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box, days and

month Based
Directions (1-5) Seven boxes A, B, C, D, E, F and G, are kept one above the other, but not
necessarily in
the same order. Each box contains different elements Chocolates, Accessories, Ribbons,
Balloons, Keys, Pins and Nuts, but not necessarily in the same order. Only three boxes are kept
between D and E. The ribbon box is kept immediately above D. Only one box is kept
between the ribbon box and the nuts box. The nuts box is kept below the ribbon box. Only two
boxes are kept between the nuts box and A . B is kept immediately below G . B is not kept
immediately above E. Only two boxes are kept between G and the Balloon box. E does
not contain balloons. The chocolate box is kept immediately above F. Only three boxes are kept
between the chocolates box and the accessories box. F does not contain Keys.

सात डब्बे A, B, C, D, E, F और G, को एकदस ू रे के ऊपर रखा गया है , लेककन आवश्यक नह ीं की इसी क्रम में हों. प्रत्येक
डब्बे में अलग-अलग तत्व हैं अर्ाात चॉकलेट, एक्सेसर ज, ररबन, गब्ु बारे , चाबी, पपन और नट लेककन आवश्यक नह ीं की
इसी क्रम में हों. D और E के मध्य तीन डब्बे रखे गए हैं. ररबन के डब्बे को D के ठीक ऊपर रखा गया है . ररबन के डब्बे और
नट के डब्बे के मध्य केवल एक डब्बा रखा गया है . नट के डब्बे को ररबन के डब्बे के नीचे रखा गया है . नट के डब्बे और A के
मध्य केवल दो डब्बों को रखा गया है . B को G के ठीक नीचे रखा गया है . B को E के ठीक ऊपर नह ीं रखा गया है . G और
गब्ु बारे के डब्बे के मध्य केवल दो डब्बे रखे गए हैं. E में गब्ु बारे नह ीं हैं. चॉकलेट के डब्बे को F के ठीक ऊपर रखा गया है .
चॉकलेट के डब्बे और एक्सेसर ज के डब्बे के मध्य केवल तीन डब्बे रखे गए हैं. F में चाबबयाीं नह ीं हैं.
Directions (1-5)
Seven boxes A, B, C, D, E, F and G, are kept
one above the other, but not necessarily in
the same order. Each box contains different
elements Chocolates, Accessories, Ribbons,
Balloons, Keys, Pins and Nuts, but not
necessarily in the same order. Only three
boxes are kept between D and E. The ribbon
box is kept immediately above D. Only one
box is kept between the ribbon box and the
nuts box. The nuts box is kept below the
ribbon box. Only two boxes are kept between
the nuts box and A . B is kept immediately
below G . B is not kept immediately above E.
Only two boxes are kept between G and the
Balloon box. E does not contain balloons.
The chocolate box is kept immediately above
F. Only three boxes are kept between the
chocolates box and the accessories box. F
does not contain Keys.
A certain number of boxes are placed one above the another in such a way
that box at the bottom is numbered as 1 and box just above it is numbered
2 and so on. There are not more than 14 boxes in the arrangement.
Only 2 boxes are kept between R and T, which is not placed adjacent to
B. Box D is placed exactly between E and F. U is placed exactly between T
and W. W is placed above R. Only 2 boxes are kept between P and Q,
where Q is kept below P. Only 3 boxes are kept between R and Q. S is kept
between Q and J, which is placed immediately below P. Only 3 boxes are
kept between R and B which is kept either at the top or at the bottom of
the stack.

