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A Lesson Plan in Oral Communication in Context

with GAD Integration (Quarter 1 – Week 7)

(Time Frame: 2 hours/2 sessions)
Prepared by: Kenneth John L. Flores
SHST-II, Manuel S. Nasser Sr. NHS, Division of the City of Mati

Content Standard: The learners recognize that communicative

competence requires understanding of speech
context, speech style, speech act and
communicative strategy.
Performance Standard: The learners demonstrate effective use of
communicative strategy in a variety of speech
Learning Competencies: The learners identify social situations in which
each speech style is appropriate to use


At the end of the lesson, students are expected to:

A. Identify the types of speech context; and
B. Discuss conflicts that arise from teenage pregnancy and early marriage.


A. Topic: Types of Speech Context

The Dog Eaters by Leoncio P. Deriada
B. Source: Oral Communication in Context for Senior
High School
Teacher’s Manual for Oral Communication
in Context in Senior High School
C. Materials: LCD Projector, Laptop, Chalkboard
D. GAD Integration Concepts: Shared Parenting
Shared Home Management
Shared Decision-Making
E. Time Frame: 2 hours/2 sessions

A. Prayer
B. Greetings
C. Checking of Attendance
D. Review
(The teacher will ask the students about the previous lesson and asks
follow up questions if necessary. The past lesson will then be
connected with the coming lesson.)


A. Activity

The teacher shows a video clip about the problems encountered by

young people who experience teenage pregnancy and early marriage
(like: Before showing
the video to the students, the teacher makes sure that it does not contain
unnecessary content and must be wholesome and educational as a whole.
While watching the video, encourage learners to come up with questions
as well as their thoughts about the video. Afterwards, let them share their
questions and thoughts. Let other students answer the questions so that a
healthy discussion will spur out.
Ask the students the following questions for further discussion:
a. What do you think about the video?
b. Is it really happening today?
c. If you were in a similar situation, what would you do?
d. What will be your steps to ensure that you will not experience
unprepared marriage?
e. What are the things to be considered as a couple?
f. Do you think parenting is shared by the couple or the mother’s task
g. What about home management? Decision making?

B. Analysis

Ask learners to bring out their copies of the story “The Dog Eaters” by
Leoncio P. Deriada (see Appendix A). This must be assigned in advance,
to be read by students at home or during vacant times.
Discuss the story by asking the following questions:
a. What is the story all about?
b. Who are the characters? What is their situation? Struggles?
c. How do they interact/communicate? Do you think they have a
happy relationship?
d. What is the struggle of the woman? What is her solution?
e. Did she consult her husband? What kind of husband is the man? Is
he responsible?
f. Do you think the couple is ready for their relationship?

During discussion of the above questions, insert the concepts of the

importance of having both parents share equal responsibility in taking care
of their children. Emphasize also the need for both of them in contributing
to the family and providing for all family needs. Family budgeting is a
shared concern and everyone must participate. Most importantly, decision-
making is a joint concern of which all members must be sought for ideas
and opinions. Hasty and wrong actions usually result from lack of
reflection in the decision making process.

C. Abstraction

Types of Speech Context

1. Intrapersonal – This refers to communication that centers on one

person where the speaker acts both as the sender and the
receiver of message. “The message is made up of your thoughts
and feelings. The channel is your brain, which processes what
you are thinking and feeling. There is feedback in the sense that
as you talk to yourself, you discard certain ideas and replace
them with others.” (Hybels & Weaver, 2012, p 16)
You spent the night thinking and analyzing why a student from
the other class talked to you on the way home and you decided it
probably meant nothing.

You felt happy while thinking about how your teacher

appreciated you for submitting your project before the due date and
you reflected on why this was so.

2. Interpersonal – This refers to communication between and among

people and establishes personal relationship between and
among them. Solomon and Theiss (2013) state that “the inter
part of the word highlights how interpersonal communication
connects people… when you engage in interpersonal
communication, you and another person become linked
together… The personal part means that your unique qualities
as a person matter during interpersonal communication…” (p. 5)
Types of Interpersonal Context

Dyad Communication – communication that occurs between two

people Example:
You offered feedback on the speech performance of your
classmate. You provided comfort to a friend who was feeling down.

Small Group – This refers to communication that involves at least

three but not more than twelve people engaging in a face-to-face
interaction to achieve a desired goal. In this type of
communication, all participants can freely share ideas in a loose
and open discussion.
You are participating in an organizational meeting which aims to
address the concerns of your fellow students.
You are having a discussion with your group mates on how to
finish the assigned tasks.

