5day Challenge Workbook

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It is your Calorie Queen here! I'm so proud of you for choosing to

show up for yourself with this challenge! For deciding that you truly

deserve better!

You deserve to stand naked in front of your mirror and love every

inch of you! You deserve to have the energy to do everything you

set out to do, your work, play with your kids, and lots more.

You deserve the best of health, and to be free of pain

Heck, you deserve to feel sexy and have

the most amazing sex life!

We are saying yes to it all and


Welcome again!

The Calorie Queen
How to Use This Workbook

This workbook takes you through each step of this challenge so ,

you never miss a thing It includes checklists to ensure you are

making the most of the challenge and help you stay on track .

I strongly advise you to print this workbook.

At the end of each training fill in the answers to the questions in

the workbook to help you reflect on the training for the day .

At the end of each day, tick each item you have completed on the

daily checklist and then take a photo of the printed page or

screenshot from your phone and post it on the group .

You can choose to print it and tick with a pen or take a screenshot ,
and tick with your phone using our gallery whichever works for you !

Here are a few ground rules for this challenge:

, ,
No adverts announcements or BC are allowed inside

the group You are however encouraged to post tips ,
words of encouragement your personal experience

, ,
related to weight loss eating healthier and getting fit .

Please respect everyone you can disagree with

someone without insulting them .

The first 2 rules will result in automatic removal from the group.

How to Use This Workbook

To get the best out of the group, it is important that

you show up! and contribute. Don't just enter the

group, feed on the energy, and then leave, even if it's

one word of encouragement you drop one person it

goes a long way!

We will be having LIVE classes on a daily basis by

8pm, starting Mon, Aug 23. Set your alarms for them
and ensure you attend, it's one thing to follow a plan

and get results, it's important you learn we get those

results and how to maintain them!

There'll be prizes for participation and best results,

see more details in the next section.

Remember if you have any questions about the challenge, don't

forget to ask in the comment section of our welcome video HERE

inside the Facebook group.

Prizes !!!!

What is a challenge without PIRZES ???

So here are the prizes up for grabs :

Position Best Transformation

Prize: 50% off the TBT program + My Count Calorie Master

Class, worth N35,000

Position : 2nd Best Transformation

Prize: 50% off the TBT program, worth N25,000

Position Most Active Group Member

Prize My Count Calorie Like A PRO Master Class + My
books, "What Should I Be Eating?" and "The
#StuckAtHome Meal Guide"., worth N15,000

Position : 2nd Most Active Group Member

Prize My Count Calorie Like A PRO Master Class + My
books , "What Should I Be Eating?", worth N11,000

Day 1

Welcome to Day 1!
Let the party begin! I expect you to follow the meal plan as designed

and attend tonight's training by 8pm, WAT.

We will be covering "How to Overcome Cravings". You'll be learning

what specific habits are actually fuelling your cravings, and my

proven strategies to reduce and overcome them.

Ensure you don't miss this class!! After class, come here to fill the

text boxes.

What habits of yours are currently fueling your cravings ?

What things will you start doing differently moving forward ?

Day 1 Checklist

To the best of your ability try to tick Done for every item on this list ,
you ll be happy you did !

Action Item Done

Drank at least 2L of water

Included vegetables in at least 2 of my meals

Shared photos of my meals for the day in the FB

Encouraged at least 1 person in the group today

Zero sugary drinks

Exercised for at least 20min today or hit 10k steps

No junk or fried foods

Attended tonight s class on overcoming cravings

Go into the FB group find the Overcoming
Cravings post and share your biggest takeaways
from the class

Complete the pink boxes in the section above

Tick through this checklist and post on the group

(So satisfying isn't it? )

You did it !!! I sure you are proud, onto day 2!

Client Success Story

Meet Anita: Full dress size down, belly gone!

My progress so far has been nothing short of ah-mazing! I

haven't gotten to my goal size yet, but I'm so excited already!

1 dress size down! 1 more to go! And it's all because of you!

It wasn't always easy, because I used to have the worst

cravings, that was always my struggle. But I've come a long

way, the cravings are so much better like I'm so impressed

with myself

Thanks a lot Odun, You are truly blessed!

