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Health Statistics
Student’s Name
Institutional Affiliation

Question One

a) Historical Application of Statistics in the field of healthcare

For instance, in the United States (U.S.), organizing, delivering and financing health care

services is a complicated procedure. The past three decades have exhibited significant growth of

statistics in healthcare, which led to the invention of better data management techniques. Since

health care in the U.S. is an irresistible economic, political, and social issue, health statistics have

quickly advanced due to unique challenges and opportunities presented for data collection,

analysis, and distribution (Rice et al., 2000). The application of health statistics covers a broad

scope comprising birth, death and fetal death statistics, termed as vital statistics. The process of

determining the dynamics of population, population growth, and changes in population

composition is done through vital statistics. Health statistics are also essential in administering

public health surveillance, collecting statistics related to health status, medical care expenses,

and health care utilization. It further records information on health users, challenges and

challenges in the health sector, among others. 

b) An example of where health statistics have significantly impacted and changed

health operations

One perfect example of a health care operation that has been impacted by the application of

health statistics is public health surveillance. In public health surveillance, data on a specific

health occurrence impacting a given population is systematically collected, analyzed, and

interpreted and later integrated (Rice et al., 2000). Surveillance is mostly concerned with

identifying individuals and groups of persons for further action of prevention and diagnosis.   

Question 2

a) Importance of a person working in health care to understand statistical


Statistics is highly essential in health care that all health care practitioners are trained to

comprehend its basics before joining their careers. Aggarwal (2018) reiterates that regarding

statistics and medicine as exclusionary is a misplaced idea. Statistics perfectly addresses the

questions and concerns that come with the variations handled by health professionals. For

instance, a breakout of a disease in a particular region shall lead to its research, which is first,

commenced at diagnosis. The results may exhibit different levels of the deficiency varying from

one person to another and how impactful it is from one individual to another. The study of the

emerging patterns in such studies is only possible through statistical methods.

Additionally, as Aggarwal (2018) noted, statistics in medicine are broad and go far

beyond research. For instance, surgical experts mostly have mastered their art and have much

information stored in their brains. Nonetheless, variances occur in discoveries where one must

record or document their procedures and findings/discoveries. Those are only but a few instances

given the broadness of the health sector. 

b) An example of how statistical data is used in your organization or specialty area

today and what you are expected to do with this information as a practitioner.

In the nursing specialty, statistics are used to enhance patient care, support evidence-

based nursing practices, and compare nursing practice options. Having learned this information, I

intend to embrace the health sector's statistical advancements, most significantly, nursing as a

specialty. This way, I shall remain conversant with ever changing patterns in health statistics and

health care hence improving my efficiency in administering care as I purpose. 



Rice, D. P., Conell, C., Weisner, C., Hunkeler, E. M., Fireman, B., & Hu, T. W. (2000). Alcohol

drinking patterns and medical care use in an HMO setting. The journal of behavioral

health services & research, 27(1), 3-16.

Aggarwal, R. (2018). Statistical literacy for healthcare professionals: Why is it important?.

Annals of cardiac anaesthesia, 21(4), 349.

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