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Republic of the Philippines

College of Teacher Education


Detailed Lesson Plan in Science

I. Objective

At the end of the lesson the students will be able to:

a. Design an emergency plan and prepare an emergency kit for use at

home and in school

b. Differentiate what to do after and during earthquake

c. Appreciate how being prepared to earthquake helps our life.

II. Subject Matter

Topic: Earthquake Preparedness

Reference: Grade 9 Science Book
Materials: Power point presentation, cartolina paper, coloring materials and

III. Learning Activities

Teacher’s Activity Student’s Activity

A. Introduction
 Greetings

Good morning class. Good morning Ma’am.

 Prayer

Let us pray first. May I ask your ( One student will lead the
classroom president to lead the prayer)

 Classroom management

 Cleanliness

Before you take your seats, kindly

check if there are pieces of paper or ( Students pick up the pieces of
plastics under your chair. Pick it up paper and plastics and arrange the
and arrange the alignment of your alignment of their chair)

 Checking of attendance

Now, let us check the attendance.

May I ask your class secretary who are I’m glad to report that no one is
the absentees today? absent in our class.

It’s nice to hear that everybody is


Thank you Ms. Secretary.

 Motivation

So how’s your day? Is it good so far?

Yes Ma’am!
That’s good to know.

Okay now before we start our discussion

we’re going to play a game this game are called
‘Pull me up, Pull me down” this will be a team
game your seatmate will be your partner. One of
you will be the one to answer and the other one
will be the way to answer. Here is the mechanics
of the game the one who will answer will “ PULL
UP” the other one if the picture I will show is an
effect of a natural disaster and if not you will
“PULL DOWN” your partner is that clear?
Yes Ma’am!

Okay now let’s start the game

The student will answer
( Collapse of Structures)

( Clashing of Cars )

( Tsunami )

( Ground Rupture )

( Cutting Trees )

( Storm Surge )

Okay please take your seat everyone based on

those image I showed you what natural disaster
is the reason of those effect?
Those effects are cause by
Earthquake ma’am

That’s right when we experience an earthquake

those are commonly the after effect of
earthquake especially if the intensity and
magnitude are strong.

Have you experience an earthquake? Yes ma’am

How do you feel during the earthquake? Scared ma’am

What did you do when there’s an earthquake? Duck cover and hold ma’am
Okay class every one of you knows that
earthquake is one of deadliest disaster that we
may experience, a lot of people are died during
strong earthquake and till now we can’t predict if
an earthquake will occur that’s why today we’re
going to study the things that we need to
remember during and after earthquake and how
to be prepared if we will experience a strong

B. Activity

To further understand our topic for today,

let us have an activity.

This will be the mechanic.

Now, Your class will be divided into four

groups by counting 1-4.

Each group will receive an envelope containing

your task.

What you’re going to do is to first have a

brainstorming about the topic that is assigned to
your group.

Is there any clarification?

Good. You may now proceed to your respective


Group 1
Make a skit showing things to do before

Group 2
Make a skit showing things to do during
Group 3
- Make a skit showing what to do after the

Group 4
- Make an emergency kit and plan for

C. Analysis

I’m so glad that you were able to finish the

task. Now let’s see those thing we need to do
before during and after the earthquake. let’s start
with Group one.
The Group one skit showed the
things to do before earth quake.
First practice Duck, Cover, and
Hold. Second make an Emergency
Plan and third Protect your home by
Securing heavy items in your home
like bookcases, refrigerators,
televisions and objects that hang on
walls. Store heavy and breakable
objects on low shelves. Consider
making improvements to your
building to fix structural issues that
could cause your building to
collapse during an earthquake.

