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2- Salary Survey Data Analysis- Group A

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HRM380.2- Salary Survey Data Analysis- Group A

Letter of Transmittal

16th September, 2021

Tajuddin Ahmed
North South University
Bashundhara, Dhaka-1229, Bangladesh.

Subject: Submission of Salary Survey Data Analysis Report

Dear incumbent faculty,

We are group A from HRM380, section 2, and we feel accomplished to be able to
submit this analysis report. This report is based on our salary survey which we
conducted throughout the semester of Summer 2021. Our salary survey module 1
through 8- represent a glimpse of diverse professional areas and salary ranges.
As per your instruction we completed an Excel sheet compiling all data from module
1 through module 8 of our salary survey. Based on the master database we conducted
a comprehensive analysis which reflects our understanding and hard work of this very
We promise our integrity and honesty. This analysis is solely directed for learning
purposes, without permission we will not leak, share or post the used information of
this document.

We hope, you accept our report and evaluate accordingly.

Group A,
HRM 380, section 2 (Summer 2021)

Tabassum Mostazir
On Behalf of Group A

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HRM380.2- Salary Survey Data Analysis- Group A

Executive Summary

This analysis report is the closing report and the compiled work of our salary surveys.
Salary survey module 1- workers who have SSC or under SSC, salary survey module
2- graduates of NSU SBE, salary survey module 3- graduates from other schools of
NSU except SBE, salary survey module 4- graduates from low end private
universities, salary survey module 5- graduates from high end universities, salary
survey 6- BA & B. COM passed, salary survey module 7- graduates from different
public universities, and salary survey module 8- doctors and engineers- all these eight
salary survey all together delivered us salary information of 525 (five hundred and
twenty five) entries.
After compiling all the mentioned salary survey we completed data entries on an
excel sheet. The Excel sheet data entry field addressed- name, age, gender, home
district, educational institutions, highest degree, affiliated organization, and position
of each respondent. We followed scoring method to calculate the respondent’s total
educational qualification, professional qualification, job evaluation, extraordinary
merits, and also based on our assessment provided a score from interviewer’s
judgement. Summing up all the score, we found the total qualification of each
respondent and this represent an approximate scoring that refer and justify their
After completing the Excel file, we used SPS analysis software to run regression and
correlation analysis. Using the master data base of Excel, we calculated mean,
median, mode in the salary entries, and analyzed the demographic. To visualize the
finding, we used bar and pie chart to elaborate our distribution.
Finally, we constructed this paper interpreting our numerical findings.

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HRM380.2- Salary Survey Data Analysis- Group A

Table of Content

Segment Page No
Demographic analysis
- Gender Ratio
- Age Distribution Pg. 05- 08
- Home District Distribution
- Used Mobile Operator Distribution
Mean, Median & Mode
- Mean, median, mode findings of Salaries Pg. 09- 14
- Mean, median, mode findings of Total

Correlation and Regression Analysis

- Correlation and regression analysis of SS1
- Correlation and regression analysis of SS2
- Correlation and regression analysis of SS3
- Correlation and regression analysis of SS4 Pg. 15- 31
- Correlation and regression analysis of SS5
- Correlation and regression analysis of SS6
- Correlation and regression analysis of SS7
- Correlation and regression analysis of SS8
- Correlation and regression analysis of total SS

Trend Analysis Pg. 32- 39

Learnings 40

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HRM380.2- Salary Survey Data Analysis- Group A

Demographic Analysis

By demographic we indicate data that portrays specific attributes of a group of people,

for example- here gender, age, home districts, and preferred mobile operator of the
respondents are our demographic attributes.

Gender Distribution:
Out of 525 total respondent following is the number of female and male respondent:

Gender Respondent number

Female 123

Male 401

Our overall ratio of female to male is 23:77.

23.6% respondent are female, whereas 76.4% respondents are male. This
interpretation also shows that in professional arena male are more participating than
females. Even though the national labour participation rate of female is increasing,
when it comes to the corporate jobs and different white collar jobs, female
respondents remain low compared to the male respondents.

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Age Distribution
The overall average age of our respondents is 32 years. However, when we calculated
module based following are the average age chart of our respondents in particular
salary survey module-
SS Module Average Age
Average age of the respondents of SS1 37.859375 38 years

Average age of the respondents of SS2 28.29508197 28 years

Average age of the respondents of SS3 29.22033898 29 years

Average age of the respondents of SS4 28.40625 28 years

Average age of the respondents of SS5 29.17741935 29 years

Average age of the respondents of SS6 35.38095238 35 years

Average age of the respondents of SS7 31.35135135 31 years

Average age of the respondents of SS8 35.54545455 36 years

Here mainly we have age group late twenties to late thirties. This range is also the
ideal age span of active earning age in Bangladesh.

