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Cardiovascular Physiology
Dr S program
November 1996/Update and modified form multiple sources
1. Closure of the aortic valve occurs at the onset of which phase of the cardiac cycle?
a isovolumetric contraction
b rapid ejection
c protodiastole
d isovolumetric relaxation
e rapid filling

2, At which point on the pressure volume curve below is the afterload on the heart the greatest?

a. a
b b
c c
d d
e e

3. Ventricular muscle receives impulses directly from the

a Purkinje system
b bundle of his
c right and left bundle branches
d AV node
e SA node

4. A decrease in stroke work is most likely to be caused by increasing the

a contractility
b ejection fraction
c preload
d aortic compliance
e central venous pressure

5. Splitting of the second heart sound into two components is enhanced by

a delayed closure of the aortic valve
b delayed closure of the mitral valve
c early closure of the pulmonic valve
d prolongation of atrial systole
e none of the above

6 Which of the following statements about the third heart sound is correct
a usually diminished in CCF
b is produced by turbulence during the rapid ventricular filling in early diastole
c often associated with mitral valve prolapse
d is produced by turbulence following atrial contraction
e produced by flow through the foramen ovale

7 Which of the following is incorrectly paired

a dicrotic notch=closure of the aortic valve
b preload=end-diastolic volume
c propranolol =decrease in myocardial contractility
d muscle pump=skeletal muscle movements
e Cushing response=tachycardia*

8 During the isovolumetric period of the cardiac cycle

a T wave corresponds
b retrograde flow occurs in the proximal aorta
c first heart sound
d aortic valve is closed and mitral valve is open
e none of the above

9 With respect to cardiac conduction. Fastest rate of conduction is

a atrial muscle
b SA node
c purkinje fibres
d AV node
e ventricular muscle

10 Pulse pressure is lowest in

a capillaries in feet in standing position
b radial artery
c arteries of the feet
d aorta
e femoral artery

11 During inspiration the following changes occur: (pick the correct)

a decreased right ventricular filling
b decreased right ventricular output
c a decrease in systemic arterial pressure
d a decrease in the pressure gradient from the extra-thoracic veins to the right atrium
e increase in intra-thoracic pressure

12 Venous pressure in the dural sinuses usually fall in the following range
a 0-5mmhg
b 5-10mmhg
c 10-20mmhg
d more than 20 mmHg
e subatmospheric

13 Which organ has the LEAST change in blood flow during exercise
a skin
b brain
c Intestine
d Heart
e adrenal medulla

14 The oxygen saturation of blood entering the right ventricle(in a normal adult) is
a 97%
b 85%
c 75%
d 90%
e 37%

15 Which of the following factors influence whether blood flow through a vessel is laminar or
turbulent(pick the incorrect factor)
a velocity
b viscosity
c diameter of vessel
d density
e Seville ratio

16 With respect to CEREBRAL BLOOD FLOW which of the following is incorrect

a decreased by rise in pH
b usually approximates 750ml/min in the adult
c reduced by sustained increase in intracranial pressure
d distribution to different region is not influenced by neuronal activity
e increased by hypoxaemia

17 Which of the following is true regarding the jugular venous pulse


At point A
a atrial systole
b bulging of the tricuspid leaflets
c corresponds to isovolumetric ventricular contraction
d only occurs during tricuspid incompetence
e rise in venous pressure before the tricuspid valve opens

18 At point B
a bulging of the tricuspid leaflets into the atrium during Right ventricular contraction
b atrial systole
c dicrotic notch
d artefact seen in atrial flutter
e rise in venous pressure before the tricuspid valve opens

Which statements are incorrectly paired
a In the above diagram the A-B interval approximates the PQ interval of the ECG
b venoconstriction= increased venous return
c left atrial pressure 30mmHg= normal pulmonary artery pressure
d increased myocardial contractility=increased myocardial O2 consumption
e increase in End diastolic volume=increased stroke volume

20 The dicrotic notch is caused by

a closure of the A-V valves
b opening of the aortic valve
c closure of the aortic valve
d closure of the mitral and then opening of the aortic valve
e none of the above

Answers to MCQPHYWK5

1d 2c 3a 4d 5e 6b 7e 8b 9e (C!) 10a
11c 12e 13b 14c 15e 16d 17a 18a 19c 20c

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