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Factors That Favored the Production of the First Industrial Revolution in the Great Britain

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Factors That Favored the Production of the First Industrial Revolution in the Great


Various factors influenced the successful occurrence of the first industrial in the Great

Britain. Such factors include agricultural revolution, supply of capital, mineral resources, the

geography of Britain, and the supply of markets. One of the major challenges that countries

undergoing industrial revolution face is supply of capital. Pollard (1964), however, states that the

case of the Great Britain was different considering the fact that it was the first country to

experience industrial revolution. Capital in the Great Britain had long been accumulated before

the year 1760, and were invested in faring, commerce, finance, and in raw materials and stocks

of already manufactured products. Pollard (1964) ascertains that the new age of industrialization

was epitomized by larger resources, which were directed to machinery, factories and/or mines.

Britain’s geography strategically placed it to serve as the foundation of industrialism.

This is basically characterized by a highly increasing population and more effective agricultural

practices and produces, which offered enough calories to satisfy the entire population.

Agricultural revolution is considered one amongst the most impactful factors that led to

industrial revolution. Markedly, agriculture for business grew so fast while sustenance farming

diminished leading to the rise of commercial enterprise on agricultural produce by 1800 (Brooks,

2020). The larger population also provided immediate labor for agricultural sector.

British was further advantageous due to the availability coal in plenty, which was

mined and turned into energy. Nonetheless, due to its toxicity and cumbersome process of

extraction from the underground, coal would only be used in rare cases during the industrial

revolution (Brooks, 2020). During the industrial revolution in Britain, the growing population

various parts of Europe offered ready market for the produces. This way, Britain was able to

manufacture more products even for outside people who visit with good will.


Brooks, C. (2020, June 15). 2.2: Geography of the Industrial Revolution. Humanities





Pollard, S. (1964). Fixed Capital in the Industrial Revolution in Britain. The Journal of Economic

History, 24(3), 299-314. Retrieved September 29, 2020, from

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