3. Public – This type refers to communication that requires you to

deliver or send the message before or in front of a group. The
message can be driven by informational or persuasive
purposes. “In public communication, unlike in interpersonal and
small group, the channels are more exaggerated. The voice is
louder and the gestures are more expansive because the
audience is bigger. The speaker might use additional visual
channels such as slides or a Power Point presentation.” (Hybels
& Weaver, 2012, p 19)
You deliver a graduation speech to your batch.
You participate in a declamation, oratorical, or debate contest
watched by a number of people.

4. Mass Communication – This refers to communication that takes

place through television, radio, newspapers, magazines, books,
billboards, internet, and other types of media.
You are a student journalist articulating your stand on current issues
through the school’s newspaper.

D. Application

This time let the students present a dramatization of scenes in the story
“The Dog Eaters” (see Appendix B for rubric in grading role play
presentation). Divide them into groups with 5-6 members. Make sure that
there is equal distribution of males and females in each group. Let the
students revise scenes in a way that they can present all the types of
speech context. You can allow other groups to rate others to ensure that
they will watch the performers carefully and avoid unnecessary noise and


Identify and discuss the differences among the types of speech

contexts using the graphic organizer below.

Type Description Examples






Through a 200-word short essay (see Appendix C for rubric in grading

essay). Explain the importance of preparation before coming up with a
decision (marriage, having children, etc.) as well as the sharing of
responsibilities and tasks in the family. Reflect on the discussed concepts
of shared parenting, shared home management, and shared decision-
making. Focus on the disadvantages of early marriage and teenage

(This is the part of the Lesson Plan in which the teacher shall document
specific instances that result in continuation of lessons to the following day in case of
re-teaching, insufficient time, transfer of lessons to the following day as a result of
class suspension, etc.)


(Should be filled out right after the lesson. In here, questions like “What went
well with my lesson? Which part/s need/s improvement/revision? etc.” are answered.
The teacher can also share thoughts and feelings about his/her lesson.
Appendix A

The Dog Eaters

-Leoncio P. Deriada-

Mariana looked out of the window toward the other side of Artiaga Street. A group of
men had gathered around a low table in front of Sergio's sari-sari store. It was ten
o'clock, Tuesday morning. Yet these men did not find it too early to drink, and worse.
They wanted her husband to be with them. Victor was now reaching for his shirt
hooked on the wall between Nora Aunor and Vilma Santos. Mariana turned to him,
her eyes wild in repulsion and anger.
"Those filthy men!" she snarled. "Whose dog did they slaughter today?"
Victor did not answer. He put on his shirt. Presently, he crawled on the floor and
searched for his slippers under the table. Mariana watched him strain his body
toward the wall, among the rattan tools. He looked like a dog tracking the smell
hidden carrion.
"My God, Victor, do you have to join them every time they stew somebody's pet?"
Victor found his slippers. He emerged from under the table, smoothed his pants and
unbutton his shirt. He was sweating. He looked at his wife and smiled faintly, the
expression sarcastic, and in an attempt to be funny, "it's barbecue today."
"I'm not in the mood for jokes!" Mariana raised her voice. "It's time you stop going
with those good-for-nothing scavengers."

Her words stung. For now she noted an angry glint in Victor's eyes. "They are my
friends, Mariana," he said.
"You should have married one of them!" she snapped back. Suddenly, she
straightened. She heard Sergio's raspy voice, calling from his store across the street.
It was an ugly voice, and it pronounced Victor's name in a triumphant imitation of a
dog's bark.

