Investigation Plan

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TITLE : Investigation Plan

COURSE : Criminal Investigation Course

MODULE : 3 - (Investigative Procedures)


TARGET AUDIENCE : Investigators and personnel assigned in

Investigation Offices/Units. Preferably
with the ranks of PO1-PO3

DATE AND VENUE : As scheduled

TIME ALLOTTED : 4 hours (2 hours lecture and 2 hrs PE)

LEARNING AIDS REQUIRED : Multi-media projector and laptop,

handouts, white board and marker.

PARTICIPANTS EQUIPMENT REQUIRED: Notebook, ball pen, pencil, ruler and


TRAINING REFERENCES USED : Australian Federal Police Investigation

Plan and Investigation Plan and
Management System (IPMS); Police
Operational Procedure (POP); Revised
Penal Code (RPC)

The PNP personnel play a vital role in the maintenance of peace and order in
every community. Thus, it is important especially on the part of the investigator to know
the important aspect in gathering information especially in the crime scene as well as
during the conduct of investigation.
Our motto as embedded in our badge is to serve and protect. With this statement
it is important to prepare our entire police force to response to the needs of our
community with knowledge and confidence especially during the conduct of
Furthermore, the conduct of this investigation and management course is very
important to enhance the knowledge and give more expertise to the part of the
investigator in order to address properly in responding to the crime that happened in
every community.
Moreover, this course will enhance the duties and responsibilities of every
investigator as well as minimized the dismissal of cases filed in court due to technical
mistake during the conduct of investigation.

The goal of this lecture is to teach the participants of their over-all action upon
information and responding of a crime scene incident, identify their priorities upon arrival
at the crime scene and how to handle emergency situation specially those requiring
critical judgment.
At the end of this subject, the participants will be able to:
1. Define Investigation Plan and Investigation Management System (IPMS);
2. Know the preparation of an Investigation Plan using the SMECAC principles;
3. Know the importance of Investigation Management System in the conduct of
investigation by using Evidence Matrix, Resource Spreadsheet, Lead Sheet (Follow-up
Investigation and Assignment Sheet), Standard Tactical Plan and Major Investigation
Plan formats;
4. Enhance the ability of the investigator to apply best practice to the
management of major crime investigation, especially those that are multi-jurisdictional
and multi-agency oriented;
5. Familiarize with Investigation Plan and Investigation Management System.
( Scenario-Practical exercises)



Definition of Terms and Procedure:

1. INVESTIGATION PLAN – It is the strategic plan that require proper format and
procedure that include tools to be used in managing investigation by applying the basic
principle of Situation, Mission, Execution, Contingency, Administration and Logistics
Cost and Command and Signal (SMECAC).
2. Four (4) Basic Principles of Investigation Plan.
- It refers to the background of the incident that happened, substantive
offenses, jurisdiction, targets, anticipated duration, multi-agency investigation and
special arrangement in the conduct of investigation.
- The general description of what has occured at the crime scene
incident/scene. Description could include:
1) The criminal offense under investigation.
2) Details of the offender, his personal circumtances either arrested or at-
3) Resources available during the conduct of investigation which include
personnel involved and mobility being used
4) Other agencies involvement, this include the availability of SOCO team
and other special units that will assist the investigation.
It is the target action to be undertaken or procedure to be attained to come up
with best solution and proper outcome of the case to be investigated.
To identify the possible perpetrators and to determine the motive of alleged
killing or crime incident happened.
It is the proper strategic action to be taken in order to attain the specific
mission during the conduct of investigation by determining the proper time, proper
action and by setting coordination handling the case to be investigated to avoid mistake
and miscommunication.
1) A thorough investigation should be started from the time that victim’s
origin coming from and the last incident occured/happened.
2) The reconstruction of the incident from the beggining up to the last
incident happened or going back of the the incident occured, the place, time, so that it
will help more evidences acquired thru the presence of bystander or vehicle present in
the sorrounding during the incident in which the investigator could enable to have more
witnesses or evidences gathered.
3) To coordinate with other law enforcement agencies for possible additional
information for the possible arrest of the perpetrator/suspect.
4) Coordinate or work closely with the prosecutor in prosecuting the case
and the proper filing of case in court to avoid dismissal of the case.
Barriers or problems that may arise during the conduct of investigation that
must be considered by finding immediate solution of the investigation.
1) What might be the possible motive behind the killing or incident happened
being investigated.
2) Contamination of the crime scene in the conduct of investigation that could
dismissed the case for technicality.
3) Hesitant of the witnesses to coordinate or testify/giving statement for fear
of reprisal.
4) Citizen not concerned of what incident happened and amicable settlement
between the victim and the suspect.
5) For money consideration of the witnesses and the informant given the
information of the incident occured.