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Home District Distribution

Number of people who are from Barisal 35
Number of people who are from Chittagong 57
Number of people who are from Dhaka 187
Number of people who are from Khulna 49
Number of people who are from Mymensingh 31
Number of people who are from Narayanganj 39
Number of people who are from Rajshahi 55
Number of people who are from Rangpur 36
Number of people who are from Sylhet 32

Here, we can see our majority respondents are from Dhaka, after Dhaka second
popular area is Chittagong and third one is Rajshahi.

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Mobile Operator
Since we collected everyone’s contact number as the main mode of reference &
contact, we thoroughly could run an analysis on the mobile operator of our

Number of people who use Banglalink 92

Number of people who use GP 257
Number of people who use Robi 153
Number of people who use Teletalk 22

Here per this graph-

 49.0% of the respondents use GP
 29.2% of the respondents use Robi
 17.6% of the respondents use Banglalink and
 4.2% of the respondents use Teletalk

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Mean, Median & Mode

Here, by mean we are referring average. To find it, we add together all of our values
and divide by the number of respondents. The median is the middle number of our
data set when in order from least to greatest. The mode is the number that occurred
the most often.

Average/ mean salaries (SS1-SS8)

Average salary in SS1 8,154.69
Average salary in SS2 64,983.61
Average salary in SS3 52,203.39
Average salary in SS4 36,265.63
Average salary in SS5 45,258.06
Average salary in SS6 19,285.71
Average salary in SS7 48,675.68
Average salary in SS8 43318.18182

Here the average points are denoting the mean salaries in different group. The average
salary range started from 8 thousand and continued till 43 thousands Bdt. In salary
survey 2 (salary survey on NSU- SBE graduates) the average salary is 64,983.61 bdt,
and it is the highest average among all eight survey. The lowest average salary is
found in SS1 (under metric) and that is 8,154.69 bdt.

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Median of Salaries (SS1- SS8)

Median of salaries in SS1 7,000.00

Median of salaries in SS2 50,000.00

Median of salaries in SS3 45,000.00

Median of salaries in SS4 30,000.00

Median of salaries in SS5 38,000.00

Median of salaries in SS6 18,000.00

Median of salaries in SS7 40,000.00

Median of salaries in SS8 40,000.00

Here the highest valued median salary is 50000 bdt which we are seeing in salary
survey module 2 (NSU SBE Graduates)

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Mode of salaries (SS1- SS8)

Mode of salaries in SS1 6000
Mode of salaries in SS2 35000
Mode of salaries in SS3 45000
Mode of salaries in SS4 35000
Mode of salaries in SS5 35000
Mode of salaries in SS6 15000
Mode of salaries in SS7 40000
Mode of salaries in SS8 40000

Since mode of the data set represent one data that has highest frequency, here mode of
ss3 is the highest numerical value whereas mode in SS1 is the lowest in numerical

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Mean of total qualification (SS1- SS8)

Average total qualification in SS1 13.21875

Average total qualification in SS2 64.54098361
Average total qualification in SS3 38.18644068
Average total qualification in SS4 34.1875
Average total qualification in SS5 40.37096774
Average total qualification in SS6 22.23809524
Average total qualification in SS7 50.86486486
Average total qualification in SS8 55.38961039

The average or mean of total qualification signifies the qualification that is directly
with our average salary. In SS2 (NSU- SBE graduates) shows the highest average
total qualification, which sinks with our finding in previous section of average salary.

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Median of total qualification (SS1- SS8)

Median of total qualification in SS1 13

Median of total qualification in SS2 64
Median of total qualification in SS3 37
Median of total qualification in SS4 33
Median of total qualification in SS5 39
Median of total qualification in SS6 22
Median of total qualification in SS7 49
Median of total qualification in SS8 53

The median of total qualification is representing the middle point of the data set.
Salary survey 2, 8, and 7 are accordingly representing the top three highest valued

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Mode of total qualification (SS1- SS8)

Mode of total qualification in SS1 11

Mode of total qualification in SS2 64
Mode of total qualification in SS3 35
Mode of total qualification in SS4 28
Mode of total qualification in SS5 40
Mode of total qualification in SS6 22
Mode of total qualification in SS7 45
Mode of total qualification in SS8 45

The mode of total qualification is showing the highest frequency value in each dataset
of Salary surveys.

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Correlation and Regression Analysis

Correlation and regression analysis of SS1

Pearson's r varies between +1 and -1, where +1 is a perfect positive correlation, and -1
is a perfect negative correlation. 0 means there is no linear correlation at all. Here, in
the “Under Metric” Pearson correlation analysis, we can see that there is a negative
correlation (-.43) between age and salary. The reason behind this is the kind of work
people under metric do is labor-intensive work. They do not need any knowledge or
experience to do such work. So, as people become older, they cannot continue such
work; and these works are mostly done by the younger ones. The relationship between
salary and academic qualifications is 0.44 meaning there is a positive correlation
between these two variables. And lastly, the relationship between salary and
professional qualifications is 0.327 meaning there is a positive correlation but the
correlation is comparatively weak.