"Victor! Victor! Aw! Aw!" the canine growl floated across Artiaga Street. Mariana
glared at her husband as he brushed her aside on his way to the window. She felt
like clawing his face, biting his arms, ripping the smelly shirt off his back. "I'm
coming," Victor answered, leaning out of the window. Mariana opened her mouth for
harsher invectives but a sharp cry from the bedroom arrested her. It was her baby.
She rushed to the table, pick a cold bottle of milk, and entered.
In his rattan crib that looked like a rat's nest, the baby cried louder. Mariana shook
the crib vehemently. The baby - all mouth and all legs - thrust in awkward arms into
the air, blindly searching for accustomed nipple.
The baby sucked the rubber nipple easily. But Mariana's mind was outside the room
as she watched her husband lean out of the window to answer the invitation of the
dog-eaters of Artiaga Street.
"Aren't you inviting your wife?" she spoke loud, the hostility in her voice unchecked
by the dirty plywood wall. "Perhaps your friends have reserved the best morsel for
me. Which is the most delicious part of a dog, ha, Victor? Its heart? Its liver? Its
brain? Blood? Bone? Ears? Tongue? Tail? I wish to God you'd all die of
"Can you feed the baby and talk at the same time?" Victor said. She did not expect
him to answer and now that he had, she felt angrier. The heat from the unceilinged
roof had become terrible and it had all seeped into her head. She was ready for a
The baby had gone back to sleep. Mariana dashed out of the room, her right hand
tight around the empty bottle. She had to have a weapon. She came upon her
husband opening the door to little porch. The porch was at the top of the stairs that
led out into Artiaga Street.
"Why don't you do something instead of drinking their stinking tuba and eating that
filthy meat? Why don't you decent for a change?"
Victor turned her off. It seemed he was also ready for a fight. The glint in his eyes
had become sinister.
And what's so indecent about eating dog meat?" His voice sounded canine, too, like
Sergio's. "The people of Artiaga Street have been eating dog meat for as long as I
can remember."
"No wonder their manners have gone to the dogs!"
"You married one of them."
"Yes, to lead a dog's life!"
Victor stepped closer, breathing hard. Marina did not move. "What's eating you?" he
"What's eating me?" she yelled. "Dog's! I'm ready to say aw-aw, don't you know?"
Victor repaired his face, amused by this type of quarrel. Again, he tried to be funny.
"Come, come, Mariana darling," he said, smiling condescendingly.
Mariana was not amused. She was all set to proceed with the fight. Now she tried to
be acidly ironic.
“Shall I slaughter Ramir for you? That pet of yours does nothing but bark at strangers
and dirty the doorstep. Perhaps you can invite your friends tonight. Let’s celebrate.”
“Leave Ramir alone,” Victor said, seriously.
“That dog is enslaving me!”
Victor turned to the door. It was the final insult, Mariana thought. The bastard! How
dare he turn his back on her?
“Punyeta!” she screeched and flung the bottle at her husband. Instinctively, Victor
turned and parried the object with his arm. The bottle fell to the floor but did not
break. It rolled noisily under the table where Victor moment had hunted for his rubber
He looked at her, but there was no reaction in his face. Perhaps he thought it was all
a joke. He opened the door and stepped out into the street.
Mariana ran to the door and banged it once, twice, thrice, all the while shrieking, “Go!
Eat and drink until your tongue hangs like a mad dog’s. Then I’ll call a veterinarian.”
Loud after came across the street.
Mariana leaned out of the window and shouted to the men gathered in front of
Sergio’s store.
“Why don’t you leave my husband alone? You dogs!”
The men laughed louder, obscenely. Their voices offended the ears just as the
stench from the garbage dump at the Artiaga-Mabini junction offended the nostrils.
There were five other men aside from the chief drinker, Sergio. Downing a gallon of
tuba at ten o’clock in the morning with of Artiaga’s idle men was his idea of
brotherhood. It was good for his store, he thought, though his wife languish behind
the row of glass jars and open cartons of dried fish – the poor woman deep in
notebooks of unpaid bills the neighbors had accumulated these last two years.
Mariana closed the window. The slight darkening of the room intensified the heat on
the roof and in her head. She pulled a stool and sat beside the sewing machine
under the huge pictures of Nora Aunor and Vilma Santos, under the altar-like alcove
on the wall where a transistor radio was enshrined like an idol.
She felt tired. Once again, her eyes surveyed the room with repulsion. She had
stayed in this rented house for two years, tried to paste pictures on the wall, hung up
classic curtains that could not completely ward off the stink from the street. Instead
of cheering up the house, they made it sadder, emphasizing the lack of the things
she had dreamed of having when she eloped with Victor two years ago.
Victor was quite attractive. When he was teen-ager, he was a member of the
Gregory Body Building Club on Cortes Street. He dropped out of freshmen year at
Harvadian and instead developed his chest and biceps at the club. His was to be Mr.
Philippines, until one day, Gregory cancelled his membership. Big Boss Gregory -
who was not interested in girls but in club members with the proportions of Mr.
Philippines – had discovered that Victor was dating a manicurist named Fely.
