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K{vanç Akça Implant–tooth-supported fixed partial

Serdar Uysal
Murat Cavit Çehreli
prostheses: correlations between in vivo
occlusal bite forces and marginal bone

Authors’ affiliations: Key words: fixed prostheses, implant, natural tooth, occlusal force, periapical radiograph
K{vanç Akça, Murat Cavit Çehreli, Department of
Prosthodontics, Faculty of Dentistry, Hacettepe
University, Ankara, Turkey Abstract
Serdar Uysal, Department of Oral Diagnosis and Purpose: To evaluate maximal occlusal bite forces (MOF) and marginal bone level (MBL)
Radiology, Faculty of Dentistry, Hacettepe
University, Ankara, Turkey changes in patients with implant–tooth-supported fixed partial prostheses (FPP).
Material and methods: Twenty nine partially edentulous patients consecutively who
received 34 three-occlusal unit FPP with terminal implant and tooth support were subjected
Correspondence to:
K{vanç Akça DDS, PHD to quantification of MOFs using a sub-miniature load cell connected to a data acquisition
Çetin Emeç Blv, 6. cadde system and measurement of the MBL changes around implants in digitalized periapical
54/3 06450 Öveçler
Ankara radiographs obtained at prostheses delivery and 24-month follow-up.
Turkey Results: MOFs for implant support (mean: 353.61 N) significantly differed from tooth
Tel.: þ 90 312 4726898
Fax: þ 90 312 3113741
support (mean: 275.48 N) (Po0.05), while gender did not influence MOFs (P40.05). MBL
e-mail: akcak@hacettepe.edu.tr; changes at mesial and distal sites of the implants at 24 months of functional loading were
kivanc.akca@veezy.com 0.28 and 0.097 mm respectively.
Conclusion: Although MOFs under functional loading might indicate an increase in load
participation for supporting implant, the rigid connection between implant and natural
tooth via three-occlusal unit FPP does not jeopardize the time-dependent MBL stability of
the implant under functional loads.

In the last decade, dental implants have supported fixed partial prostheses (FPP).
been successfully used in the treatment of Owing to inharmonious mobility (Sullivan
partially edentulous patients (Buser et al. 1986; Naert 1993), overloading of implant
1997; Lekholm et al. 1999; Naert et al. in such prostheses was alluded to as a
2002). The philosophy of treatment con- possible factor for implant failure by nu-
cepts, however, particularly regarding the merical analyses (Van Oosterwyck et al.
decision-making criteria for rehabilitation 1998). However, conclusive statements
of partially edentulous arches via tooth– have been driven for rigid design including
implant connection vs. free-standing im- terminal implant and tooth to support for
plant restorations is still a topic of argu- short-span FPP (Gunne et al. 1992; Brägger
ment, not only because of the differences in et al. 2001; Lindh et al. 2001a).
Accepted 15 December 2004 the biomechanics of natural teeth vs. im- Related to a significant increase in sen-
To cite this article:
plants but also because of different conclu- sory perception thresholds of dental im-
Akça K, Uysal S, Çehreli MC. Implant–tooth-supported sions derived from clinical studies (Hosny plants in comparison with natural teeth
fixed partial prostheses: correlations between in vivo
occlusal bite forces and marginal bone reactions. et al. 2000; Naert et al. 2001). Indeed, the (Hämmerle et al. 1995), higher occlusal
Clin. Oral Impl. Res. 17, 2006; 331–336 differences in the nature of anchorage of forces might be expected on an implant
doi: 10.1111/j.1600-0501.2005.01169.x
implant to bone could be considered as a supporting an FPP. However, in vivo oc-
Copyright r Blackwell Munksgaard 2006
biomechanical challenge in tooth–implant- clusal force measurements revealed similar

