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When the gift becomes a prison

 Something I am so caught up with, all-consuming thing
 When carelessness is the answer, never forget how good that feels like

2. Discipleship is default or design

Dysfunctional default that become the norm in your life

 Insecurity

Permission to do it differently

 When threshing is the answer. I remember how weird I came to be, how I grow up
otherwise than the supposedly and normally, how my intention could always be articulated
wrongly. When will I not be taken aback whenever I notice myself doing things differently
because it is God who did it, it was these chances that I pick up along the way. A different
way to live, that is His greatest pull to heaven on my end.

3. Threshing~

What happens after the threshing depends who’s hands, you’re in

4. Grow up past what you grow up within

 Disciple of my professor, setting our readings and is ask like how they have once been.
 Kid’s ministry is my disciple, teach them how to navigate life, teach Him to them.
 Not how it’s done in this world, it does not follow the system. It’ll hit differently.
 A chosen generation.

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