Victor found work as a bouncer at Three Diamonds, a candlelit bar at the end of
Artiaga, near Jacinto Street. All the hostesses there were Fely’s customers. Mariana,
who came from a better neighborhood, was a third year BSE student at Rizal
Memorial Colleges. They eloped during the second semester, the very week Fey
drowned in the pool behind Three Diamonds. Just as Mariana grew heavy with a
child, Victor lost his job at the bar. He quarreled with the manager. An uncle working
in a construction company found him a new job. But he showed up only when the
man did not report for work.
These last few days, not one of the carpenters got sick. So Victor had to stay home.
Mariana felt a stirring in her womb. She felt her belly with both hands. Her tight faded
dress could not quite conceal this most unwanted pregnancy. The baby in the crib in
the other room was only eight months, and here she was - carrying another child.
She closed her eyes and pressed her belly hard. She felt the uncomfortable swell,
and in a moment, she had ridiculous thought. What if she bore a pair or a trio of
puppies? She imagined herself as a dog, a spent bitch with hind legs spread out
obscenely as her litter of three, or four, or five, fought for her tits while the mongrel
who was responsible for all this misery flirted with the other dogs of the
A dog barked. Mariana was startled. It was Ramir. His chain clanked and she could
picture the dog going up the stairs, his lethal fangs bared in terrible growl.
“Ay, ay, Mariana!” a familiar, nervous voice rose from the din. “Your dog! He’ll bite
me. Shoo! Shoo!”
It was Aling Elpidia, the fish and vegetable vendor.
“Stay away from the beast, Aling Elpidia!” Mariana shouted. She opened the door.
Aling Elpidia was in the little yard, her hands nervously holding her basket close to
her like a shield. Ramir was at the bottom of the stairs, straining at his chain, barking
at the old woman.
Mariana pulled the chain. The dog resisted. But soon he relaxed and stopped
barking. He ran upstairs, encircled Mariana once, and then sniffed her hands.
“Come on up, Aling Elpidia. Don’t be afraid. I’m holding Ramir’s leash.”
The old woman rushed upstairs, still shielding herself with her basket of fish and
“Naku, Mariana. Why do you keep that crazy dog at the door? He’ll bite a kilo off
every visitor. The last time I was here I almost had a heart attack.”
“That’s Victor’s idea of a house guard. Come, sit down.”
Aling Elpidia dragged a stool to the window. “Why, I’m still trembling!” she said. “Why
must you close the window, Mariana?”
Mariana opened the window. “Those horrible men across the street, I can’t stand
their noise.”
“Where’s Victor?”
“There!” Mariana said contemptuously. “With them.” The old woman looked out of the
“He is one of them!”
“One of what?”
“The dog-eaters of Artiaga Street!” Mariana spat out the words, her eyes wild in
Aling Elpidia sat down again. “What is so terrible about that?” she asked.
Mariana looked at the old woman. For the first time she noticed that Aling Elpidia had
been dying her hair. But the growth of hair this week had betrayed her.
“Do you eat dog meat, Aling Elpidia?” Mariana asked.
“It’s better than goat’s meat: And a dog is definitely cleaner than a pig. With the price
of pork and beef as high as Mount Apo – one would rather eat dog meat. How’s the
Aling Elpidia picked up her basket from the floor. “Here’s your day’s supply of
vegetables. I also brought some bangus. Cook Victor a pot of sinigang and he’ll
forget the most delicious chunk of aw-aw meat. Go, get a basket.”
Mariana went to the kitchen to get a basket as Aling Elpidia busied herself sorting out
the vegetables.
“I hope you haven’t forgotten the green mangoes and – and that thing you promised
me,” Mariana said, laying her basket on the floor.
“I brought all of them,” assured the old woman. She began transferring the
vegetables and fish into Mariana’s basket. Mariana helped her.
“I haven’t told Victor anything,” Mariana said in a low, confidential tone.
“He does not have to know,” Aling Elpidia said.
The old woman produced from the bottom of the basket a tall bottle filled with a dark
liquid and some leaves and tiny, gnarled roots. She held the bottle against the light.
Mariana regarded it with interest and horror. “I’m afraid, Aling Elpidia,” she
“Nonsense. Go, take these vegetables to the kitchen.”
Mariana sped to the kitchen. Aling Elpidia moved to the table, pushed the dish rack
that held some five or six tin plates, and set the bottle beside a plastic tumbler that
contained spoon and forks. She pulled a stool from beneath the table and sat down.
Soon Mariana was beside her.
“Is it effective?” Mariana asked nervously.
“Very effective. Come on let me touch you.”
Mariana stood directly in front of the old woman, her belly her belly almost touching
the vendor’s face. Aling Elpidia felt Mariana’s belly with both hands.
“Three months did you say, Mariana?”
“Three months and two weeks.”
“Are you sure you don’t want this child?” Aling Elpidia asked one hand flat on
Mariana’s belly. “It feels so healthy.”
“I don’t want another child,” Mariana said. And to stress the finality of her decision,
she grabbed the bottle and stepped away from the old woman. The bottle looked like
atrophy in her hand.
“Well, it’s your decision,” Aling Elpidia said airily. “The bottle is yours.”
“Is it bitter?”
Mariana squirmed. “How shall I take this?”
“A spoonful before you sleeps in the evening and another spoonful after breakfast.”
“May I take it with a glass of milk or a bottle of coke?”
“No. You must take it pure.”