Proper designation of personnel to a particular task assigned by determining
their capabilities and limitation as well as considering the available resources to be used
during the operation and investigation by finding immediate solution in order to attain
the target specific mission.
1) Deployment of Expert Personnel or Investigator
2) Cost of expenses during the conduct of operation and investigation either
gasoline and eload of their respective cellphone and private mobilities and equipments.
3) Allocation of the resources manpower, equipment.
4) Attached example of Resource Spreed Sheet.
Proper coordination of personnel investigated the case by considering all the
available communications, resources as well as proper channeling of the information
gathered which useful and material to the case/crime being investigated.
1) Equipment used during the conduct of investigation like radio, mobility and
related thereto.
2) Recording System during tactical interrogation of the suspect and the
gathering of information of the witnesses for the aid of the investigation.
3) Security and Risk management on the part of the investigator.
4) Please see attached sample of Assignment Sheet.
Investigation and Management System – It is the over-all strategy applied in order to
achieve the desired outcome of the case being investigated.
1. Investigation Management consist of the following:
a. The Evidence Matrix
Four (4) composition of Evidence Matrix:
1) Allegation
2) Offense
3) Elements/Facts in Issue
4) Avenue of Inquiry
b. The Resource Spread Sheet
1) Avenue of Inquiry
2) Task
3) Resource to be Tasked and
4) Time of Completion
c. Lead Sheet
d. The Standard Tactical Plan
1) Six (6) Point Plan of Standard Tactical Plan (SMECAC)
2) Assignment Sheet

e. The Major Investigation Plan

The Evidence Matrix – Is an strategic approach in gathering complete,
detailed, necessary, facts and useful data and evidences in order to file a specific
complaint. As a whole Evidence Matrix is a strategic approach in gathering complete,
detailed, necessary facts, useful evidences and useful data in order to file a specific
complaint. (See Attached Figure I Matrix)
Four (4) Composition of Evidence Matrix:
1) Allegation- it is the presentation of concrete and detailed information and
evidences and how the crime/s has been committed based on time, place and how the
crime was transpired or committed. It is what, who, where, when, how and why the
crime has been committed.
2) Offense – it is a specific violation/s of law under the revised penal code
and ther special laws as well as its amendments. It is the determination of possible
crime/s for filing cases in court and other judicial and extra judicial bodies.
3) Elements/Facts In Issue – it is the composition of all the elements of a
certain crime including all the sorroundings facts and circuntances both aggravating and
mitigating circumtances that will constitute the commission of crime.
4) Avenue of Inquiry – it is a strategic and careful approach in gathering all
complete data and evidences on the crime scene as well as detailed information useful
for the filing of specific and possible crimes committed.
Resource Spread Sheet – is the presentation of graphic display between
avenue of inquiry, task, resources to be tasked and time of completion. (See Attached
Figure 2 Matrix)
1) Avenues of Inquiry – it is a gathering of facts, data and evidences that
would constitute a particular crime/s committed. It is the process of determining the
elements of particular crime/s committed.
2) Task – it is the action necessary to determine the facts sorrounding the
commission of the crime as well as its authority of the materials/evidences gathered.
3) Resources to be Tasked – it is the proper coordination to the different
regions, divisions, branches, units or squad responsible for the possible solution of
crimes. Coordination to the different units assigned to investigate the particular crime in
gathering information and evidences with factual basis sorrounding the crime committed
based on their authority and expertise.
4) Time of Completion – it is the target date to complete the investigation,
gathering of facts, and examination of evidences to determine the commission of crime
for possible filing of cases in court.
LEAD SHEET – it is the follow up investigation and information sheet
regarding the previous crimes committed in order to gather more information,
evidences and other related data to strenthen the crime/s committed for possible filing
of cases. It is the additional gathering of facts and evidences in order to complete the
necessary data needed. (See Attached Figure 3 Matrix)
STANDARD TACTICAL PLAN – it is the proper process of preparing Tactical
plan to be used in conducting the investigation by assigning proper personnel with
expertise to a particular task, determining the availability of resources to be used,
identification of possible barrier and problem that may arise during the conduct of
investigation and how to handle it by finding right and immediate solution in order to
conduct thourough and effective investigation based on the sorrounding facts and
circumtances. It is the proper and effective plan in order to come up with clear and
sufficient facts to prevent topsy-turvy (confusion) outcome of cases being investigated.
1) This will include the Six (6) Point Plan of Standard Tactical Plan the
SMECAC principle:
Six Point Plan (SMECAC)
• Situation
• Mission
• Execution
• Contingencies
• Administration
• Command and Communication
2) ASSIGNMENT SHEET – it is the delegation of specific work to a particular
person as well as their individual task, duties and responsibilities. This include their
respective call sign, communication equipment used, other equipment and documents
like search warrant, investigator’s kit, evidence box, tape recorder, video cam, notebook
and other special note in relation thereto. (See Attached Figure 4 Matrix)
3) MAJOR INVESTIGATION PLAN – it is an over-all plan of action in
acquiring all methods of an investigation by the investigator. The availability of all
resources and the procedural in conducting the collection of facts and evidences in
developing a successful prosecution of cases in court against the suspect or person
who committed the crime and for his conviction in court proceeding. (See Attached
Figure 5 Matrix)
 A strategic planning tool used to manage investigation.
 Based on the SMECAC principle.
 Encourage investigators to consider the quality of results achieved.
 The time frame taken to complete the tasks and achieve objectives.
 The cost of the investigation
(1) Quality
(2) Time and
(3) Cost

