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Board Marking Scheme

Invitation will be of 4 marks
Format 1 mark
Content—What, Where, When 2 marks
Expression—Coherence, relevance, spellings, grammatical accuracy 1 mark

Invitations are extended to relatives, friends, acquaintancesetc., on auspicious occasions like marriage,
birthday, engagement, house-warming etc.
Inviutionscan be classified under two headings :

Formal Invitations Informal Invitations

Whileformal invitaåons are sent for the above—mentionedoccasions, informal invitations are usually hand-written and
aresent before these formal invitations to make these occasions more personal, cordial and intimate.
Repliesare also sent to the invitations. They can be both formal as well as informal in tone.
1. Fonnal Invitation
Printed card is preferred.
Written in third person.
Short forms and abbreviations are avoided except for RSVPwritten at the bottom meaning 'Reply if you
Please'. RSVPis a French word, its full form is 'Respondez, sil vous plai€. It is written on the extreme left corner
of the invitation, along with the sender's name, address and phone number.
The subject matter is written in the middle with clear details of what, when and where of the funcüon.

Some Useful Tips Scan to know

Eachinformation in the formal invitation should be in a separate line. more about
this topic
Name (s) of the host (s) making/sending the invitation
The expressions usually used are

'request the pleasure of your company

to invite you' Invitations
'feel honoured
The reason for the invitation
The time, date, and venue of the occasion
or event, (at an official function) mention his/her name and
In case a VIP is to be invited to grace the occasion
It is written in 3rdperson in simple present
Basicfeatures of Formal and Informal Invitadons :
Written in a letter form
Written in both box and letter format
First person
Writtenin third person Date, time, venue
Name of host
Date, time, venue
Occasion/function Informal language
Formal language

Formal Invitation Format :
St. Anne's School Host / Organizer their
Requests the pleasure of your company on the inauguration of
Little Angels
as per the details given below
Date 6 August, 20xx
Time : 9 a.m. onwards
Venue : School Campus
Hawan 9 a.m.
Lunch 2 p.m.
Cultural programme 4 p.m.

RSVP Best Wishes

ABC St. Anne's
98xxxxxxxx Fraternity
* Map Overleaf *
Formal Invitation Letter Format :

Sender's Address


Peceiver's Address


Date : ...........
Time •
Venue :

Yours truly
Informal Invitation Letter Format :
Sender's Address

Date : .. .. ..

Dear XYZ

Body .......


Note :
When we write a letter to invite somebody to grace the occasion, the language have to be
formal, but when we will be inviting some friend/relative, then the format and language will be

Reply to an Invitation
1. Formal
a) Letter
b) Note
2. Informal

a) Letter
* The note is written in reply of formal invitation only.
* The note is written in 'third person'.

Refusal :
Mr. Pamakrishan is thankful to Mr. lyer for his kind invitation and would have been delighted to
attend his cousin's wedding but willnot be able to attend it due to a recent knee surgery.

Acceptance :
Mrs. Sharma is thankful to Mrs. & Mr. Kohlifor their kind invitation for the inauguration of their
new house and has much delight in accepting it.

'NEVIOU (4 marks each)

Q•l• Your school is planning to organise a talk on the 'Importance of Promoting Art Education' at various levels.
Youplan to invite The Director, Delhi School of Art, as a Key Note Speaker. As CCA Coordinator of Vidya
Mandir Vidyalaya, draft an invite for the same giving all the necessary details. (50words)
(CBSE SQP- 2019-20) 4
Ans. Invite: Importance of Promoting Art Education 2 marks
Expression: grammatical accuracy, spellings:
Suggested value points :
• Addressing The Director
• Event- a talk
• Requesting him to be Key Note Speaker
• Ask for confirmation/ availability response.)
(Due credit should be given for Cheeconomy of words used and well-formatted

Vidya Mandir Vidyalaya


20 January, 20xx

The Director
Delhi School of Art

Sub: Invitation to be the Key Note Speaker

Dear Sir

With due regards, we inform you that our school has planned to organise a talk on the 'Importance of Promoång
Art Education' at various levels. We extend invitation to you to be a Key Note Speaker. We will be highly obliged
if you spare some time and enlighten us with your views.
Kindly send your confirmation at the earliest.

