Advanced Numerical Analysis

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ADVANCED NUMERICAL ANALYSIS BY EDWIN CHUKWUDI OBINABO B.Sc. (Portsmouth), M.Eng. (Sheffield), Ph.D. (Nigeria), AMIMechE. Department of Mechanical Engineering, AMBROSE ALLI University, P. M. B, 14, EKPOMA, Edo State, Nigeria. Time is too slow for those who wait, Too swift for those who fear, Too long for those who grieve, and Too short for those who rejoice. But for those who love, time is Eternity. Numerical Methods The aim of numerical methods is to provide an account of numerical analysis and computation which serves the needs of undergraduate physicists, chemists, engineers and economists. The first need is for a Gescription of the various entities, their nature and manipulation, and a derivation of the mathematical properties most frequently needed in applications. The second need is for a short selection of efficient methods ef solving linear equations and eigenvalue problems, adequate for practical numerical application and description in sufficient detail to be pred confidently. These methods should be suitable for hand-calculation Snd include the information needed to use them on an electronic computer. With this in mind, this book starts, instead, from the other side, putting into the hands of the users of mathematics an array of powerful fools, of whose existence they may be unaware, with precise directions for their use. To achieve this in a reasonable compass something had to be cacrificed and the author took the bold step of omitting virtually all proofs sae unorthodox but highly sensible procedure, since ‘otherwise the book might have been more than ten times its present size. The primary difficulty encountered with numerical methods is in applying well-defined mathematical theories to day-to-day industrial processts, and translating ideal models to the frequently far-from ideal real world scenario. In both vemtent and presentation this book is intended to bridge the gap between fooke and ‘courses designed to introduce the subject to science cians. This gap is felt undergraduates and treatises wri fh and facing urgent numerical most keenly by those begin I problems. It is hoped that this account, if not itself sufficient to solve a problem, may gi@ ¢nough background to enable specialized textbooks dnd journals to be consulted fruitfully. The examples after each chapter have the same purpose. Some provide direct illustrations of the ideas and procedures in the text but others are introductions to more advanced topics or more specialized applications. Numerical methods have a number of significant advantages. As always, the primary factor in any operation is cost. Use of numerical Scanned with CamScanner -2- methods enables criteria to be computed for maximum profitability of the plant to be derived. They also allow operators to approach more closely the optimum operation of the process. As the degree of numerical methods is increased, so do the related advantages which too become more significant. Further improvements in the computation are attained by model-based optimization. Almost every problem in the design, operation and analysis of manufacturing plants and industrial processes, and the associated problems such as production scheduling can be reduced in the final analysis to the problem of determining the largest or smallest value of a function of several variables. In an industrial process, for example, the criterion for optimum operation is often in the form of minimum cost, where the product cost can depend on a large number of interrelated controlled parameters in the manufacturing process. In mathematics, the performance criterion could be to minimize the integral of the squared difference between a specified function and an approximation to it generated as a function of the controlled parameters. Both of these examples have in common the requirement that a single quantity is to be minimized by variation of a number of controlled parameters. In addition, there may also be parameters which are not controlled but which can be measured, and possibly some which cannot even be measured. Free Response and the Eigenvalue Problem EIGENVALUE PROBLEMS are associated with determining those values of a scalar parameter for which there exists nontrivial solutions to a set of homogeneous equations. Such a problem is known as eigenvalue problem. Consider a state variable description of