Akça et al . Biomechanical outcome of implant–tooth-supported prostheses

data for natural dentition in comparison 2002) (Fig. 1a and b), and FPP delivery was
with implant-supported FPP (Mericske- assigned as baseline for the radiographic
Stern et al. 1995). Peri-implant tissues, evaluation. All prostheses were in contact
therefore, seem to acquire bone-originated with opposing natural dentition or FPP,
exteroception following osseointegration and occlusal concepts derived for conven-
(Van Loven et al. 2000). Although osseo- tional teeth-supported FPP were carried out
perception is not comprehensively known, (Shillinburg et al. 1997).
research suggests that peri-implant nerve
fibers might have a crucial role in the Occlusal force measurement
sensory perceptions of external mechanical Maximal occlusal bite forces (MOFs) were
stimuli on endosseous titanium implants recorded using a strain-gauge-based sub-
that reach the level of consciousness (Wang miniature load cell (3.5 mm height and
et al. 1998; Wada et al 2001; Çehreli et al. 6.35 mm active measuring diameter;
2002). ELFS-B4, ELt Entran Sensors & Electro-
The purpose of this prospective clinical nics, Fairfield, NJ, USA) having a compres-
study was to appraise the assumption sive measurement range of 0–500 N. The
(Naert et al. 2001) that rigid connection load cell was connected to a data acquisi-
of implants to teeth to support a -three- tion system (ESAM Traveller 1, Vishay
occlusal unit FPP causes more marginal Micromeasurements Group, Raleigh, NC,
bone loss around implants because of in- USA) and corresponding software (ESAM;
creased bending load under functional ESA Messtechnik GmbH, Olching, Ger-
loading. many). Measurements were carried while
the patients were seated in an alert feeding Fig. 1. ITI dental implant (Ø 4.1 mm  10 mm) in
position to simulate the natural chewing place of second molar tooth and solid abutment for
functional position (Okeson 1989). To pro- connection to second premolar tooth (a) and com-
Material and methods pleted three-occlusal unit rigid fixed partial pros-
vide intermaxillary stability during the
theses (FPP) with tooth and terminal implant
Patient selection and FPP tests, an interocclusal record at centric support (b).
This clinical study comprised 29 partially occlusion was made with a polyether oc-
edentulous, systemically healthy, consecu- clusal registration material (Ramitec, Espe
tive patients with a mean age of 48.3 years Dental AG, Seefeld, Germany) (Carr &
(range 31–73 years), who received three- Laney 1987). Seperate interocclusal bite
occlusal unit terminal implant and tooth- force measurement records were made for
supported FPP to restore maxillary and each of the implant and the tooth support
mandibular Kennedy Classes I and II par- of an FPP with the load cell placed over the
tially edentulous arches, resulting in 34 intended occlusal surface. Data were ob-
porcelain fused to metal FPP. In all of the tained in five consecutive trials with the
FPP, the anterior terminal premolar abut- interocclusal bite record in separate test
ment tooth was rigidly connected to a sessions for tooth and implant support
terminal implant (Ø 4.1 mm  10 mm (Meriscke-Stern et al. 1993, 1995). Pa-
s Fig. 2. Interocclusal bite record with load-cell appro-
ITI SLA solid screw dental implant, In- tients were asked to apply maximum mas- priately placed over the occlusal surface of tooth
stitut Straumann, Waldenburg, Switzer- ticatory forces to record MOFs (Fig. 2). support to measure maximal occlusal bite forces
land) that was placed one occlusal unit (MOF) for tooth.
distally leaving a pontic space (Schroeder Radiographic evaluation
et al. 1996). One of the tooth abutments in Marginal bone levels (MBLs) at the mesial (1.25 mm) (Brägger et al. 1996). Assess-
the maxilla and three in the mandible had and distal side of implant support were ment of MBL change was based on the
previously received root canal treatment. measured linearly on the periapical radio- linear deviation of 24-month follow-up
All FPP were rigid in design and fabricated graphs made by a paralleling device (Dents- measurements from the baseline counter-
according to defined principles (Belser ply Rinn, Rinn Cooperation, Elgin, IL, parts (Fig. 3).
et al. 2000). A mean distance of 11.58 USA), which were digitalized and analyzed
 1.36 mm between the mid-distal mar- in a software for image analysis (ImageJ Statistical analyses
ginal finish -line of the tooth and the center 1.32j, NIH, Maryland, MD, USA) at After determination of normal distribution
of the implant was measured on the models  400 magnification in a computer. The of data by the Kolmogorov–Simirnov test,
using a digital caliper (FowlerSylvac, Syl- distance between the implant shoulder and MOFs within implant and tooth supports
vac SA, Crissier, Switzerland). Solid abut- first bone-to-implant contact (DIB) was and between female and male subjets were
ments (Institut Straumann) were used for measured by setting a scale in the software compared with general linear model test.
all implants for cement retention. FPP by referring to a known vertical distance of The mean MBL change at mesial and distal
were permanently cemented (Akça et al. two consecutive threads of the implant sites after 24 months was compared with

332 | Clin. Oral Impl. Res. 17, 2006 / 331–336

Akça et al . Biomechanical outcome of implant–tooth-supported prostheses

Student’s t-test at the 95% confidence 24 months at the mesial site (mean:
level (Po0.05). 0.28  0.519 mm) was significantly
higher than at the distal site (mean:
0.097  0.518 mm) (Table 3).

