Puzzle-Part 1 Radhey Ki Reasoning

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Puzzle- Part 1

Radhey Ki Reasoning
Direction (1-5): Study the following information carefully and answer
the questions given below:
There are eight persons A, B, C, D, E, F, G and H living on an eight-floor
building (Ground floor is numbered 1 and topmost floor is number 8.) but
not necessary in the same order. D lives on an odd number floor below 6th
floor. There are two persons live between D and C. G lives on one of the odd
number floors but not on the bottom floor. There is one person living
between C and A who lives just below E. The total number of persons living
between F and B is same as the total number of persons living between F
and A. B lives on the floor below F.

आठ मंजिल की इमारत पर आठ व्यजतत A, B, C, D, E, F, G और H रहते हैं (ग्राउं ड

फ्लोर 1 नंबर है और सबसे ऊपरी मंजिल नंबर 8 है ।) लेककन उसी क्रम में हो आवश्यक
नहीं है ।D, 6 वीं मंजिल से नीचे ववषम संख्या वाली मंजिल पर रहता है ।D और C के
बीच दो व्यजतत रहते हैं।G ववषम संख्या वाली मंजिलों में से एक पर रहता है लेककन
नीचे की मंजिल पर नहीं। C और A के बीच एक व्यजतत रहता है िो E के ठीक नीचे
रहता है । F और B के बीच रहने वाले व्यजततयों की कुल संख्या F और A के बीच रहने
वाले व्यजततयों की कुल संख्या के समान है ।
B, F के नीचे वाले मंजिल पर रहता है ।
Direction (1-5): Study the following information
carefully and answer the questions given below:

