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Reproduction: The Perpetuation of Life

Princess Xyra T. Mallari

11- HUMSS, St.Anthony De Padua
September 29,2021
Ms.Krizia Mae Enriquez

VI. Activity: Let’s try these!

A. Complete the following table comparing asexual and sexual reproductions.
Criteria Asexual Reproduction Sexual Reproduction
Number of parents 1 2
Genetic info compared Different Different
to the parents
Complexity of organism Complex Simple
that uses this method
Example of an organism Invertabrates Bees Flowering Plants
that uses this method Earthworms

B. Complete the chart below to answer the given questions.

Name Type of What happens? Example/Drawing
(Asexual or
Binary Fission Asexual Duplicates it’s
Reproductrion genetic material
and then divides
into two parts.
Budding Asexual Stays attached to
Reproduction the parent cell
while it grows and
Fragmentation Asexual Breaks into
Reproduction fragments, each
capable of growing
independently into
a new organism,
breaking into
smaller parts or
Pollination & Sexual Takes a place
Fertilization Reproduction inside the the
ovary when thee
nucleus of pollen
grain fuses with
the nucleus of an
ovule to produce a
Regeneration Asexual Organism is
Reproduction capable of
regrowing certain
body parts.

C. Directions: Watch the video about Genetic Engineering and how it affects our
life in the future, using the link (
v=jAhjPd4uNFY). Then, answer the following items concisely.
1-2. Allows scientist to select one specific gene to implant. This avoids introducing
other genes with undesirable traits. Genetic engineering also helps speed up the
process of creating neww foods with desires.
3-5. Genetic engineering could also create unknown side effects or outcomes.
Certain changes in a plant or animal could cause unpredicted allergic reactions in
some people which, in its original form, did not occur. Other changes could result
into the toxicity of an organism to humans or other organisms .
6-8. In medicine, genetic engineering has been used to mass-produced insulin,
human growth hormones, follistim (for treating infertility) human albumin,
monoclonal antibodies, antihemophilic factors, vaccines, and many other drugs.
in research, organism are genetically engineered to discover the functions to
certain genes.
10-11. A segment of DNA containing short repetitions of base sequences, involved
in the dfense mechanism of prokaryotic organisms to viruses. A genetic
engineering tool that uses a CRISPR sequence of DNA and its associated protein to
edit the base pairs of a gene.
11-15. YES, because The possible benefits of genetic engineering include: More
nutritious food. Tastier food. Disease- and drought-resistant plants that require
fewer environmental resources (such as water and fertilizer)

VII. Evaluation: Let’s check your understanding!

PSA Storyboard – Genes at Work
Performance Task in Earth and Life Science (Core Subject)

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