Thanking you.
(CCA Co-ordinator)

Q.2. You are Faiz/Falak Mazumdar living at 39, Udampur Colony, Shimla. You decide to hold a dinner party to
congratulate your grandparents on their golden wedding anniversary. Draft a formal invitation in not more
than 50 words to all family members to attend a grand dinner at home. [Outside Delhi - 201814

As an invitaüon card
Format to be included in the content mark
Suggested value points
- name of host-Faizæalak Mazumdar
- occasion- gand dinner to felicitate grandparents on their golden wedding anniversary
- date, åme, venue
- any other relevant details 4 marks
- RSVP/withbest compliments from friends and relatives
Note- use of third person pronoun


Format- place, date, salutation (invitee- Dear Uncle/Aunt/family member/members or any other should be
accepted) & closure (Yoursaffectionately or any other suitable) 1 marks
Content 2 marks
Suggested value
- invitation to attend wedding anniversary dinner [CBSE Marking Scheme, 20181
Detailed Answer :

Mr. & Mrs. Faiz Mazumdar

Request the pleasure of your presence
On the auspicious occasion of the
of their
Grandparents and congratulate them
with a dinner party at
their residence 39, Udampur Colony, Shimla
At 4:30 p.m.
On 25 October, 2018.
Mr. & Mrs. Faiz Mazumdar
Phone : 9956879978
Q. 3. Your friend, P.V. Sathish, has invited
you to attend the wedding of his sister, Jaya. Youfind that you have an
important paper of pre-board examination on
the day of the wedding. Thus you cannot attend the event. Write
in about 50 words a formal reply to the invitation
expressing your regret. You are Puneet / Pueeta Vij, M-114,
Fort Road, Chennai.
[Outside Delhi Set 1,2017]4

M-114,Fort Road
Chennai - 600009
03 March, 2019
Dear Satish,
It was great pleasure to receive the invitation to attend your sister Jaya's
wedding. It is a good news to hear and thanks for inviting me. But I am sorry
to inform you that I won't be able to attend the same as the Physics paper
of my pre-board examinationis scheduled on the same day of wedding.
Please convey my best wishes to Jaya and her fiance.
Yours lovingly,
Q. 4. Sunrise Global School, Agra is going to organize a one-act play competition in their school auditorium. You
have decided to invite the noted stage artiste, Nalini to grace the occasion. Draft a formal invitation for her in
about 50 words. You are Karuna/Karan, Cultural Secretary. [Delhi Set 11,201614
Value Points :
—invite the artiste
—what - school organising one-act play competition
—date, time, venue
—details of the event - classes involved, theme, category (interschool / interhouse)
—request to confirm
—any other relevant details
(Due credit should be givenfor the economy of words ysed) (CBSE 20161
Detailed Answer :
Sunrise Global School
5 March, 2076
Ms. Nalini
27, Kamla Nagar
Sub : Invitation
Dear Madam,
Our school is going to organize a One-act play competition in our school auditorium on
70 March, 20xx from a.m. to 3 p.m. We shall be highly obliged if you could spare
some of your precious time to grace the occasion.
I hope that you willaccept this humble request and willconfirmyour programme at the
Thanking you.

(Cultural Secretary)
Q. 5. On 30 November, your school is going to hold its Annual Sports Day. You want Mr. Dhanraj Pillai, a noted
hockey player to give away the prizes to the budding sportspersons of the school. Write a formal invitation in
about 50 words requesting him to grace the occasion. Youare Karuna/Karan, Sports Secretary, Sunrise Global
School, Agra. [Outside Delhi Set 1,201614
Ans. Value Points :
—what —date, time, venue
—request to grace the occasion —confirmaåon of acceptance
—any other relevant details
(NOTE : Marks to be awarded even if written in card form.) [CBSEMarking Scheme,20161
Detailed Answer :