The Investigation Plan and Investigation Management System (IPMS) is the best
method and procedure to every police officer particularly investigator in applying the
IPMS for the preparation in conducting criminal investigation and follow up operation in
a thorough investigation for the immediate solution of a crime incident and the filing of
criminal case in court against the perpetrator/suspect for their conviction. It will also
useful for the Chief of Office/Unit as a guide or tool in a case build up/conference and
for Higher Headquaters in acquiring the status and the situation surrounding the crime
incident as well as the preparation for Media presentation if directed.
The students/participants will perform practical exercises on the preparation of
Investigation Plan and Investigation Management System using the scenario given by
the Instructor/Lecturer (see Attatched Figure 6 Investigation Plan Scenario) that
could make an IPMS matrix to gage their understanding regarding the subject matter.
Furthermore, to emphasized the students the proper format and procedure in
making the Investigation Plan and Management System matrix format.

Operation: TF MAGUINDANAO (Name: IDMB MCPO PRO7, N0V. 11, 2010.)

Allegation Offence Elements/Facts in Issue Avenues of Inquiry
A general statement outlining the aim of the
List all possible
The statement need not be in technical offenses that
List the elements of the offence/s together with any
need not be in technical terms, so long as it can be gleaned How the elements of the crime are to be satisfied.
relevant issues that may affect the investigation.
is clear and easily understood. from the
This statement will set the parameters of
the investigation.


At about 9:00 am September 13, 2010 .ART 248. RPC ART. 248 – RPC ART. 248-RPC
Mangudatu’s WIFE, twenty(20) political (Murder) 1.Intent to kill 1.Deployment of SOCO
allies, thirty-five(35) media Personalities 2.Qualifying aggravating circumstances 2.Interview/secure testimonial evidence from witness
were found dead at Sharif Aguak, PD 1866, as 2. Treachery; 3.Application of Search Warrant/WOA
Maguidanao, allegedly due to multiple amended by 2.2 in consideration of Price,Rewards and 4.Employment of the services of the PNP Crime Laboratory
gunshot wounds. R.A. 8294. Promises;
Omnibus 2.3 Taking Advantage of Superior Strenght; PD 1866 as amended by R.A. 8294
Suspect(s): Datu Unsay Ampatuad and Election Code 2.5 with cruelty by deliberately and inhumanely Record check/coordination with the PNP Firearms and
Several John Does augmenting the suffering of the victim Explosive Division (FED)

PD 1866 as amended by R.A. 8294 OMNIBUS ELECTION CODE on “GUN BAN”

Unauthorized/unlawful intent to possess firearms Coordinate/assist COMELEC in the prosecution of violation
of Omnibus Election Code
Omnibus Election Code on “GUN BAN”

Operation: TF Maguindanao (Prepared by IDMB, PROARMM dtd Apr 21, 2010)

Resource To Be Time For Completion Of Task
Avenues of Inquiry Tasks
Tasked Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec
Taken directly from The tasks The individual
the Evidence Matrix. necessary to (Region, Division,
complete the Branch, Unit, or
How the elements of avenues of Squad) allocated
the crime are to be inquiry. ‘Task for Completion’.


