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only a little.

Can only take one class. Classes cost 4k and come with 1 of 2 basic abilities, your choice. Can
buy 2nd ability for 2k. 6k for all.
Can purchase Elemental affinity for 3k unless Antivirus class.

HP-- (200$ at 100 HP, doubles for every 40 HP over 100 a navi has...only permanent HP)
class ability 1, up to level 5, current level x 1k = next level
class ability 2, up to level 5, current level x 1k = next level

programs: programs can be used to customize navis further by giving them special abilities or
boosting their stats. Each program uses up a certain amount of program points. Your equipped
programs cannot exceed your maximum program points.
buster damage up to level 5, 1k per plus - 2 program points per plus
buster speed up to level 5, 1k per plus - 2 program points per plus
charge speed up to level 3, 1500$ per plus - 3 program points per plus
firewall +1= 5k, firewall +2 = 10k, firewall +3 = 15k -
processing +1= 5k, firewall +2 = 10k, firewall +3 = 15k l
protocol +1= 5k, firewall +2 = 10k, firewall +3 = 15k l 3 points for +1, 4 for +2, 5 for
Motherboard +1= 5k, firewall +2 = 10k, firewall +3 = 15k l +3
memory +1= 5k, firewall +2 = 10k, firewall +3 = 15k -
Chip Library

1d12 dice system-- attacks: d12+chip bonus > target Firewall = hit

Navi Stats:

point buy, 25 points to spend at creation. Minimum 1, max 10. Nothing can push it over 10.
Start at 1 for point buy.

Firewall - AC
Processing - speed and AP
Memory - number of chips usable each turn
Motherboard - constitution, program points
Protocol - charisma, stealth

Starting money: $6,500

AP: 2 + Processing Score

Movement: 1 AP to move, can move and act in same action, any other action in addition to
moving adds that action’s AP to the AP cost of the complete action, distance = processing
score/2 rounded down

Health: 50 + 10*motherboard

Program Points = 2*motherboard score

Megabuster: 1 AP for regular shots, speed increases the number of shots per AP
Charge Shot is 3 AP, can raise charge stat up to lvl 3, each lvl reduces AP by 1

Number of chips usable: memory score/2

Chip switch: 1 AP per chip you swap out

having elemental affinity only allows base feature of element: no slipping on ice, heal on grass,
no dmg from lava with fire, immune to paralysis (elec)

elec = compfrz, wood = lag (minus ap), fire = different effects based on panel type, water =
double damage from next electric attack in battle or -1 to all actions til end of round
Navi Classes:

Security (tank) - example Gutsman-- plus Firewall, minus processing, charge: gutsquake
(upgradable), taunt: target damaged by security MUST target the Security next action, minor DR

Patcher (healer) - example Roll--only class that can use recovery chips above 50 (upgrade:
each upgrade can use the next recovery chip up), can heal adjacent, recovery chips remove
status effects, charge attack: healbeam (upgradable), memory bonus, motherboard penalty

Standard (all arounder, lvl 0 pokemon trainer) - example Megaman, no bonus, no penalty, can
use all general chips, std charge attack

Backup (support) - example Glide--- (arenastage changers only), temp boosts (upgradable),
barriers work on party, processing bonus, firewall penalty, can use northwind as an ability with
AP requirement (upgradable).

Trojan (rogue type) - examples Shadowman and Darkman-- stealth and melee chips, unlocker
check (upgradable), protocol bonus, memory penalty, charge atk cybersword, +1 to melee range
chips (upgradable)

Antivirus (element specialist) - examples Torchman, Aquaman, Protoman, Iceman-- different

charge attacks. (Flamethrower, stepswrd, searchshot, breakkncle, bubbleshot, shock field,
tornado, pois shot) AP turbo only on same element(AP +1, DMG +30, upgradable 10 DMG per
upgrade): + processing, - protocol, natural +1 bonus to hit for same element chips(upgradable)

Base range 1-5, can extend range for -1 to hit to each extra square. Applies except to melee