an electrical passive RLC oscillator shown in the fig. below. Resistor Inductor Voureur 1 2 Substituting (2) and (1) for i we obtain Vo ae 3 i-Vo LC Vi-Vo= ROT LCT d 4 d a, ivi yi = (1 RCA + LCS Wo giving Vin ROT VLC) From (4) the transfer operator becomes Scanned with CamScanner aw Ld 1c From (5) let the state variable be defined as, x(/) and represented in (6) as follows: =—— 6 On P Rd 1 staat de Ld LC so that Vo) = z x(t) 7 Equation (6) is the state equation, which on cross-multiplication gives a Rd 1 = Sx()+ 2 £x()+ ae 8 VO= Fa) TG pO+ ze) If we let x(¢ then i, =x, 9 R so that &, = 1 Rey 10 gC! Equation (9) and (1C) are a set of two first order differential equations that described the problem of (1) and (2) in state space. Using matrix notation for (9) and (10), we obtain matrix equations as follows: E-2 11 IC Equation (7), which is the output equation becomes 1 fx, Vott) = +.|** 12 = Telo These results may be expressed generally as follows: x(0) = Ax(1) + Bult) that is, 4.0) Ax(0)+ Bult) 13 and y(t) =Cx(t) 14 where u(r) is the input vector, and }(') the output vector. 4 is the coefficient matrix, 2 is the driving matrix and C is the output matrix. Taking the Laplace transform equations of (13), we obtain sX(s)-(0)= AX (s)+ BU(s) 15 or —X(ss—A)= X(0)+ BU(s) 16 where (0) is the vector of initial state of x('). The term s-4 in equation (16) is not defined as a matrix; the term s on the left hand side of (16) is a unity scalar quantity; it is not a matrix quantity while the next term 4 is a Scanned with CamScanner -4- matrix quantity. We then introduce a unit matrix J into s—A so that the equation becomes: N(sXo1- 4)=X(0)+ BU(s) 17 from which X(s)=[s1- ay" X(0) + [sr - aT BU(s) 18 Zero input response, Zero state response, ie., response when j.¢., response when the input is zero. _ state of the system is zero. The free response of the system (that is, the response when U(s)=0) can be determined from knowledge of the eigenvalues and eigenvectors of the coefficient matrix 4..When U(s)=0, equation (18) becomes X(s)=[s1- 4} X00) 19 To obtain the time response of the state vector x('), 120, we take the inverse Laplace transform of (19) as follows: x()=£'x(s)= [st - Ay XO), because [s/- 4J' opty 20 The RHS of (20) may be expanded into an i finite series using the Binomial theorem. First, we re-write this matrix equation as follows: 1 [tay =tfr- By expanding the RHS of (24) into an infinite series, it may be shown from the series expansion zn 14x48 +. (for [x] <1) that for || large enough the following may be obtained. (sf-4y" orelaehe that ] = elie Fz s Next, we find the inverse Laplace transform of this expansion (22), and it is defined as follows: uf u \- 10) 23 giving as follows: 7 (2) =P) s nt We may therefore invert (22) to obtain: oats jo-% 4 iQ) =exp(A) 24 Bette 22 5 nl L sp -ar'}e[ioae i Scanned with CamScanner where we define: exolat) = SD 2 Hence the solution of x(/)= A()x(0) is found by using (24) in (23) to obtain: x(r)=exp(ta0), t> 0 | 26 This result may be checked by using (24) for the matrix exp(4/) and substituting it into (1). The matrix e: (41) is called the state transition matrix. The reason for this name is easily seen from (26), for multiplying the state x(0) by exp(4r) does the transition of the unforced system to the state at time 1, x(/). 1. Why are Eigenvalues so called? SOLUTION: The problem of solving sets of linear differential equations reduces to an algebraic eigenvalue problem. The characte! equation of the differential equations is the same as the characteristic equation of the matrix 4, and the characteristic roots are the eigenvalues of A. The matrix Ais-the coefficient matrix. The equation /(i)= 0 is characteristic equation of the matrix 4, and the solution of this equation gives the characteristic roots otherwise known as latent roots or eigenvalues of the matrix A, which, in general, will be complex. The eigenvalue analysis associated with a square matrix A introduces certain characteristic properties, which are of particular significance in the study of dynamical systems. The eigenvalue analysis is associated with the transformation of a vector x to a new vector yby the square matrix 4, represented by Ax=y 1 where yis required to have the same direction as, or be proportional to, x. Thus Ax = ix 2 where 2 is a scalar and y, =x, This represents a set of homogeneous linear equations in m unknowns x,, thus (al-4)x =0 3 for solutions x, + 0, the