The Total Body Transformation Program!

Day 2

Welcome to Day 2!
How are feeling after Day 1?

I hope you are still feeling pumped and excited? How did you do

yesterday ? However well or not so well, let's make today even

better Remember it's NOT about perfection or comparing yourself to

anyone else it's about continually improving your own performance.

' ,
Let s make it happen shall we ?

Tonight s training by 8pm WAT, covers the 3 Most Common
Mistakes You Must Avoid for Long-Lasting Weight Loss, don't miss it!

And after class come here to fill the text box below .

Which of the 3 mistakes are you making, give examples

How will you avoid these mistakes moving forward?

Day 2 Checklist
To the best of your ability try to tick Done for every item on this list ,
you ll be happy you did !

Action Item Done

Drank at least 2L of water

Included vegetables in at least 2 of my meals

Shared photos of my meals for the day in the FB

Encouraged at least 1 person in the group today

Zero sugary drinks

Exercised for at least 20min today or hit 10k steps

No junk or fried foods

Attended tonight s class on overcoming cravings

Go into the FB group find the Long Lasting -
weight loss post and share your biggest
takeaways from the class

Complete the pink boxes in the section above

Sleep for at least 7hrs (previous night)

Tick through this checklist and post on the group

(The sweet sweet feeling of satisfaction )

You are badass !!! Day 3, here we come!

Client Success Story

Meet Olamide Look at that waist !

6 weeks!
See me looking pregnant in my before picture I .
can t believe the difference 6 weeks has made.

And for the first time I really feel like I can do this .
Like I can make this work long term .

The Total Body Transformation Program !

Day 3

Welcome to Day 3!
It s Day 3 baby!

I hope the past 2 days have had you feeling a typa way...and you are
learning a thing two.

' '
Let s keep this train moving by attending today s class on Why Your

! '
Body Might Not be Burning Fat I ll be helping you uncover some of

the reasons you might be struggling to lose weight or record results .

, ,
As usual after class ensure you come here to fill the text box below .

Which of the reasons are you guilty of?

What things will you start doing differently moving forward?

Day 3 Checklist
To the best of your ability try to tick Done for every item on this list ,
you ll be happy you did !

Action Item Done

Drank at least 2L of water

Included vegetables in at least 2 of my meals

Shared photos of my meals for the day in the FB

Encouraged at least 1 person in the group today

Zero sugary drinks

Exercised for at least 20min today or hit 10k steps

No junk or fried foods

Attended tonight s class on overcoming cravings

Go into the FB group find the Why You Are Not
Burning Fat post and share your biggest
takeaways from the class

Complete the pink boxes in the section above

Sleep for at least 7hrs (previous night)

Tick through this checklist and post on the group

Oooh, and another bites the dust...

You are badass !!! Day 3, here we come!

Client Success Story

7 weeks: Belly snatched skin glowing!

These shorts! The day I fit into them ehn,

everybody knew. See me putting belt sef,

everything fit perfectly.

Odun, it is God that just said I should stumble on

your page, I can t believe we did this despite all we

were eating. God bless you!

The Total Body Transformation Program !

Day 4

Welcome to Day 4!
Just like that you ve completed 3 whole days!

, ! !
Biko clap for yourself you have try LOL I truly hope you are

beginning to feel your body thank you for the changes you are

making .

More energy better mood feeling lighter , ....what else? I wanna know,
tell me in the group !

Ensure you don t miss tonight s class by ' 8pm WAT, on What Carbs
! '
are Best for Weight Loss Tonight s class is going to be different

because I have a special announcement to make See you there ! !

Don t forget to come here to fill the text boxes below .

What factors determine which carbs to choose ?

, ,
Moving forward how will you consume your carbs and which ones

will you like to include in your diet moving forward?

Day 4 Checklist
To the best of your ability try to tick Done for every item on this list ,
you ll be happy you did !

Action Item Done

Drank at least 2L of water

Included vegetables in at least 2 of my meals

Shared photos of my meals for the day in the FB

Encouraged at least 1 person in the group today

Zero sugary drinks

Exercised for at least 20min today or hit 10k steps

No junk or fried foods

Attended tonight s class on overcoming cravings

Sign up for the Total Bod Transformation

Program and secure your discounts and bonuses !