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Interpretation of Model Summary:

The R2 is .250, meaning 25% of the variations in Salary can be explained by the
QUALIFICATIONS for under metric workers.

Interpretation of Coefficient:
The equation for the regression model is, Y=a+bx. Y is the dependent variable Salary,
A is the Y-intercept, b is the beta coefficient, and X is the independent variable Total
Qualification. So, the obtained regression model is, Salary = 1151+ (79.048*Age).
This means that for under metric workers, 1 unit of increase in Age denotes a 79.048
units increase in salary.
Salary = 1151+ (1432.632*Academic Qualification). This means that for under metric
workers, 1 unit of increase in Academic Qualification denotes 1432.632 units increase
in salary.

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Salary = 1151+ (193.001*Professional Qualification). This means that for under

metric workers, 1 unit of increase in Professional Qualification denotes 193.001 units
increase in salary.

Correlation and regression analysis of SS2

Pearson's r varies between +1 and -1, where +1 is a perfect positive correlation, and
-1 is a perfect negative correlation. 0 means there is no linear correlation at all. In this
salary survey, the relationship between salary and age is .170 meaning there is a
positive but weak correlation between salary and age. In terms of academic
qualifications, there is a very weak correlation with salary (.072). But when it comes
to professional qualification, we can see that the correlation with salary is strong

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Interpretation of Model Summary:

The R2 is .607, meaning 60.7% of the variations in Salary can be explained by the
variations in Age, Professional Qualification, and Academic Qualification.

The equation for the regression model is, Y=a+bx. Y is the dependent variable Salary,
A is the Y-intercept, b is the beta coefficient, and X is the independent variable Total
Qualification. So, the obtained regression model is,
Salary = -163857.629+ (-2063.287*Age). This means that 1 unit of increase in Age
denotes 2063.287 units increase in salary.
Salary = -163857.629+ (2435.569*Academic Qualification). This means that 1 unit of
increase in Academic Qualification denotes to 2435.569 units increase in salary.
Salary = -163857.629+ (10119.636*Professional Qualification). This means that 1
unit of increase in Professional Qualification denotes to 10119.636 units increase in

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Correlation and regression analysis of SS3

Pearson's r varies between +1 and -1, where +1 is a perfect positive correlation, and -1
is a perfect negative correlation. 0 means there is no linear correlation at all. In this
salary survey, the relationship between salary and age is .415 meaning there is a
positive between salary and age. In terms of academic qualifications, the correlation
with salary is 0.457 which is positive and more significant than the correlation
between age & salary. Lastly, the correlation between salary and professional
qualification is 0.418.

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The R2 for this test is .315, meaning 31.4 % of the variations in Salary can be
explained by the variations in Age, Academic Qualification, and Professional

The equation for the regression model is, Y=a+bx. Y is the dependent variable Salary,
A is the Y-intercept, b is the beta coefficient, and X is the independent variable Total
So, the obtained regression model is,
Salary = -272624.321+ (3987.974*Age). This means that 1 unit of increase in Age
denotes 2063.287 units increase in salary.
Salary = -272624.321+ (10509.859*Academic Qualification). This means that 1 unit
of increase in Academic Qualification denotes to 10509.859 units increase in salary.
Salary = -272624.321+ (1738.828*Professional Qualification). This means that 1 unit
of increase in Professional Qualification denotes 1738.828 units increase in salary.

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Correlation and regression analysis of SS4

The equation for the regression model is, Y=a+bx. Y is the dependent variable Salary,
is the Y-intercept, b is the beta coefficient, and X is the independent variable The
Age, Academic Qualification and Professional Qualifications.
So, the obtained regression model is,
Salary = -222103.276+ (4501.830*Age). This means that 1 unit of increase in Age
denotes 4501.830 units increase in salary.
Salary = -222103.276+ (6654.125*Academic Qualification). This means that 1 unit of
increase in Academic Qualification denotes 6654.125 units increase in salary.
Salary = -222103.276+ (1118.538*Professional Qualification). This means that 1 unit
of increase in Professional Qualification denotes 1118.538 units increase in salary.

Interpretation: The R2 for this test is 0.482 meaning 48.2 % of the variations in Salary
can be explained by the variations in Age, Academic Qualification, and Professional

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Pearson's r varies between +1 and -1, where +1 is a perfect positive correlation, and -1
is a perfect negative correlation. 0 means there is no linear correlation at all. Here, the
correlation between age and salary is .544 meaning there is a positive correlation
between these two variables. Next, the correlation between salary and academic
qualifications is .531 meaning there is also a positive correlation between these two
variables. Lastly, the correlation is .523 between salary and professional qualification.
We can conclude that the correlation with age is stronger than the other two variables.

