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The Nature of Mathematics

▪ Mathematics is a universal way to “The nature of God is a circle of which

make sense of the world and to the center is everywhere and the
communicate understanding of circumference is nowhere.”
concepts and rules using the
1. Symbols
2. Signs
Other People who Studied Patterns:
3. Proofs
4. Language Joseph Plateau
5. Conventions
▪ examined soap films, leading him
Patterns and Numbers in to formulate the concept of a
minimal surface.
Nature and the World
Ernst Haeckel
Natural Patterns ▪ Painted hundreds of marine
1. Spiral organisms to emphasize their
2. Symmetries
D’Arcy Thompson
3. Mosaics
▪ pioneered the study of growth
4. Stripes 5. Dots patterns in both plants and
Greek Philosophers who animals, showing that simple
equations could explain spiral
Studied Patterns growth.
“I would teach children music, physics and Alan Turing
philosophy; but most importantly music
for the patterns in music and all the arts ▪ Predicted mechanisms of
are keys to earning.” morphogenesis which give rise to
patterns of spots and stripes.
Aristid Lindenmayer and Benoît
“There is geometry in the humming of the Madelbrot
strings, there is music in the spacing of
the spheres.”-Pythagoras ▪ showed how the mathematics of
fractals could create plant growth
A fractal is a never-ending pattern.
Patterns and
Fractals are infinitely complex patterns
that are self-similar across different Regularities in the
scales. They are created by repeating a
simple process over and over in an ongoing World as Organized
feedback loop.
by Mathematics
W. Gary Smith
Pattern – constitutes a set of numbers or
▪ adopts eight patterns in his
objects in which all the members are
landscape work, namely:
related with each other by a specific
scattered, fractured, mosaic,
rule. It is also known as sequence. There
naturalistic drift, serpentine,
can be finite or infinite number of
spiral, radial, and dendritic.
members in a pattern.
These patterns occur in plants,
animals, rocks formation, river Relation – constitutes between two sets
flow, stars or in human creations. is a collection of ordered pairs containing
one object from each set. If the object x
The Fibonacci Sequence is from the first set and the object y is
from the second set, then the objects
Leonardo Pisano Bogollo lived between
are said to be related if the ordered pair
1170 and 1250 in Italy. His nickname,
(x, y) is in the relation.
“Fibonacci” roughly means “Son of
Bonacci” . His father is Guglielmo Bonacci. Function – is a type of relation. But, a
He helped spread Hindu Arabic numerals relation is allowed to have the object x in
(0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, and 9) through the first set to be related to more than
Europe in place of Roman numerals which one object in the second set.
is part of the sequence, which he
Patterns in nature can be seen in the
developed. The Fibonacci Sequence was
recognized as the Golden Ratio.
Rainbows, Water Waves, Cloud
The Fibonacci numbers goes like this:
Formations, Tree Branching, Mud-crack
0112358 Butterfly Markings, Leopard Spots, Tiger
13 21 34 55 89 144
Functions can be observed from:
233 377 610 987 1597 2584
The time turkey cooks (Range Value) is
4181 6765 10946 17711 28657
determined by the weight of the turkey
(Domain Value).
▪ the role of mathematics is to
describe symmetry-breaking
Similarities in nature can be observed....
processes to explain in a unified
Branches of the three and those of a way the fact that the patterns
river network Snail Shell and the Swirling seen in sand dunes and zebra’s
Stars of a galaxy stripes are caused by processes
which, while physically different,
Scenes in which regularities exists
are mathematically very similar.
▪ Regularities is an attribute of a
Puzzles in Nature
shape or relation, exact reflection
of form on opposite sides of a ▪ Mathematics solves puzzles in
dividing line or plane nature (such as why planets move
in the way that they do), describes
Motion of Pendulum
changing quantities via Because
▪ Its period it takes to swing back mathematics plays such a central
to its original position is related to role in modern culture, some basic
its length, but the relationship is understanding of the nature of
not linear. mathematics is requisite for
scientific literacy. To achieve this,
Reflection in the mirror plane –
students need to.
▪ the image that is the same size as ▪ Perceive mathematics as part of
the object and is far behind the the scientific endeavor calculus,
mirror as the object is distance modelling change (such as the
from the mirror. evolution of the eye), and predicts
and controls physical systems
Free Falling Object
comprehend the nature of
▪ Any object that is moving and mathematical thinking become
being acted upon only be the force familiar with key mathematical
of gravity is said to be in a state ideas and skills.
of free fall.
Mathematics in Medicine
▪ Nurses routinely use addition,
▪ In every interaction, there is a fractions, ratios, and algebraic
pair of forces acting on the two equations each workday to deliver
interacting objects. the right amount of medication to
their patients or monitor changes
Phenomena in the World as
in their health.
predicted by Mathematics
▪ In life expectancy, mathematics
Patterns in Nature used to summarize the remaining
years of life that that a person is ▪ Getting the best value of valuable
expected to live. resources
▪ Etc.
Applications of Mathematics
Mathematics in Engineering
in the World
▪ It combines mathematical theory,
Mathematics in Farming and Gardening practical engineering and scientific
computing to address the fast-
▪ Mathematics has enabled farming
changing technology.
to be more economically efficient
▪ It is a creative and exciting
and has increased productivity.
discipline, spanning traditional
▪ Farmers use mathematics as a
boundaries and dealing with
system of organization to
today’s technological challenges.
effectively utilized their time and
▪ It can be found in an
manage they money.
extraordinarily wide range of
▪ Farmers use numbers every day
careers, from designing next
for a variety of tasks, from
generation high-end cars to
measuring and weighing, to land
inventing robotics and automotive
▪ Basic geometry, proportions,
multiplications, and measurement Mathematics in Investment
skills are used every day by
▪ Individuals with poor math
fundamentals typically make
Mathematics in Travels greater financial mistakes like
underestimating how quickly
▪ Fuel required based on distance
interest accumulates.
▪ Total expenses for toll fees
▪ Tire pressure check Mathematics in Time
▪ Time allowance to the trip
▪ Without a good planning, the day
▪ Short-cut routes alternatives
can slip idly, and tasks and duties
▪ Road map reading
▪ Speed limits and others
▪ In a swift changing world, creating
Mathematics in Construction and following schedule prove
beneficial, but it takes more
▪ Making accurate measurements of
mathematical skills than simply
lengths, widths, and angles
using a clock and calendar to
▪ Projecting detailed material
manage time well and be on top of
LANGUAGE is the system of words, The use of language in mathematics
differs from the language of ordinary
signs and symbols which people use to
speech in three important ways:
express ideas, thoughts and feelings.
1. Mathematical language is non-temporal.
▪ Language consists of the words,
There is no past, present or future in
their pronunciation and the
methods of combining them to be
understood by a community. 2. Mathematical language is devoid of
▪ Language is a systematic means of EMOTIONAL CONTENT.
communicating ideas or feelings by
3. Mathematical language is precise.
the use of conventionalized signs,
sounds, gestures or marks having Vocabulary understanding is a major
understood meanings. contributor to overall comprehension in
many content areas, including
Mathematical Language is the mathematics.
system used to communicate
Multivariate mathematical expressions
mathematical ideas.
have more than one variable:
▪ Mathematical Language has its
own grammar, syntax, vocabulary,
word order, synonyms, - 5xxxx + 9xx − 12
conventions, idioms, abbreviations,
- 31aaaaaa
sentence structure and paragraph
structure. It has certain language - 9yy/3xx
features unparalleled in other
Mathematical Expressions consist of
languages, such as representation.
terms. The terms are separated from
▪ Mathematical Language also
other terms with either plus or minus
includes a large component of
signs. A single term may contain an
logic. The ordinary language which
expression in parentheses or other
gradually expands to comprise
grouping symbols.
symbolisms and logic leads to
learning of mathematics and its 3x2 + 7x – 12
useful application to problem
Types of Mathematical Expressions