10-40 dmg = 1 AP
50-80 = 2 AP
90-120 = 3 AP
130-160 = 4 AP
170-200+ = 5 AP
Cannon types, +2 to hit
Cannon - 40 dmg, 1 AP, $500
*HiCannon - 80 dmg, 2 AP, $1200
*M-Cannon - 120 dmg, 3 AP, $1900
Shotgun - 30 dmg, 1 AP, $200, +1 to hit, hits target and square behind it
V gun - 30 dmg, 1 AP, $300, +1 to hit, hits target and 2 squares diagonally behind
Crossgun - 30 dmg, 1 AP, $400, +1 to hit, hits target and 4 diagonal squares
Spreader - 30 dmg, 1 AP, $600, +2 to hit, hits target and burst 1 square
Bubbler - 50 dmg, water type, 2 AP, $800, +1 to hit, water shotgun
Bub V- 50 dmg, water type, 2 AP, $900, +1 to hit, water 3 square V gun
Bubcross - 50 dmg, water type, 2 AP, $1000, +1 to hit, water crossgun
Heater - 70 dmg, fire type, 2 AP, $900 +1 to hit, fire shotgun
Heat V - 70 dmg, fire type, 2 AP, $1000 +1 to hit, fire 3 square V gun
Heat Cross - 70 dmg, fire type, 2 AP, $1100 +1 to hit, fire crossgun
*Tri Arrow - 3x40 dmg, 2 AP, $1500, shot, 3 spears each separate attack each subsequent shot
is at a -1 (+2, +1, +0)
*Tri Spear - 3x50 dmg, 3 AP, $2000, shot, 3 spears each separate attack each subsequent shot
is at a -1 (+2, +1, +0)
*Tri Lance - 3x60 dmg, 4 AP, $2500 shot, 3 spears each separate attack each subsequent shot
is at a -1 (+2, +1, +0)
*Typhoon - 3x30 dmg, 3 AP, $1600, 3 hit tornado
*Hurricane - 5x30 dmg, 4 AP, $2100 5 hit tornado
*Cyclone - 8x30 dmg, 5 AP, $3000 8 hit tornado

Lobbed types -1 to hit

Minibomb - 50 dmg, 2 AP, $500, lobbed bomb processing save DC 13 for half dmg
Lilbomb - 50 dmg, 2 AP, $800, lobbed, line bomb exploding horizontally or vertically from target,
1 square each.(total 3) processing save DC 14 for half dmg
*Crossbomb - 70 dmg, 2 AP, $1100, lobbed 5 square X pattern bomb processing save DC 14 for
half dmg
*BigBomb - 90 dmg, 3 AP, $2000, lobbed 3x3 square pattern bomb processing save DC 15 for
half dmg
*Quake 1 - 90 dmg, 3 AP, $1500, lobbed statue drop cracks panel and goes through guard
*Quake 2 - 120 dmg, 3 AP, $2000, lobbed statue drop cracks panel and goes through guard
*Quake 3 - 150 dmg, 4 AP, $2500, lobbed statue drop cracks panel and goes through guard
*Howitzer - 150 dmg, 4 AP, $3000, break, single panel target

Melee Types
Sword - 80 dmg, 2 AP, $1000, melee range adjacent square sword swing
Widesword - 80 dmg, 2 AP, $1200, melee range 3 squares horizontal sword swing
Longsword - 80 dmg, 2 AP, $1300, melee range 2 square reach sword swing
**Futuresword - 100 dmg, $2000, 3 AP, melee range 3 square reach sword swing
**Knightsword - 150 dmg, $2500, 4 AP, melee range 3 square reach sword swing
***Herosword - 200 dmg, $5000, 5 AP, melee range 3 square reach sword swing
Firesword - 100 dmg, $1500, 3 AP, melee range 3 squares horizontal sword swing with fire
Aquasword - 150 dmg, $1500, 4 AP melee range 3 squares horizontal sword swing with water
Elecsword - 120 dmg, 3 AP, $1500, melee range 3 squares horizontal sword swing with electric
Bamboosword - 140, 4 AP, $1500, melee range 3 squares horizontal sword swing with wood
***Muramasa - damage equal to health lost, 4 AP, melee range adjacent square sword swing
**Hammer - $5000, 220 dmg, 5 AP, break
Gutspunch - 60 dmg, $700, 2 AP, melee range punch knocks enemy back 1 square
Icepunch - 80 dmg, $900, 2 AP, melee range punch knocks enemy back 1 square with water
*Drain 1 - 50 dmg, $1100, 2 AP, melee attack drains HP from enemy
*Drain 2 - 70 dmg, $1600, 2 AP, melee attack drains HP from enemy
*Drain 3 - 90 dmg, $2100, 3 AP, melee attack drains HP from enemy
**Body Burn - $3000, 100 dmg, 3 AP, fire damage to all adjacent