Complete the pink boxes in the section above

Sleep for at least 7hrs (previous night)

Tick through this checklist and post on the group

Oooh, and another bites the dust...

Biko you are too much Day ! 5, leggo!

Client Testimonials

Get 15% off till Mon, Aug 30th

, "
Also get my Count Calories Like a PRO"
Masterclass for FREE when you pay for the 3
months in full

The Total Body Transformation Program !

Day 5

Welcome to Day 5!
And it's here!

The last day f this challenge but by no means the end of your

. '
journey If you d like us to keep this going if you'd like to keep this

progress train moving, ensure you join the Total Body

Transformation (TBT) program if you have not already !

Tonight's class is a hot-button topic, Belly Fat! I don t need to tell you

' !
this is a class you shouldn t miss See you 8pm sharp WAT.

, ,
After class you already know what to do come here to fill the text

boxes below .
What is the most important factor in losing belly fat? What things

should you pay less attention to?

Considering everything you know now, what steps will you start

taking to get results?

Day 5 Checklist
To the best of your ability try to tick Done for every item on this list ,
you ll be happy you did !

Action Item Done

Drank at least 2L of water

Included vegetables in at least 2 of my meals

Shared photos of my meals for the day in the FB

Encouraged at least 1 person in the group today

Zero sugary drinks

Exercised for at least 20min today or hit 10k steps

No junk or fried foods

Attended tonight s class on overcoming cravings

Sign up for the Total Bod Transformation

Program and secure your discounts and bonuses !

Complete the pink boxes in the section above

Sleep for at least 7hrs (previous night)

Tick through this checklist and post on the group

Oooh, the smell of sweet sweet success...

I can't wait for your results tomorrow!!!

TBT Testimonials ...

Get 15% off till Mon, Aug 30th

, "
Also get my Count Calories Like a PRO "
Masterclass for FREE when you pay for the 3
months in full

( )
Total Body Transformation TBT Program !

Gosh! I couldn't be more proud of the discipline, effort, and

determination it took to complete this challenge.

On this awesome Saturday morning, before you eat or drink

anything, take your new weight, measurements, and photos. Put

them side-by-side and share on the group.

Also, share every way you've made progress, in your energy levels,

how you feel, your cravings, and any other way you've experienced


Saturday Aug , 28th

It's Prize Giving Day!!!

Whooop !!! In today's LIVE class holding 8pm WAT, we will be
crowning our winners of the challenge!

Who s excited ?

Please note that if you are not present during the LIVE class you will

be forfeiting your PRIZE if you happen to be the winner so ensure

! ,
you are there If you would not be available for the class please send

an email to odunayo @optimumfoodie.com to let us know why.

, '
Besides announcing our winners we ll be having a Question and

Answer marathon You can ask me any questions you have

regarding your fitness journey as well as about the Total Body

Transformation Program .

Remember the DISCOUNTS and BONUSES disappear

Mon Aug 30th! Reg closes Fri, Sep 3rd and we kick off Mon,
Sep 6

See you in class !

Grab your
your discount
discount and
and bonuses
bonuses by
by clicking


PERMANENT transformations waiting for

you inside the TBT Program !

Grab your
your discount
discount and
and bonuses
bonuses by
by clicking


Grab your
your discount
discount and
and Ends

bonuses by
by clicking
clicking here
here Mon ,
Mon Aug
Aug 30!


Get one of these when you pay 3 mo in full by
Mon Aug 30th
Count Calories Master Class - N7,500

15min one-on-one with me - N15,000

TOTAL VALUE of TBT N : 350,000

Regular PRICE - N45,000/3mo

, 30
Till Mon Aug
: N39k/ 3mo (1 time payment)
15% off!


If you are unable to pay in full you can still join us on a

, '
monthly basis but note you won t be getting the pay

in full bonus

Regular PRICE - N20,000/mo

, 30
Till Mon Aug
: N17k/ 3mo (1 time payment)
15% off!

Have questions ? Click HERE to chat

on WhatsApp
See you inside....

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