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FAKULTAS (Faculty) : KIP (Teacher Education)
JURUSAN (Department) : PEND. BHS. INGGRIS (Education Of English)
Mata Uji - Course Paragraph Development Writing Hari/Tanggal - Tuesday, April 27, 2021
Smt/Kelas - Class Semua kelas Jam ke - Session
Penguji - Examiner 1. KoesoemaRatih Waktu - Duration
24 Hours
2. Sumayah
3. Muamaroh
Petunjuk - Instruction:
1. Answer all the questions briefly
Capaian Pembelajaran Mata Kuliah - Course Learning Outcomes (CPMK - CLO):
1. Mahasiswa mampu mengembangkan ide dan menuliskannya dalam teks descriptive
dengan benar sesuai generic structure nya
2. Mahasiswa mampu mengembangkan ide dan menuliskannya dalam teks procedure dengan
benar sesuai generic structure nya
3. Mahasiswa mampu menarasikan cerita dengan runtut dengan menggunakan teks recount
dengan benar sesuai generic structure nya
Soal Tipe A - Type A Questions
Nilai- CPMK -
No Soal - Questions
Score CLO
Write descriptive text by choosing one of the following topics minimum 200
1. a. Describe a famous person that youadmire 40 1
b. Describe one of your favorite picnicareas
c. Describe an animal that you like
Write a procedure text by choosing one of the following topics minimum 200
2. a. How to make avocadojuice 30 2
b. How to make your favoritecuisine
c. How to live happily in Covid-19 pandemictime
Write a recount text by choosing one of the following topics minimum 200
3. a. My life experience during Covid-19lockdown 30 3
b. Tell your pastexperience
c. My first experience in online learning

Nama : Muhammad Fadhil

NIM : A320200050
Kelas : Paragraph Development Writing B

1) a. Describe a famous person that you admire

The Story of Cristiano Ronaldo

Cristiano Ronaldo was born on February 5, 1985, in Funchal, Madeira, Portugal. He is a football player
who started his career in a local club called Nacional da Liha da Madeira. Christian Ronaldo started to
know football from his father who is an equipment manager in his first club. When he was 10 years old,
he was already recognized as a talented little boy in football. He loved football since kid even he was
often out of the house through the window just to play ball and left his homework.
Ronaldo’s talent developed rapidly during adolescence. After playing for a club Nacional da Liha da
Madeira, he signed his first professional contract with Sporting Lisbon football club in 2001. In the same
year at the age of 16, Ronaldo impressed football world when he played against Manchester United. He
showed his talent by outwitting his opponent with quick footwork and ball control skills which are very
good. All football managers were impressed by him even a number of English players asked their
manager to try to bring in this young player.
Because of this talent, Manchester United was interested in signing him. In 2003 Manchester United
must pay £ 12 million to Sporting Lisbon to take him to England. This was a record price for the most
expensive football player of his age. A year later he scored his first goal for Manchester United in the FA
Cup final in 2004 and won the FA Cup as his first trophy. In 2008, he recorded a franchise record for
goals scored. Ronaldo has won many titles Premier League with Manchester united. The peak of his
career was when he won Champions League trophy with Manchester united. His Success in Manchester
United made Real Madrid must pay an amount of $ 131 million to bring him to Spain. Real Madrid made
Cristiano Ronaldo as the most expensive football player in the world in 2009.

2) a. How to make your favorite cuisine

How to Make Tamarind Vegetable Dishes

You must have heard of tamarind vegetable dishes, this typical Javanese cuisine is loved by many
people, both children and the elderly, vegetable tamarind has a unique and delicious taste, this dish has
a slightly sour but savory taste that combines into one. This tamarind vegetable dish is also very easy to
make, we only need to prepare ingredients that are easy to find, this time I will show you how to make
tamarind vegetable dishes easily and deliciously.

The following ingredients:

1. 1 bunch of long beans. (Cut short about 3 cm.)
2. 2 pieces of sweet corn. (cut into pieces.)
3. Peanuts 150 grams
4. 2 pieces of chayote
5. 3 cm galangal
6. 700 ml of water
7. 1 tbsp of tamarind
8. 40 grams of brown sugar

Ground spices:
1. 3 red chilies
2. 9 pieces of red onion
3. 5 cloves of garlic
4. 5 candlenuts
5. Sufficient shrimp paste
6. Salt to taste Note: puree all the spices above.

How to make:
1. Prepare a pot and add water and then boil until the water boils.
2. After the water boils, add the ground spices that have been mashed beforehand.
3. Then followed by adding sweet corn and peanuts.
4. Then add the chayote and galangal, wait about 4 minutes.
5. Finally, add brown sugar and tamarind. wait about 5 minutes or until all ingredients are cooked.
6. Remove and the Javanese tamarind vegetables are ready to be served.

Taaraa, delicious tamarind vegetable dishes are ready, it's not easy to make them, we only need to use
easy ingredients and enjoy really delicious results, good luck.

3) a. My life experience during Covid-19 lockdown

My Activities during The Covid-19 Lockdown

Previous lockdown , many activities outside the house were obstructed and disturbed. All of them were
closed and told to stay at home so I did a lot of activities at home. And we have to start new things
which are mostly done at home. Of course the taste is very different and a lot needs to be adapted.
During the early days of the lockdown I was still used to it because it was still early. All I did was clean my
room, take a shower, have breakfast and then start my lecture activities at home, by online media. Then
when it's been a long time lockdown I began to feel bored. Then occasionally I made video calls to my
college friends using online media such as WhatsApp, zoom, and so on. There are many obstacles and
limitations for doing activities at home because it is very different when doing activities outside the
home compared with inside the house. However, this is also an effort to reduce the death curve and
spread of Covid 19.
So locking down is very beneficial for the continuity of this life, and always doing activities at home is a
form of the movement supports the success of health protocols to eliminate the Covid 19 pandemic.

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