Line Types, +1 to hit (can be stopped by broken panels)

Shockwave - 60 dmg, $600, 2 AP, shockwave goes along ground in straight line
*Soniwave - 80 dmg, $1000, 2 AP, shockwave goes along ground in straight line
*Dynawave - 100 dmg, $1400, 3 AP, shockwave goes along ground in straight line
*Fire Tower - 100 dmg, $1500, 3 AP, column of fire goes in straight line
*Aqua Tower - 120 dmg, $1600, 3 AP, column of water goes in straight line
*Wood Tower - 140 dmg, $1700, 4 AP, line of pointed logs goes in straight line
*Dash - 50 dmg, $700, 2 AP, up to 6 square dash damages all in way
*Wave - 80 dmg, $1200, 2 AP, 5 wide straight line aqua
*Red Wave - $1700, 100 dmg, 3 AP, 5 wide straight line fire
**Big Wave - $2200, 160 dmg, 4 AP, 5 wide straight line aqua
*Gaia 1 - 100 dmg, $1500, 3 AP, 3 wide straight line shockwave
*Gaia 2 - 130 dmg, $1800, 4 AP, 3 wide straight line shockwave
**Gaia 3 - 160 dmg, $2100, 4 AP, 3 wide straight line shockwave

Homing Types, +3 to hit

Ratton 1 - 80 dmg, $900, 2 AP, ratton homes in on target has 5 actions can move 2 squares per
action, 40 HP
*Ratton 2 - 100 dmg, $1400, 3 AP, ratton homes in on target has 5 actions can move 3 squares
per action, 40 HP
*Ratton 3 - 120 dmg, $1800, 3 AP, ratton homes in on target has 5 actions can move 4 squares
per action, 40 HP
Thunder 1 - 90 dmg, $1000, 3 AP, electric ball homes in on target has 4 actions can move 1
squares per action stuns on hit
*Thunder 2 -120 dmg, $1300, 3 AP, electric ball homes in on target has 4 actions can move 2
squares per action stuns on hit
*Thunder 3 - 150 dmg, $1600, 4 AP, electric ball homes in on target has 4 actions can move 3
squares per action stuns on hit

Recover Types
Recover 10 - $200, 1 AP, heal 10 HP
Recover 30 - $500, 1 AP, heal 30 HP
*Recover 50 - $1000, 2 AP, heal 50 HP
**Recover 80 - $1300, 2 AP, patcher only, heals 80 HP
**Recover 120 - $1600, 3 AP, patcher only, heals 120 HP
**Recover 150 - $2000, 3 AP, patcher only, heals 150 HP
***Recover 200 - $4000, 5 AP, patcher only, heals 200 HP
****Recover 300 - 5 AP, patcher only, heals 300 HP

Object Types
*Time Bomb 1 - 80 dmg, $1500, 3 AP, place time bomb, goes off at end of next round, bomb has
150 HP
*Time Bomb 2 - 120 dmg, $2000,4 AP, place time bomb, goes off at end of next round, bomb
has 200 HP
*Time Bomb 3 - 160 dmg, $2500, 5 AP, place time bomb, goes off at end of next round, bomb
has 250 HP
*Mine 1 - 160 dmg, $1200, 4 AP, can place anywhere within normal range
**Mine 2 - 180 dmg, $1700, 5 AP, can place anywhere within normal range
***Mine 3 - 200 dmg, $2200, 6 AP, can place anywhere within normal range
***Anubis - $3000, 3 AP, trojan only
Ice Cube - $1000, 2 AP, spawns cover
Rock Cube - $1000, 2 AP, spawns cover