characteristic matrix (21-4) must be singular with The determinant or characteristic function is then an nth degree polynomial in 2, thus S(a)=|ar-A| Raa" tota, Ata, 5 Scanned with CamScanner -6- The equation /(2)= 0 is characteristic equation of the matrix 4, and the solution of this equation gives the characteristic roots otherwise known as latent roots or eigenvalues of the matrix 4, which, in general, will be complex. Also, for every 2, a solution of the homogeneous equations will produce a set of a-vectors x (or u) called the characteristic solutions, latent vectors or eigenvectors of the matrix A. Agape or wt Uh us vey Since the eigenvectors are solutions of a homogeneous equation they are of arbitrary length (or absolute value) and are determined only to within a constant of proportionality. Thus, they may be multiplied by an arbitrary factor. With distinct roots, the matrix (4/-4) has rank n-1, and the eigenvectors are linearly independent. The matrix adj(2/ - 4) has unit rank. With an r-fold root, the matrix (4/-4) has rank #-r The algebraic eigenvalue probl2m arises in the study of sets of linear differential equations. Thus for the set of simultaneous differential equations 2. The shaft power delivered to each propeller of a twin screw ship is described by a second order lag with inertia J, viscous damping 6 and torque per unit error K has @,=1 and 6,=-1 when :=0. Find the eigenvalues of the ship when @, is abruptly changed to 2at ¢=0. SOLUTION: The system equation is easily obtained as follows: 1 2 i) 3 ), (1) becomes: ds, a Jo Be, =K(0,-x) 4 de, KB K ag gt J Since (5), the resulting equation, involves x; and xz, and since we also ds, know that “1 - x,, we can then have the following equations: dt ds, dt 6 Scanned with CamScanner er -—Cltit—t—t—‘SCSwS ~~ dy Ky BY Ko 5 yoayt a TO Expressing (6) and (7) in matrix form, we obtain: ate sei From the general form: (0) + Bult) “x(0) + Dult) we obtain the following: 1 0 , B=|_|, C=[l 0), D=0- 6 -s\ 7 (< bol s oj fo 1 scl (1-ak[, ilglee ‘-e ws The characteristic equation is |s/-)=0, thatis, | ° =0 7 6 st5. s(s+5)-(-1}6 =0 (s+2Xs+3) from which the envalues are obtained as 7, 0 3. Obtain the coefficient matrix for computer simulation, and hence the eigenvalues of the passive electrical network shown below. Resistor A Inductor Viweur Capacitor = Vourrur SOLUTION: The system equation is easily obtained as follows: J oo + BO, = K(0,-9,) 1 d The state variables are: 0,=%, 2 0,=%,(=%) 3 From (2) and (3), (1) becomes: Scanned with CamScanner poh + Bx = KO, (9, -%,) 4 a dey ‘ 5, +X, dt J since (5), the resulting equation, we can then have the following equations: 5 involves x, and xz, and since we also that “= know adi xy, eng 6) and 7) in matrix form, we obtain: “its are . Let fa 1 Jf ],[° wer stale “slal*ll* ° From the general ror: ¥(1)= Ax(t)+ Bult) ye) = Cx(¢)+ Due) we obtain the following: af’, ‘ a-[{], c= 9} D0. ware HE AG 2 is jd a)=0, thats, de ris] 0. The characteristic equati s(s+5)-(-1)6=0 (s+2Xs+ from which the eigenvalues are obtained as 2, 4. (a) Explain what is meant by the term: “Inexact numbers”. (b) Outline types of errors and their sources in numerical analysis of rational numbers. (c) Explain the term: ERROR BOUNDS and show how they may be ied in inexact numbers. Scanned with CamScanner SoLINEXACT NUMBERS are those numbers that are associated with errors, @ i tess or inaccuracy. i ders, but with unavoidable inexact cated be eliminated through careful checking, but errors are inevitable; and as far as possible must be kept within bounds. We use ancy etters for exact numbers (that is, numbers without errors), am Small letters for inexact numbers. INEXACT NUMBERS are they t at are Sesociated with ERRORS. By this legend, x is an approximation to . erar in x is denoted by «iv, so that exact numbers may be expressed as: where ik may be positive or negative, The absolute error in the inexact number x is defined as ||. Types of Errors in Numbers a / fat rrational and most rational numbers are non-terminating decimals, it is usually necessary to round them. There are two (2) well-known rounding techniques namely, 1. Decimal places (abbreviated as D). 2. Significant figures (abbreviated as S). Several different ways have been adopted to deal with the case in which the final digit is a 5. We shall always round such numbers upwards. Sources of Errors As a result of rounding or chopping, there is a round-off error in most of the numbers we use 1. One of the sources of errors in our data or numbers is through rounding or chopping. The error thus generated is called ROUND- OFF ERROR. 