“It’s not dangerous, is it, Aling Elpidia?”
“Don’t you worry. It is bitter but it is harmless. It will appear as an accident. Like
falling down the stairs. Moreover, there will be less pain and blood.”
“Please come everyday. Things might go wrong.”
Aling Elpidia nodded and stood up. “I think I must go now,” she said. Then she
lowered her voice and asked, “Do you have the money?”
“Yes, yes,” Mariana said. She went to the sewing machine and opened a drawer.
She handed Aling Epidia some crumpled bills.
The vendor counted the bills expertly, and then dropped the little bundle into her
breast. She picked up her basket and walked to the door. Suddenly she stopped.
“Your dog, Mariana.” Her voice became nervous again.
Mariana held Ramir’s leash as the old woman hurried down the stairs. “You may
start taking it tonight.” It was her last piece of medical advice. Loud laughter rose
from the store across the street. Mariana stiffened. Her anger returned. Then her
baby cried.
She hurried to the bedroom. The tall bottle looked grotesque on the table: tiny,
gnarled roots seemed to twist like worms or miniature umbilical cords. With a
shudder, she glanced at the bottle. The sharp cry became louder. Mariana rushed
inside and discovered that the baby had wetted its clothes.
She heard somebody coming up the stairs. It must be Victor. Ramir did not bark.
“Mariana!” Victor called out. “Mariana!”
“Quiet!” she shouted back. “The baby’s going back to sleep.”
The house had become hotter. Mariana went out of the bedroom, ready to resume
the unfinished quarrel. Victor was now in the room, sweating and red-eyed. He had
taken off his shirt and his muscular body glistened wit animal attractiveness. But now
Mariana was in a different type of heat.
“I met that old witch Elpidia,” Victor said, “What did she bring you today?”
“The same things. Vegetables. Some fish.”
“Fish! Again?”
“You are drunk!”
“I’m not drunk. Come Mariana dear. Let me hold you.”
“Don’t touch me!” she screamed. “You stink!”
Victor moved back, offended. “I don’t stink and I’m not drunk.”
Mariana stepped closer to her husband. He smelled of cheap pomade, onions, and
“Do you have to be like this all the time? Quarreling every day? Why don’t you get a
steady job like any decent husband? You would be out the whole day, and perhaps, I
would miss you.”
“You don’t have to complain,” Victor said roughly. “True, my work is not permanent
but I think we have enough. We are not starving, are we?”
“You call this enough?” her hands gesticulated madly. “You call this rat’s nest, this
hell of a neighborhood – enough? You call these tin plates, this plastic curtains –
enough? This is not the type of life I expect. I should have continued school. You
fooled me!”
“I thought you understood. I-“
“No, no I didn’t understand. And still I don’t understand why you – you –“
“Let’s not quarrel,” Victor said abruptly. I don’t want to quarrel with you.”
“But I want to quarrel with you!” Mariana shouted.
“Be reasonable.”
“You are not reasonable. You never tried to please me. You would rather be with your
stinking friends and drink their dirty wine and eat their dirty meat. Oh, how I hate it,
“What do you want me to do – stay here and boil the baby’s milk?”
“I wish you would!”
“That’s your job. You’re a woman.”
“Oh, how are you admire yourself for being a man,” Mariana sneered in utter
sarcasm. “You miserable-“
“Don’t yell. You wake up the baby.”
“To hell with your baby!”
“You are mad, Mariana.”
“And so I’m mad. I’m mad because I don’t eat dog meat. I’m mad because I want my
husband to make a man of himself, I’m mad because – “
“Stop it!”
“Relax, Mariana. You are excited. That’s not good for you. I want my second baby
“There will be no second baby.”
“What do you mean?”
“You met Aling Elpidia on your way.”
“And what did that witch do? Curse my baby? Is a vampire?”
“She came to help me.”
Mariana went to the table and snatched the bottle. She held high in Victor’s face.
“See this, Victor?” she taunted him. Victor was not interested. “You don’t want me to
drink tuba, and here you are with a bottle of sioktong.”
“How dull you are!” her lips twisted in derision. “See those leaves? See those roots?
They are very potent, Victor.”
“I don’t understand.”
“One spoonful in the morning and one spoonful in the evening. It’s bitter, Victor, but I
will bear it.”
Like a retarded, Victor stared at his wife. Then the truth dawned upon him and
exclaimed in horror, “What? What? My baby!”
Mariana faced her husband squarely. “Yes! And I’m not afraid!” she jeered.
“You won’t do it.”
“I’m not afraid.”
“Give me that bottle.”
“What kind of woman are you?”
“And what kind of man are you?”
“It’s my baby!”
“It’s mine. I have the right to dispose of it, I don’t want another child.”
“Why, Mariana, why?”
“Because you cannot afford it! What would you feed your another child, ha, Victor?
Tuba milk? Dog meat for rice?”
“We shall manage, Mariana. Everything will be all right.”
“Sure, sure, everything will be all right – for you. I don’t believe in that anymore.”
“Give me that bottle!”
They grappled for a moment. Mariana fought like an untamed animal. At last Victor
took hold the bottle. He pushed his wife against the wall and ran to the window, his
right hand holding the bottle above his head.
And like a man possessed, he hurled the bottle out f the window. The crash of the
glass against the gravel on the road rendered Mariana speechless. But she
recovered. She dashed to the window and gave out almost inhuman scream at what
she saw. The bottle was broken into countless splinters and the dark liquid stained