Very good, Group one thy show in their skit the

importance of knowing the proper duck cover
and hold procedure they make an emergency
plan and do the things to protect their home
those things are the thing you need to remember
before earthquake let’s give them a round of
applause. Now let’s precede to second group.
The Group two skit showed the
thing to do during earthquake. If you
are inside a crowded place, drop,
cover, and hold on. Do not rush for
the doorways. Others will have the
same idea.
Move away from display shelves
containing objects that may fall.
If you can, take cover and grab
something to shield your head and
face from falling debris and glass.
If you are outside, stay outside
Move away from buildings, utility
wires, sinkholes, and fuel and gas
lines. The greatest danger from
falling debris is just outside
doorways and close to outer walls of
Go to an open area away from
trees, telephone poles, and
buildings. Once in the open, get
down low and stay there until the
shaking stops.
The area near the outside walls of a
building is the most dangerous
place to be. Windows, facades, and
architectural details are often the
first parts of the building to collapse.
Stay away from this danger zone.
If you are in a moving vehicle, stop
as quickly and safely as possible.
Move your car to the shoulder or
curb, away from utility poles,
overhead wires, and under- or
Stay in the car and set the parking
brake. A car may jiggle violently on
its springs, but it is a good place to
stay until the shaking stops.
Turn on the radio for emergency
broadcast information.
If a power line falls on the car, stay
inside until a trained person
removes the wire.
When it is safe to begin driving
again, watch for hazards created by
the earthquake, such as breaks in
the pavement, downed utility poles
and wires, rising water levels, fallen
overpasses, or collapsed bridges.
Well done group two I love how you showed
various of scene of different places and the
things that you must do based on your location
during earthquake if you’re at home, outside, in a
crowded places, high buildings and in your
vehicle guys let’s give them a round of applause.
The group three showed the things
to do after the earthquake
Check yourself and others for
injuries. Provide first aid for anyone
who needs it.
Call 9-1-1 for seriously injured
Listen to the radio for important
information and instructions.
Check water, gas, and electric lines
for damage.
If you smell gas, open all the
windows and doors, leave
immediately, and report it to the
Check for cracks and damage to the
roof and foundation of your home.
Be careful around broken glass and
debris. Wear closed-toed shoes.
Stay away from beaches, in case of
Do not enter damaged buildings or
Clean up any potentially harmful
material spills. Wear proper
protective gear.
Take pictures of the damage, both
to your house and its contents, for
insurance claims.
Avoid smoking or lighting matches
inside buildings.
When entering buildings, even if
they appear safe, use extreme
Expect aftershocks. Practice Drop,
Cover, and Hold On during
aftershocks—just like you did during
the earthquake.
Avoid driving to keep the streets
clear for emergency vehicles.
Be aware that items may fall out of
cupboards or closets when a door is
opened. Use caution.
Chimneys can be weakened and fall
easily. Avoid walking near or under

Thank you, group three its important to check

yourself first after the earthquake check if you
acquire injuries during earthquake call those
personnel that needed for that time if you’re at
home check your water gas and electric line if it
is damage check the walls if they crack if you’re
outside do not enter those damage
establishment and expect aftershock and
practice duck, cover and hold those are the
things we need to do after earthquake. let’s give
them a round of applaused now the last group.
The last group make emergency
plan and kit for earthquake.
Review your family preparedness
Establish a family communications
Assemble an earthquake kit.
Prepare your home:
Store breakable items in low, closed
cabinets, and fasten shelves
securely to walls.
Hang heavy items, such as pictures
and mirrors, away from beds and
Secure and brace overhead light
Repair any deep cracks in walls,
ceilings and foundations.
Store pesticides and flammable
products in closed cabinets and on
bottom shelves.
Repair defective electrical wiring,
water or gas connections.
Identify safe places in each room of
the house:
Under sturdy furniture, such as a
heavy table or desk.
Against an inside wall or under a
door frame.
Away from glass or where heavy
furniture could fall over.
Locate safe places outdoors:
In the open, away from buildings,
retaining walls, trees, overpasses,
and power or telephone lines.

Thank you guys those things that the last group

present are one of the most important things we
need to incase we experience earthquake it can
help us to handle earthquake easily by aquaring
those skills and by having those things so
everyone remember everything you saw during
our activities it might help you in the future now
lets give them a round of applause.

D. Abstraction

Although there are personnel who is

knowledgeable in earthquake it still important for
us to become prepare for whatever disaster we
might encounter. Preparedeness is one of the
key for us to survive those calamities and
disaster and also listening to those people that
responsible for securing the safety of every
people if they advise to evacuate for safety
purposes listen cause they know what they are
doing that’s why make sure to remember those


Is everything clear to all of you?

Yes ma’am

Now get a one whole sheet of paper and answer

this question. ill give you 5 minute to fish the

For our assessment get ¼ sheet of paper. Ma’am the crater of cinder cone
volcano looks like a bowl shaped its
Directions: Read and analyze the question look like a funnel.
carefully and write the correct answer.

1. When indoors during an earthquake, the

safest place to be is:

a. sturdy piece of furniture

b. in a doorway
c. in the bedroom

2. If you are outside during an earthquake

you should seek shelter in a building.

a. true
b. false
c. none of these

3. A good indicator of an impending

earthquake is

a. hot and dry weather

b. unsettled pets
c. neither of these

4. If an earthquake hits while driving you


a. drive quickly away from

b. pull over and stay in the car
c. pull over and get outside of the
5. the most hazard after an earthquake is
d. fire
e. tsunami
f. flood
E. Assignment

Search how volcanic eruption happen.

Checked by: Prepared by:

Mrs. Angelica C. Magtibay Irene A. Ilustrisimo

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