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Correlation and regression analysis of SS5

Pearson's r varies between +1 and -1, where +1 is a perfect positive correlation, and -1
is a perfect negative correlation. 0 means there is no linear correlation at all. Here,
0.390 indicates that there is a weak yet positive correlation between age and salary.
The correlation between academic qualifications and salary is .530 which is
moderately strong. Lastly, 0.907 indicates a very strong correlation between
professional qualifications and salary.

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The R2 for this test is 0.832 meaning 83.2 % of the variations in Salary can be
explained by the variations in Age, Academic Qualification, and Professional

The equation for the regression model is, Y=a+bx. Y is the dependent variable Salary,
is the Y-intercept, b is the beta coefficient, and X is the independent variable which
are Age, Academic Qualification, and Professional Qualifications.

So, the obtained regression model is,

Salary = -15723.360+ (876.063*Age). This means that 1 unit of increase in Age
denotes 2063.287 units increase in salary.
Salary = -15723.360+ (-976.765*Academic Qualification). This means that 1 unit of
increase in Academic Qualification denotes a 976.765 units decrease in salary.
Salary = -15723.360+ (6653.072*Professional Qualification). This means that 1 unit
of increase in Professional Qualification denotes 6653.072 units increase in salary.

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Correlation and regression analysis of SS6

Pearson's r varies between +1 and -1, where +1 is a perfect positive correlation, and -1
is a perfect negative correlation. 0 means there is no linear correlation at all. Here, the
correlation between salary and age has a positive correlation which is 0.314. On the
other hand, the correlation between academic qualification and salary is negative
which is -0.123. Lastly, the correlation between salary and professional qualification
is .618 which is a positive correlation.

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The R2 for this test is 0.382 meaning 38.2 % of the variations in Salary can be
explained by the variations in Age, Academic Qualification, and Professional

The equation for the regression model is, Y=a+bx. Y is the dependent variable Salary,
is the Y-intercept, b is the beta coefficient, and X is the independent variable which
are Age, Academic Qualification, and Professional Qualifications.

So, the obtained regression model is,

Salary = 13289.838+ (12.67*Age). This means that 1 unit of increase in Age denotes
12.67 units increase in salary.
Salary = 13289.838+ (-59.813*Academic Qualification). This means that 1 unit of
increase in Academic Qualification denotes a 59.813units decrease in salary.
Salary = 13289.838+ (2614.807*Professional Qualification). This means that 1 unit of
increase in Professional Qualification denotes 6653.072 units increase in salary.

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Correlation and regression analysis of SS7

Pearson's r varies between +1 and -1, where +1 is a perfect positive correlation, and -1
is a perfect negative correlation. 0 means there is no linear correlation at all. The
correlation between age and salary is .183 which is positive but a weak correlation.
The correlation between academic qualifications and salary is .658 which is positive
and more significant than the correlation with age. The correlation between salary and
professional qualification is 0.528 which is positive and moderately significant.

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The R2 for this test is 0.535 meaning 53.5 % of the variations in Salary can be
explained by the variations in Age, Academic Qualification, and Professional

The equation for the regression model is, Y=a+bx. Y is the dependent variable Salary,
is the Y-intercept, b is the beta coefficient, and X is the independent variable which
are Age, Academic Qualification, and Professional Qualifications.

So, the obtained regression model is,

Salary = 1407.852+ (-1810.193*Age). This means that 1 unit of increase in Age
denotes 1810.193 units decrease in salary.
Salary = 1407.852+ (4049.193*Academic Qualification). This means that 1 unit of
increase in Academic Qualification denotes 4049.193 units increase in salary.
Salary = 1407.852+ (2516.111*Professional Qualification). This means that 1 unit of
increase in Professional Qualification denotes 2516.111 units increase in salary.

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Correlation and regression analysis of SS8

Pearson's r varies between +1 and -1, where +1 is a perfect positive correlation, and -1
is a perfect negative correlation. 0 means there is no linear correlation at all. The
correlation between age and salary is 0.292 meaning these two variables have a
positive correlation. The correlation between academic qualifications and salary is
0.346 which is positive and moderately strong. Lastly, the correlation between salary
and professional qualification is .446 which is the highest among the other variables

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The R2 for this test is 0.382 meaning 38.2 % of the variations in Salary can be
explained by the variations in Age, Academic Qualification, and Professional

The equation for the regression model is, Y=a+bx. Y is the dependent variable Salary,
is the Y-intercept, b is the beta coefficient, and X is the independent variable which
are Age, Academic Qualification, and Professional Qualifications.

