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NCMB 210





I. Develop a 300-500-word essay on their favorite internet site answering the

questions: What, Where, When, Why and How.

My favorite internet site is Google, Google World is a generator that runs on the ‘Google” fuel. Used for a variety of
reasons and to save your arse in a variety of cases. Google is the most popular search engine of all time, and it ranks
websites in search engine results using the PageRank algorithm. On average, Google now processes over 40,000
search queries per second, equating to over 3.5 billion searches per day and 1.2 trillion searches per year around the
world. Google LLC is a multinational technology corporation based in the United States that specializes in Internet-
related services and products such as online advertisement applications, a search engine, cloud storage, applications,
and hardware. Along with Amazon, Facebook, Apple and Microsoft, it is considered one of the Top Five Technology
firms in the United States. Google’s primary aim is to provide users with the most appropriate, high-quality results
possible based on their search requests, or their wants and needs when conducting an online search. Before Google
will rate a website or company organically, It must be trusted. Larry Page and Sergey Brin launched Google on
September 1998 while both were Ph.D students at Stanford University in California. They own roughly 14% of the
company’s stock and through supervoting stock, control 56% of the stockholder voting power. I love using Google,
because it helps me a lot through giving me all the sources I needed, as a student, this is essential especially in this
time of pandemic, it’s hard to go anywhere because you’ll might have a virus. Sometimes, Google can answer a
question faster and better than other sources. Now you know that there is a lot of information behind paywalls, and
many sources that Google can’t bring to you for free, but Google is still helpful.

II. Rate the following websites based on the following criteria. Provide rationale.

INTERNET Rate (1-5: Lowest, 5 Highest)

Credibility Content Disclosure Links Design Caveats
5 5 5 5 5 5
4 5 5 5 4 5
5 5 5 5 5 5
1 1 1 1 1 1
4 5 5 5 5 5

Rationale: On my insight, the importance of this course task is to see what is the most efficient website among the five
examples. Base on my rating, Microsoft ( got the highest score and the lowest of the five websites
is Rotten ( When I review all the websites on the internet, I like Microsoft the most because it is one of
my essentials in studying, and as of now I am using Microsoft while doing this course task, and aside from that, it is the
more I’m familiar with, among all the given websites, while Rotten when I look at this site I can’t even access it, I’ve
tried many times but still can’t access this site, and I am not really familiar with that site at all. I guess they are still
lacking on their performance, example like an advertisement that can help them made their system popular. It’s not as
good as the websites we know, but then we still have space to learn more or to make things even better.

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