निनित सख् ं या 1 है और उसके ऊपर

ं या में कुछ डब्बे एक दूसरे के ऊपर इस प्रकार रखे गए हैं निस से सबसे िीचे वाले डब्बे की सख्
वाले डब्बे की सख् ं या 2 है और इसी प्रकार आगे. व्यवस्था में 14 से अनिक डब्बे िहीं हैं. R और T के मध्य के वल दो डब्बे रखे गए
हैं, िो डब्बे B के आसन्ि िहीं है. डब्बा D डब्बे E और F कड़े ठीक मध्य में है. U, T और W के ठीक मध्य में है. W, R के ऊपर
है. P और Q के मध्य के वल दो डब्बे रखे गए हैं, िहााँ Q, P के िीचे रखा गया है. R और Q के मध्य के वल 3 डब्बे रखे गए हैं. S,
Q और J के मध्य रखा गया है, िो P के ठीक िीचे है. R और B के मध्य के वल तीि डब्बे हैं िो या तो स्टैक के सबसे ऊपर या
सबसे िीचे रखा गया है.
A certain number of boxes are placed one above the
another in such a way that box at the bottom is
numbered as 1 and box just above it is numbered 2 and
so on. There are not more than 14 boxes in the
Only 2 boxes are kept between R and T, which is not
placed adjacent to B. Box D is placed exactly between E
and F. U is placed exactly between T and W. W is placed
above R. Only 2 boxes are kept between P and Q, where
Q is kept below P. Only 3 boxes are kept between R and
Q. S is kept between Q and J, which is placed
immediately below P. Only 3 boxes are kept between R
and B which is kept either at the top or at the bottom of
the stack.
Nine Persons viz., A, B, C, D, E, F, G, H and I have their Birthday
in nine different months i.e. January, February, March, May,
June, September, October, November and December but
necessarily in the same order. H has his birthday in the month
of June. F has his birthday in the month having 30 days. Only
one person has his birthday in between the birthday of F and
G. E has his birthday in the month having least number of
days. G and D have their birthday in the given consecutive
months. Neither A nor I has their birthday in the month of
January. There is a gap of one month in between the birthday
of and A and B who has his birthday before C. C has his
birthday in the month having 31 days but neither in the month
of May nor in the month of December.
नौं व्यक्क्त अर्ाात A, B, C, D, E, F, G, H और I का जन्मददन नौं
अलग-अलग मह नों में है अर्ाात जनवर , फरवर , माचा, मई, जन ू ,
ससतींबर, अक्टूबर, नवींबर और ददसींबर लेककन आवश्यक नह ीं की इसी
क्रम में हों. H का जन्मददन जन ू के मह ने में है . F का जन्मददन उस
मह ने में है क्जसमें 30 ददन हैं. F और G के मध्य केवल एक व्यक्क्त
का जन्मददन है . E का जन्मददन उस मह ने में है क्जसमें ददनों की
सींख्या सबसे कम है . G और D का जन्मददन ददए गए क्रमागत
मह नों में है . न तो A न ह I का जन्मददन जनवर के मह ने में है . A
और B क्जसका जन्मददन C से पहले है उनके जन्मददन के मध्य एक
मह ने का अींतर है . C का जन्मददन उस मह ने में है क्जसमें 31 ददन
होते हैं लेककन न तो मई में न ह ददसम्बर में .
3.There are 12 schools – K, L, M, N, O,V, P,Q, R, S, T and U. They have meetings in different months of same year –
January, March, April, June, August, and October. The meeting are on dates 12th or 23rd of a given month. Each
meeting is attended by some number of people. If the month contains odd number of days then number of people
attending the meeting of schools is odd. Like meeting in January (31 days) was attended by odd number of people
and meeting in June (30 days) was attended by even number of people.
The total number of people who attended the meetings of schools M and V was 34. The number of people who
attended the meeting of T was greater than the number of people who attended the meeting of L by 24. The one who
had meeting in March on 12th , had more number of people attending it than L but less than 30. There were more than
3 meetings between the meetings of R and S. There are more than 5 meetings before K and more than 3 meetings after
K. Q’s meeting was before K. Q’s meeting was attended by 55 people and he had meeting on 23rd of a month. There
was one meeting between Q’s and S’s meeting. The number of people attending S’s meeting was 6 less than the
number of people who attended Q’s meeting. There were 3 meetings between N’s meeting and the meeting attended
by 28 people.