Sunrise Global School

20 October, 20xx
Mr. Dhanraj Pillai
377,Shubham Enclave
Greater Kailash
Sub : Invitation to be the Chief Guest Annual Sports Day
Dear Sir,
We are glad to informyou that our school is celebrating its 20thAnnual Sports Day on
2 November,20xx. It would be our honour if you could join us on the occasion as the
Chief Guest of the day.
Waiting for your confirmation,
Vours truly
(Sports Secretary)
Q. 6.Namita/Namit has come out successful in the XII class examination. She/he has decided to organise a party
for her/his friends. Draft an informal invitation in about 50 words giving details of venue, time and date.
[CBSE SQP, 2014-1514

36B, Phase-Il,
Preet Vihar,
28 May, 20xx,
Dear Swati,
Vouwillbe pleased to know that I have cleared my class Xll examination with 96%
marks and have been
declared a city topper. Tocelebrate the occasion, please join me
for a small get together
on June, 20xx at my residence at 7
come and be a part of my p.m. Hope you will surely
Your loving friend,
Q• 7•The Literary Club Ofyour school is putting
an invitation invidng the up the play 'Waiång for Godot.' As a secretary of the club, draft
famous writer Sudesh Gupta to be the Guest
invitation in not more than 50 of Honour at the function. Write the
words. Youare Govind/Gauri. [Outside Delhi Set 1, 201414

Anshul Public School

27 April, 20xx
Mr.Sudesh Gupta
37 Greater Kailash
New Delhi
Subject : Invitation to be the Guest of Honour
The 'Literary Club' of our school is putting up a play Waiting for Godot' on 75
20xx from 9 a.m. to 77a.m. at our school premises.We shall be highly obliged if you
could kindly spare some timefrom your busy schedule to be the Guest of Honour that
We hope that you will accept our request and will confirm the same as soon as possible.
We shall be extremely grateful to you for this kind gesture.
Thanking you.
Yours sincerely
(Secretary, Literary Club)
Q. 8. Youhave received an invitation to be the judge for a competition in St. Anne's School. Send a reply in not
more than 50 words, confirming your acceptance. You are Mohan/Mohini. [Outside Delhi Set Ill, 201414
St. John's Street

77March , 20xx

Sub : Reply to the Invitation

Dear Sir,
Thank you for the invitation and it would be a pleasure for me to be the judge at your
school for the Literary Competition being held on 20 March, 20XX.
I will be there by 9:45 a.m. as you have requested. Thank you for giving me this honour.

Yours sincerely
you have been invited to inaugurate a Book Exhibition in your
Q. 9. As the Principal of a reputed college,
neighbourhood. Draft a reply to the invitadon in not more than 50 words, expressing your inability to attend
the function. You are TarurvTanvi. [Outside Delhi set 11,201414
St. John's College
17March, 20xx
The Secretary,
Book Club Society
Sub : Reply to the Invitation
Dear Sir,
Thank you for inviting me to inaugurate the 'Book Exhibition'on 20 March, 20xx.
However, as I am out of the town on that day, I express my inability to be present on the
occasion. / wish the event a great success.
Yours truly
Q. 10. Suman Gupta/Suresh Gupta has cleared the Pre-medical and Pre-dental entrance examination. The familyis
elated at the achievement and they decide to have a get-together of all friends. Draft an informal invitation for
the occasion. [CBSE SQP, 201214

36, New Town,

4 April,20xx
Dear Friends,
Vou are cordially invited to dinner on 70 April, 20xx at our residence to celebrate the
achievement of our son Suresh for having cleared the Pre-Medical and Pre-Dental
entrance exam. Kindlygrace the occasion and give him your blessings for his future
Mrs. and Mr. Gupta

Commonly Made Errors

Name of the person or organisation sending the invitation is missed.
e Time and venue are omitted.
Subject is not menåoned.

Answering Tips
• Name of host, time, venue, etc. must be clearly stated.
e Name of VIP,if there is any, must be mentioned.
• Only present tense to be used while gving details of the event.

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