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The Paradox of Sexuality in the Contemporary Society

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The Paradox of Sexuality in the Contemporary Society

If, by chance, I happened to have been a text in the literature that has been in existence

since time immemorial, one of the most intriguing themes or topics that I would cover is

sexuality. In contemporary society, I refer to it as a paradox due to the diversity of opinions,

tolerance, acceptance, and perceptions conflict from communities, governments, religions, and

down to an individual based on its realities. Sexuality today exists in distinct forms

encompassing heterosexuals, homosexuals, and bisexuals. Notably, so much controversy in the

world about sexuality revolves around bisexuals, and mostly, homosexualism, commonly

regarded as gayism. A majority of people who value heterosexualism see homosexuality as an

absurdity that ought to be wiped out from the earth's face. Similarly, various religions discredit it

calling it a sin, which cannot be condoned, and so are various cultures. On the contrary, multiple

governments from across the world seem to have accepted that, just as heterosexuals, persons

who believe in homosexuality have similar rights and liberty; thus, they must coexist.

Following the literature, this contradiction does not commence today. Sexuality in the

olden societies also had similar controversies where many people of the same gender either

bedded one another, dated, or proceeding into marriage. Lotha (2018) asserts that homosexuality

has been accepted, approved, banned, and punished in various communities at various times and

ages. Citing ancient Rome and Greece as examples, Lotha (2018) emphasizes that homosexuality

was common. The relationships amid adolescent and adult males particularly have a core

emphasis on the Western classists over the recent past. Muslims and Judeo-Christians have ever

since their beginning regarded homosexuality as a sin.

On the other hand, Christians and Jewish leaders have length claimed that individuals are only

answerable to their actions, and as such, their faith proscribes to own inclinations (Lotha, 2018).

Individuals who subscribe to other denominations like Protestantism and Organizations of

Reform Rabbis have more than often advocated, both theologically and socially, to accept

homosexuals in society. These contradictions have threatened to bring about outright schism to

various denominations.

In contemporary society, however, homosexuals tend to have found freedom as opposed to

past times. This has been possible through the emergence of political activists who have created

movements like the gay rights movements that advocate for societal acceptance of homosexuals.

Nonetheless, there still exist conflicting sentiments on homosexuality as an irregular but

common human sexual behavior, and on the other hand, a psychologically abnormal behavior.

As such, governments can legalize homosexual behaviors allowing them to move publicly,

socialize, work, and do much more just like heterosexuals. Nonetheless, the larger public has not

yet admitted that homosexuality can be allowed, which leaves homosexuals in danger.

Personally, my beliefs are adversely affected since I do not subscribe to the homosexual

ways of life. Like the larger public, I do not find it ethical enough to accept homosexuality in a

society where our kids have to grow and develop future generations. Despite the absurdity

abnormality, homosexuals are human, too, and cannot be mistreated for their control. They have

to coexist with heterosexuals despite the dangling little approval that they find.


Lotha, G. (2018). Homosexuality | Meaning, history, & facts. Encyclopedia Britannica.

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