2. Another source of errors in the data we are working with, especially if these data are generated through measurements, is INHERENT ERROR. The data generated through these measurements can never be exact, but will depend on the Precision of the measuring instruments. 3. There is a third type of error known as TRUNCATION ERROR which occurs when we use only the first few terms of an infinite series in the evaluation of a function. (c) Error bounds are the limits between which thi analysis, errors are unavoidable. It is therefore essential to investigate the ting from the calculation involving inexact numbers and specify the ERROR BOUNDS for the number we have calculated. For example, if we know that the number 2.51 has been rounded, we know automatically that the exact value lies between 2.505 and 2.515. This is usually expressed as 2.51 « 0.005 and the ERROR BOUNDS in this number eerie eO5. Again, a man’s height measured as 183 cm te the nearest centimetre. It therefore lies between 182.5 and 183.5 cm., and may be é error lies. In numerical Scanned with CamScanner -10- expressed as 183 + 0.5 cm with error bounds being expressed as + 0.5. Ifa physical quantity such as the density of a substance is determined by experiment, its value may be expressed as 4.32+0.13 xem’ where the calculated error bounds are + 0.13 and the true value lies between 4.19 and 4.45 gen”. 5 5. Evaluate the numerical expression: u i 2, where all the numbers are rounded. SOLUTION: Working value= 1224-1 = 9.477745 052318 17.245 (maximum) _ 11.685 (minimum) _ 29 946677 Maximum value ; 5 Canin imumm) 3.185 (maximum) (minimum) _ 11.695 (maximum) _ 99445106 (maximum) 3.175 (minimum) Minimum value = 9.816677 + 29.145106) = 29.480892 1 2 Rounding the error to 2S and either the working or the mid-value to D gives: 29.48+ 0.34 Maximum absolute error = 16677 -29.145106) = 0.3357855 6. (a) If a=2.41, 6=3.37 and both numbers are rounded. Find A+B stating the error bounds of the answer. SOLUTION: The working value of «a+ The maximum value of a+ The minimum value of a+b =2.405 + 3.365 Hence, The mid-value = 2.414337 =5.78 The error bound = 36.19- 5.77)=0.01 It should be observed in this example that the worki value are the same, and A+ B=5.78+£0.01 ing value and the mid- (b) If a= 4.63, ane! b= 7.35, both rounded 2D. Find 4B and obtain the error bounds. Scanned with CamScanner SOLUTION: The working value Of «h = 4.63x7.35 =3 The maximum value of a! .635 x 7.355 = 34,090425 The minimum value of ab 5x 7.345 = 3.970625 Hence, the mid-value = 4 04.090405 + 33.970625) = 34.030525 and the error bound 4 64.090425 ~33.970625) = 0.0599 In this problem, the working value and the mid-value differ slightly. However, it is usual to round the absolute error to 2S, and then to round the answer to the same number of decimal places as in the rounded error. Here, the error bounds are: + 0.060 (3D) and to 3D both working value and the mid-value are equal to 34.031. Hence, AB =34.031+0.060 which means that the true value of 48 lies between 34.031 — 0.060 and 34.031+0.060 or 33.971 < AB < 34.091 7(A) Define the following terms: Length between perpendicular, moulded depth, extreme draught, midship section coefficient, block coefficient, longitudinal prismatic coefficient, sheer, length of run. (b) A ship has the following particulars Lbp\L,,) = 400ft. C, entrance (C,,)= 0.63 C, run (C,,) 0.75 Cu 0.95 B 56 ft. T 24.5 ft 4 11200 ton J Ve 35 ft3/ton ms = 0.25 Ly Find 1,, L,and Ly SOLUTION: (a) + _ Lop > Load water line <|— Bow profile AFT PERP FEW PERP Scanned with CamScanner -12- Aw ficient= “= Cb= C Midship section coefficient= 77 Longitudinal prismatic coefficient Sail sheer = distance of deck of side above deck of side of midships |_—————»|_ Parallel Ls entrance: un middle le Length of run is distance of after end of parallel middle body from aft perpendiculars (b) Equating volumes Volume of ships = vol. of E + vol. of P + vol. of R ¥=(0.63% Ly, xAG)+ (Ly x Ap)#(0.75xLR x49) = 0.95 x56 x 24.5? 