GB Activities Midterm Mota ReadingLiteraryText

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Checking your Understanding/Sharing Insights

1. Describe Pi's family's life in India prior to their decision

to migrate to Canada.

In my description of Pi’s family life in India before their

decision to move to Canada. Their life in India can no longer be
called fair due to the fact that India's political and financial
instability is no longer fixed and it is no longer humane Pi's
father decided to just sell their Zoo ownership and with his
whole family they also decided to move to canada.

2. As a son, how would you characterize Pi? What about his


If I am a son and as a daughter I see or know Pi as a good

son, based on what I have seen and watched Pi is a very kind
not only to his siblings but also to his parents Pi is close to his
father. and based on what I noticed about Pi while I was
watching, Pi is an eager, outgoing, and excitable child,
dependent on his family for protection and guidance. In school,
his primary concerns involve preventing his schoolmates from
mispronouncing his name and learning as much as he can about
religion and zoology. At last one of the good thing i observed
Him is Pi’s belief in God inspires him as a child and helps sustain
him while at sea. And Pi is close to his family especially to his
Father Mr. Gandhi.

3. What would you do if you were Pi and you needed to

survive? What would you consider if you needed to save
your life?
If I were Pi I would have nothing else to do but pray
because I know that only God can say or know when I will live
and when I will die. If that is my will to die its okay for me I
will accept that
my heart is loose. Because I can't force things that aren't
for me and I don't want to force Lord to let me live if it's not
for me. but if my will to save my life well I will still praying and
saying Lord if your will to save me then go but please make my
life this time to desire your will for me.

4. Consider how religion and experience, as shown in the

novel, shape our innermost beliefs and ideas.

As a Christian and Roman Catholic my two religions, Actually

I used to be confused why I follow two religions, because in
fact Catholic and Christian are the same but they are very
different especially a Christian that I belong to and I used to
like is Born again, apart from others, they also have a different
way and belief in worshiping and praising God. And I will admit
that it was very difficult for me to get to the point where I
wanted to choose but I need to ask God how because I know in
myself that I am still lacking and really weak.

I saw myself with Pi and I was very carried away by the

novel story and movie of the Life of Pi, because I used to only
believe in the religion that I belong to but while God is going
through my process like what Pi experienced or went through. I
understood that it is not religion that should reign in my heart
but Believe, trust, faith and follow God's desire for me like Pi
did. And when I seek more about God I understand that I
cannot find out all about God alone. I need Him in my life to
seek Him more and I need to pray.

Like Pi did that time he`s starts practicing Christianity and

Islam, realizing these religions all share the same foundation:
belief in a loving higher power. His burgeoning need for
spiritual connection deepens while at sea. In his first days on
the lifeboat, he almost gives up, unable to bear the loss of his
family and unwilling to face the difficulties that still await him.
At that point, however, he realizes that the fact he is still
alive means that God is with him; he has been given a miracle.
This thought gives him strength, and he decides to fight to
remain alive. Throughout his adventure, he prays regularly,
which provides him with solace, a sense of connection to
something greater, and a way to pass the time.

5. What were your expectations for the plot of the novel?

What effect did it have on you?

As I expected for the plot of the novel is that then they

sold the zoo in india and they moved to canada with Santosh
and Gita Patel on a freight with their sons and some remaining
animals. the tragedy will happen and there will be a strong
storm and then the ship will sink, Pi will be left behind and he is
the only one who can survive. However, Pi is not alone; a
fearsome Bengal tiger also rode this lifeboat. And As the days
turned into weeks and weeks into the moon, Pi and the tiger
Learned to trust each other so that they could both survive.
and it's so funny that a fierce and a naughty one came
together even though they were different they learned to
trust each other even and even. When God will really happen he
will not let that not happen. They sympathized with each other.

A. Applying Critiquing a Novel

In my application of criticism to the novel Life of Pi, I

actually didn't notice anything because the novel was so good
that not only should some countries watch it, many countries
should also watch it because it seems like it really happens in
real life that sometimes we have to see the ugly situation that
means this is punishment for our sins but this is the situation
that God wants to teach us to learn or we can learn something.

Write a critical analysis of Life of Pi using the methods for

analyzing a novel. Your grade will be evaluated by the
rubrics provided by your teacher.

B. Reflecting Experience

The most important takeaway from Life of Pi for me is

What Tiger and Pi did while they were in the Lifeboat. but
when God really wants it to happen then what is really will
happened, especially for them to come to an agreement not
only so that they can be saved from death but so that they can
learn many things and important in the life that God has lent

And those who trust in God talk to God by praying everyday.

Pi did it so hard because he knew more and more that only God
could save them in the middle of that ordeal. The word prayer
and trust to God can catch them more than fight and pain.

What I admire about the novel and would like to put into
practice are

What I admire about the novel and want to use is what Pi

did to pray in the midst of his/their trials and extreme
weaknesses. They went through a lot of hardships and if there
was no God that Pi believed in, they would probably die without
nothing. just like our lives today we are in the midst of
pandemic we can die anywhere and anytime. But a lot of people
survive why because they are always fighting for and what is
really good and I admire to them is they fight because they
know God is fighting for themselve too.

I realized that in order to enjoy myself more fully, I

needed to

I realized that in order to enjoy myself more, I need to be

truly happy with my loved ones, especially my family and
friends. because I don't know when God can take them back
from me. I also need to be happy in any situation and time that
God gives me that I don't want or I want as long as I know that
God will give it to me. I will accept it and embrace it.

VIEWING (Groupings) Group yourselves into 4 to 5 groups.

Watch a movie adaptation from the novel and make a group

report on it. Follow the steps in analyzing a novel/movie. After
finalizing your work, be ready to present it before the class
(next Gmeet). You will be graded according to the rubrics given
by your teacher.


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