis Prefix: "disease of the liver
Root word: cirrh/o - characterized by increase
(tawny) of connective tissue and
Suffix: osis - (abnormal alteration in gross and
condition) microscopic makeup"
22. col/o Colostomy Prefix: "surgical procedure to
Root word: col/o - (large create a new opening in
intestine) the colon (large
Suffix: stomy - (new intestine)"
23. dent/i, odont/o Dentition Prefix: dent/i - (tooth) "pertains to the
Root word: development of teeth
Suffix: tion - (action, and their arrangement in
state) the mouth"
24. aden/o Adenopathy Prefix: adeno - (gland) "Large or swollen lymph
Root word: nodes"
Suffix: pathy - (suffering
or disease)
25. andr/o Androgen Prefix: "male sex hormone"
Root word: andr/o -
Suffix: gen - (produce)
26. cortic/o Corticoadrenal Prefix: "relating to the cortex of
Root word: cortico - the adrenal gland"
adrenal - (adrenaline)
27. crin/o Crinogenic Prefix: "Causing secretion;
Root word: crino - (to stimulating a gland to
secrete, to come out) increased function"
Suffix: genic - (producing,
forming; produced)
28. kal/o Prefix:
Root word: kal/o -
29. scler/o Sclerosis Prefix: "localized hardening of
Root word: scler/o - skin"
Suffix: osis - (condition,
state, abnormal proces)
30. ser/o Serosanguineous Prefix: sero - (serum) "contains or relates to
Root word: sanguine - both blood and the liquid
(blood) part of blood (serum)"
Suffix: ous - (Pertaining
31. sphygm/o Sphygmomanometer Prefix: Sphygm/o - (the "blood pressure monitor"
Root word: mano - (an
instrument (as a pressure
Suffix: meter -
32. thromb/o Thrombocyte Prefix: thromb/o - (clot) "Clotting cell"
Root word:
Suffix: cyte - (cell)

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