Stage Types
*Geddon 1 - $1500, 2 AP, backup only, cracks all panels
**Geddon 2 - $2000, 4 AP, backup only, breaks all vacant panels
Ice Stage - $1200, 3 AP, backup only, makes stage icy
Grass Stage -$1200, 3 AP, backup only, makes stage grass
Lava Stage -$1200, 3 AP, backup only, makes stage lava
Repair - $500, 3 AP, repair all panels
X-Panel 1 - $100, 1 AP, break in front of you, 10 dmg if enemy.
*X-Panel 3 - $300, 2 AP, break 3 horizontal squares in front of you, 20 dmg if enemy

Utility Types
Steal - $800, 3 AP, shadowstep, interrupt
Escape - $400, 3 AP, auto logout, interrupt
**Interrupt - $2000, 5 AP, anti-navi, 1 x per battle, destroys random chip for the battle
Met Guard - $800, 2 AP, interrupt, reflect, security only
*Iron Shield - $1600, 4 AP, block all damage, maintain by paying cost, security only
Invis 1 - $800, 2 AP, trojan only, vanish from sight until end of round
*Invis 2 - $1400, - 3 AP, trojan only, vanish from sight until end of next round
*Invis 3 - $2000, 4 AP, trojan only, vanish from sight for 2 rounds
Barrier - $300, 1 AP, nullifies next attack hitting user
*Leaf Shield $1200- 3 AP, absorbs next hit and heals
*Aqua Aura - $700, 2 AP, Null<10dmg Weak vs. [Elec]
*Fire Aura - $1500, 3 AP, Null<40dmg Weak vs. [Aqua]
**Wood Aura - $2500, 4 AP, Null<80dmg Weak vs. [Fire]
***********************Life Aura - 5 AP, Negate all attacks w/ damage<100

Chip Keyword Index

Break: Destroys panels and ignores guards. If something is standing on the panel that would be
broken it is cracked instead.

Broken Panel: holes. Blocks line attacks and cannot be moved on.

Cracked: Panels that are about to break. If something moves onto the panel then off again the
panel becomes broken

Nullify: negates attack

PWRSRG (Elec ability): target Cannot act until next round

Lag (Wood ability): person hit has -4 AP to next round

Grass: panel status. All fire damage is doubled and fire destroys grass effect. Grass affinity
viruses and navis restore 10 HP per AP spent on panel

Poison: 10 damage per AP spent while poisoned

Reflect: Damage reflected back as shockwave

Interrupt: Can use this out of turn as long as you have the AP required and win in an opposed
processing roll

Repair: restores panels to neutral

Icy: Must succeed in DR 12 Protocol check to move normally else move in direction until hit
Lava: Panel condition, 10 damage for stepping on panel and panel condition is removed. Fire
affinity does not remove panel condition and takes no damage. Grass affinity takes double

Block: Nullifies damage. Can be ignored by break attacks.

Maintain: can spend AP to keep effect of chip going instead of using another action.

Waiting: Spend 1 AP to do nothing.

Virus Catalogue (all virus attacks 2 AP)

Health: 40, 60, 100
Damage: 10, 40, 100
AP: 5, 6, 7
Movement: 1, 2, 3
AC: 4, 6, 8
Processing: 1, 2, 3
Protocol: 3, 5, 7
Attack: shockwave +0, shockwave +1, shockwave +3
Special Ability: guard 2 AP. Blocks all damage except break attacks.
Behavior: Mettaurs are not bright. They will attempt to do their best to stay in line with their
quarry, only attacking when they are directly in line with them. After they attack they will drop
behind their guard to defend against incoming attacks until their next action at which point they
will attempt to line up with their quarry and attack again.

Health: 40, 80, 140
Damage: 10, 50, 100
AP: 4, 6, 8
Movement: none
AC: 4, 6, 8
Processing: 2, 4, 6
Protocol: 5, 7, 9
Attack: canon, +0, canon +1, canon +3
Special Ability: none
Behavior: Canodumbs will sit in place and fire at anything perceived as an enemy.

Health: 80, 120, 150
Damage: 15, 80, 140
AP: 4, 6, 8
Movement: 2, 3, 4
AC: 4, 6, 8
Processing: 2, 4, 6
Protocol: 4, 6, 8
Attack: Lil bomb -2, cross bomb -1, big bomb +0
Special Ability: none
Behavior: Beetanks will shuffle around the battlefield dodging attacks. However they will stop
moving to attack then resume moving on their next action.