There are eight persons A, B, C, D, E, F, G and H

living on an eight-floor building (Ground floor is
numbered 1 and topmost floor is number 8.) but
not necessary in the same order. D lives on an odd
number floor below 6th floor. There are two
persons live between D and C. G lives on one of
the odd number floors but not on the bottom
floor. There is one person living between C and A
who lives just below E. The total number of
persons living between F and B is same as the
total number of persons living between F and A. B
lives on the floor below F.
In an apartment, 8 persons i.e. D, E, F, G, H, I, J and K live on different floors of 8 storey-building but not
necessarily in the same order. The lowermost floor of the building is numbered 1 and the topmost floor
of the building is numbered 8. They are of different stream of engineering i.e. Chemical engineering,
Instrumentation Engineering, Software engineering, Aeronautical Engineering, Mechanical Engineering,
Electrical Engineering, Automobile Engineering, and Civil Engineering.
The one who lives on fourth floor is specialized in Mechanical engineering. D lives on odd numbered floor
but above 3rd floor. The number of person between D and Electrical engineering specialized person is
same as number of person between D and I. The one who is specialized in Instrumentation Engineering
lives on lower most floor. K lives on an even numbered floor and he is specialized in Automobile
engineering. There are two floors between E and H and E lives above to H. E is specialized in Aeronautical
Engineering. J lives just above the one who is specialized in Aeronautical Engineering. The number of
floors between the one who is specialized in Aeronautical Engineering and Mechanical Engineering is two.
The one who is specialized in Civil Engineering lives on odd numbered floor. The number of floors
between the one who is specialized in Chemical engineering and J is four. The one who is specialized in
Aeronautical engineering lives on odd numbered floor. The number of floors between the one who is
specialized in Civil engineering and the floor on which F lives is same as the number of floors between F
and G. I lives below the floor on which D lives. The one who is specialized in Electrical does not live on the
second floor.
Direction(6-10): एक अपार्ट मेंर् में, 8 व्यक्ति यानी D, E, F, G, H, I, J और K 8 मंक्िलों के विभिन्न मंक्िलों पर
रहिे हैं, लेककन िरूरी नहीं कक एक ही क्रम में हों।इमारि की सबसे ननचली मंक्िल की संख्या 1 है और इमारि
की सबसे ऊपरी मंक्िल की संख्या 8 है ।
िे इंिीननयररंग यानी केभमकल इंिीननयररंग, इंस्ट्रूमेंर्ेशन इंिीननयररंग, सॉफ्र्िेयर इंिीननयररंग,
एयरोनॉटर्कल इंिीननयररंग, मैकेननकल इंिीननयररंग, इलेक्तिकल इंिीननयररंग, ऑर्ोमोबाइल इंिीननयररंग,
और भसविल इंिीननयररंग की विभिन्न स्ट्रिीम के हैं। िो चौथी मंक्िल पर रहिा है िह मैकेननकल इंिीननयररंग
में विशेषज्ञिा प्राप्ि है ।
D विषम संख्या िाली मंक्िल पर रहिा है , लेककन िीसरी मंक्िल से ऊपर है ।D और इलेक्तिकल इंिीननयररंग
के बीच व्यक्ति की संख्या D और I के बीच की संख्या के समान है । िो इंस्ट्रूमेंर्ेशन इंिीननयररंग में विभशष्र् है ,
िह सबसे ननचले मंक्िल पर रहिा है ।K एक सम संख्या िाली मंक्िल पर रहिा है और िह ऑर्ोमोबाइल
इंिीननयररंग में विभशष्र् है । E और H के बीच दो मंक्िल हैं और E, H के ऊपर रहिा है E, एरोनॉटर्कल
इंिीननयररंग में विशेषज्ञिा प्राप्ि है ।J, एरोनॉटर्कल इंिीननयररंग में विशेषज्ञिा िाले व्यक्ति के ठीक ऊपर
रहिा है ।एरोनॉटर्कल इंिीननयररंग और मैकेननकल इंिीननयररंग में विशेषज्ञिा िाले व्यक्ति के बीच फशट की
संख्या दो है ।भसविल इंिीननयररंग में विशेषज्ञिा प्राप्ि व्यक्ति विषम संख्या िाली मंक्िल पर रहिा है ।केभमकल
इंिीननयररंग में विशेषज्ञिा प्राप्ि व्यक्ति और J के चार मंक्िल है । िो एरोनॉटर्कल इंिीननयररंग में
विशेषज्ञिा प्राप्ि है िह विषम संख्या िाली मंक्िल पर रहिा है ।भसविल इंिीननयररंग में विशेषज्ञिा प्राप्ि
व्यक्ति के बीच मंक्िल की संख्या और क्िस मंक्िल पर एफ रहिा है िह F और G के बीच की मंक्िलों की
संख्या के समान है । I उस मंक्िल से नीचे रहिा है क्िस पर D रहिा है । िो इलेक्तिकल में विशेषज्ञिा प्राप्ि है ,
िह दस ू री मंक्िल पर नहीं रहिा है ।
Direction(6-10): In an apartment, 8 persons i.e. D, E, F, G, H, I, J and K live on
different floors of 8 storey-building but not necessarily in the same order. The
lowermost floor of the building is numbered 1 and the topmost floor of the
building is numbered 8. They are of different stream of engineering i.e. Chemical
engineering, Instrumentation Engineering, Software engineering, Aeronautical
Engineering, Mechanical Engineering, Electrical Engineering, Automobile
Engineering, and Civil Engineering.
The one who lives on fourth floor is specialized in Mechanical engineering. D
lives on odd numbered floor but above 3rd floor. The number of person between
D and Electrical engineering specialized person is same as number of person
between D and I. The one who is specialized in Instrumentation Engineering lives
on lower most floor. K lives on an even numbered floor and he is specialized in
Automobile engineering. There are two floors between E and H and E lives above
to H. E is specialized in Aeronautical Engineering. J lives just above the one who
is specialized in Aeronautical Engineering. The number of floors between the one
who is specialized in Aeronautical Engineering and Mechanical Engineering is
two. The one who is specialized in Civil Engineering lives on odd numbered floor.
The number of floors between the one who is specialized in Chemical
engineering and J is four. The one who is specialized in Aeronautical engineering
lives on odd numbered floor. The number of floors between the one who is
specialized in Civil engineering and the floor on which F lives is same as the
number of floors between F and G. I lives below the floor on which D lives. The
one who is specialized in Electrical does not live on the second floor.
Direction: Study the following information carefully and answer the questions given below:

Ten persons A, B, C, D, E, P, Q, R, S and T are living in a five-story building such as ground floor is numbered as
1, above it is floor 2 then top floor is numbered as 5. Each of the floors has 2 flats in it viz. flat-1 and flat-2.
Flat-1 of floor-2 is immediately above flat-1 of floor-1 and immediately below flat-1 of floor-3 and so on. In
the same way flat-2 of floor-2 is immediately above flat-2 of floor-1 and immediately below flat-2 of floor-3
and so on. Flat-1 is in west of flat-2.There is only one floor gap between P and B in the same flat number.
There are two floors gap between S and A in the same flat number. S and B lives on the same floor. S does not
live in an odd numbered floor. R lives immediately above Q in the same flat number. C and E live on the same
floor. T lives on one of the floor above E and in the same flat number. D lives in one of the floor above T but in
flat number 2.
दस व्यजतत A, B, C, D, E, P, Q, R, S और T एक पांच मंजिला इमारत में रह रहे हैं िैसे कक ग्राउं ड फ्लोर 1 नंबर पर है , इसके
ऊपर फ्लोर 2 है तो टॉप फ्लोर 5 नंबर पर है । ।प्रत्येक मंजिल में 2 फ्लैट हैं। फ्लैट -1 और फ्लैट -2।
फ्लोर -2 का फ्लैट -1, फर्श -1 के फ्लैट -1 के ठीक ऊपर और फ्लोर -3 के फ्लैट -1 के ठीक नीचे है ।
इसी तरह फ़्लोर -2 के फ़्लैट -2, फ़्लोर -1 के फ़्लैट -2 के ठीक ऊपर और फ़्लोर -3 के फ़्लैट -2 के ठीक नीचे होते हैं।फ्लैट -1
फ्लैट -2 के पजश्चम में है ।समान फ्लैट संख्या में P और B के बीच केवल एक मंजिल का अंतर है । एस और ए के बीच एक ही
फ्लैट नंबर में दो मंजिलों का अंतर है ।S और B एक ही मंजिल पर रहते हैं।
S ववषम संख्या वाली मंजिल में नहीं रहता है ।R , Q के ठीक ऊपर एक ही फ्लैट नंबर में रहता है ।C और E एक ही मंजिल पर
रहते हैं।T, E के ऊपर वाली मंजिल पर और उसी फ्लैट नंबर पर रहता है । D, T से ऊपर एक मंजिल में रहता है लेककन फ्लैट
नंबर 2 में है ।
Direction: Study the following information carefully and
answer the questions given below:

Ten persons A, B, C, D, E, P, Q, R, S and T are living in a five-

story building such as ground floor is numbered as 1,
above it is floor 2 then top floor is numbered as 5. Each of
the floors has 2 flats in it viz. flat-1 and flat-2. Flat-1 of
floor-2 is immediately above flat-1 of floor-1 and
immediately below flat-1 of floor-3 and so on. In the same
way flat-2 of floor-2 is immediately above flat-2 of floor-1
and immediately below flat-2 of floor-3 and so on. Flat-1 is
in west of flat-2.There is only one floor gap between P and
B in the same flat number. There are two floors gap
between S and A in the same flat number. S and B lives on
the same floor. S does not live in an odd numbered floor. R
lives immediately above Q in the same flat number. C and
E live on the same floor. T lives on one of the floor above E
and in the same flat number. D lives in one of the floor
above T but in flat number 2.
Direction: Study the following information carefully and answer the questions given below:
There are eight persons A, B, C, D, E, F, G and H, who live on four different floors among floor 1, floor 2, floor
3 and floor 4. Each floor has two different flats viz. flat 1 and flat 2. There are 2 flats on each floor flat 1 – flat
2 from left to right (when seen in north direction) in such a way that flat 1 of the fourth floor is exactly above
flat 1 of the third floor and flat 1 of the third floor is exactly above flat 1 of the second floor and other flats
are situated in the same way. C lives one floor above the floor on which B lives. F lives with B who lives two
floors below D. B lives on the second floor. E lives in flat 2 of the first floor. G lives on the third floor but not
in flat 1. H does not live on the fourth floor but lives in flat 1. B lives in even numbered flat. A and C live in flat
1 but on different floors.
आठ व्यजतत A, B, C, D, E, F, G और H हैं, िो फर्श 1, मंजिल 2, मंजिल 3 और मंजिल 4 के बीच चार अलग-अलग
मंजिलों पर रहते हैं।प्रत्येक मंजिल में दो अलग-अलग फ्लैट हैं। फ्लैट 1 और फ्लैट 2।प्रत्येक मंजिल पर 2 फ्लैट हैं फ्लैट 1
- फ्लैट 2 बाएं से दाएं (िब उत्तर ददर्ा में दे खा िाता है ) इस तरह से कक चौथी मंजिल का फ्लैट 1 तीसरी मंजिल के फ्लैट
1 से ऊपर और तीसरी मंजिल का फ्लैट 1 है । दस ू री मंजिल के फ्लैट 1 के ठीक ऊपर है और अन्य फ्लैट उसी तरह से जथथत
हैं।C उस मंजिल से एक मंजिल ऊपर रहता है जिस पर B रहता है ।F, B के साथ रहता है िो D से दो मंजिल नीचे रहता है ।B
दस ू री मंजिल पर रहता है ।E, पहली मंजिल के फ्लैट 2 में रहता है ।G तीसरी मंजिल पर रहता है लेककन फ्लैट 1 में नहीं।H
चौथी मंजिल पर नहीं रहता है बजकक फ्लैट 1 में रहता है ।B, सम फ्लैट में भी रहता है ।A और C फ्लैट 1 में रहते हैं लेककन
अलग-अलग मंजिलों पर हैं।
Direction: Study the following information carefully and
answer the questions given below:
There are eight persons A, B, C, D, E, F, G and H, who live
on four different floors among floor 1, floor 2, floor 3 and
floor 4. Each floor has two different flats viz. flat 1 and
flat 2. There are 2 flats on each floor flat 1 – flat 2 from
left to right (when seen in north direction) in such a way
that flat 1 of the fourth floor is exactly above flat 1 of the
third floor and flat 1 of the third floor is exactly above flat
1 of the second floor and other flats are situated in the
same way. C lives one floor above the floor on which B
lives. F lives with B who lives two floors below D. B lives
on the second floor. E lives in flat 2 of the first floor. G
lives on the third floor but not in flat 1. H does not live on
the fourth floor but lives in flat 1. B lives in even
numbered flat. A and C live in flat 1 but on different
26-30. There are 10 people – P, Q, R, S, T, U, V, W, X and Y who stay on 4 floors (numbered 1 to 4) of
a building. There are three flats on each of the four floors out of which two flats are vacant.
The flats are numbered 1, 2 and 3 on each of the floors and are left to right on the floor
respectively. Flat no. 1 of floor no. 2 is exactly above the flat no. 1 of floor no. 1 and so on.
U stays on flat no. 1 of the floor just below the floor on which Q stays. The flat no 2 of floor no 2 is
empty. Q stays on flat no. 2 on one of the floors. S stays on flat no. 2. R stays on flat no. 3 of same
floor on which U stays. Flat to the right of Q is empty. Flat on which P stays is below the flat of Q
such that no one lives between them. Flat no 3 of floor no 4 is empty. Y stays on flat to the right of
S. W and T stays on the same floor. R and W do not share same flat no. X does not stay on top floor.