the dry gravel street. Bits of leaves and roots stuck to the dust. Presently, a dog
came along and sniffed the wet ground suspiciously, then left with his tail between
his legs.
Mariana screamed again in horror and frustration. In the glare of the late morning
sun she had a momentary image of the men – now faceless and voiceless – in front
of the store across the street. This time they did not laugh, but they watched her from
certain blankness. She turned to her husband and flung herself at him, raising her
arms, her fingers poised like claws. She scratched his face and pounded his chest
with her fists.
“Damn you! Damn you!” she shrieked in fury.
Victor caught her arms and shook her. “Stop it, Mariana!” he mumbled under his
“Let me go! You are hurting me!”
“Behave you woman!” Victor shook her harder.
Mariana spat on his face. Then she bit on the right arm. She spat again, for she had
a quick taste of salt and dirt.
Victor released her. She moved back, her uncontrollable rage shaking her. “You
threw it away! You destroy it! I paid forty pesos for it and it’s not your money!”
“Forty pesos,” Victor murmured. “That is a lot of milk.”
Mariana caught her breath. She allowed dryly and said, “What do you want me to do
now – cut children’s dresses?”
“You are unnatural. You don’t act like a mother, you want to kill your own child.”
“It’s my own child.”
“It’s murder!”
“Nobody will know.”
“I will know. You will know. And God – and God – will know!”
“Ahhh!” Mariana sneered sontemptuously. “Now who’s talking? When was the last
time you went to church, ha Victor? That was the time the Legion of Mary brought us
to Fatima Church to be married and you fought with the priest in the confessional.
And now here you are mentioning God’s name to me.”
“Please, please, Mariana,” Victor was begging now. “That’s our child!”
“I told you I didn’t want another child. You broke that bottle but I’ll look for other
means. I’ll starve myself. I’ll jump out of the window. I’ll fall down the stairs.”
“You cannot afford to buy pills or hire a doctor.”
“I want a child.”
“You men can talk because you don’t have to bear the children. You coward!”
Victor raised his hand to strike her. Mariana offered her face, daring him to complete
his own humiliation. Victor dropped his hand. He was lost, totally unmanned.
A bit of his male vanity stirred inside him. He raised his hand again, but Mariana was
quick with the nearest weapon. She seized a stool with both hands, and with the
strength all her arms could muster, throws the stool at him. Victor caught the object
with his strong shoulder. The stool dropped to the floor as Mariana made ready with
another weapon, a vase of plastic flowers.
“Go away from me! Get out! Get out!”
Victor went out of the room. Mariana was left panting, giving vent to her anger by
pulling down the plastic curtains and the printed cover of the sewing machine. She
stooped to the table and with a furious sweep of her hand, cleared it of dish rack, tin
plates, spoons, and forks. Then she went to the kitchen and tossed the basket of
vegetables and fish out of the kitchen window. A trio of dogs rushed in from nowhere
and fought over the fish strewn in the muddy space under the sink.
Then Ramir barked.
“Shut up, you miserable dog!”
Ramir continued barking.
Mariana paused. Ramir, she taught. Victor’s dog. A cruel thought crossed her mind
and stayed there. Now she knew exactly what to do. She reached for the big kitchen
knife of a shelf above the sink. Kicking the scattered tin plates on the floor, she
crossed the main room to the porch.
Downstairs, Ramir was barking at some object in the street. Noticing Mariana’s
presence, he stopped barking. Mariana stared at the dog. The dog stared back, and
Mariana noticed the change in the animal’s eyes. They became fiery, dangerous. My
God, Mariana thought. This creature knew! Ramir’s ears stood. The hair on the back
of its neck stood, too. Then he bared his fangs viscously and growled.
Mariana dropped the knife. She did not know how to use it at this moment. She was
beginning to be afraid.
Slowly, she climbed up the stairs. He moved softly but menacingly. Like a hunter
sizing up his quarry. His yellowing fangs dropped with saliva.
Meanwhile, Mariana was untying the chain on the top of the stairs.
And the dog rushed into the roaring attack. Quicker than she thought she was,
Mariana slipped the end of the chain under the makeshift railing of the stairway and
pulled the leash with all her might. As she had expected, the dog hurtled into the
space between the broken banisters and fell. The weight of the animal pulled her to
her knees, but she was prepared for that, too. She braced herself against the rails of
the porch, and now, the dog was dangling below her. A crowd had now gathered in
front of the house to witness the unexpected execution. But Mariana neither saw
their faces nor heard their voices.
Ramir gave a final yelp and stopped kicking the air.
Mariana laughed deliriously. She watches the hanging animal and addressed it in
triumph: “I’ll slit your throat and drink your blood and cut you to pieces and stew you
and eat you! Damn you Victor. Damn this child. Damn everything. I’ll cook you,
Ramir. I’ll cook you and eat you and eat you and eat you!”
She released the chain and the canine carcass dropped with a thud on the ground
Mariana sat on the topmost step of the stairs; she put her hands between her legs
and stared blankly at the rusty rooftops in front of her. And for the first in all her life
on the Artiaga Street, Mariana cried.