So, the obtained regression model is,

Salary = 84896.064+ (-5890.253*Age). This means that 1 unit of increase in Age
denotes 5890.253 units decrease in salary.
Salary = 84896.064+ (4049.193*Academic Qualification). This means that 1 unit of
increase in Academic Qualification denotes 4049.193 units increase in salary.
Salary = 84896.064+ (7466.065*Professional Qualification). This means that 1 unit of
increase in Professional Qualification denotes 7466.065 units increase in salary.

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Correlation and regression analysis of Total Salary Survey (1-8)

Pearson's r varies between +1 and -1, where +1 is a perfect positive correlation, and -1
is a perfect negative correlation. 0 means there is no linear correlation at all. Here, the
relationship between Salary and Total Qualification is .583 meaning there is a positive
and significant relationship between these two variables.

Interpretation: The R2 for this test is 0.340 meaning 34 % of the variations in Salary
can be explained by the variations in Total Qualification.

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The equation for the regression model is, Y=a+bx. Y is the dependent variable Salary,
is the Y-intercept, b is the beta coefficient, and X is the independent variable which
are Age, Academic Qualification, and Professional Qualifications. So, the obtained
regression model is, Salary = -11878.573+ (1287.599*Total Qualification). This
means that 1 unit of increase in Total Qualification denotes 1287.599 units decrease in

Trend Analysis

Salary Survey 1
In this survey analysis, the statistics and ratios will be discussed for the lower level
workers who are involved in professions like- watchman, driver, housemaid, cook,
rickshaw puller, vegetable and fruit seller, construction worker, cleaner, labor and
others. The age range for workers in this sector is mostly from 35-45. There are few
workers below 35 and above 45 seen in those work occupation. And in this sector we
found out the oldest people compared to our other surveys. There are young people as
well, but at a very low proportion. Here, we can see that most of the people are
getting paid between 10000-15000 BDT. And none of their salary exceeded 20000
BDT. And household workers are earning between 4000-7000 BDT. Labor are
earning around the range of 10000-15000 BDT. And the personal drivers and
company drivers are earning within the range of 16000 BDT. The highest education
level within this range people is SSC. None of those people studies after SSC. And we
can also see that there are some people completely uneducated. And the range of
illiteracy is high among the women who are working in the households compared to
men. And women on average have studied up to class-5, whereas, most of the drivers
completed till SSC. Workers in this sector are not very much active in social media.
None of the worker in this sector has any Facebook account or any LinkedIn account.
But all of them uses phone as a medium to contact with others. There are no other
ways to connect to them except from phone calls. Most of the men are working as
drivers’ like- private, company, taxi or a truck driver. And have driving license. And
only men are seen in the form of security guard, labor, electrician and rickshaw puller.
No women are involved in those work places. Whereas, women are more involve in
work like- cooking, cleaning and household work. And ratios of men in this type of
work are zero. We did not find any men in those work practices. Household work,
physical labor work and driving are covering a large part of our surveys where low
level workers are to be considered. And the average salary range and the average
qualification is the lowest for them compared to all other survey. People in this sector
have to be physically really active as they are the ground level workers and have to
use their physical strength in the workplace. If we compare, we will see that this level
of workers is the most hard working workers. But their pay range is the lowest as they
are not educated enough. This also emphasizes the importance of education in our
life. Even after working day and night they find it hard to survive with the money they

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Salary Survey 2

In this survey analysis, we will be looking over the statistics related to North South
University’s SBE students. A brief analysis of their job and other ration will be
provided here. The age range of job holder is in between 25-35 under the survey of
North South University (SBE). The middle aged people are more to be found in this
sector of the survey. The female ration of the worker is very low and there are more
male in the working sector involved here. There are only 12 female workers in this
survey and other 49 workers are male. Here we can see that, the workers are working
under very renowned companies and banks. Some are working under Multinational
Company like- British American Tobacco, Unilever and others. The position that they
are holding are also very crucial like- audit associate, assistant brand manager, senior
executive, officer and others. Most of those workers here are student of English
medium school like- Mastermind, ABC International School, Scholastic and others.
Students with English medium background are more found here. And most of them
have completed BBA and MBA falls under this survey. And although, all of them are
from different home district, but most of them are currently from Dhaka and have
completed their school and college from Dhaka. All of them use cell phone and most
of them are active in social media platform like- Facebook. Some of them also use
LinkedIn as a medium of communication. The salary range we gathered here is quite
high, from 30000-70000 BDT. We haven’t found anyone within this survey below
30000 BDT. But we found some people above the salary range of 70000 BDT. The
highest salary holder is 500000 BDT in this survey. In our average salary graph we
can see that this survey range has the highest salary bar (average salary 64983)
secured among other surveys. And the total qualification bar is also high for this
sector of the survey. Most of the respondent achieved 8-10 in extra ordinary merit.
And the evaluators’ evaluation was also from 3-5 mostly. In job evaluation they got
around 7-8 which indicates they carry out a lot of responsibility at work. North South
University being one of the number 1 universities in Bangladesh has helped students
to get recognition in the work field. The graduate of North South University are really
hard working and dedicated and their CGPA represents their hard work due to which
they find a lot of opportunity in the work field and through those they nurture their
skills and establish themselves as a tough competitor in this competitive market. And
eventually the demand for graduates is increasing due to their efficiency and
dedication toward their work.

