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01th to 31th July, 2021

+91 9953301150 use code “NIMISHA” for 10% discount on unacademy fees Nimisha Bansal

Dedicated to my students

My student, you are the best

Of all the rest
Promise me that you will never admit defeat
Your dedication is visible to everyone you meet
So soothing is your smile
I am amazed for a while

I have students everywhere

But like you are very rare
I can never forget you

Because you are like a drop of shining dew

From a leaf split apart
Your fond memories will always shine in my heart
Yes, I believe in you
Yes, I am proud of you Don’t ever give up
Yes, you can and you will do it
+91 9953301150 use code “NIMISHA” to get Maximum discount on unacademy fees Nimisha Bansal

1. Devastating: भयानक: highly be maintained or defended

destructive or damaging. against attack or objection.

14. Reap: receive (something,

2. Abysmal: मात्र: : immeasurably especially something
low or wretched  beneficial) as a consequence
of one's own or another's
3. Trifecta: a run of three wins or
grand events.

4. trickle down: (of wealth) 15. Rejuvenation: कायाकल्प: the

gradually benefit the poorest action or process of giving
as a result of the increasing new energy or vigour to
wealth of the richest. something.

5. Stirring: an initial sign of 16. Enact: अभिनय करना:  put

activity, movement, or emotion into practice (an idea or
6. Belt-tightening:  a reduction in
spending : changes that are 17. Belt-tightening:  a reduction
made in order to save money. in spending : changes that
are made in order to save
7. Paediatric: Paediatrics is the
area of medicine that is
concerned with the treatment 18. trickle down: (of wealth)
of children's illnesses.  gradually benefit the poorest
as a result of the increasing
8. Padding: गद्दी: soft material wealth of the richest.
such as foam or cloth used to
pad or stuff something. 19. pull up: (of a vehicle) come
to a halt.
9. Steep: (of a price or demand)
not reasonable; excessive. 20. Miseries: दखु : a state or
feeling of great physical or
10. roll out: officially launch or introduce a
mental distress or
new product or service.
11. Kin: one's family and relations
21. set off: begin a journey.
12. Ex gratia: (of payment) given
as a favour or from a sense of 22. Curtail: घटाना: reduce in
moral obligation rather than extent or quantity; impose a
because of any legal restriction on.
23. Inoculation: टीका: the action
13. Untenable: अस्थिर, of inoculating or of being
असमर्थनीय:(especially of a inoculated; vaccination.
position or view) not able to
24. jeopardy : ख़तरा: danger of
loss, harm, or failure.
+91 9953301150 use code “NIMISHA” to get Maximum discount on unacademy fees Nimisha Bansal

25. Deprivation: हानि: The 37. Propelling:बढ़ाने योग्य:  to

absence, loss, or withholding drive, or cause to move,
of something needed.  forward or onward

26. Starkly: परस्पर विरोधी: in a 38. Enthused: उत्साहित: express

way that is severe or harsh in eager enjoyment, interest, or
appearance or outline. approval regarding something.

27. Inculcate: मन में बैठाना: 39. Drag one’s feet: walk slowly
instil (an idea, attitude, or and wearily or with difficulty.
habit) by persistent
40. Exacerbate: ख़राब करना: make
(a problem, bad situation, or
28. in the dark: in a state of negative feeling) worse.
41. Emoluments: a salary, fee, or
29. Vivid: producing powerful profit from employment or
feelings or strong, clear office.
images in the mind.
42. vehement : लवलीन: showing
30. Manoeuvre: a movement or series of strong feeling; forceful,
moves requiring skill and care. passionate, or intense.
31. notched up: to win something, or to 43. Indictments: a formal charge
achieve something. or accusation of a serious
32. Noteworthy: ध्यान दे ने योग्य:
worth paying attention to; 44. Plutocrat: a person whose
interesting or significant. power derives from their
33. Surge: महोर्मि: a sudden
powerful forward or upward 45. Audacious: showing a
movement, especially by a willingness to take surprisingly
crowd or by a natural force bold risks
such as the tide. 46. Larceny: theft of personal
34. anomalous : नियमविरूद्ध:
deviating from what is 47. Subpoena: a writ ordering a
standard, normal, or expected. person to attend a court.