ART. 248-RPC Coordinate w/ the “TF Maguindanao”
1.Deployment of Crime Laboratory
SOCO (SOCO) with Local Police Unit.
2. Interview / secure regard to physical
testimonial evidence evidence SOCO
from witnesses gathered and
3. Application of collected; and the
Search Warrant/ result of scientific
WOA investigation
4. Employment of (forensic, ballistic,
the services of the etc)
PNP Crime Interview of
Laboratory witnesses;
Interrogation of
suspects, if
Filling of Charges
in Court
PD 1866 as
amended by R.A.
Record check/
coordination with the
PNP Firearms and
Explosive Division

on “GUN BAN”

Coordinate/ assist
COMELEC in the
Prosecution of
Violation of Omnibus
Election Code

(IDMB MCPO PRO7, N0V. 11, 2010.)


SPO1 Juan Case: Murder Secure the crime scene Datu Unsay Ms. Nena Tatlong Hari To include evidence confiscated/
PO2 Areglado Victim: Inventory of confiscated Ampatuwad Manny Pokyaw Examined by SOCO
PO2 Maligalig Mangundadatus WIFE, 20 political evidence Datu Andal For filling in court/evidences was
allies, 35 media personalities Identification of the suspects Ampatuwad turned to PO3 Kastigador
property custodian of Sharif
Ref: 130900H Oct 2010 Agwak on Oct 16, 2010
Lead Investigator PO3 Imbestigador
PO2 Tan
PO2 Caronungan

Operation: TF MAGUINDANAO (Name: IDMB MCPO PRO7, N0V. 11, 2010.)

Member/s Task Call Sign Comms Equipment Special Note
(First Responder) SPO1 ATS 2500hh radio Subject PNCOs who are the 1st
Juan Secure the crime scene Patrol 1 CH 1 Mobile Police notebook responder on the crime scene.
PO2 Areglado phone:
PO2 Maligalig 09191234567
(investigator – on - case) Team Leader/ searcher,
PO3 Imbestigador recorder, interviewer, ATS 2500hh radio
Members: exhibits/evidence Ranger 2 CH 1 Investigators Kit Lead investigator on case.
PO2 Tan custodian Mobile phone:
PO1 Caronungan 09192345678
ATS 2500hh
Entry team radio Process crime scene which
SOCO Team Search team Eagle 3 Ch 1 SOCO Manual requires scientific findings
Interview Smith Mobile phone:

Entry team ATS 2500hh radio Tape recorder Follow-up investigation of the
Follow-up investigator Search team Panther 4 Ch 1 Note books case
Corroborate Earle Mobile phone:

(IDMB MCPO PRO7, N0V. 11, 2010.)


Investigative equipment Application of  To motivate every personnel From time of crime Mobility/Gasoline-
- evidence collection kit SMECAC to perform their specific task incident up to the P1500.00
- cast molding kit Principle to achieve the desired proper filling of criminal Food and Snacks-
- finger print kit objectives case (36hrs.) P400.00
- question document kit Crime Laboratory has state of Load- P300.00
- arson kit the art equipment which can Miscellaneous: 1,500.00
- post blast investigation kit give accurate in aid of
- integrated ballistic identification investigation. Furthermore, it
system kit (IBIS) is ISO certified by
- automated finger print International Standard.
identification system (AFPIS)
(Figure 6, Investigation Plan Scenario)

On october 25, 2010 an unidentified female cadaver wearing a yellow petit

monde blouse, white pants and black leather shoes with blue handbag beside her was
found dead along Brgy. San Rafael, Subic, Zambales by one MARCOS AQUINO y
BINAY, 35 years old married, businessman and a resident of #11 Gumamela St.,
Camayan Ville Subdivision, Brgy. San Rafael, Subic, Zambales at about 7:00 AM of the
same date while having his morning jog. Mr AQUINO immediately proceeded to the
Barangay Hall of Barangay San Rafael, Subic, Zambales just a few meters away from
the crime scene where he reported the incident to the Barangay Chairman identified as
HERMOGENES IBDANI y BELSOSA who in turn reported it to Subic Municipal Police
Chairman IBDANI together with Mr. AQUINO and other barangay security force
personnel boarded their patrol car and proceeded at the crime scene. Upon arrival they
saw the lifeless body of the victim with gunshot wound on her face lying flat on the
pavement with her hand back beside her.
Few minutes later Police officer from local police station headed by the Chief of
Police, together with The Chief, Station Investigation Section and investigator-on-case
arrived followed by the arrival of the SOCO Team from PRO3.