0.63 Ly, + Ly + 0.751, = 300.75 (2) Ly ty + Lap = Ly = 400 Ly, = 0.25 Ly 2) nate |, in (1) to (2) to obtain an then solve with (2) for L, and L,. Elimi Substitute to find /,. Ly, = W8fi Ly = 226 fi. ly = 56 fi. 8. A ship has the following particulars L, = 30m = 075 45m = 0.69 Calculate ;,, and the distance of the centre of the parallel middle body from amidships. Scanned with CamScanner SOLUTION: F pureance CP, = 0.69 Required to find: (a) L (b) Distance of the centre of the parallel middle body from amidships xf = Hot le 8x Vy ax+L, xCP x+(45 x0.69) 10 11 exh, Now substitute th's for fe in (10) we obtain 0.75 (x + Ly J=x* (45 x 0.69) 0.75. + (45%0.69) =x 31.05 x (1-0.75) = (45x 0.69) - 31.05 33.75 - 31.05 _ 198 0.25 = 45 + 10.8 x Hence 2 = 55.8m giving 1, = (2% 55.8) m = 111.6m Scanned with CamScanner -14- (p) Let the distance of the centre of the parallel middle body from a amidships = y Sie y= 30-15-x = 30 - (15 + x) = 30-(15 + 10.8) = 4.2m Numerical Solution of Linear Systems Almost every problem in the design, operation and analysis of manufacturing plants and industrial processes, and the associated problems such as production scheduling can be reduced in the final Snalysis to the problem of determining the largest or smallest value of a function of several variables. In an industrial process, for example, the criterion for optimum operation is often in the form of minimum cost, (here the product cost can depend on a large number of interrelated controlled parameters in the manufacturing process. In mathematics, the performance criterion could be to minimize the integral of the squared Sifference between a specified function and an approximation to it generated as a function of the controlled parameters. Both of these examples have in common the requirement that a single quantity is to be minimized by variation of a number of controlled parameters. In addition, there may also be parameters which are not controlled but which can be measured, and possibly some which cannot even be measured. The basic mathematical optimization problem is to minimize a scalar quantity £ which is the value of a function of » system parameters x, x,, 33, x,- These variables must be adjusted to obtain the minimum required, thus we formulate the problem as follows: minimize = f(%. X35 5 %,)= S(8) The optimization may however be a maximization of ¢ with respect to x but sufficient gen2rality can be obtained by considering only minimization since minimum{f(x)}=—min imum{- f(x)} The value ¢ embodies the design criteria of the system into a single number obtained by evaluating the function /(x), or objective function, for agiven x. If the function /(x) can be expressed analytically then it may be possible to apply differential calculus in order to determine the minimum. Thus, for example, the stationary points of a function S(x)=x° +2x? 4x43 can be found by taking the derivative of /(x) with respect to x and equating to zero, hu: lx) de Hence there are two stationary points and the second derivative is required to determine the nature of each point: a maximum, a minimum, or a point of inflection. The method may easily be extended for problems with several variables by using partial derivatives, provided that all the =3x7 +4x4+1=0 Scanned with CamScanner -15- of(x) 1, first partial derivatives ~— ~~", / .nexist at all points. A necessary condition for a minimum of /(x) is then oly) Fe) Fe) _ 4 oy ax, ay A sufficient condition for a point satisfying these equations to be a minimum is that all the second partial derivatives FIG), k= ..n) exist ax, ar, at this point and that ), >0 for i=1,2,...7 where 1 In problems of several variables it is easily possible to have several minima, maxima or saddle points. However it is most unlikely that every minimum will hae the same value and consequently the minimum of all minima is known as the global minimum while the remainder are referred to as local minima. In general, it is the global minimum which is required. Unfortunately, the majority of optimization problems involve many variables in a complex nonlinear function /(x) for which an analytic solution cannot be obtained. Solutions can, however, often be obtained by numerical techniques and indeed the availability of high speed digital computers has led to a proliference of such methods. In numerical methods, initial values are assigned to each of the elements of x and subsequently adjusted by the particular ‘algorithm’, each set of alteration to x being referred to as ‘iteration’, Some optimization methods require gradient informacion about the objective function and for the first derivatives this is referred to as the Jacobean gradient vector and is defied by vf -( x Z| 2 ow The x, 1 Fe Xe