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Salary Survey 3

In this survey analysis, we will be providing an analyzing based on student of North

South University’s other department apart from SBE, which includes engineering,
pharmacy, literature, law and others. Here the age range of the job holders is mostly
between 27-35 years. And the female ratio is quite low compared to male working
ratio. There are only16 female worker found throughout. There are various students
with different major background like- pharmacy, engineering, computer science,
environmental science, English and others. The workers gathered in this survey are
from various sectors like- pharmaceutical sector, teaching sector, banking sector,
engineering sector and others. Some researchers are also gathered in this survey. The
job position that we gathered while this survey is quite diversified like- portfolio
manager, software engineer, air crew, android developer, architecture, scientific
officer and others. The major of students, job position, job sector and company all are
quite diversified in this survey sector. Mexico, Incepta, Brac, Udvash, Grameenphone,
big companies like those are involved in providing jobs. In this sector we can see that
a lot of the worker previously had studied in English medium/ version school like-
Mastermind, Maple leaf, Ideal school and others. And the majority of the worker’s
highest education is BSC. And few have completed MSC as per their highest
education. The salary range within this sector is around 30000-50000 BDT. The
highest salary found in this sector is 400000 BDT. The average of the salary in this
sector is 52203 BDT. The salary bar is in the second highest position in the average
salary graph. The extraordinary merit here is really fluctuating. We can see a score of
2 as well as 8 within. Also in evaluator’s evaluation we can see a range within 2-4
within the survey. This fluctuation has taken place as there are several different
professions involved with several background within the workers. The job evaluation
is quite steady within 7-9 which indicates the job holders have to carry out a lot of
task within their job premises. In this sector we can see a slightly low salary than
BBA sector. But if we consider other university’s graduates in those sectors than
North South graduates are getting a better pay. Apart from BBA, more students are
focusing on English, pharmacy, CSE and other departments as the demand for
workers in those sectors are gradually increasing in the market. The opportunities in
those sectors are eventually getting wider and so more people are getting attached to
those sectors of the work force. There are many other department and courses that are
offered by North South University which also equally efficient as BBA department.

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Salary Survey 4

In this analysis we will be covering the low- quality private universities of

Bangladesh. The job holder who have graduated from the low private is been
analyzed in this part of the survey. The age range that showed up within the survey
was around 27-33 years. In this survey, we comparatively found more female workers
compared to other surveys. There are around 18 female workers throughout the
survey which in high compared to other surveys. Around all respondents in this
section uses Facebook platform as a form of communication. They also use cell
phones as a mode to communicate. The schools that the respondents mentioned they
studied are mostly bangle medium schools. We can see a lot of workers are form
Northern University Bangladesh, University of Liberal Arts and University of Asia
Pacific. We also found students from other University as well but at a low
proportionate. Most of the respondents have done MBA and BBA as their higher
studies along with PHD, BA and BSC within a low percentage. The salary range for
this survey is mostly around 25000-35000 BDT. The average salary is 36265 BDT.
The salary range is quite low in this sector of the survey. The evaluators evaluation in
this section is quite low of around 2-4. That mean their behavior, attitude was not too
attractive to the evaluator. They also lacked extra ordinary merit as the score is not
that high. And in job evaluation they achieved around 5-7 which is again quite low
and it mean they have moderate level of responsibility toward their organization to
perform. Compared to other high private universities in Bangladesh, the low private is
less expensive. So to avoid cost low private universities are the best to study with.
And by giving staying enough dedicated toward the study and work people can find a
good position in the working field as well. But high private universities itself has a
brand image which helps student to get some extra advantages, which low private
universities might find difficulty to achieve. To get some better knowledge students
prefer to go for low private universities than going for the local university, because in
near future they will get better opportunity in the work field due to studying in low
private compared to studying to local university due to its brand image.

