Sundari Fitri TBI 5

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 Fill in the blanks below to complete the sentences. Use ‘some’ or ‘any’.

1. I don’t need money because I’m going to bring my lunch to school.

2. He doesn’t have any pens, but I have some pens.

3. Our teacher didn’t give us any homework yesterday.

4. I’m tired. Do we have any time to take a nap?

5. A: Do they have some library cards? B: No, they don’t have any .

6. Paul wants to buy some new shoes.

7. Excuse me, I need some information about the flight to Boston.

8. I don’t have any paper, but Mary has some .

9. Mr. Smith has some questions that he wants to ask you.

10. They have some apples, but they don’t have any bananas.

11. I’m sorry, but we don’t have any more tickets.

12. Thomas read some interesting books last month.

13. I bought some milk and some sugar at the supermarket.

14. A: Do you have any coins for the bus? B: No, I have no any .

15. I need some help with my homework.

For each gap choose one of the words: another, other, the other, others, the others.

1. The embassy website has general information about visas. others travel information can be
obtained by calling the freephone number.

2. What other books by Charles Dickens have you read, apart from ‘Oliver Twist’?

3. The applications are examined by one committee, then passed on to others .

4. Here are only two magazines. Where are the others ?

5. I don’t like the red one. I prefer the other colour.

6. I don’t like this place. Is there the other café around here we could go to?

7. Jeremy is at university; our another son is still at school.

8. He never thinks of others .

9. He got 100% in the final examination. No other student has ever achieved that.

10. After a month in Bolivia, I was ready to move to another country. 11. There’s one another
thing we need to discuss before we finish.

12. We have to solve this problem, more than any others , today.

13. I’ll attach two photos to this email and I’ll send others tomorrow.

14. This computer here is new. Another computer is about five years old.

15. D’you know the Indian restaurant in Palmer Street? — Yes. — Well, the gift shop is on the
other side of the street, directly opposite.

16. Would you like another drink?

17. 'Finished?' 'No, I've got other three questions to do'.

18. Joel and Karen are here, but where are . others kids?

19. Where are other two dinner plates? I can only find four.

20. Let's do it another time.

21. He had his hat in one hand and a bunch of flowers in the others .

22. She has two kittens, one is black and the others is all white.

23. Would you like. another cup of coffee?

24. The room's too small. Let's see if they've got another one.

25. Some scientists think we should reduce the number of flights to prevent global warming; The
others disagree.

26. I’ve posted the first package. What shall I do with that. . Another package?
27. There is another car park a little further down the same street.

28. Others interesting places to visit include the old harbour and the castle.

29. We've still got. other forty miles to go.

30. 'It's a bill'. 'Oh no, not. others !'

31. I got others of those calls yesterday.

32. You must ask one or others of your parents.

33. We need another computer.

34. We can try that others but whether it'll work is another matter.

35. This option is preferable to any others .

36. I don't like this room. I'm going to ask for .Others

37. There'll never be another like him.

38. We've all got problems of one kind or others .

39. The bills kept coming in, one after the others.

40. Mr Harris and Mrs Bate and three other teachers were there.

41. I want to stay for. other three weeks.

42. Are there any other questions?

43. I can't see you now other some another time, maybe.
44. Two buildings were destroyed and many others damaged in the blast.

45. My another sister is a doctor.

46. One son went to live in Australia and the other one was killed in a car crash.

47. We need other three chairs.

48. He raised one arm and then others .

49. I'll wear my other shoes another these are dirty.

50. 'I like this one'. 'What about other ones?'

51. I'm staying for other few weeks.

52. I went swimming while the others played tennis.

53. I work on another side of the town.

54. He crashed into a car coming another way.

55. He found me, not another way round.

56. He's bought another car.

57. Where are other photos?

58. Could I have another piece of bread?

59. Those cakes are wonderful. Could I have the others ?

60. Have you got any other cakes, or are these the only ones?

61. Why don't you think more about other people?

62. These are too small. Have you got any ?

63. Give me. another example.

64. The house is on another side of the street.

65. Where are the others books that I gave you?

66. He has another intentions.

67. This is not a very good example; I want the other one.

68. There is only one glove on the table. Where is the others?

69. He will stay here other five days.

70. I can see Julie, but where have all others gone?

71. Give me other two books.

72. I have given you one example; now I'll give you the others .

73. I took this book because there were no others on this subject.

74. They have known each other for two years.

75. I think we should paint it another colour.

76. They love each other .

77. They looked at one others .

78. They looked into each other 's eyes.

79. Without another word he left the room.

80. It was not a large garden. John and I walked right to the other end of it in silence.

81. Would you like another cup of tea?

82. Then I read the novels of William Burroughs one after the others .

83. another day I made an epigram. I hope you'll like it.

84. Why are you alone? Where are others ?

85. The bar was kept by two very nice girls; one was American and the others

86. other people have told me the same thing.

87. The house on the other side of the river was built of grey stone.

88. The shoes do not fit me. Will you kindly give me another pair?

89. Neither of them has seen even a photo of the others .

90. I read the novels by O.Henry one after the others .

91. I met him at the club another night.

92. I see only five copies here. Where are the others ones?

93. I have lost my fountain-pen. I must buy another one.

94. They are going to get punished one way or others .

95. I can’t find my another shoe.

96. One man was arrested, but the other. one got away.

97. He kept shifting awkwardly from one foot to the other others

98. We try to help others. .

99. I hope you will learn to show more respect for Others.

100.I chose this coat in the end because The other were all too expensive.

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