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Himamaylan City, Negros Occidental



An Undergraduate Thesis

Presented to

The Committee on Research

West Visayas State University

Himamaylan City Campus

In partial fulfillment

Of the Requirements for the Degree

Bachelor of Secondary Education

(Social Studies major)


Justine Bañares

Apple John Huelar

Jestier Jake Palangga

Rosalie S. Sabanal

September, 2021
Himamaylan City, Negros Occidental

Chapter I

The Problem

This chapter is consisting of five parts: (1) Background of the study, (2) Statement of

the Problem, (3) Definition of Terms, (4) Significance of the Study (5) Scope and Delimitation of

the Study.

The Part One, Background of the study, presents the introduction of the study and its


The Part Two, Statement of the problem, states the purpose of the problem to be


The Part Three, Definition of terms, presents the definition of the terms used in the

study conceptually and operationally.

The Part Four, Significance of the study, states the contributions of the study to that

person who will benefit its result.

The Part Five, Scope and Delimitation of the Study, presents the scope and coverage of

the study.

Background of the study

The COVID-19 pandemic has caused an enormous disruption to many facets of life.

Throughout the world, limitations on social interaction have been enforced, leading to a

fundamental shift in the way workplaces, social services, healthcare and education are provided

and conducted. Disturbingly, these changes have occurred rapidly in many countries, with an
Himamaylan City, Negros Occidental

overwhelming number of reactive policies, draconian restrictions, and daily changes in lockdown

measures (D'Auria and De Smet, 2020). In response to the unprecedented health crisis gripping

the world and the associated restrictions, many universities have been faced with the difficult

decision on whether to shut down and suspend teaching, or to rapidly adapt their approach to

learning through online course delivery and streaming (Anderton et al., 2021). As education and

teaching have shifted to a grossly digital medium, so too has assessment. Both formal

assessment and students' self-assessment form a crucial part of the teaching and learning

process, providing a marker for successful attainment of necessary knowledge and allowing

students to develop their learning strategies (Colthorpe et al., 2018).

In conjunction with government agencies, the Philippine Department of Education

(DepEd) and the Commission on Higher Education (CHED) are constantly trying to improve the

online basic education system in the Philippines by learning from the successes of the 2020-

2021 school year and by investing in internet infrastructure across the country. In fact, online

basic education in the Philippines is fast becoming a world-class system through a continuous

process of improvement (Frami, 2021). The online teacher must use technology to enhance the

course content. By utilizing the positive aspects of technology, the online teacher can provide a

quality educational learning experience. An effective online pedagogy is one that emphasizes

student-centered learning and employs active learning activities. Interactivity, faculty, and

student presence are essential in an effective online learning environment(O’Neil et al., p. 21).

However, despite the positive pedagogical approach to continue education amidst the

pandemic, there are significant issues and problems existing with the fast-tracked development

of new forms of online instruction and assessment especially in Social Studies. Some of the
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most common problems and issues with online instruction can be classified into three (3)

categories: course content, interaction, and assessment. With the immediate transition from

face-to-face learning to online distance learning, teachers face a challenge in quickly adopting

and mastering online mediums, as well as applying best online learning pedagogical practices

and assessment.

Furthermore, for the Social Studies undergraduates of WVSU-HCC, the accelerated

transition to online mode of teaching and learning faces a lot of issues and problems, which

makes it a challenge not just for the teachers as well as for the students. In light of this, it is

the hearth of this research to determine the level of satisfaction of the Social Studies

undergraduates on the online learning pedagogical practices at West Visayas State University-

Himamaylan City Campus.

Statement of the Problem

The study aims to determine online pedagogy on assessment for undergraduate Social

Studies amid the COVID-19 pandemic.

Specifically, it sought to answer the following questions:

1. What is the profile of Social Studies undergraduates in terms of:

1.1 age;

1.2 gender; and

1.3 year level?

2. What is the level of satisfaction of the participants in the online learning pedagogical

practices in terms of:

2.1 course content;

Himamaylan City, Negros Occidental

2.2 interaction; and

2.3 assessment?

Definition of Terms

For clarity and better understanding of the terms used in the study, the following terms

were defined conceptually and operationally.

Assessment. Refers to the wide variety of methods or tools that educators use to

evaluate, measure, and document the academic readiness, learning progress, skill acquisition,

or educational needs of students (Glossary of Education Reform, 2014).

In this study, it refers to the different types of tests or task given by the

instructor to measure, assess and evaluate the academic and performance of the Social

Studies undergraduates.