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Salary survey 5
In the following analysis we find that most of the people working in the corporate
sector where we find that the majority of the people are involve in the organization
in the marketing side and most of them also complete their qualification in
marketing and few one do finance, HRM, less doing major in Management and other
people from CSE, Biology. Most important thing is majority people are male and they
are highly interest in marketing sector and rest of the female involve in the HRM,
finance and other sector. Because, the demand is the marketing is very high because
of pay scale. In the following profile we notice that average salary of the people is
high in marketing and other sector salary will be in the up and down pay scale
level. But in the marketing sector analysis. It's incredibly adaptable and can lead to a
range of high-paying salary in the demand jobs, as well as chances for further
education. Majors in marketing may open great advantages. Those that have a
marketing background even may also be successful in other fields, such as business,
communications, or design. Whether you pursue the business and finance end of
Marketing or concentrate on the advertising and social media, there are countless
positions out there that educated marketing professionals may pursue. According to
the Market research analysts are in demand. They research and report market
conditions in order to suggest and plan the best strategies for potential sales of a
product or service. They analyze what consumers want and what they are willing to
pay. The job description of marketing directors can vary depending on the size of
their employer. Marketing directors at smaller organizations may be responsible for
many of the different creative, promotional and marketing-related strategies. In bigger
companies, marketing directors oversee staff operations, marketing and advertising
budgets and business planning. Marketing directors often need industry experience as
well as management experience. The occupational outlook for this kind of position
suggests about highest percent rate of growth. Moreover, according to the survey the
pay scale reports that the average salary for a marketing position around40000
to45,000 compare to other job holder. According to demand for digital marketing
professionals outstrips supply with most of companies wanting to hire more
marketers. It’s time you took advantage. As digitization continues across industries,
companies across the world from start-ups to established corporates are seeking
digital professionals with relevant experience. Marketing are always on the lookout
for new talent particularly in the area of emerging technologies as artificial
intelligence becomes more mainstream and offers scalability. In terms of customer
value using can help drive personalization and response times to queries using
technology such as Chabot. With such a wide array of new opportunities available,
digital marketers can afford to be picky about the type of company they’d like to work

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for. So, youngers are encouraging to take advantage of this choice and think of what
kind of business best suits your career needs. And in Bangladesh the demand of the
marketing are high compare to other sector so, people are more involve in the
marking side in all the corporate level.

Salary survey 6
In the following survey analysis we find that most of the people profession is teacher
and some people work in social media some are involved in sales executive, manager
related work and their salary pay scale is 15,000 to 20000. Among them majority are
female. They choose teaching as a profession and rest of the people profession like
social media, sales executive it's pay range also low because the demand of this work
is not high compare to other profession. On the other hand, as we can see according to
the survey Women are considerably over-represented in the teaching profession. For
women, the opposite occurs. Comparing to the other corporate salary the Normal pay
rates are lower in teaching occupations, so the choice to ended up a educator comes at
a significantly lower opportunity fetched. It can indeed be a more beneficial career
choice than others occupation for ladies (BA), it is one of the most excellent paying
occupations the concentration of lady’s security point of view. Like, in the corporate
job they have to give long time for the profession and. Stay. Work minimum 8 hour.
But in the. Profession they don’t need to stay education institutions in long time for
work. Moreover, Guardians, are gives priority to the female teacher most and the
introduction to an assorted workforce that's more agent of society. Apart from this,
had an expectation that teachers' role in promoting education in their countries would
be recognized and respected. The day was set aside not just to "promote teachers'
status in the interest of quality education" but also to honor their contribution to
nation building Members of the baby-boom generation make up majority of the
nation’s especially female choosing teaching profession. As boomers are aging, they
are choosing to retire or switch to other professions. At the opposite end of the career
longevity spectrum, younger generations of teachers are choosing to exit the
education field more quickly that's why this is more flexible profession it is true that,
the salary is not high but specially the married woman who have family, children and
take care of the old people they have good chance to earn and take care family another
People have different reasons that lead them to choosing teaching as a career. teacher
trainees choose this career to improve the society they live in, others have strong
desire work with children, and others in order to have flexible working hours. It is of
particular importance to less well-known is that the salaries of teachers, as measured
against the average wages of other tertiary-educated workers, are much more
attractive for women than for men. Women in primary education earn over 90% of the
salaries of other tertiary-educated female workers. While men and women doing the
same teaching job in public schools earn nearly the same, the relative value of their
earnings in the professional labour market is strikingly different and. This is probably
the main reason more women are interested in teaching, education. Incomprehensibly,
the instruction segment may much more to guarantee that ladies are advanced into
administration positions, and to conclusion the stereotyping that avoids ladies from
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breaking the glass ceiling in particular subject zones and in colleges. It may do more
to draw in youthful female into educating by advertising them superior career oriented
prospects and work conditions can make instructing more competitive career
oriented choice, indeed in the event that teacher compensations still lag behind those
of other experts. Still, the demand of this profession are high base on the other