35. Protracted: लंबा: to prolong in 48. Disaffection: असंतोष: the

time or space : continue. quality of no longer supporting
or being satisfied with a
36. Quadrupled: चार गन ु ा: to system, organization, or idea
make four times as great or as
+91 9953301150 use code “NIMISHA” to get Maximum discount on unacademy fees Nimisha Bansal

49. Anticipatory: अग्रिम: 60. Spurious: जाली: not being

happening, performed, or felt what it purports to be; false or
in anticipation of something. fake.

50. Imputations: आरोप: an 61. Mop-up:  a concluding action

attribution, as of fault or crime; or phase.
62. Sans: without.
51. Graves: used as an allusive
63. Yawning: (of an opening or space) very
term for death
large and wide.
52. Half-hearted: अधरू े मन से: lacking
64. Waning: घट: (of a state or
heart, spirit, or interest 
feeling) decrease in vigour or
53. Squalid: (of a place) extremely extent; become weaker.
dirty and unpleasant, especially
65. in the wake of : following
as a result of poverty or neglect.
(someone or something),
54. to get to the bottom of the especially as a consequence.
matter:  to find out the true
reason for or cause of 66. Evasion: टालना:  the act of
(something)  intentionally avoiding doing
something that you have a duty
55. Federal: having or relating to a or responsibility to do
system of government in which
several states form a unity but 67. Reckoned: गणना किए गए:
remain independent in internal establish by calculation.
68. Critiqued: आलोचना: evaluate (a
56. Genocide: नरसंहार: the theory or practice) in a detailed
deliberate killing of a large and analytical way.
number of people from a
particular nation or ethnic 69. Adjunct: सहायक: a thing added
group with the aim of to something else as a
destroying that nation or supplementary rather than an
group. essential part.

57. Reconciliation: सल ु ह: the 70. Deprivation: हानि:  the

restoration of friendly relations disadvantage that results from
losing something.
58. Indigenous: स्वदे शी: originating
or occurring naturally in a 71. Hastily: जल्दी से: with excessive
particular place; native. speed or urgency; hurriedly.

59. grievances : शिकायतो: a real or 72. Spur: प्रेरणा: a thing that

imagined cause for complaint, prompts or encourages
especially unfair treatment. someone; an incentive.
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73. Plausible: प्रशंसनीय: (of an 87. Chaotic: अस्तव्यस्त: in a state of

argument or statement) complete confusion and disorder.
seeming reasonable or
probable. 88. Ferocity: क्रूरता: the state or quality of
being ferocious.
74. Viable: व्यवहार्य: capable of
working successfully; feasible. 89. Inoculate: टीका लगाना: vaccinate.

75. Blip: an unexpected, minor, and 90. Onus: भार: something that is one's
typically temporary deviation
duty or responsibility.
from a general trend.
91. spruce up: to make (someone or
76. Shaken up: Greatly startled,
something) look cleaner, neater, or
shocked, or upset. 
more attractive 
77. Tepid: showing little
92. deep freeze :  A condition of
being held in temporary
suspension or inactivity. 
78. brewing : शराब बनाना: the
activity or business of producing 93. paved the way : to make it
beer. easier for (something to
happen or someone to do
79. Resurgence: पन ु रुत्थान: an something) 
increase or revival after a period
of little activity, popularity, or 94. status quo: the current
occurrence. situation

80. Ramp up: increase the level or 95. De-escalation: reduction of the
amount of something sharply. intensity of a conflict or
potentially violent situation.
81. in lieu: instead.
96. Booming: फलफूल: having a
82. Ramp up: increase the level or amount period of great prosperity or
of something sharply. rapid economic growth.
83. dip in:  To fall temporarily or quickly to 97. Cloaked: hide, cover, or
a lower level or degree. disguise (something).
84. Slackening: कम करना: slowdown 98. dragging his feet : (of a
person or organization) be
85. Procurement: खरीद: the act of deliberately slow or
obtaining goods or services reluctant to act.

86. Dispensed: distribute or provide (a 99. To dog someone: To judge or

service or information) to a number of criticize someone for
people. something.
+91 9953301150 use code “NIMISHA” to get Maximum discount on unacademy fees Nimisha Bansal

100. Propelled: चालित: drive or 111. Proclivity:झकु ाव: a tendency to

push something forwards. choose or do something
regularly; an inclination or
101. Egg on:  to encourage someone predisposition towards a
to do something, esp. particular thing.
something unwise or bad
112. Adherence: attachment or
102. Steadily: तेजी से: in a regular commitment to a person,
and even manner. cause, or belief.