Course content. Any informational material that is required for participation or

understanding content such as assigned readings, video recordings, exams, and any other

material needed for learning (Berkeley Accessible Course Content, 2021).

In this study, it refers to the lessons and learning activities delivered online and

through printed modules by the course instructors to the learners.

COVID-19. is a respiratory condition caused by a coronavirus (WenMD, 2021).

In this study, it refers to a novel virus that halts the natural lifestyle of the world.

Interaction. an occasion when two or more people or things communicate with or react

to each other (Cambridge Dictionary, 2021).

Himamaylan City, Negros Occidental

In this study, this is the exchanging of the concepts and ideas between teachers

to students, and students to students through meaningful online discussion.

Online Pedagogy. A teaching philosophy, approach or strategy that facilitates and

enables the delivery of online education in an online learning environment using technology and

digital mediums of communication (IGI Global, 2021).

In this study, the term refers to the online methods and best practices for teaching

Social Studies course online.

Pandemic. a disease that exists in almost all of an area or in almost all of a group of

people, animals or plants (Cambridge Dictionary, 2021).

In this study, it refers to the recent COVID-19 outbreak that greatly affects the different

aspects of life like in natural economic activity and pedagogical processes.

In this study, it refers to the learning process by which the instructional a

Undergraduate. A college or university student who has not yet received a

bachelor's or similar degree (The Free Dictionary, 2021).

In this study, it refers to the Social Studies students of WVSU-HCC who are not yet

received their bachelors degree.

WVSU-HCC. Conceptually, it stands for West Visayas State University- Himamaylan City


Operationally, this term stands for West Visayas State University-Extension Campus at

Himamaylan City.
Himamaylan City, Negros Occidental

Significance of the Study

The result of this study hoped to be of significant to the following:

School Administrator. The result of this study may serve as the basis for school

administrators to be aware of the perception of the Social Studies Undergraduates on the online

learning pedagogical practices and assessment.

Teachers. The result of this study will provide them an idea of the satisfaction of the

Undergraduate Social Studies in Online Learning pedagogical practices.

Researchers. This study will give the researcher an understanding as to what are the

level of satisfaction on the online learning pedagogical practices especially in Social Studies.

Future Researcher. The result of this study can be a basis as well as a guide in future

researchers that is objectively related to this study.

Scope and Delimitations of the Study

This descriptive-survey study aims to determine the profile and the level of satisfaction

of Social Studies Undergraduates of West Visayas State University- Himamaylan City Campus

with the online learning pedagogical practices in terms of: Course content; interaction; and

assessment. The researchers will utilize a researchers-made questionnaire to determine the

respondent’ response towards the objectives of the study. This study will use electronic survey
Himamaylan City, Negros Occidental

questionnaire in Google Forms. The respondents in this research study is only limited to the

Undergraduates of Social Studies of WVSU-HCC. There will be 20 participants from each year

level, for a total of 80 participants. This study will use convenience sampling in determining the

respondents of the study. This study will use Frequency Count, Percentage Distribution and

Likert in analyzing the data gathered. This study will be conducted in WVSU-HCC on the

Academic Year 2021-2022.

Himamaylan City, Negros Occidental

Chapter 2

Review of Related Literature

Conceptual Literature

The blended online learning strategy is deemed to be the most practical method to

adapt as this combines the advantages of synchronous and asynchronous strategies. The main

motivation in choosing the blended strategy is to increase the student’s participation in their

own learning process rather than quietly sitting during a synchronous discussion. The basis of

this approach is the cognitive load theory, on the basis that novice learners are immediately

overwhelmed by a large amount of new ideas and terminologies, and resort to surface learning

(Darabi & Jin, 2013, Seery & Donnelly, 2012, Seery, 2013).This type of active learning

pedagogy is called “flipped classroom” approach (Bergann and Sams, 2012, Olakonmi, 2017).

In this learning approach, traditional lecture and homework are replaced by pre-class activities,

such as viewing short, pre-recorded lecture videos. The class time is devoted to further

reinforce the topics through problem solving examples, interactive activities and detailed

discussions (Pienta, 2016, Rau et al., 2017). However, the synchronous online class sessions

(called the “virtual classroom”) replaced the traditional face-to-face class for engaging the

students with activities and guided problem-solving discussions in the traditional flipped

Himamaylan City, Negros Occidental

According to Dayagbil, et. Al (2021, on Teaching and Learning Continuity Amid and

Beyond the Pandemic, the learner’s engagement in the teaching-learning process needs to be

taken into consideration in the content of flexibility. This is about the design and development

of productive learning experiences so that each learner is exposed to most of the learning

opportunities. Considering that face-to-face modality is not feasible during the pandemic,

teachers may consider flexible distant learning options like correspondence teaching, module-

based learning, project-based, and television broadcast. For learners with internet connectivity,

computer-assisted instruction, synchronous online learning, asynchronous online learning,

collaborative e-learning may be considered.