Figure 1 Two further points x, and x, are chosen such that 6 imum lies in the interval x,>,, whilst if > x, Having determined in <4 6S then if /(x,)2/(s,), the mi F(x)< f(s, the minimum lies in the interval x, which interval the minimum now lies this interval is again subdivided and vo on. The method of subdivision is the important feature of these methods since many function evaluations would be wasted if for instance trisection of the ieagih x, x, was used, asin Figure 2. Ky Ay Ry Nee Figure 2 Fibonacci search’ This method uses a sequence of po: fined by the relations Scanned with CamScanner GMs \ -18- nd the sequence begins 1, 1, 2, 3, 5, 8, 13, 21, 34 ine i iteration are determined by =; es 0 The test points for and fori = 2, 2... N-4, where (x\").x,”) is the initial interval and N the number of test points required. Now it can be shown that the final interval within which the minimum lies has a width 2c given by 1 peel Fa : Hence the implementation of a Fibonacci search is quite simple. Two initial function evaluations are performed at x, and x, followed by determination 1 - 1 and x4. The function values at x4 and xt are the 3 of the points 3 computed and all four function values compared. If i{=4)> As4); then is selected. The result is the most efficient univariate d can guarantee an interval, However a in is advance which often presents the interval x, > x, search procedure, since no other methot reduction factor as large as Fin N function evaluations. suitable value of W must be know! problems. Example: Determine to within +0.0sthe value of x on the unit interval which maximizes the function x(1.5 — x). Now for « =0.05, = =0.05 Nol Since F, =21, only 6 evaluations will be required. 13. and 1, =, hence = 2 ()+0=038, s(s')=033 Also 5, x 8 9 rle, 7 pill) 0= 0.02, sve) Since j(:!)> s(x) in interval 0.x becomes xf 30.38 and x}=1.0. thus x)= 2(1.0-0.38)+ 0,38 = 0.62: f(x )= 0.58 is eliminated and the new interval 2 31,0 0.38)+ 0.38 = 0.81; f(xi) = 0.56 8 x Scanned with CamScanner -19- now /(xi)>/(v3) hence the new interval is x) =0.62 0 x}=1.0. This procedure is Fepeated for the remainder of the Fibonacci fone turrent solution also looks sensible since the maximum is jocatedat x's 0.75 with a function value of 0.5625. = Golden Section Search The number of function evaluations required cannot always be determined in practical problems which make the Fibonacci search difficult. However an approximation to the sequence for large N can be made such that i : Fu 2 1(145)=r, the reduction factor. Hence (oa 463° =x()e 10 It can also be shown that the Fibonacci search asymptotically achieves an interval reduction 17 percent greater than search by Golden section method. Point Methods These methods have been shown to require in general fewer functions evaluations than interval methods and are therefore usually faster. The methods require “haf. an initial approximation to the minimum is known rich that the algorithm can then evaluate a function value nearly and determine a step length. The Algorithm of Davies, Swann and Compey The first function evaluation made by the algorithm is at point 2 in Fig. 3, the initial step length being determined by the user. If the function value is lees than or equal to the initial approximation, then the step length is doubled, and a further step taken in the same direction and so on. If however, at some stage the function value increases then the step length is halved using the last successful point again. There are then four equally spaced function evaluations of which the one furthest from the smallest function value is neglected and the three remaining values used for quadratic interpolation. > }+$—_———} Te Figure 3 Scanned with CamScanner YY -20- tial approximation may be located on the ri p i : ight of the mini 3 in which case the first step will fail. In this case the sign of the st 7 versed and the above search procedure repeated. If the first ste ‘in styersed direction fails then the minimum has been boxed in and the Betolation may be performed directly. The three points chosen for serpolation may be written as rs inter ex, -Se; and X=%,+S 11 an corresponding function values ff; and f,. Then it can be shown that of the fitted quadratic lies at x pt Sf, it S.