N had meeting before the meeting attended by 28 people. N’s meeting was not the first meeting. There were 2
meetings between T’s meeting and the meeting attended by 28 people. The number of people who attended T’s
meeting was greater than the number of people who attended S’s meeting but less than the number of people who
attended Q’s meeting. The number of people who attended T’s meeting was a multiple of 3. O and P had meeting in
same month but not before K. There was one meeting between the meetings of O and U. There were 2 meetings
between V’s meeting and the meeting attended by 16 people. V had meeting before the meeting attended by 16 people.
The total number of people who attended the meetings of U and Q was 2 people less than the twice of total number of
people who attended the meetings of K and L. meeting of M and that attended by 18 people was in same month. The
total number of people who attended the meetings of O and P was 20. The number of people who attended O’s
meeting was greater than the number of people who attended the meeting of V .
The total number of people who attended the meetings of schools M and V was
34. The number of people who attended the meeting of T was greater than the
number of people who attended the meeting of L by 24. The one who had
meeting in March on 12th , had more number of people attending it than L but
less than 30. There were more than 3 meetings between the meetings of R and
S. There are more than 5 meetings before K and more than 3 meetings after K.
Q’s meeting was before K. Q’s meeting was attended by 55 people and he had
meeting on 23rd of a month. There was one meeting between Q’s and S’s
meeting. The number of people attending S’s meeting was 6 less than the
number of people who attended Q’s meeting. There were 3 meetings between
N’s meeting and the meeting attended by 28 people.
N had meeting before the meeting attended by 28 people. N’s meeting was not
the first meeting. There were 2 meetings between T’s meeting and the meeting
attended by 28 people. The number of people who attended T’s meeting was
greater than the number of people who attended S’s meeting but less than the
number of people who attended Q’s meeting. The number of people who
attended T’s meeting was a multiple of 3. O and P had meeting in same month
but not before K. There was one meeting between the meetings of O and U.
There were 2 meetings between V’s meeting and the meeting attended by 16
people. V had meeting before the meeting attended by 16 people. The total
number of people who attended the meetings of U and Q was 2 people less
than the twice of total number of people who attended the meetings of K and L.
meeting of M and that attended by 18 people was in same month. The total
number of people who attended the meetings of O and P was 20. The number
of people who attended O’s meeting was greater than the number of people
who attended the meeting of V .
3. 12 स्कूल हैं - K, L, M, N, O,V, P,Q, R, S, T और U। उनकी एक ह वर्ा के पवसिन्न मह नों में बैठकें होती हैं - जनवर , माचा,
अप्रैल, जन ू , अगस्त, और अक्टूबर। बैठक ककसी मह ने की 12 वीीं या 23 तार ख को होती है । प्रत्येक बैठक में कुछ लोगों द्वारा िाग
सलया जाता है । यदद मह ने में पवर्म सींख्या में ददन होते हैं तो स्कूलों की बैठक में िाग लेने वाले लोगों की सींख्या पवर्म है । जनवर में
बैठक की तरह (31 ददन) लोगों ने पवर्म सींख्या में िाग सलया गया र्ा और जन ू (30 ददन) में बैठक में सम लोगों ने िाग सलया
र्ा।स्कूलों की बैठकों में िाग लेने वाले लोगों M और V की कुल सींख्या 34 र्ी।T की बैठक में शासमल होने वाले लोगों की सींख्या L की