Following functional loading for a mini- Discussion

mum of 24 months, a 100% cumulative
success rate was established according to Although bone apposition on implant sur-
the success criteria proposed Buser et al. faces and maintenance of implant–bone
(1990, 1997). Table 1 presents the distribu- contact at the ultrastructural level are pre-
tion of implant- and tooth-supported FPP. requisites for successful long-term survival
MOFs on implant supports were higher of the implant, variability of movement
than tooth supports but not for three of range between a rigidly splinted dental
34 FPP. Statistical analyses revealed sig- implant and tooth leads to a biomechanical
nificant differences for MOFs between im- concern. The assumptions based on over-
plant and tooth support (F ¼ 59.02; P ¼ 0), loading of the dental implant had led to the
but not for gender (F ¼ 0.04; P ¼ 0.947). use of non-rigid connection systems to
The mean MOFs recorded for implant and compensate the differences in mobility
tooth supports were 353.61  14.71 and between implant and tooth (Kirsh & Ack-
275.48  13 N, respectively (Table 2). Ra- ermann 1986; Sullivan 1986; Ylantz &
diographic measurements revealed stable Nyman 1986). However, evidence-based
Fig. 3. Baseline (a) and 24 months after (b) periapical
MBLs around implant supports. The total data have revealed that a rigid FPP may
views of the fixed partial prostheses (FPP) presented
in Fig. 1. MBL improvement from baseline to be constructed to prevent intrusion of tooth
support when connected to a dental im-
plant (Åstrand et al. 1991; Quirynen et al.
Table 1. Distribution of implant- and tooth-supported FPP 1992; Olsson et al. 1995; Gunne et al.
n Mandible Maxilla 1999; Kindberg et al. 2001).
First PM to Second PM to First PM to Second PM to Numerous techniques and instruments
second M second M second M second M have been introduced to measure occlusal
Male 13 6 9 1 1 forces. Most of these instruments produce
Female 16 4 11 1 1 favorable outcomes and are based on an
Total 29 10 20 2 2 engineering calculation and conversion of
PM, premolar; M, molar; FPP, partial prostheses. deformation recorded by strain gauges
using either commercially available trans-
ducers or custom-made devices (Anderson
Table 2. MOFs (N) recorded in implant- and tooth-supported FPP 1953; Scott & Ash 1966; Lundquist et al.
n Mean Standard deviation Minimum Maximum Standard error 1986; Carr & Laney 1987). However, two
Female major factors that might lead to a variabil-
Tooth 17 273.58 68.78 151.95 386.82 18.39 ity in occlusal force measurements are the
Implant 17 353.75 74.28 191.61 467.13 20.8 differences in devices and methods (Richter
Male 1995), and the physical and the psycholo-
Tooth 17 277.37 82.32 105.28 416.86 18.39
gical state of the subject (Bates et al. 1975).
Implant 17 353.47 95.90 195.6 507.49 20.8
The validity of occlusal forces measured at
FPP, partial prostheses; MOF, maximal occlusal bite forces. incresead vertical occlusal dimension with
devices placed interocclusally was ques-
tioned, and a specially designed non-rigid
Table 3. MBL change at 24 months
appliance made for individual use was re-
Paired t df Significantly
differences two-tailed commended (Richter 1995). In the current
study, a sub-miniature load cell was used
Mean Standard Standard 95% confidence
deviation error interval of the because of the advantages of simplicity and
mean difference standardization in comparison with equili-
Lower Upper bration and fabrication requirement of spe-
cial measurement devices, as suggested by
Mesial–distal 0.183 0.520 0.089 0.002 0.364 2.06 33 0.048n
Richter (1995).
Represents statistically significant difference between mesial and distal (Student’s t-test) Po0.05. Meriscke-Stern et al. (1995) have re-
MBL, marginal bone level.
ported similar MOFs for implant-, teeth-,

