Meaning of Corporate Strategy in English

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Meaning of corporate strategy in English

the ideas and plans a company has for its future business activities, or the process
of deciding these ideas and plans within a company: Management determines
corporate strategy by analyzing the corporation's capabilities.
Downsizing is the permanent reduction of a company's labor force through the
elimination of unproductive workers or divisions. 

So, the ceo has the responsibility to Provide strategic directions to the company,
Setting corporate strategy.

Strategic direction refers to the plans that need to be implemented for an

organisation to progress towards its vision and fulfil its goals. It ensures
owners and management can communicate the importance of employees work and
their contribution to achieving business objectives.

Mission statement is used by a company to explain, in simple and concise terms, its
purpose(s) for being. The mission statement is usually one sentence or a short
paragraph, explaining its culture, values, and ethics.

 A strategic business unit, popularly known as SBU, is a fully-functional unit of a

business that has its own vision and direction. Typically, a strategic business
unit operates as a separate unit, but it is also an important part of the company. It
reports to the headquarters about its operational status.

General Electric Company is an industrial company. The Company operates through its
industrial segments, Power, Renewable Energy, Aviation and Healthcare, and its financial
services segment, Capital. Its segments include Power, which serves power generation,
industrial, government and other customers with products and services related to energy
production; Renewable Energy, which provides solutions for renewable energy; Aviation,
which includes commercial and military aircraft engines, and integrated digital components,
electric power and mechanical aircraft systems; Healthcare, which provides healthcare
technologies in medical imaging, digital solutions, patient monitoring and diagnostics, and
drug discovery, and Capital, which is a financial services division.

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