PT 1 Class 12th English SET-A: 1. For The Last Two Years, Where Did All The Bad News Come From?

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PT 1 Class 12th English SET-A

Multiple choice questions.

* Required

1. For the last two years, where did all the bad news come from? *

Mark only one oval.

{a} the bulletin board

(b) town hall

(c) school

(d) M.Hamel's house

2. What was Franz expected to be prepared for at school that day? *

Mark only one oval.

(a) song

(b) dance

(c) essay writing

(d) Participles

3. The story ‘The Last Lesson’ highlights which human tendency? *

Mark only one oval.

(a) Male Chauvinism

(b) Procrastination

(c) Courage

(d) Cowardice
4. What did Franz find on reaching the school? *

Mark only one oval.

(a) People were dancing

(b) school was closed

(c) Police patrolling

(d) strange quietness

5. Don’t go so fast, you will get to your school in plenty of time means ___ *

Mark only one oval.

(a) getting late

(b) very early

(c) not early

(d) early enough

6. When the narrator looked at her mother again she felt a pang of *

Mark only one oval.

(a) her familiar ache

(b) guilt

(c) heartache

(d) a headache
7. She soon put that thought out of her mind and *

Mark only one oval.

(a) smiled

(b) laughed heartily

(c) cried bitterly

(d) looked out of the window

8. The poetess says her mother looked pale like a *

Mark only one oval.

(a) corpse

(b) ghost

(c) malnourished child

(d) anaemic person

9. The person in the car, beside the poetess, was, *

Mark only one oval.

(a) her aunt

(b) her niece

(c) her uncle

(d) her mother

10. What were the words she used while parting from her mother? *

Mark only one oval.

(a) See you soon Ba

(b) See you soon beeji

(c) See you soon mata ji

(d) See you soon, amma

11. What bothers the author most about the bangle makers? *

Mark only one oval.

(a) the stigma of poverty and caste

(b) the affluence of the landlords

(c) the behaviour of the factory owners

(d) the labour laws

12. Which of the objects below best serves as a symbol of an Indian woman’s
`suhaag’? *

Mark only one oval.

(a) bindi

(b) sindoor

(c) bangles

(d) henna-dyed hands

13. One day, Saheb was seen by the author, watching some young men playing_______

Mark only one oval.

(a) cricket

(b) tennis

(c) hockey

(d) soccer

14. What were Saheb and his family looking for in Delhi? *

Mark only one oval.

(a) dollars

(b) rupees

(c) pounds

(d) gold

15. What is the means of survival in Seemapuri? *

Mark only one oval.

(a) Work

(b) Merchandising

(c) Education

(d) Ragpicking
16. Identify the literary device in ‘slums as big as doom’. *

Mark only one oval.

(a) simile

(b) metaphor

(c) alliteration

(d) personification

17. The imprisoned minds and lives of the slum children can be released from their
bondage if they are given an experience of the outer world. *

Mark only one oval.

(a) never

(b) soon

(c) eventually

(d) magically

18. The map is a bad example as it makes one aware of *

Mark only one oval.

(a) the beautiful world

(b) cleaner lanes

(c) the political structure

(d) the civil design

19. 'On sour cream walls. Donations’ suggests *

Mark only one oval.

(a) schools are well equipped

(b) schools are small but they try to impart education

(c) schools have a poor and ill-equipped environment

(d) schools meet the education requirements of the children through donations

20. Who sits at the back of the class? *

Mark only one oval.

(a) a sweet and young pupil

(b) a paper seeming boy

(c) a tall girl

(d) a girl with hair like rootless weeds

21. ‘What do you think you can do to me’? These words were spoken by Douglas to *

Mark only one oval.

(a) a shark

(b) to his enemy

(c) to the boy who pushed him

(d) to terror
22. After being haunted by fear for many years Douglas decided to learn to swim. He
took the help of *

Mark only one oval.

(a) his mother

(b) his father

(c) a friend

(d) an instructor

23. His mother warned him against swimming in the Yakima River because it had *

Mark only one oval.

(a) strong currents

(b) it was meant only for boating

(c) many people had drowned there

(d) it had no lifeguards around

24. The writer decided to learn to swim when he was about *

Mark only one oval.

(a) ten or eleven years old

(b) fifteen or sixteen years old

(c) twenty years old

(d) eighteen years old

25. Where was the lake Wentworth? *

Mark only one oval.

(a) In New Hampshire

(b) in Washington

(c) in California

(d) in Washington D.C

26. What symbol from nature the poet uses to prove that keeping quiet is not total
inactivity? *

Mark only one oval.

(a) Sun

(b) Soil

(c) earth

(d) Nature and earth

27. While gathering salt, what will happen to the man if he keep silent for a moment? *

Mark only one oval.

(a) he will stop dropping it

(b) he will look at the ground

(c) he will walk carefully

(d) he will think of the harm the salt is doing to his hands
28. Why is the poet asking everyone not to speak any language? *

Mark only one oval.

(a) to avoid noise

(b) to avoid loud voices

(c) to avoid people

(d) to avoid conflicts and misunderstandings

29. What is the sadness in the poem that the poet speaks about ?(Keeping Quiet) *

Mark only one oval.

(a) violence because of unthoughtful ness of the people

(b) unnecessary movements

(c) speaking aloud

(d) fighting

30. What should not be confused with total inactivity or death? *

Mark only one oval.

(a) no movement

(b) a statue

(c) talking people

(d) Stillness and silence

Value based questions.

31. Read the extract carefully and answer the following questions.

Check all that apply.

(a) What does the narrator mean by 'All effort ceased'?

(b) What was the mental condition of the narrator at that time?
(c) Name the person who was drowning.
(d) What did he tried for the third time?
(e) Writer is saying that the water was yellow. Was the water polluted?

32. Write about the financial condition of Saheb and Mukesh also mention that why
they are unable to change their conditions. *
33. Read the extract carefully and answer the following questions. *

Check all that apply.

(a) Who is the ‘unlucky heir’ and what has he inherited?

(b) What is the stunted boy reciting?
(c) Who is sitting at the back of the dim class?
(d) How has the ‘unlucky heir’ been depicted here?
(e) What do you mean by 'gnarled disease'?

34. How does the poet feel when she left her mother at airport. Explain the emotion in
detail. *

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