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Module in
Lesson: Responsible Use of Media and Information
Quarter: I Week: 3 Day and Time: See Class program

Learning competencies:
 Editorializes the value of being a media and Information literate individual.
 Identifies characteristics/describes a responsible uses and competent
producers of media and information. (MIL11/12MIL-IIIa-4).

Learning Tasks:
Study Notebook Activity Sheet
 Pre-test, pp.1-2  Activity 1, p.6
 Post-test, pp.4-5  Activity 2, p.6
 Activity 3, p.7
 Activity 3, p.7
Media comes in different forms which are very accessible to everyone, everywhere
in our digital world. A media literate person has the ability to read, analyze, evaluate and
produce communication in a variety of media forms. On the other hand, an information
literate person has the ability to recognize when information is needed and to locate,
evaluate, effectively use and communicate information in its various formats.

Multiple Choice. Choose the letter of the best answer from the given choices.

1. What is a set of abilities requiring individuals to recognize when information is

needed and have the ability to locate, evaluate and use the needed information
A. Information Literacy C. Technology Literacy
B. Media Literacy D. Communication Literacy
2. Which refers to the understanding of the concepts behind computing equipment,
network connectivity, and application to software?
A. Information Literacy C. Communication Literacy
B. Technology Literacy D. Media Literacy

3. Which of the following is not a radical impact on education of media and

A. Distance Learning
B. Vast network of information and contributions
C. Content distributions
D. Democratic political set-ups
4. It is the methods or tools in which information can be exchanged and
communication can be facilitated.
A. Gadgets B. Modem C. Media D. Technology
5. Literacy is the ability to read and write.
A. False B. True C. Maybe D. Neither
6. Which refers to the listener, reader, and viewer of the message?
A. Receiver B. Media C. Message D. Source
7. What type of communication that uses spoken words?
A. Oral Communication
B. Verbal Communication
C. Formal Communication
D. Communication
8. What type of media in industrial Age was developed?
A. Telegraph B. Technology C. Facebook D. Printing Press
9. What do you call the platform of media in the information age?
A. Telegraph B. Printing Press C. Internet D. Facebook
10. What kind of protection provided by original work of authorship?
A. Copyright B. Patent C. Royalty D. Plagiarism


Media and Information Literacy (MIL) – stands for media and information literacy, and
refers to the essential competencies (knowledge, skills and attitude) that allow citizens to
engage with media and other information providers effectively and develop critical thinking
and life-long learning skills for socializing and becoming active citizens.
Media Literacy (ML) – understanding and using mass media in either an assertive or non-
assertive way, including an informed and critical understanding of media, the techniques
they employ and their effects. Also the ability to read, analyze, evaluate, and produce
communication in a variety of media forms (e.g. television, print, radio, computers,
Internet). It is also the ability to decode analyze, evaluate, and produce communication in
variety of forms.
Information Literacy – is a set of competencies for obtaining, understanding, evaluating,
adapting, generating, storing, and presenting information for problem analysis and
Technology Literacy – is the ability to use, manage, understand, and assess technology.
Technological literacy is related to digital literacy in that when an individual is proficient in
using computers and other digital devices to access the Internet, digital literacy gives them
the ability to use the Internet, to discover, review, evaluate, create, and use information via
various digital platforms, such as web browsers, databases, online journals, magazines,
newspapers, blogs and social media sites.

Technology (computer) Literacy - refers to the set of skills, attitudes and knowledge
necessary to understand and operate the basic functions of information and
communications technologies, including devices and tools.

Characteristics of a Media and Information Literate Person:

 Can understand media’s influences and representations
 Can make informed and independent decisions
 Can learn about the world around them
 Can build a sense of community
 Can maintain public discourse
 Can engage a lifelong learning
 Can produce information
 Can think critically
 Can use media for self-expression and creativity
 Can use media in a safe and responsible way
 Can participate in democracy and the global information network

Stages of the Critical Analysis Process

The critical analysis stages clearly involve the characteristics and skills of media
literacy and information literacy combined.
The five stages are the following:
1. Description – entails “paying close attention, taking notes, and researching the
subject under study”. This involves getting the right kind of information from an
accurate source.
2. Analysis – involves “discovering and focusing on significant patterns that emerge
from the description stage”.
3. Interpretation – pertains to “asking and answering the “What does that mean? And
“so what?” questions about one’s findings. This is where we could analyze the
purpose of the information we uncovered.
4. Evaluation – pertains to “arriving at a judgment about whether something is good,
bad, or mediocre.
5. Engagement – suggests “taking some action that connects our critical perspective
with our role as citizens to question our media institutions, adding our own voice to
the process of shaping the cultural environment”.


The poster on the right is the Logo of the

face book website.

