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Speed: 25’
Professions: any 2
Languages: Western Speak
Tough Strain: Toughness 8, Physical Integrity, Turn Blow
Perfect Form: Allure, Social Pariah, Trickster
Spiked Skin: Crushing Hold, Sure Footed, Escape Artist
Powers: Bloodline: Demonos

Drider (Spider Person)

Speed 20’, 25’, 40’ (See Versatile Limbs)

Professions: Tailor, Pathfinder: Jungle
Languages: Bark Tongue, Western Speak
Versatile Limbs: Can have 2-6 arms, non used arms act as legs. 6 arms 2 legs provides 20’
speed, 4 arms 4 legs provides 25’ speed, 2 arms 6 legs provides 40’ speed.
Powers: Zip Spinner, Danger Sense, Spider Walk


Speed 15’ on foot, 25’ hovering (see Floating Form)

Professions: Mythologist, Spellcrafter
Languages: Western Speak, 1 other
Floating Form: Sylphs primarily move by hovering over the ground. Walking they can move 15’,
hovering they can move 25’. By spending 5 mana the sylph can double their hover height for 10
Powers: Guided Hurl, Traceless, Bloodline: Elemental Air 1


Speed 25’
Professions: Mythologist, Spellcrafter
Languages: Western Speak, 1 other
Powers: Bloodline: Elemental Fire 1, Elemental Fury, Mesmerize


Speed 25’
Professions: Mythologist, Spellcrafter
Languages: Western Speak, 1 other
Powers: Bloodline: Elemental Water 1, Swim Like a Fish II, Waterwalk, Heavy Lung

Speed 25’
Professions: Mythologist, Trapper
Languages: Western Speak, Souther Speak
Shadow Walk: The Shade gains 1 free move action each
round when standing in shadows.
Draining Touch: The Shade may drain 3 mana as part of an unarmed attack or after initiating a
grapple may drain 3 mana per action spent on draining.
Powers: Blind Vision, Elemental Blood (Water)

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