बैठक में शासमल होने वाले लोगों की सींख्या से 24 अधिक है । माचा में 12 वीीं की बैठक में शासमल होने वालों की सींख्या L से अधिक
र्ी, लेककन 30 से कम र्ी।R और S की बैठकों के बीच 3 से अधिक बैठकें हुईं।K से पहले 5 से अधिक बैठकें और K के बाद 3 से अधिक
बैठकें हैं।Q की बैठक K से पहले हुई र्ी।Q की बैठक में 55 लोग शासमल र्े और उन्होंने एक मह ने में 23 तार ख को बैठक की र्ी।Q
और S की बैठक के बीच एक बैठक हुई।S की बैठक में शासमल होने वाले लोगों की सींख्या Q की बैठक में शासमल होने वाले लोगों की
सींख्या से 6 कम र्ी। N की बैठक और 28 लोगों के बीच बैठक में 3 बैठकें हुईं।28 लोगों की बैठक में िाग लेने से पहले N ने िाग
सलया।N की बैठक पहल बैठक नह ीं र्ी।T की बैठक और 28 लोगों के बीच बैठक में 2 बैठकें हुईं।T की बैठक में शासमल होने वाले लोगों
की सींख्या S की बैठक में शासमल होने वाले लोगों की सींख्या से अधिक र्ी, लेककन Q की बैठक में शासमल होने वाले लोगों की सींख्या से
कम र्ी। T की बैठक में िाग लेने वालों की सींख्या 3 का गुड़क
र्ी। O और P की एक ह मह ने में बैठक हुई र्ी, लेककन K से पहले नह ीं र्ी। O और U की बैठकों के बीच एक बैठक र्ी।V की बैठक
और 16 लोगों के बीच बैठक में 2 बैठकें हुईं। O और P की एक ह मह ने में मुलाकात हुई र्ी लेककन K से पहले नह ीं I O और U की
बैठकों के बीच एक बैठक हुई।V की बैठक और 16 लोगों के बीच बैठक में 2 बैठकें हुईं।V ने बैठक से पहले 16 लोगों ने िाग सलया।U
और Q की बैठकों में शासमल होने वाले लोगों की कुल सींख्या K और L की बैठकों में शासमल होने वाले लोगों की कुल सींख्या के दोगुने
लोगों से कम र्ी।
M की बैठक और क्जसमें 18 लोग शासमल र्े, एक ह मह ने में र्े।O और P की बैठकों में िाग लेने वाले लोगों की कुल सींख्या 20
र्ी।O की बैठक में शासमल होने वाले लोगों की सींख्या V की बैठक में शासमल होने वाले लोगों की सींख्या से अधिक र्ी।
3. Ten students namely viz A, B, C, D, E, F, G, H, I and J of ten different colleges but not
necessarily in the same order have seminar on five different days starting from Monday to
Friday of the same week. Each student have seminar at two different time slots, i.e 10.00
AM and 3 P.M. Each student like different Fruits namely viz – Plums, Apple, Grapes, Guava,
Banana, Papaya, Orange, Strawberry, Pomegranate and Jackfruit.
Persons who like Strawberry, Plums, Guava, Papaya and Jackfruit have seminar at 10:00
A.M. Persons who like Orange, Apple, Grapes, Banana and Pomegranate have seminar at
03:00 P.M. I has a seminar on Tuesday at 10.00 A.M. The number of people who have
seminar between G and D is same as the number of people who have seminar between C
and H. Persons who like Strawberry and Banana have seminar on Monday and the persons
who like Jackfruit and Pomegranate have Seminar on Friday. B has a seminar immediately
before I. I does not have seminar on any of the days before G. The one who has seminar at
10.00 A.M immediately before J. H does not has seminar at 3 P.M D has a seminar
immediately after the day of one who has seminar on Monday. F does not have seminar at
3 P.M. D does not has seminar on any one of the days after E. Only three people have
seminar between G and E. Persons who like Guava and Grapes went to seminar neither on
Tuesday nor Thursday. Neither E nor G does not have seminar on Friday. Only two people
have seminar between F and J. F does not has seminar on any of the days after H. Persons
who like Plums and Apple does not have seminar on Thursday.
3. Ten students namely viz A, B, C, D, E, F, G, H, I and J of ten different colleges but
not necessarily in the same order have seminar on five different days starting from
Monday to Friday of the same week. Each student have seminar at two different
time slots, i.e 10.00 AM and 3 P.M. Each student like different Fruits namely viz –
Plums, Apple, Grapes, Guava, Banana, Papaya, Orange, Strawberry, Pomegranate
and Jackfruit.