103. Surge: a sudden powerful 113. Pernicious: हानिकारक: having a

forward or upward movement, harmful effect, especially in a
especially by a crowd or by a gradual or subtle way.
natural force such as the tide.
114. Stamp out: suppress or put an
104. Rampant: अनियंत्रित: end to something by taking
happening a lot or becoming decisive action.
worse, usually in a way that is
out of control 115. Tortuous: कपटपर्ण
ू :  full of
twists and turns; not straight or
105. Dissenting: असहमति: holding direct
or expressing opinions that are
at variance with those 116. Gear up: prepare or equip
commonly or officially held. oneself for something; get
106. Gratifying: संतोषजनक: giving
pleasure or satisfaction. 117. Rehabilitation: पनु र्वास: the
action of restoring something
107. Pernicious: हानिकारक: having that has been damaged to its
a harmful effect, especially in a former condition.
gradual or subtle way.
118. Meandered: to wander
108. Provocative: उत्तेजक: tending aimlessly on a winding
roundabout course.
or serving to provoke; inciting,
stimulating or vexing.
119. Vociferous: मखु र: expressing
109. Quelling: शमन:  to stop or characterized by vehement
something, especially by using opinions; loud and forceful.
120. Envisage: परिकल्पना करना: to
110. strike down: मार डालना:  make imagine or expect something in
someone die or become very the future, especially
ill; hit someone and make them something good.
fall down; officially end law.
121. Impetus: the force or energy
with which a body moves.
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122. to the fore: in or to a agreement, or code of

conspicuous or leading conduct).
134. Trample: रौंदे :  to step heavily
123. lay down : put something on something or someone,
down. causing damage or injury

124. Prodding: उकसाने:  to push 135. Intrusion: अतिक्रमण:

something or someone with something that interrupts
your finger or with a pointed peaceful or private situation.
136. Voyeurism: the practice of
125. Perturbed:व्याकुल: feeling obtaining sexual gratification
anxiety or concern; unsettled. by looking at sexual objects or
acts, especially secretively.
126. suo motu: relating to an action
taken by a court of its own 137. Dislodge: हटाना: remove from
accord, without any request by a position of power or
the parties involved. authority.

127. Paramount: ऊंचे दर्जे का: more 138. disingenuous : कपटी: not
important than anything else; candid or sincere, typically by
supreme. pretending that one knows less
about something than one
128. Reiterate: दोहराना:  to say really does.
something again, once or
several times. 139. turpitude : अधमता: depraved
or wicked behaviour or
129. heeding : ध्यान दे ना: pay character.
attention to; take notice of.
140. Sabotage: तोड़-फोड़:
130. Abatement: कमी: a situation in deliberately destroy, damage,
which a rate, price, etc. goes or obstruct (something),
down, or goes up more slowly especially for political or
than before military advantage.

131. hard pressed: having a lot of 141. Plead: निवेदन करना: make an
difficulties doing something, emotional appeal.
especially because there is not
enough time or money 142. Antithetical: विरोधात्मक:
directly opposed or contrasted;
132. Subservient: अधीन: prepared mutually incompatible.
to obey others unquestioningly.
143. Plead: निवेदन करना: make an
133. Breached: उल्लंघन: break or emotional appeal.
fail to observe (a law,
+91 9953301150 use code “NIMISHA” to get Maximum discount on unacademy fees Nimisha Bansal

144. Antithetical: विरोधात्मक: 156. Beset: (of a problem or

directly opposed or contrasted; difficulty) trouble (someone or
mutually incompatible. something) persistently.

145. Impediments: स्र्कावट: a 157. Superseded: अधिक्रमित: take

hindrance or obstruction in the place of (a person or thing
doing something. previously in authority or use);
146. Perennial: चिरस्थायी: lasting or 158. Muster: collect or assemble (a
existing for a long or number or amount).
apparently infinite time;
enduring or continually 159. Ratification: अनस ु मर्थन: the
recurring action of signing or giving
formal consent to a treaty,
147. Encroached: अतिक्रमण:  to contract, or agreement, making
enter by gradual steps or by it officially valid.
stealth into the possessions or
rights  160. contingent : आकस्मिक:
subject to chance.
148. Amorphously:  अनाकार रूप से:
having no definite form 161. Evasion: टालना: the action of
evading something.
149. Deluge: बाढ़:  an overflowing of
the land by water. 162. quasi-federal :
Quasi-federalism means an
150. Inundation: सैलाब: an intermediate form of state
overwhelming abundance of between a unitary state and a
people or things. federation. 