Related Studies

Based on Lapitan, et. al (2021), An Online and Learning Strategy During the covid 19

pandemic , DCPLA is the most satisfactory strategy. The shift to distance teaching and learning

during the COVID-19 pandemic brought about a real challenge for both instructors and

students. To face these difficulties in teaching undergraduate Chemistry courses at the

University of Santo Tomas, a blended learning strategy in the context of teaching and learning

of Physical Chemistry 1 and Analytical Chemistry for Chemical Engineering students were

employed. they present an online strategy that facilitated the transition from traditional face-to-

face learning to full online instruction. This is a five-component blended learning strategy

referred to as Discover, Learn, Practice, Collaborate and Assess (DLPCA). In DLPCA, the

asynchronous part of the teaching was achieved through broadcast of pre-recorded lecture

videos on YouTube to allow students to study and progress with learning at their own pace.

The synchronous part of the teaching was conducted using video conferencing platforms, such
Himamaylan City, Negros Occidental

as Zoom or Google Meet. The DLPCA strategy was presented and discussed to the students

prior to its implementation. The analysis of the teaching and learning experience based on three

indicators (i) student’s learning experience, (ii) student’s academic performance and (iii)

instructor observations showed that DLPCA had a positive impact on students and instructors.

The identified challenges were stability of internet connection and instructor’s familiarity with

readily available internet-based teaching tools, such as video conferencing software. Instructors

must also find means to improve their interaction with students and maintain student interest

and engagement during online classes. The strategy is considered a manageable and effective

alternative that can be adapted to full online instruction to other undergraduate Chemistry

lecture courses.

According to Dhawan, (2020), Online Learning: A Panacea in the time of COVID-19

Crisis, traditional pedagogical approach had no option but to shift entirely to online teaching-

learning. Educational institutions (schools, colleges, and universities) in India are currently

based only on traditional methods of learning, that is, they follow the traditional set up of face-

to-face lectures in a classroom. Although many academic units have also started blended

learning, still a lot of them are stuck with old procedures. The sudden outbreak of a deadly

disease called Covid-19 caused by a Corona Virus (SARS-CoV-2) shook the entire world. The

World Health Organization declared it as a pandemic. This situation challenged the education

system across the world and forced educators to shift to an online mode of teaching overnight.

Many academic institutions that were earlier reluctant to change their traditional pedagogical

approach had no option but to shift entirely to online teaching–learning. The article includes the

importance of online learning and Strengths, Weaknesses, Opportunities, & Challenges (SWOC)

analysis of e-learning modes in the time of crisis. This article also put some light on the growth
Himamaylan City, Negros Occidental

of EdTech Start-ups during the time of pandemic and natural disasters and includes suggestions

for academic institutions of how to deal with challenges associated with online learning.

Several arguments are associated with e-learning. Accessibility, affordability, flexibility,

learning pedagogy, life-long learning, and policy are some of the arguments related to online

pedagogy. It is said that online mode of learning is easily accessible and can even reach to rural

and remote areas. It is considered to be a relatively cheaper mode of education in terms of the

lower cost of transportation, accommodation, and the overall cost of institution-based learning.

Flexibility is another interesting aspect of online learning; a learner can schedule or plan their

time for completion of courses available online. Combining face-to-face lectures with technology

gives rise to blended learning and flipped classrooms; this type of learning environment can

increase the learning potential of the students. Students can learn anytime and anywhere,

thereby developing new skills in the process leading to life-long learning. The government also

recognizes the increasing importance of online learning in this dynamic world.

 “Most of the terms (online learning, open learning, web-based learning, computer-

mediated learning, blended learning, m-learning, for ex.) have in common the ability to use a

computer connected to a network, that offers the possibility to learn from anywhere, anytime,

in any rhythm, with any means” (Cojocariu et al., 2014).Online learning can be termed as a tool

that can make the teaching–learning process more student-centered, more innovative, and

even more flexible. Online learning is defined as “learning experiences in synchronous or

asynchronous environments using different devices (e.g., mobile phones, laptops, etc.) with

internet access. In these environments, students can be anywhere (independent) to learn and

interact with instructors and other students” (Singh & Thurman, 2019). The synchronous
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learning environment is structured in the sense that students attend live lectures, there are

real-time interactions between educators and learners, and there is a possibility of instant

feedback, whereas asynchronous learning environments are not properly structured. In such a

learning environment, learning content is not available in the form of live lectures or classes; it

is available at different learning systems and forums. Instant feedback and immediate response

are not possible under such an environment (Littlefield, 2018).