Activity 1. On an activity sheet, make a

poster related to facebook/social media.
Share your suggestions and opinions
regarding the poster.
The amount of information just a click away may be limitless, but the time and energy we have to absorb
and evaluate it is not.  Humanity moves forward when we find ways to rely on and understand and trust
each other.  If social media is going to be our new home, let's make them a comfortable, beautiful place
to live, a place we all feel not just included but actually some ownership of. A place we get to know each
other. A place you'd actually want not just to visit but to bring your friends.  Most strangers don't actually
even talk to each other the first three or four or five times they see each other. But when people, even
very different people, see each other a lot, they develop familiarity, and that creates the bedrock for
relationships. And I think, actually, you know, maybe that early idea of cyberspace as kind of this bodiless
meeting place of pure minds and pure ideas sent us off in the wrong direction. Maybe what we need
instead is to find a way to be in proximity, mostly talking amongst ourselves, but all sharing the same
warm sun. 

Facebook is becoming a highly successful platform not only for making new
friends and finding old ones, but for accessing global and local news as well.
Most of the news and media companies have launched their Facebook pages.

Facebook has become a marketing platform for many popular brands. Today,
one can easily access all the famous global brands on Facebook.

Several small time businesses have become successful on Facebook. People,

who do not have the capital to open a store, have launched their products on
Facebook, gaining financial success and recognition.

One can buy practically anything on Facebook from shoes, bags, accessories,
clothes, phones, laptops, electronic etc. Many of these online stores offer the
facility to make online payments and deliver goods to the buyer’s home.

Facebook contains a large amount of user information that is susceptible to misuse.

It is dangerous to leave such a large volume of information that contains private
details of millions of individuals with an entity that faces minimal regulations like
facebook Facebook avails to its users, many activities that are fun to be involved in,
which include discussions, charting and creation of groups
With enormous scope and flexibility Facebook is a widely acceptable networking site for people to
keep in touch their friends and families, share experiences, strengthen social interactions and gather
information. It may exert some privacy, internet addiction and technology abusive issues. However,
the positive impact of Facebook outweighs the negatives as it helps to.

Social media is changing our society more than ever before through uniting people who live millions of miles
away. It is a school of online passages that promotes communication and online interaction with regard to
specific communities.

Inclusively, multiple social media platforms exist in the modernized world today, for instance, facebook. I
deem what my illustration manifests, in general, is the fundamental source for the subtle sense of connection
and sharing; more appreciably, the aim to build up a communicative and informative society.
. Netizens tend to conquer the factual challenges on the way to their community, family and professional
triumph; and facebook has added benefit to people, making it educational and tangible. Besides being a
medium to interact and communicate, facebook is not only for making new friends, but for accessing global
and local news as well

Activity 2: Answer the following questions honestly on the activity sheet.

1. How do you use Facebook as a tool of communication?

Facebook has the most significant advent for me as a learner: I mainly use it for interacting with schoolmates
and teachers, especially for staying on track with announcements, and when a school project requires
collaborative work and, thus, proximity cannot hinder my academic progress.
2. How did Facebook affect or change the way we communicate with each other?

Our cultures, attitudes, interests, and perceptions are greatly affected by Facebook: we are clearly immersed
a great deal of information, and sometimes this place of pure minds and pure ideas send us off in the wrong directio
So, it is possible that someone could become talkative and active behind the screen, but in realistic landscape
but actually stands isolated because of the absorbed time.
3. How did Facebook affect the quantity and quality of information available to people?
Is it a good thing or a bad thing?

The amount of information just a click away may be limitless, but the essence of information are oft
I strongly agree that information is susceptible to misuse; It is dangerous to leave such a large volume
information that contains fleeting details, and this is candidly not a good thing.

Activity 3. Read the following carefully. Write answer on your activity sheet.

To test your Media and Information Literacy Skills, choose a TV show or a film for
your research. Imagine that you will be paid to develop a sequel to this work. A sequel is
the piece of content following an original piece. For a film, you will write the second in the
series. For the TV show, you will write the second episode. Following the characteristics of
the media information literacy process, identify the information you need to discover for
this assignment, as well as the steps you need to finish this paid project. Acknowledge
sources of information.

Sequel Processing

Film name: Handmaid’s Tale

Release date: March 7, 1990

Author: Margaret Atwood

---Information need to discover

--disposition of characters and the central story.

---Resolve of plotlines

---What made the first book special more

---the elements the first film or book

Reach the screen !

Development of script





post production



IV. Post-Test
Instructions: Choose the letter of the best answer from the given choices.

1. What kind of law aims to address legal issues concerning online interactions and the
A. RA 10175 B. RA 10174 C. RA 10173 D..RA 10172
2. One challenges of media is the power to sway individual’s belief and perceptions. This
is best exemplified in
A. Media and Info for education
B. Media and Info for Social change
C. Media and Info for politics
D. Media and info for economics
3. What are the challenges for social media of media and information?
A. Media fail to provide facts C. Influence will be all vulnerable
B. Abuse their influence D. None of the choices
4. What refers to the excessive use of computers in their daily life?
A. Fair Use B. Cybercrime C. Copyright D. Computer Addiction
5. How would you show your understanding of information literate?
A. By applying the characteristics of information literate
B. By distributing fake news
C. By applying the ethical use of information
D. Both A&C

6.What statement shows what information literate individual is?