= where Oh fi) jowever, the true minimum may not yet have been reached and so a new foge with reduced step length is begun using Fle) or fle +S.) whichever is the smaller, as the initial point. init greminimum 12 powell’s Algorithm Touse this algorithm the user must specify an length S The function values at x, and x, =%/+ used to select a third point x,such that x=4428 if h2h mex-S I L Jo the pattern move plus the whole procedure is reco! pasic point B,. If however, fs < direction B, 10 Band n all exploratory moves fail, the step length is re tontinued. Convergence is ‘assumed when the s\ reduced by pre-assigned factors. ew exploratory moves y. X Fig. 8 The Method of Hooke and Jeeves Scanned with CamScanner -24- Rosenbrock’s Method At the initial trial point, n mutually orthogonal vectors are set up with n associated step lengths. Perturbations along each search direction in turn are made until a ‘failure’ is encountered. This occurs if the new trial point function value is larger than the current value, in which case the step length is multiplied by /(--0.5). If the function value is reduced then the step is considered a ‘success’ and the step length is multiplied by «(~3.0). ultimately a success followed by a failure will occur in every direction. The mutually orthogonal axes are then moved to the new trial point derived from all the success in each direction. The first vector is aligned in the direction of total progress made during the last stage thus defining a new set of search vectors. No definite convergence criterion exists but sometimes the process is made to terminate after a specified number of iterations. If significant ridges or valleys exist in the objective function then the first vector will tend to align itself in the direction along a ridge. Fast progress will then be made in this direction, with relatively small progress in the otiter mutually orthogonal directions. The Method of Davies, Swann and Cameny The method is similar to that of Rosenbrock except that one step of a univariate search is made in each of the orthogonal directions. The result is a faster convergence rate. Conjugate Directions and Quadratic Convergence. By approximating the objective function with a quadratic function the convergence of the search in the vicinity of the minimum may be considerably accelerated. If the function were truly quadratic in n variables then the minimum could be found in !n(2-1) linear minimizations. The more nonlinear the objective function the longer this method will take, however, very few problems are sufficiently nonlinear to defeat the algorithm. Powell’s Method The method due to Powell (1964) is based on the above technique; however, certain disadvantages concerned with linearly dependent direction vectors of the conjugate direction method are removed. Gradient Methods For these methods the first derivative of the function with respect to each variable is required and is normally estimated numerically from Lle,+H)- fs) h, a +0(17) 17 Steepest Descent From the gradient values the method determines the direction of steepest descent and takes a step in that direction. At the new point the line of steepest descent is again determined and another step taken. Eventually the function value will increase compared with the last trial point, in which Scanned with CamScanner -25- case the step length is reduced and the procedure continued. If the minimum along each selected direction is found (Fig. 9) then the method can be made faster but the progress is a zig-zag. Booth (1957) suggested that instead of moving to the minimum in each direction, zig- zag could be reduced by instead moving only 0.9 of this distance. However, scaling difficulties prevent these methods having a wide application. Newton's Method The method uses a second order Taylor expansion of the objective function about the minimum point. However, the minimum is not known and so the current point must be used as an approximation. Thus in matrix notation fla; + Pysenrdl, +2, )= Sy tH a4 Woh 18 where f,,d and Jare evaluated at the current point (q,,2,,.. ,q,) and are known. The extremum of this approximating quadratic will provide and hence a new estimate of the position of the extremum of the true function. Let the column vector ¢, be defined by ¢,' =(0.0/..1.0-.0) with 1 in the i th place. Differentiating the approximating quadratic with respect to /, gives the extremum. x _,t om but since #’Je, =(2"Je, This equation gives o=e"(d+Jh) and since this is true for each ¢ O=d+Jh or the required column vector can be calculated as h=-J'd Thus the extremum of the function is at xea-J"d d+je)Jh+ih