Billy (electric)
Health: 100, 150, 200
Damage: 100, 140, 180
AP: 4, 6, 8
Movement: 2, 3, 4
AC: 4, 6, 8
Processing: 2, 4, 6
Protocol: 4, 6, 8
Attack: thunder 1, thunder 2, thunder 3
Special Ability: none
Behavior: Billys run around the battlefield only stopping to fire off a ball of lightning before
resuming movement.

Coldbear (aqua)
Health: 200, 250, 300
Damage: 50, 30, 30
AP: 4, 6, 8
Movement: none
AC: 5, 7, 9
Processing: 2, 4, 6
Protocol: 4, 6, 8
Attack: slide icecube in straight line at enemy, same for all 3
Special Ability: summon icecube 2 AP
Behavior: Coldbears will summon icecubes all around themselves at the beginning of battle. If
an enemy lines up with them they will slide the icecube at them and then summon a new ice
cube on their next action. Attacking an enemy will take priority over summoning more icecubes.

Candevil (fire)
Health: 160, 200, 300
Damage: 100, 150, 200
AP: 4, 6, 8
Movement: 2, 3, 4
AC: 4, 6, 8
Processing: 2, 4, 6
Protocol: 4, 6, 8
Attack: flame gout beneath target -1, +0, +1
Special Ability: none
Behavior: Move about and stop to attack, resume moving next turn.

Health: 80, 150 (fire)
Damage: 30, 150
AP: 4, 6, 8
Movement: 4, 5
AC: 6, 8
Processing: 5, 7
Protocol: 4, 6
Attack: dash +1, dash +3 (fire)
Special Ability: none
Behavior: Fishy’s move quickly about the battlefield charging their quarry and anyone in their

Health: 60, 120, 150
Damage: 20, 60, 100
AP: 4, 6, 8
Movement: 2, 3, 4
AC: 4, 6, 8
Processing: 2, 4, 6
Protocol: 4, 6, 8
Attack: teleport above enemy and quake +0, +1, +2
Special Ability: Hop - do not touch the ground when moving from spot to spot
Behavior: Move and attack. Moves 3 times then attacks, pausing between moves.

Health: 120, 200, 250
Damage: 40, 40, 40
AP: 4, 6, 8
Movement: none
AC: 4, 6, 8
Processing: 2, 4, 6
Protocol: 3, 5, 7
Attack: minibomb -1, +0, +1
Special Ability: block 2 AP maintain - blocks all damage, can be ignored by break attacks.
cannot block and attack at the same time.
Behavior: Will sit still blocking until attack. Will attack every 3 actions. Resumes blocking action
after attack action.

Health: 150, 200, 300
Damage: 200, 300, 400
AP: 4, 6, 8
Movement: none
AC: 5, 7, 9
Processing: 2, 4, 6
Protocol: 3, 5, 7
Attack: gaia +1, +2, +3
Special Ability: rock skin 2 AP maintain - blocks all damage, can be ignored by break attacks,
cannot block and attack at the same time.
Behavior: Will sit still blocking until attack. Will attack every 3 actions. Resumes blocking action
after attack action.

Health: 80, 200, 300
Damage: 30, 100, 200
AP: 4, 6, 8
Movement: 2, 3, 4
AC: 4, 6, 8
Processing: 2, 4, 6
Protocol: 4, 6, 8
Attack: time bomb bomb HP 60, 110, 180,
Special Ability: teleport: does not touch ground when moving
Behavior: Move about field then drops ticking time bombs. Will wait in place until their bomb
goes off or is destroyed.

Health: 60, 70, 80
Damage: 30, 30, 30
AP: 4, 6, 8
Movement: none
AC: 5, 7, 9
Processing: 2, 4, 6
Protocol: 3, 5, 7
Attack: howitzer -1, +0, +1
Special Ability: block 2 AP maintained - blocks all damage, can be ignored by break attacks,
cannot block and attack at the same time
Behavior: Will sit still blocking until attack. Will attack every 3 actions. Resumes blocking on
action after attack.
Jelly (aqua, fire, aqua)
Health: 120, 150, 200
Damage: 200, 200, 300
AP: 4, 6, 8
Movement: none
AC: 4, 6, 8
Processing: 2, 4, 6
Protocol: 4, 6, 8
Attack: Wave +0, +1, +2
Special Ability: none
Behavior: Spends 2 actions waiting then attack on 3rd action.