Resistance to change will not help any educational unit across the world. They will be

judged on their pace to adapt to the changes in such a short period and their ability to maintain

the quality. The reputation of educational units is on stake and under scrutiny. How well they

behave and how well they maintain their quality of education amidst this crisis shows their

adapting capabilities. The shift from face-to-face lectures to online classes is the only possible

solution. Indeed, academic institutions would not be able to transform all of their college

curricula into and online resource overnight. Distance, scale, and personalized teaching and

learning are the three biggest challenges for online teaching. Innovative solutions by institutions

can only help us deal with this pandemic (Liguori & Winkler, 2020). There is a requirement of a

quick shift to online learning mode; therefore, the products by Google can be really useful

under such problematic situations; they are (a) Gmail, (b) Google Forms, (c) Calendars, (d) G-

Drive, (e) Google Hangouts, (f) Google Jam board and Drawings, (g) Google Classroom, and (h)

Open Board Software (not a Google product, helps in recording meetings in the form of files).

These tools can successfully be used as an alternative for face-to-face classes (Basilaia et al.,

Himamaylan City, Negros Occidental

With minimal notice, face-to-face classes were forced to move to online formats in

schools and universities across the country due to COVID-19. Online education experts Dr.

Christine Mark and Dr. Jere Liu  (2020) offer best practices and tips for instructors to make their

online courses more successful. Mark, an instructional associate professor in the Department of

Educational Administration and Human Resource Development, specializes in online learning.

Mark outlines the biggest challenges in online courses as providing a quality experience for

learners, ensuring the learners are the ones actually doing the work, and learning all of the

various technologies necessary, such as screen capture and video creation. To provide a

meaningful, quality experience for learners Mark said learners must be engaged in the course

by interacting with content, peers and the instructor. She recommends designing the course to

maximize these interactions by using instructor video and synchronous group activities. Lui is an

instructional design specialist for the Department of Educational Administration and Human

Resource Development. He encourages instructors that are unfamiliar with online teaching to

reach out to their instructional design specialists because they are experts in creating successful

online learning environments. Typically, online courses take place on Learning Management

System, like Blackboard or Google Classroom. The delivery of an online class in an LMS can be

synchronous or asynchronous. Synchronous means students and the instructor are online at the

same time from different locations using the same communication tool, such as Zoom or Google

Hangouts. Asynchronous allows students to have access to course materials at any time.

Successful online courses combine synchronous and asynchronous teaching methods.

The disruption of COVID-19 in the educational system is of great magnitude that

universities have to cope with at the soonest possible time. The call is for higher education

institutions to develop a resilient learning system using evidence-based and needs-based

Himamaylan City, Negros Occidental

information so that responsive and proactive measures can be instituted. Coping with the

effects of COVID-19 in higher education institutions demands a variety of perspectives among

stakeholders. Consultation needs to include the administration who supports the teaching-

learning processes, the students who are the core of the system, the faculty members or

teachers who perform various academic roles, parents, and guardians who share the

responsibility of learning continuity, the community, and the external partners who contribute to

the completion of the educational requirements of the students. These complicated identities

show that an institution of higher learning has a large number of stakeholders (Illanes et al.,

2020; Smalley, 2020). In the context of the pandemic, universities have to start understanding

and identifying medium-term and long-term implications of this phenomenon on teaching,

learning, student experience, infrastructure, operation, and staff. Scenario analysis and

understanding of the context of each university are necessary to the current challenges they

are confronted with (Frankki et al., 2020). Universities have to be resilient in times of crisis.

Resiliency in the educational system is the ability to overcome challenges of all kinds–trauma,

tragedy, crises, and bounce back stronger, wiser, and more personally powerful (Henderson,

2012). The educational system must prepare to develop plans to move forward and address the

new normal after the crisis. To be resilient, higher education needs to address teaching and

learning continuity amid and beyond the pandemic.