Appendix B


CATEGORY 5 4 3 2 Score

Creative The topic is The role-play The role-play

new insights present but is somewhat is completely
Content of the topic misses off-topic. off-topic.
were creativity and
presented. insight.

All the Some Most of the All members

members in members of members of of the group
Roles the group the group did the group did did not stay in
stayed in not stay in not stay in character.
character. character. character.

The The The The

presentation presentation presentation presentation
is free from has few has a lot of is full of
error. errors which errors which errors and
are mostly are are all
unnoticeable. noticeable. unnoticeable.

The overall The The The

presentation presentation presentation presentation
was lacks some lacks lacks
entertaining entertainment entertainment entertainment
and and and some and a lot of
informative. information. information information
are wrong. are wrong.

Appendix C
CATEGORY 5 4 3 2 Score

All the ideas Most of the Some of the None of the

presented are ideas ideas ideas
correct and presented are presented are presented
relevant to the correct and correct and are correct
topic given. relevant to the relevant to the and
topic given. topic given. relevant to
the topic

The paper was The paper was The paper was The paper
arranged in a somewhat not arranged is vague
logical and arranged in a in a logical and not
clear manner logical and and clear presented
Organization which allows clear manner manner which properly.
easy which allows allows easy
understanding easy understanding
. understanding .

The paper is The paper has The paper has The paper
free from all 1-3 4-5 has more
Mechanics grammatical grammatical grammatical than 5
(Grammar & and spelling and spelling and spelling grammatica
Spelling) errors. errors. errors. l and

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