Characteristics of

Mathematical Language
Mathematical Sentence combines two
mathematical expressions using a
comparison operator. These expressions
either use numbers, variables, or both.
The comparison operators include equal,
not equal, greater than, greater than or
equal to, less than and less than or equal
to. The signs which convey equality or
inequality are also called relation symbols
because they specify how two
expressions are related. A mathematical
expression containing the equal sign is an
equation. The two parts of an equation
are called members. A mathematical
Conventions in the
expression containing the inequality sign
is an inequality. Mathematical Language

2 things to consider understanding

▪ Context – refers to the topics

being studied, and it is important
to understand the context to
understand mathematical symbols.
▪ Convention – is a technique used by
mathematicians, engineers,
scientists in which each symbol
has meaning.

Greek Alphabet
4 Basics Concepts ▪ The common characteristics of
the elements are defined. This
1. SETS method uses set builder notation
▪ A set is a well-defined collection where x is used to represent any
of distinct objects. The objects element of the given set.
that make up a set is called
Kinds of Sets

Two ways to describe set

1. Empty/Null/Void Set has no element
1. Roster/Tabular
and is denoted by ∅ by a pair of braces
with no element inside, i.e. {}

2. Finite Set has countable number of

elements, i.e. A = {1, 2, 3, 4,5}

3. Infinite Set has uncountable number

of elements, A = {..., -3, -2, -1, 0, ...}

4. Universal Set is the totality of all the

elements of the sets under
consideration, denoted by U, i.e. U = {...-2,
-1, 0, 1, 2,…}

▪ The elements in the given set are Two or more sets may be related to
listed or enumerated, separated each other as described by the ff:
by a comma, inside a pair of braces

