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Korallys Rodríguez October 15th, 2021.

Prof. Donato COMP 440


I. Countywide Construction

Situation: At Countywide Construction, you are trying to convince your boss that he should consider
modern project management techniques to manage a complex project. Your boss says that he doesn’t
need anything fancy, and that he can guess the total time by the seat of his pants.

To prove your point, you decide to use a very simple example of a commercial construction project, with
eight tasks. You create a hypothetical work break-down structure, as follow:

 Prepare the foundation (10 days). Then assemble the building (4 days).
 When the building is assembled, start two tasks at once: Finish the interior work (4 days) and set
up an appointment for the final building inspection (30 days).
 When the interior work is done, start two more tasks at once: landscaping (5 days) and driveway
paving (2 days).
 When landscaping and driveway are done, do the painting (5 days).
 Finally, when the painting is done and the finale inspection has occurred, arrange the sale (3

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