Health: 100, 120, 140
Damage: 100, 180, 300
AP: 4, 6, 8
Movement: 2, 3, 4
AC: 4, 6, 8
Processing: 2, 4, 6
Protocol: 4, 6, 8
Attack: place mine randomly on field
Special Ability: none
Behavior: Moves around then teleports to a random part of field to place mine then teleports
back. Resumes moving next turn.

Health: 200, 200 , 200
Damage: 50, 100, 200
AP: 4, 6, 8
Movement: 3, 4, 5
AC: 4, 6, 8
Processing: 3, 5, 7
Protocol: 4, 6, 8
Attack: Drain +0, +1, +2
Special Ability: none
Behavior: Dart from enemy to enemy attacking.

Health: 100, 150, 200
Damage: 50 (x3), 70 (x3), 120 (x3)
AP: 4, 6, 8
Movement: 2, 3, 4
AC: 4, 6, 8
Processing: 2, 4, 6
Protocol: 4, 6, 8
Attack: Triarrow +0, +1, +2
Special Ability: none
Behavior: Piranhas will swim about trying to target enemies then will attack with 3 spears.

Health: 60, 80, 100
Damage: 70, 85, 100
AP: 4, 6, 8
Movement: 2, 3, 4
AC: 4, 6, 8
Processing: 2, 4, 6
Protocol: 4, 6, 8
Attack: Ratton +0, +1, +2
Special Ability: none
Behavior: move and attack on every 3rd action

Health: 50, 100, 120
Damage: 15, 60, 120
AP: 4, 6, 8
Movement: 3, 4, 5
AC: 4, 6, 8
Processing: 2, 4, 6
Protocol: 5, 7, 9
Attack: basic melee +0, +1, +2
Special Ability: invis 1 1 AP, invis 2 2 AP, invis 3 3 AP
Behavior: Turns invisible at beginning of round if not already. Moves behind navis and attacks.
Turns visible when attacking.

Health: 90, 120 (fire), 200 (aqua)
Damage: 40/60, 60/60 (fire), 80/80 (aqua)
AP: 4, 6, 8
Movement: 2, 3, 4
AC: 4, 6, 8
Processing: 2, 4, 6
Protocol: 4, 6, 8
Attack: Longsword/widesword +0, +1, +2
Special Ability: Can use either widesword or longsword
Behavior: Will move forward to longsword range of target and remain there while continuing to
attack. Will follow target until lined up for an attack. If it can hit with widesword range it will use
widesword instead.

Health: 80 (fire), 120 (aqua)
Damage: 15, 50
AP: 4, 6
Movement: 2, 3
AC: 5, 7
Processing: 2, 4
Protocol: 4, 6, 8
Attack: fire/aqua tower +1, +2
Special Ability:
Behavior: Move about battle field and uses a fire/aqua tower attack.

Shrimpy (aqua)
Health: 100, 130, 150
Damage: 50, 100, 150
AP: 4, 6, 8
Movement: 2, 3, 4
AC: 4, 6, 8
Processing: 2, 4, 6
Protocol: 4, 6, 8
Attack: Straight line for all, Bubbler -1, BubV +0, Bubcross +2
Special Ability: Attack can be blocked by holes
Behavior: Floats around battle field until it is in line with an enemy then launches a water filled
bubble along the ground at the enemy.

Spikey (fire)
Health: 90, 120, 200
Damage: 20, 60, 120
AP: 4, 6, 8
Movement: 2, 3, 4
AC: 4, 6, 8
Processing: 2, 4, 6
Protocol: 4, 6, 8
Attack: Heatshot +0, Heat V +1, Heatcross +2
Special Ability: none
Behavior: Move around battle field then fire a shot at target.

Health: 100, 120, 250
Damage: 100, 180, 140
AP: 4, 6, 8
Movement: 2, 3, 4
AC: 4, 6, 8
Processing: 2, 4, 6
Protocol: 4, 6, 8
Attack: Wood Tower +0, +1, +2
Special Ability: none
Behavior: Hangs from a string, moves about battle field until in line with enemy then launches
wood tower.

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