Communicative Strategy: Guang-Guang, Dahican, City of Mati, Davao Oriental, 8200

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Republic of the Philippines

Davao Oriental State College of Science and Technology

Guang-guang, Dahican, City of Mati, Davao Oriental, 8200

Lesson Plan in Grade 11 Fluorite

Mati National Comprehensive High School

Oral Communication Skills

Communicative Strategy

Prepared by:
Sheila Mae M. Llanto

I. Objectives

At the end of the forty-five minute period, the students

should be able to:
a. Identify various types of communicative strategies;
b. Use acceptable, polite, and meaningful communicative
strategy; and
c. Reflect on your learning on the types of communicative

II. Subject Matter

Topic - Oral Communication - Communicative Strategy

Reference/s - Oral Communication in Context LM for SHS
Material - Laptop, Plasma TV, HDMI, Strip of papers,
Skills - Critical Thinking, Listening Skills, Creativity,
Integration - Respect and Humility

III. Methodology

A. Pre – lesson Activities

1. Prayer
2. Checking of Attendance
3. Review
A student from the class will be called to review the past


The Teacher will pick seven students from the class to solve for
scrambled letters. Each student will have to re-arrange or unjumble the
scrambled letters to make a meaningful word.

Lesson Proper

A. Engage Phase (Practical Work Approach)

Activity 1:

The teacher will group the students into seven (7) groups. Each
group is assigned with types of communicative strategy. The teacher will
give strip of papers to each group. Afterwards, one member of the group
will be chosen to explain in front.

Essential Idea

Communication is the exchange of information between a sender and a

receiver. It used to be that you only had to worry about the way you
communicated face-to-face or on paper. It is important for people to take
into account every aspect of how they are relaying information. This is
where the Phase
B. Explore communication strategies come into play. Communication
strategies are the blueprints for how this information will be exchanged.

Activity 2:
“Imaginary Trip”

The teacher will assign each group to role play one of the prompts
below. Time duration, 5 minutes to prepare and 2 minutes to present.

Scene 1: While eating in the canteen, you go over the brochure of the
tourist spot for the field trip. you talk about various information about
the location.
Scene 2: You decide on the final itinerary of the field trip and discuss the
details such as transportation, accommodation, meals, and itinerary.
Scene 3: You are tasked to present the final itinerary to the student’s
parents during the quarterly parent’s meeting.
Scene 4: Upon arrival at your destination, you talk to the hotel concierge
about your reservations. You inquire about breakfast schedules, hotel
keys, extra beddings, and room service.
Scene 5: You ask a police officer and a street vendor (on two different
instances) for directions to the beach because the class is lost
somewhere in town.
Scene 6: The class needs to eat in the nearest fast-food restaurant. After
taking all the orders from your classmates, you go to the counter to place
the orders. However, some of the orders are not available so you ask for
alternate combos from the fast-food crew, and you make decisions for the
rest of the class.
Scene 7: You have a free half day before you trip back home, so you
decide on what to do as members of the field trip committee, your ideas
and suggestions clash, but ultimately everything is cleared out and you
present the final plan to your classmates.

A communication strategy sets the tone and direction so that all
communication activities, products and materials work in harmony to
achieve the desired change.


Content 25%
Creativity 10%
Overall Stage Presence 10%
Teamwork 5%

Total 50%

C. Apply Phase

Test I. Identify the type of communicative strategy in each statement.

__________ 1. “Do you have anything to say?”
__________ 2. “One of the essential lessons I gained from the discussion is
the importance of sports and wellness to a healthy lifestyle.”
__________ 3. “Excuse me? I think we should speak one at time, so we
can clearly understand what we want to say about the issue.”
__________ 4. “Go on with your ideas. I’ll let you finish first before I say
__________ 5. “Have you heard the news about the latest achievement of
our government?”
__________ 6. “Hey, how are you? I missed you!”
__________ 7. “Best regards to your parents! See you around!”
__________ 8. “Good to see you. Anyway, I came to visit you because I
want to personally offer apologies for what I did yesterday.”
__________ 9. “Sorry, I can’t decide on that now. I am still focused on my
writing assignment. Let’s talk next time, okay?”
__________ 10. “Now, it’s your turn to ask questions.”

Test II. Reflect on the learning that you gained after taking up this
lesson by completing the given chart.

To generalize the whole topic, the teacher will pick two students to
recapitulate the lesson.


Use ½ sheet of paper. In 3-5 sentences answer the question, “How will
you promote the tourism in Mati City?”
Nomination is a type of strategy which commences a conversation by
suggesting, introducing or proposing a topic to be discussed for the
Restriction is used in communicative strategies by constraining the
response or reaction within defined set of categories.
Turn – taking is strategy used to establish and sustain a productive
conversation. Turn taking is recognizing when and how to speak when it
is one’s turn.
Topic control is defined in communicative strategies as keeping the
conversation or interaction going by inquiring or asking questions and
expecting a response from the other party.
Topic shifting is defined in communicative strategies as introducing a
new topic followed by the continuation of that topic.
Repair refers to how speaker address the problems in speaking, listening
and comprehending that they may encounter in a conversation.
Termination refers to the conversation participant’s close initiating
expression that end a topic in conversation.

Scene 1: While eating in the canteen, you go over the brochure of the
tourist spot for the field trip. you talk about various information about
the location.
Scene 2: You decide on the final itinerary of the field trip and discuss the
details such as transportation, accommodation, meals, and itinerary.
Scene 3: You are tasked to present the final itinerary to the student’s
parents during the quarterly parent’s meeting.
Scene 4: Upon arrival at your destination, you talk to the hotel concierge
about your reservations. You inquire about breakfast schedules, hotel
keys, extra beddings, and room service.
Scene 5: You ask a police officer and a street vendor (on two different
instances) for directions to the beach because the class is lost
somewhere in town.
Scene 6: The class needs to eat in the nearest fast-food restaurant. After
taking all the orders from your classmates, you go to the counter to place
the orders. However, some of the orders are not available so you ask for
alternate combos from the fast-food crew, and you make decisions for the
rest of the class.
Scene 7: You have a free half day before you trip back home, so you
decide on what to do as members of the field trip committee, your ideas
and suggestions clash, but ultimately everything is cleared out and you
present the final plan to your classmates.

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