Salary survey 7:
In the following survey we find that, most of the people complete their graduation
from the reputed university in different sector marketing, HRM, Finance, and they are
highly qualifying and well experienced and the ratio of the higher salary of male and
female job holder is quite equal. Base on their qualification and experience their pay
scale range is 50,000 to 120000 up and they also got other facility because of their
skill, experience and dedication for the work and most important thing is they’re one
of company resources. A strong employee experience is one of the most powerful
investments your organization can make. It’ll lead to noticeable benefits such as a
wider talent pool, improved retention, and increased revenue. But it doesn’t stop
there. A well-designed employee experience also ensures that your employees – who
are your company’s greatest assets – are set up for success before, during, and after
their tenure at your company that is why having a strong employee experience is
critical. Without one, your negative reviews may chase away potential talent for your
organization. This is why having a strong employee experience is critical. Without
one, your negative reviews may chase away potential talent for your organization.
They will be much more contributed in their employments and within the company
they work for in the event that they feel valued by that company. Companies also got
good and also higher quality of work and higher levels of efficiency for that higher
compensation. Moreover, they become great manpower and increase more appealing
to potential employers, you should concentrate on not only creating tour brand but
also selling yourself as an industry expert. Even though experience worker has
leadership ability and controlling power as well as those employees have managing
skill that is constantly in demand, no matter how much the work market moves. To
boost the company's image, they may offer to mentor an entry level employee, deliver
a training course, or create a volunteer program. Take an executive role at a
professional association or nonprofit, so, that’s why organization hire expert people
who have genuine knowledge about the sector. Moreover, qualify worker are the asset
for the organization. It’s one of the constellations of feelings that can result from the
employee experience. Most companies measure and aim to improve their employee
engagement since it’s highly correlated with turnover and with how much effort their
people are likely to put into their work. It’s one of many possible results that stem
from a good employee experience. Since it directly informs whether people are
willing to invest (their time, energy, and intellect) in the organization. It can have a
big impact on a company's many facets. Because CEOs appreciate the importance of
employee experience, approximately 80% of executives view it as extremely
important or significant. that's the salary of the higher level experience employee is
higher. strong employee experience can make a huge difference in your organization’s

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bottom line. According to the. Survey it also found companies that choose skill,
experience employee for the upper level and provide highest salary base on the
employee experience benchmarks. Meanwhile the have higher average profits, two
times higher average revenues, and less percent lower turnover compared to those that
didn’t because they have good employee. As an asset. This demonstrates that an
investment in employee experience does pay off.

Salary. Survey 8
In the following salary survey we get that most of the people profession is doctor,
engineering and their salary range is high. Both male and. Female are choosing these
as their profession because it secure. High range of salary as well as better facility.
According to the survey we see that The pay scale of the salary range is 150,0000 to
3000,000up. The doctor salary is high like, everyone needs a specialist, but
virtually every patient needs at least occasional access to a family doctor. There are
also plenty of different work opportunities for doctors who want to work in family
medicine. demand for doctors has increased despite improved community health,
because the prevalence of chronic disease has increased, and because affluence, better
education, and the growth of specialization have all stimulated demand. Most
authorities have recommended an increase in the supply of doctors to meet the
increasing demand. Even though good doctor demand highest amount of salary so
that's why the salary of the doctors are high and needs of the demand moreover
because of the pandemic most of the doctor loss their life to save patient life so, now
in the hospital demand of the doctor are rising on the other hand, Engineer profession
demand also high and (science, technology, engineering, and math) skill shortage in
various parts of the world, the need for more engineering graduates is on the rise to
fill these gaps. In recent years, demand for engineers has started to outstrip supply,
especially in the mining, civil infrastructure and manufacturing industries.
engineering graduates there will also be in high demand. And qualified engineers are
able to harness their well-rounded and sophisticated skillsets. they have ability to
assess risk and take initiative. Engineers also able to deliver projects on time even in
the face of constraints and obstacles. If you are deadline driven and excel under
pressure, and complex understanding of things, but not everyone they work with will
have the same technical experience which makes it even more important for them to
be able to communicate effectively. They have high technical skills are needed to find
and fix issues in engineering, but the creativity to find new ways to solve problems is
just as valuable. Thinking up a new and effective and good project management skills,
you’ll be able to visualize and oversee a project from start to finish and manage all
steps. A mechanical engineer designing a new product will also need great project
management skills so they can lay out the product creation and execute it in computer
engineer who needs to program software or a structural engineer who needs to
determine the loads on physical structures and their components so that they can build
safe structures, as well as these hard skills to excel in particular knowledge field of
engineering. Depending on what field of engineering they, these specific
qualifications base they got high range of salary. In every role and every step of the
process, engineers need to know statistics in one form or another from rudimentary

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statistics to quantum mechanics. That's why the demand of the salary is high and the
profession demand also more not only Bangladesh internationally the demand of the
sector is high.

Through this data analysis we have not only learnt about the salary scenario in
Bangladesh, but also understood the calculation of different factors that delivers the
total qualification. When we conducted the salary surveys many did not shared the
genuine information. Hence the salaries aren’t fully correct.
Several respondents replied in range, and we had to take the lower point as their
salary, even though their salary can be the mid-point of the range.
For calculation and analysis purposes uses of Excel & SPSS software enabled us to
perform analysis on Big Data set. Lastly The trend analysis enabled us to have the
comprehensive picture of current job market and understand different industries

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