Persons who like Strawberry, Plums, Guava, Papaya and Jackfruit have seminar at
10:00 A.M. Persons who like Orange, Apple, Grapes, Banana and Pomegranate
have seminar at 03:00 P.M. I has a seminar on Tuesday at 10.00 A.M. The number
of people who have seminar between G and D is same as the number of people
who have seminar between C and H. Persons who like Strawberry and Banana have
seminar on Monday and the persons who like Jackfruit and Pomegranate have
Seminar on Friday. B has a seminar immediately before I. I does not have seminar
on any of the days before G. The one who has seminar at 10.00 A.M immediately
before J. H does not has seminar at 3 P.M D has a seminar immediately after the
day of one who has seminar on Monday. F does not have seminar at 3 P.M. D does
not has seminar on any one of the days after E. Only three people have seminar
between G and E. Persons who like Guava and Grapes went to seminar neither on
Tuesday nor Thursday. Neither E nor G does not have seminar on Friday. Only two
people have seminar between F and J. F does not has seminar on any of the days
after H. Persons who like Plums and Apple does not have seminar on Thursday.
दस छात्र अर्ाात A, B, C, D, E, F, G, H, I और J दस अलग-अलग कॉलेज हैं लेककन आवश्यक
नह ीं की वे इसी क्रम में हों उन्हें सोमवार से शुरू होने वाले एक ह सप्ताह में शुक्रवार तक
सेसमनार में िाग लेना है . प्रत्येक छात्र का सेमीनार दो अलग-अलग समय पर है अर्ाात 10.00
अपराहन और 3 पूवााहन. प्रत्येक छात्र को अलग-अलग फल पसींद हैं अर्ाात बेर, सेब, अींगूर,
अमरूद, केला, पपीता, सींतरा, स्राबेर , अनार और कटहल.वह व्यक्क्त क्जसे स्रॉबेर , बेर,
अमरूद, पपीता और कटहल पसींद है वे 10:00 अपराहन पर सेसमनार में िाग लेते हैं. वह
व्यक्क्त क्जसे सींतरा, सेब, अींगूर, केला और अनार पसींद है वे 3:00 पूवााहन पर सेसमनार में िाग
लेते हैं. I को मींगलवार को 10.00 अपराहन पर सेसमनार में िाग लेना है . G और D के मध्य
सेसमनार में िाग लेने वाले व्यक्क्तयों की सींख्या C और H के मध्य सेसमनार में िाग लेने वाले
व्यक्क्तयों की सींख्या के समान है . वह व्यक्क्त क्जसे स्रॉबेर और केला पसींद है उनका सेसमनार
सोमवार को है और वे व्यक्क्त क्जन्हें कटहल और अनार पसींद हैं उनका सेसमनार शुक्रवार को है .
B का सेमीनार I के ठीक पहले है . I का G से पहले ककसी िी ददन सेसमनार नह ीं है . वह व्यक्क्त
क्जसका सेसमनार 10.00 अपराहन पर J से ठीक पहले है . H का सेसमनार 3 पूवााहन पर नह ीं है . D
का सेसमनार सोमवार के सेसमनार में िाग लेने वाले व्यक्क्त के ठीक बाद है . F का सेसमनार 3
पूवााहन पर नह ीं है . D का सेसमनार E के सेमीनार के बाद नह ीं है . G और E के मध्य केवल तीन
व्यक्क्तयों का सेसमनार है . वे व्यक्क्त क्जन्हें अमरुद और अींगूर पसींद हैं न तो मींगलवार न ह
गुरूवार को सेमीनार में जाते हैं. न तो E न ह G शुक्रवार को सेसमनार में जाते हैं. F और J के
मध्य केवल दो व्यक्क्तयों का सेसमनार है . F, H के बाद ककसी िी ददन सेमीनार में िाग नह ीं
लेता है . वे व्यक्क्त क्जन्हें बेर और सेब पसींद हैं वे गुरूवार को सेमीनार में िाग नह ीं लेते हैं.

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