After processing the crime scene the SOCO operative turned over the same to
the investigator-on-case together with the following pieces f evidence:
 One (1) female cadaver between 45 to 50 years old above 5’2 in height
with the above description and with wound on her left cheek believed to be caused by
 One (1) Armani handbag containing:
- assorted IDs with victim’s photo but written in foreign letters
- one (1) Asiana Airline Stub with name KIM MEH JUNG with Philippine
address at Unit 11 Roligon Tower, Quirino Ave., Pasay City who arrived in
Manila on October 15, 2010
 Fifty (50) thousand pesos in different denominations
 Twenty (20) thousand Korean won
 Two (2) empty shell of 9mm caliber firearm


The victim KIM ME JUNG from Soul South Korea with Philippine address at Unit
11 Roligon Towers, Quirino Ave., Pasay City who arrived in Manila on October 15,
She (victim) was a wealthy heiress who owns vast property and business in Soul
South Korea and is here in the Philippines for a business hunt. She stays in Manila with
her daugther HAN JI MOON at Roligon Towers.
The victim is married but seperated to his husband identified as HAN CHANG
SOO a businessman from Ichon South Korea who arrived in Manila on October 10,
2010 and staying at Winston Hotel Aurora Boulevard Extention, Pasay City.

The victim’s driver ROBERTO PACQUING y MARGARINE, 45 years old, single

but with common-law-wife and residing at # 12 Mansanas St,. Pildera 2 Pasay City
claimed to have pick-up the victim and her daugther, HAN JI MOON, in front of Roligon
Towers at about 5:00 PM and dropped the victim at SM Mall of Asia and immediately
entered the mall at about 5:30 PM. Driver ROBERTO PACQUING y MARGARINE and
the victim daugther left SM Mall of Asia and headed for Quezon City.
A Barangay Security Force Identified as ROMAN GUERRERO y RAPIDO of
legal age and a resident of Purok 2, Brgy. San Rafael, Subic, Zambales who was on
duty at the Barangay Hall claimed that at about 11:30 PM of October 20, 2010 he heard
two sucessive gunshots coming from the crime scene area but he just ignored.
One GARDO MACHETE y VERSOSA 20 years old, out-of-school youth and
resident of # 13 Purok 3, Brgy. San Rafael, Subic, Zambales averred that at about
11:30 PM of October 20, 2010 he was walking home from a birthday party when he saw
one color black van and color blue car, plate number of which he failed to get, ran fast
coming from the crime scene and headed towards the highway and got lost under the
cover of darkness.

At about 7:00 am of October 25, 2010, an unidentified female cadaver wearing a
yellow petit monde blouse, white pants and black leather shoes with blue handbag
beside her was found dead along Brgy. San Rafael, Subic, Zambales by jogger
MARCOS AQUINO y BINAY, 35 years old married businessman and a resident of #11
Gumamela St., Camayan Ville Subdivision, Brgy. San Rafael, Subic, Zambales.
Immediately Mr. Aquino reported the matter to Brgy. Chairman HERMOGENES
IBDANI y BELSOSA together with brgy security forces proceeded to the area and
reported to Subic Municipal Police Station.
Few minutes later Police officers together with Chief investigation section,
followed by SOCO team PRO3 arrived at the crime scene to conduct the investigation.
After processing the crime scene SOCO operative turned over the crime scene to
officer-on-case of the following pieces of evidence:
 One (1) female cadaver between 45 to 50 years old above 5’2 in height with
the above description and with wound on her left cheek believed to be caused
by gunshot.
 One (1) Armani handbag containing;
- assorted IDs with victim’s photo but written in foreign letters
- one (1) Asiana Airline Stub with name KIM MEH JUNG with Philippine
address at Unit 11 Roligon Tower, Quirino Ave., Pasay City who arrived in
Manila on October 15, 2010
 Fifty (50) thousand pesos in different denominations
 Twenty (20) thousand Korean won
 Two (2) empty shell of 9mm caliber firearm


To identify the possible perpetrators and to determine the motive of alleged


a. A thorough investigation should be started from the time the victim arrived in
the Philippines, her former husband, her daughter and other person she had acquainted
b. Coordinate with Korean embassy in manila and determine her business
associates for possible business rivalry.
c. Coordinate with other law enforcement agencies for possible suspects of KFR
and other criminal groups.

a. What might be the possible motive behind the killing?
b. Contamination of the crime scene in the conduct of investigation.
c. Hesitance of the witnesses to cooperate in giving statement during the
investigation due to reprisal of the suspect.


a. Considering the ten (10) days operations to be conducted by CIDG, RIDM,

RPIU and local police Operatives an amount of one hundred thousand (100, 000.00)
pesos is allocated.


a. Consider also the possibility of the involvement of local organized crime
groups or the KFR.
b. Other equipments
c. Since it involves a foreign national the possibility of lateral coordination with
foreign law
d. Enforcement agencies is a paramount.

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