151. Jeopardy: ख़तरा: danger of 163. Inception: आरं भ: the

loss, harm, or failure. establishment or starting point
of an institution or activity.
152. Staggering: चौंका दे ने वाला: 
shocking because of being 164. Implications: आशय: the
extremely large conclusion that can be drawn
from something although it is
153. catastrophic : आपत्तिजनक: not explicitly stated.
involving or causing sudden
great damage or suffering. 165. Conduit: पाइपलाइन: a channel
for conveying water or other
154. buoyant : प्रसन्नचित्त: cheerful fluid
and optimistic.
166. Drop the ball: make a mistake;
mishandle things.
155. delineated : चित्रित: describe or
portray (something) precisely.
+91 9953301150 use code “NIMISHA” to get Maximum discount on unacademy fees Nimisha Bansal

167. Repercussions: an unintended 178. Thriving: संपन्न:  to gain in wealth

consequence of an event or
or possessions
action, especially an
unwelcome one.
179. Spooked: डरावना: frighten;
168. Renegotiate: negotiate unnerve.
(something) again in order to
change the original agreed 180. Roll-out:  to make a new product,
terms. service, or system available for the
first time
169. Ally: combine or unite a
resource or commodity with 181. Ambiguity:अनिश्चितता: the quality
(another) for mutual benefit. of being open to more than one
interpretation; inexactness.
170. back to square one: back to
where one started, with no 182. Anonymity: lack of outstanding,
progress having been made. individual, or unusual features;
171. under the umbrella: to be part
of a larger organization or 183. Cryptocurrency:  a digital or virtual
involved in the work done by currency that is secured by
it.  cryptography, which makes it nearly
impossible to counterfeit or
172. Expedite: शीघ्र: make (an double-spend.
action or process) happen 184. Extremities: the furthest point or limit
sooner or be accomplished of something.
more quickly.
185. Fragility: भंगरु ता: the
173. Usher: show or guide
(someone) somewhere. quality of being easily
broken or damaged.
174. Facilitation: सहूलियत: the
action of facilitating 186. Vigil: जलस
ू : A period of
something.  keeping awake during the
time usually spent asleep,
175. Torrential: मस
ू लधार: (of rain) especially to keep watch
falling rapidly and in copious or pray.
187. Inevitable: अपरिहार्य:
176. Inevitable: अपरिहार्य: certain to certain to happen;
happen; unavoidable. unavoidable.

177. Amended: संशोधन: make minor 188. Harness: control and make
changes to (a text, piece of use of (natural resources),
especially to produce energy.
legislation, etc.) in order to make
it fairer or more accurate
+91 9953301150 use code “NIMISHA” to get Maximum discount on unacademy fees Nimisha Bansal

189. Catastrophic: आपत्तिजनक: involving something bigger, more

complex, more difficult, more
or causing sudden great damage dangerous, etc.
or suffering.
203. Condone: माफ करना: accept
190. Onslaught: हमला: a fierce or
(behaviour that is
destructive attack. considered morally wrong
191. chunk : a substantial amount of or offensive).
204. Knotty: विकट: extremely
192. Faltering: हीनता: losing strength difficult or complex.
or momentum.

193. Mop-up:  completion of an operation

or action.

194. tide over: help someone through a

difficult period, especially with
financial assistance.

195. Skirmishes: झड़पों: an episode of

irregular or unpremeditated

196. Dormant: निष्क्रिय: temporarily

inactive or inoperative.

197. De-escalate: reduce the intensity of (a

conflict or potentially violent

198. Conflagration: आग: an extensive

fire which destroys a great deal
of land or property.

199. Tamp down: to reduce the amount,

level, size, or importance of something.

200. Prevailed: प्रबल: prove

more powerful or superior.

201. status quo: the existing state of

affairs, especially regarding
social or political issues.

202. snowballed into: To develop

quickly and progressively into
+91 9953301150 use code “NIMISHA” to get Maximum discount on unacademy fees Nimisha Bansal

+91 9953301150 use code “NIMISHA” to get Maximum discount on unacademy fees Nimisha Bansal
+91 9953301150 use code “NIMISHA” to get Maximum discount on unacademy fees Nimisha Bansal
+91 9953301150 use code “NIMISHA” for 10% discount on unacademy fees Nimisha Bansal

English with Nimisha Bansal

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