10 लोग हैं - P, Q, R, S, T, U, V, W, X और Y िो एक इमारत की 4 मंजिलों (गगने गए 1 से 4) पर रहते हैं।

प्रत्येक चार मंजिलों पर तीन फ्लैट हैं, जिनमें से दो फ्लैट खाली हैं।प्रत्येक मंजिल पर फ्लैटों की संख्या 1, 2 और
3 है और क्रमर्ः मंजिल बाएं से दाईं ओर है ।मंजिल नं। 2 का फ्लैट 1 मंजिल १ के फ्लैट १ के ठीक ऊपर है ।यू
फ्लैट नं पर रहता है । 1 मंजिल के ठीक नीचे जिस मंजिल पर Q ठहरता है । मंजिल नंबर 2 का फ्लैट नंबर 2
खाली है ।Q फ्लैट नं पर रहता है । 2 मंजिलों में से एक पर।S फ्लैट नं पर रहता है । 2।
R फ्लैट नं। उसी मंजिल का 3 जिस पर U रहता है ।Q के दाएं फ्लैट खाली है ।जिस फ्लैट पर P रहता है वह Q के
फ्लैट से नीचे होता है िैसे कक उनके बीच कोई नहीं रहता है ।मंजिल नंबर 4 का फ्लैट नंबर 3 खाली है ।Y, S के
दाएं फ्लैट पर रहता है ।W और T एक ही मंजिल पर रहते हैं।R और W एक ही फ्लैट नहीं साझा करते हैं। X र्ीषश
मंजिल पर नहीं रहता है ।
Q. There are 10 people – P, Q, R, S, T, U, V, W, X and
Y who stay on 4 floors (numbered 1 to 4) of a
building. There are three flats on each of the four
floors out of which two flats are vacant.
The flats are numbered 1, 2 and 3 on each of the
floors and are left to right on the floor respectively.
Flat no. 1 of floor no. 2 is exactly above the flat no. 1
of floor no. 1 and so on.
U stays on flat no. 1 of the floor just below the floor
on which Q stays. The flat no 2 of floor no 2 is empty.
Q stays on flat no. 2 on one of the floors. S stays on
flat no. 2. R stays on flat no. 3 of same floor on which
U stays. Flat to the right of Q is empty. Flat on which
P stays is below the flat of Q such that no one lives
between them. Flat no 3 of floor no 4 is empty. Y
stays on flat to the right of S. W and T stays on the
same floor. R and W do not share same flat no. X
does not stay on top floor.

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