A. She is copy and pasting the information she had search
B. She first find and determined the access of information to evaluate info and print
C. She is able to recognize the need of information, able to locate, evaluate and
access the info and able to use the needed information.
D. All of the above
7.What statement shows the information needed?
A. Asking a person about his name
B. Searching for the details about fungus
C. Asking for the right direction going to School
D. All of the above
8.Luciana is a famous online food blogger and she earned money from it; while Gracia
promotes her foods business personally in the market. Who among the two is a media and
information literate individual?
A. Gracia because she promotes her business personally

B. Luciana is not a media and information literate individual because she is not
promoting her business personally
C. Gracia because she sells her product personally
D. Luciana because she uses media and earned from her blog sites
9. The economics of media can be explained in terms of rating. What does it mean?
A. Media earns profit through advertisements
B. Media has the power to persuade people
C. Creating of jobs in the economy
D. Media is a threat of the economy
10.It is the methods or tools in which information can be exchanged and communication
can be facilitated.
A. Gadgets B. Modem C. Media D. Technology


Pre-Test Post-Test
1. B 1. A
2. B 2. A
3. D 3. C
4. D 4. D
5. B 5. D
6.A 6. C
7.A 7. D
8.A 8. D
9.C 9. A
10.A 10. D


Olivia Linsangan Cantor, Media Information Literacy ISBN 978-971-07-3715-4, Vibal

Group, Inc., 2016

Nick Daniel Mahilum,


UNESCO, MIL Curriculum for Teachers, 2011

Don Antonio Village, Rosales, Pangasinan

Subj. Teacher: Week: 3


Test/Activity Score
A. Pre-Test
B. Post Test


Activity 1. Answer the following questions on the space provided.

1.Describe the media habits, lifestyle, and preference of each member of your

There are three people in my family; they are my mother, father, and me. And
presumably my parents both have the common media habits, lifestyle, and preference:
they prefer reading news articles through facebook instead of browsing a newspaper,
which they conventionally did in postmodern space; they also watch local tv shows and
movies to spend their spare time from work; and they have interest in the misconceptions the
public has about issues that can lead to a better understanding about realities

2. Write an essay on how communication is affected by media and

information. Cite your personal experience
Everyone must be very careful to explain information in a clear, exact,
and understandable manner. As media and information influence the accuracy
of message, sometimes confusion runs amok; and the whiplash creates a noise
in communication. I have a remarkable recollection of a good case in point:
As a homeroom officer throughout our junior years, I encountered a lot
of notes that could be reputable news, but actually had biases and
committed errors against the backdrop of meetings.

3. Describe the similarities and/or differences of Media Literacy, Information

Literacy, and Technology Literacy.
Media Literacy, Information Literacy, and Technology Literacy can
communicate in variety of formats, and relay data to different people in
different places in a short span of time whlile technology is used

4. Discuss with your family the different uses of Media Platforms.

Media platforms are democratized in many ways: reading news, browsing gossips,
sending and receiving a message, and listening to news programs. Through these media
platforms we expand our horizons in education, entertainment, advancement, and
correlation parts in society.

5. Discuss with your family the role of media and information in effective
Media and Information disseminate gist to effective communication, thereby empowering it by
means of the internet, newspapers, magazines, and TV and radio stations with large audiences,
which are considered successful and compelling in making a civilized society.

Activity 2. Write your insights, advantages and disadvantages of the following:


Facebook is a platform that A messaging app that has A platform that provides the
allows people to discuss buttons for audio means for people to store
and absorb information at recordings, messaging, videos and share them with
any time they need and sharing videos and
It is a modern media that It has videos that aim to reach
produces abundant A time-saving platform that a wide range of viewers.
information can allocate our learning
materials. Everyone can easily search
and review videos related to a
Helps people connect with specific concept or
pals, share photos, videos, Many permissions are knowledge
and articles. needed when we need to
utilize a feature
Allows us to connect with contains contents about
specific concepts taught in
different people from Can be used for schools
different countries collaboration

Can spread fake news and

encourage defamation Can spread fake news and Not every video
Possible presence of
encourage defamation
comes from
bullying and hacking. Possible presence of
bullying and hacking.
reliable sources. 
some videos
include violent
and explicit

Activity 3: Cut an article in newspaper, magazines, or books that discusses

the roles and functions of media in the Philippines.


1. What activity was hard to execute?

2. What activities did you enjoy the most?

3. What concepts or skills did you learn well?

4. What concepts or skills was difficult to understand?

5. Did you ask help from your teacher? (Yes or No). _____________
If Yes, did you immediately receive the needed assistance? Was the given
assistance helpful for you to understand better the lesson?


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