333 | Clin. Oral Impl. Res. 17, 2006 / 331–336

Akça et al . Biomechanical outcome of implant–tooth-supported prostheses

and implant and tooth-supported FPP using nual change of the MBL around connected loss was reported for freestanding implant-
miniature force transducers. Measureme- and freestanding implants did not differ supported fixed prostheses (Gunne et al.
nts of the current study revealed compar- significantly, the same researchers reported 1992; Lindh et al. 2001b). Within the
able MOFs with Meriscke-Stern et al. a three times greater bone loss in the case of limitations of the present study, the con-
(1995). In the current study, however, the a rigid tooth–implant connection as com- sequences of increased functional loading
measuring instrument was placed directly pared with freestanding partial prostheses of implants, rather than overloading, when
on the occlusal surfaces of FPP supports to or non-rigid tooth–implant connections rigidly connected to teeth might explain
record MOFs rather than defined test (Naert et al. 2001). Depending on out- the existing biomechanical differences be-
locations (e.g., first premolar, first molar), comes from a novel biomechanical in vitro tween theoretical assumptions and clinical
and statistically significant differences in testing approach (Wang et al. 1999) and evidences.
MOFs were recorded for tooth and implant finite-element analyses (Van Oosterwyck
supports. The difference in MOFs between et al. 1998), Naert et al. (2001) stated that
the implant and tooth terminal supports marginal bone loss was related to increased Conclusion
could be explained by (i) posterior location stress and strain patterns. Thus, biomecha-
of implants close to the temporomandibu- nical suggestions depending on empirical The following conclusions were derived
lar joint rather than placement in the ante- consequences of in vitro stress analysis, from outcomes of the current 2-year fol-
rior, leading to a decrease in the lever arm where certain assumptions are required to low-up clinical evaluation of terminal im-
and an eventual increase in occlusal force simulate actual circumstances, revealed plants and teeth supporting a rigid three-
and (ii) reduction of osseoperception of overloading of implants when rigidly con- occlusal unit FPP:
implants compared with natural teeth (Ja- nected to teeth (Nishimura et al. 1996;
1. Higher MOFs are produced over pos-
cobs et al. 2001). Nevertheless, an approxi- Uysal et al. 1996). However, in the current
terior implants than the anterior tooth
mately 20% increase in MOF over the study, an increase in bone height was
implant support could be expected to be- observed at the mesial sites of the implants,
2. Connecting implants rigidly to teeth
cause of physiologic capacity. Therefore, which may reveal minimal bone gain or an
has promising MBL stability for im-
sensory perception of external mechanical extremely stable situation. More realistic
stimuli of the natural tooth through rigid modeling of the periodontal membrane
connection with the implant, and activa- with non-linear visco-elastic spring ele-
tion of protective sensory mechanism from ments in a tooth connected to an implant
the mechanoreceptors in the periodontal scenario (Menicucci et al. 2002) could
ligament around opposing natural teeth, explain the disagreement of the present
might be possible causes for comparable study regarding the MBL stability with
MOFs for implant and tooth supports. the above-mentioned assertions. Meni-
Further, commentary depending on scien- cucci et al. (2003) have reported that im-
tific data (Wada et al. 2001; Onur et al. plant support experienced lower stress
2003; Weiner et al. 2004) could be made as levels under transitional loading conditions
the evolutionary development of peri-im- compared with static loading. Gunne et al.
plant proprioception via coupling of exist- (1997) carried out in vivo measurements of
ing nerve fibers in bone to the implant vertical forces and bending moments for a
surface. Overall, it might be assumed that three-unit FPP supported by freestanding
the above-mentioned scenario leads to in- implants and implants connected to teeth.
creased load partitioning, but not to over- They did not find major differences in
loading of the implant support, when functional load magnitudes related to
connected to a natural tooth. the support type. Similar outcomes,
Longitudinal radiographic follow-ups of  0.09  0.52 mm MBL change around
MBL stability have been frequently con- implants, have been reported after 24
ferred as implant success criteria in months of function when connected to
implant-supported prostheses. Although teeth to support FPP (Lindh et al. 2001b).
Hosny et al. (2000) reported that the an- Further, more pronounced marginal bone


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