Assessment of student learning outcomes is very important. A concern on how to assess

learning outcomes and how to answer assessment tasks emerged as a major concern as

reflected in the narratives of the teacher and student respondents. The assessment measures

are essential as an assurance that learners have attained various knowledge and skills and that

they are ready for employment or further study (Coates, 2015). There is a need to address the
Himamaylan City, Negros Occidental

teachers’ concern on how to conduct off-classroom performance evaluation and the bulk of

submissions that they have to evaluate which are submitted online or offline. The design and

planning are important factors to consider not only in the assessment per se but also in the

parameters on how students will be graded (Osborn, 2015)

Considering the limitation on connectivity, the concept of flexible learning emerged as

an option for online learning especially in higher institutions in the Philippines. Flexible learning

focuses on giving students choice in the pace, place, and mode of students’ learning which can

be promoted through appropriate pedagogical practice (Gordon, 2014). The learners are

provided with the option on how he/she will continue with his/her studies, where and when

he/she can proceed, and in what ways can the learners comply with the requirements and show

evidences of learning outcomes. Flexible learning and teaching span a multitude of approaches

that can meet the varied needs of diverse learners. These include “independence in terms of

time and location of learning, and the availability of some degree of choice in the curriculum

(including content, learning strategies, and assessment) and the use of contemporary

information and communication technologies to support a range of learning strategies”

(Alexander, 2010).

A flexible curriculum design should be learner-centered; take into account the

demographic profile and circumstances of learners–such as access to technology, technological

literacies, different learning styles and capabilities, different knowledge backgrounds and

experiences - and ensure varied and flexible forms of assessment (Ryan and Tilbury,

2013; Gachago et al., 2018).

Himamaylan City, Negros Occidental

Chapter 3

Research Design

This chapter consist of (1) Research Design, (2) Respondents of the Study, (3)

Instrument used, (4) Data gathering Procedure, and (5) Data analysis Procedure.

Part One, Methodology, introduces appropriate research design and methods used in the


Part Two, Respondents of the study, determines how the size of the population as

samples of the study was determined.

Part Three, Instruments, discusses the questionnaire used in gathering and collecting

data from the respondents of the study.

Part Four, Data gathering procedure, provides a step-by-step process in gathering data

and conducting the study.

Himamaylan City, Negros Occidental

Part Five, data analysis procedure, and guides researchers to select appropriate

statistical tools to be employed the data gathered.

Research Design

This study will use Quantitative Research Design. The descriptive survey research

method will be utilized in this study. In survey method research, participants answer questions

administered through electronic survey questionnaire in Google forms.

Respondents of the Study

The respondents of the study were the Social Studies undergraduates of West Visayas

State University- Himamaylan City Campus. This study will use convenience sampling method.

There will be 20 respondents per year level with 80 total respondents.

Research Instrument

This study will use a researcher-made electronic survey-questionnaire in Google forms.

This study has two parts. Thus, the Part 1 contains the profile of the respondents and the

second part contains the open-ended questions on the level of satisfaction of Social Studies

Undergraduates on the online learning pedagogical practices in terms of course content,

interaction, and assessment.


The data gathering instrument used by the researchers will be submitted to the

validators and research adviser for corrections and suggestions. After validating the instrument,

the researcher will integrate all the corrections and suggestions made by the validators. Then,

the researchers will return the instrument back to the validators to check if all the corrections
Himamaylan City, Negros Occidental

were changed correctly before it will be given to the respondents. In order to be valid, the

questionnaire must reach or overcome the suggested level of validation.


To ensure the reliability of the instrument, the researchers will conduct a pilot testing on

the Social Studies undergraduates of WVSU-HCC. The instrument is reliable if the reliability

coefficient meets the suggested level of reliability.

Data gathering Procedure

Subsequent to securing the validity and reliability of the instrument, the researchers will

send a letter to the school administrator of WVSU-HCC asking permission to conduct the study.

After the permission is obtained, a letter will be sent to the Social Studies undergraduates in

each year level to inform them about the conduction of the study. Moreover, the validated

electronic survey-questionnaire will be sent through online mediums. The data obtained from

the survey will be properly tabulated, analyzed and using the appropriate statistical tools to

come up with the results of the study.

Data Analysis Procedure

To come up with a solution, the following statistical tool will be used: s

For problem 1, in determining the profile of the respondents in terms of age, gender,

and course, frequency count and percentage distribution will used.

For problem 2, in determining the level of satisfaction of the undergraduate Social

Studies in online learning pedagogical practices in terms of course content, interaction, and

Himamaylan City, Negros Occidental


D'Auria, G., and De Smet, A. (2020). Leadership in a Crisis: Responding to the Coronavirus

Outbreak and Future Challenges.



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