2. Rule/Descriptive 1. Equal Sets have been the same


2. Equivalent Sets have the same number

of elements

3. Joint Sets have at least one common


4. Disjoint Sets have no common element

Subset is a set every element of which

can be found on a bigger set. The symbol
⊂ means “a subset of” while ⊄ means “not
a subset of”.
Improper Subset (⊆) – if the first set found in set A but not in set B. In symbol:
equals the second set. A null set is always AA − BB = {xx/xx ∈ AA aaaaaa xx ∉ BB}.
a subset of any given set and is
4. Complement of Set A [denoted by A’]
considered an improper subset of the
is a set whose elements are found in the
given set.
universal set but not in set A. In symbol:
Proper Subset (⊂) – other than the set A’ = {xx/xx ∈∪ aaaaaa xx ∉ AA}.
itself and the null set, all are considered
The pictorial representation of
proper subsets.
relationship and operations of set is the
Power Set – the set containing all the so-called Venn-Euler Diagrams or simply
subsets of the given set with n number of Venn Diagrams. The universal set is
elements. usually represented by a rectangle while
circles with the rectangle usually
represent it subsets. The shaded region
in the diagrams illustrates the sets
relation or operation.

John Venn (4 August 1834 – 4 April 1923)

-an English Logician an Philosopher

Leonhard Euler (15 April 1707 – 18

September 1783) – was a Swiss
mathematician, physicist, astronomer,
Operations of Sets logician, and engineer.

Suppose there are Sets A and B.

1. Union of Sets A and B [denoted by A
▪ A relation is a set of
∪ BB] is a set whose elements are found
inputs and outputs, oftentimes
in A and B or in both. In symbol: AA ∪ BB
expressed as ordered pairs
= {xx/xx ∈ AA oooo xx ∈ BB}.
(Input, output).
2. Intersection of Sets A and B ▪ A relation is a
[denoted by AA ∩ BB] is a set whose rule which associates each
elements are common to both sets. In element of the first set with at
symbol: AA ∩ BB = {xx/xx ∈ AA aaaaaa least one element in the second
xx ∈ BB}. set.

3. Difference of Sets A and B [denoted

by AA − BB] is a set whose elements are Example:
When an independent variable inputs. A function consists of
corresponds to more than one argument (input to a function),
variable, it is a relation. A relation value (output), domain (set of
is a correspondence between a all permitted inputs to given
first set of variables such that function) and codomain (set of
for some elements of the first set permissible outputs).
of variables, there correspond at
least two elements of the second Operations of Functions
set of variables.

▪ Binary means consisting of two
parts. In mathematics, binary
When an independent variable means that it belongs to a number
corresponds to more than one system with base 2 and not base
variable, it is a relation. A relation 10. A binary is made up of 0’s and
is a correspondence between a 1’s. A bit is a single binary digit.
first set of variables such that
for some elements of the first set
of variables, there correspond at
least two elements of the second
set of variables.


▪ Functions are mathematical

entities that give
unique outputs to particular
▪ On the set of real numbers R, f (a,
b) = a + b is a binary operation
since the sum of two real numbers
is a real number.
▪ On the set natural numbers N, f
(a, b) = a + b is a binary operation
since the sum of two natural
numbers is a natural number. This
is a different binary operation
than the previous one since the
Binary Operation is a rule of combining sets are different.
two values to produce a new value. ▪ On the set M(2, 2) of 2 x 2
matrices with real entries, f(A, B)
▪ A binary operation is said to be
= AB is a binary operation since
commutative if the order of the
the sum of two such matrices is
arguments is charged and the
another 2 x 2 matrix.
result is equivalent.
▪ On the set M (2,2) of 2 x 2
▪ A binary operation is said to be
matrices with real entries, f(A, B)
associative if the order of the
= A + B is a binary operation since
parentheses is changed and the
the product of two such matrices
result is equivalent.
is another 2 x 2 matrix.
▪ An element, denoted by e, is said
▪ For a given set C, let S be the set
to be identity or neutral element
of all functions h: C → C. Define f:
of the binary operation if under
S x S → S by ff(h1, h2)(cc) = (h1,
the operation, any element
h2)(cc) = h1(h2(cc)) for all cc ∈ CC,
combined with e results in the
the composition of the two
same element.
functions h1and h2 in S. Then f is
▪ For an element, the inverse
a binary operation since the
represented as a -1, when
composition of the two functions
combined with under the binary
is another function on the set C
operation results in the identity
(that is, a member of S).
element for that binary operation.

Typical examples of binary operations Elementary Logic

are the addition and multiplication of
▪ Logic is the science of formal
numbers and matrices, as well as
principles of reasoning or correct
composition of functions on a single
inference. It is the study of
set. Examples:
principles and methods used to
distinguish valid arguments from
those that are not valid. Logic is
the expressions of ordered
thoughts starting from axioms and
resulting in a conclusion.
▪ Additional Information.
Mathematical Logic is the study
of reasoning in mathematics.
Mathematical Reasoning is
deductive; meaning it consists of
drawing conclusions from given


▪ Formality is a relational concept:

an expression can be more or less
formal relative to another
expression, entailing an ordering
of expressions; yet no expression
can be absolutely formal or
absolutely informal.

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