Je, =0 INTIAL, Fig, 9 The Method of Steepest Descent Scanned with CamScanner ~ 26 - qhe Newton algorithm now takes the form 1. At the current point « evaluate f.d,./, 2. Computer o ., =u, -J,'d.and return to 1, Unless sufficient accuracy has been obtained. The algorithm has two very distinct advantages, first it avoids the ariate search and secondly when it works the convergente is very rapic indeed. If the function is an exact quadratic the extremum is achieved in a single iteration, but in general the method will only work Well if the quadratic expansion is a good approximation to f J must therefore be positive or negative definite for a maximization for minimization respectively which is a major restriction. In practice the method is very unreliable. Further, the matrix of second derivatives, J, must be computed which often presents difficulties and the subsequent inversion is also time consuming. Thus whilst Newton's method is very efficient in the neighbourhood of the minimum, away from this point it has nothing to recommend it, and the method of steepest descent is preferable. Davidon’s Method Basically the method uses the steepest descent technique initially with a progressive change over to Newton’s method as the minimum is approached. A linear search using the function values and gra‘ points with cubic interpolation is recommended, rather than quadratic interpolation using only function values. Example: Find the minimum of the function f=10(x?-») #0-a) Starting at (-1, 1), using Newton's algorithm. )-aq-x) s 40(3x? - y)+2 242-40 -40 20 Scanned with CamScanner -27- Thus it so happens in this case that the minimum is achieved in two iteration despite a poor value of the objective function at the end of the first iteration. The general constrained optimization problem The original objective function (x)remain unchanged but constraints on the independent variables are introduced such that )s0 (f=1-m) where m is the normally represented by the region on wi equality. Penalty Function Solution (a). Rosenbrock’s Method The type constraints that may be handled by his method are Lexsu, i-12,m(m>n) Boundary zones are introduced such that if the unconstrained solution enters such a zone the objective function is weighted so that no further progress is attempted in that direction. These zones must be relatively Farrow in order that the variables can closely approximate to the constraint values. (0). Carroll's Created Response Surface Technique The method constructs special surface within the feasible region and then proceeds to find the minimum on each surface, By reduction of the region of these surfaces the minimum is eventually approached (The mathematical description of the method is rather involved hence for further informaticn sce Carroll (1961). number of such constraints. These constraints are hich the inequality becomes an (c). The Complex Method The Simplex method for unconstrained minimization has been modified by Box (1965) to handle inequality constraints of the form 1,$x,54, Constraint Orientated Methods (a). Riding the constraint The method due to Roberts and Lyvers (1961) endeavours to ‘ride’ any constraint which is encountered, such that the current point is not able to leave such a constraint at any time in the subsequent search. It should be noted that a convex nonlinear constraint will only be approximately followed by this method even if small step lengths are used. (6). Hemstitching ae billed also due to Roberts and Lyvers (1961) uses a step taken in the grac ient direction and a test for constraint violation. If the constraints re al satisfied, another step and test are made, If, however, a constraint lated, a step is taken orthogonal to the constraint back toward the Scanned with CamScanner -28- feasible region. Repetition of the above will eventually guarantee a feasible solution but reduction of the step length is also needed in order to move toward the minimum. (c). Davidon’s Method with Linear Constraints An extension of Davidon’s unconstrained technique was developed by Goldfarb and Lapidus (1968) such that linear constraints could be included by reducing the inverse of the matrix of second derivatives already used. The resultant method is considered a useful tool for general non-linear programming. O Lord JESUS CHRIST my Blessed Saviour, Help me not to major on minors. Scanned with CamScanner

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