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Becoming a Member

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of the Society

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Submitted by:
Sandara L. Reonal
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ar stu


Submitted to:
Prof. Charnette Lestones

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Fill in the blanks.

3. Lifelong social experience by which people develop their human potential and learn
4. Rules that guide the behavior of members of the society or group. LAWS
Social position a person takes on voluntarily that reflects personal identity and
effort. STATUS
Refers to the behavior expected of someone who holds a particular status. ROLES
Process that involves transmission of one’s culture to the next


er as
eH w
Identify and Create

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Submit tasks given

Love and Take care of
Comply with the rules them
Love and take care of

them Respect my friends

Respect the teacher

Respect my parents

Comply with the routines Be presentable at all


Be prompt times

Respect my manager Comply with the rules

and co-dancers Respect my manager and

my co-models

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III. Essay
Instruction: Create an essay about the given topic. Maximum of four paragraphs, minimum of three.

Fornication and Unmarried cohabitation are still considered as a deviant in many societies as well as
considered as a criminal act in some countries. However, as days change; it became evident that many became
more engaged with these activities as something as a new trend or normal, especially the youth. In the Philippines,
both of these are still immorally unexpected despite the fact that there is no specific written and formal law
enforced against it. What do you think are the reasons why fornication and unmarried cohabitation are treated as
deviant in relation to our social and cultural context? Are these activities should be accepted for the sake of
freedom? Or it should be condemned as a deviant behavior as is? What will be the advantages and disadvantages
if these activities will be legalized/ if these will be continuously unaccepted? Elaborate your stand.

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Filipinos are known to be conservative and puts high regard when it comes to their family`s approval,
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affectionate displays, and the whole courting process unlike some cultures around the world. We always
make things undergo through a process. However, as the time passes by and as we became exposed with

a wide variety of cultures that brought enormous influence among us, especially the youth, we barely
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practice these traditions.It has been taken for granted, for some believed that it is an old-fashioned virtue
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that young people can no longer practice because of the modernized society in which they live. As a
result, they tend to engage with alarming actions, a communal, family and a personal conflict all rolled
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into one, suchlike are fornication and unmarried cohabitation.

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In this day and age, social media was the center of most people’s talk. There is a plethora of
television shows wherein the characters were engaged to sexual intercourse even without being married-

- in other words, an act of fornication. Fornication, as how Merriam has defined, is a consensual sexual

intercourse between two persons not married to each other, comprising adultery and all forms of pre-
marital sex. People, especially the youth, tend to get a higher knowledge to sex from the internet,
magazines, movies and TV shows. Thus, they believe with the idea that these actions are just normal,

disregarding the certain process that should be in consideration prior to that, marriage.
Filipinos define marriage as a sacred union or bond between two people who made a promise to one
another to share and nourish their lives together. It is a legal union of a man and a woman joined in the

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forces of love. Every married couple wants their marriage to last forever. But, sometimes people lack the
commitment to stay in wedlock. That being said, they just chose to commit unto Cohabitation, or the
exploit of living together as if they were married. These two requires no commitment between partners
at all, which I firmly believe is the sole reason why it is considered unreasonable for us Filipinos to
engage in these kinds of relationship. In addition to what I have mentioned regarding the whole courting
process and such, another major reason as to why fornication and cohabitation is discouraged and is
considered as a deviant in relation to our social and cultural context is that Filipinos are mostly
comprised of Roman Catholics. And as we all know, Catholics considered Marriage as a sacred union
between two people. They believe that there should be a commitment vowed between them two for they
will be living together for the rest of their lives.
As far as my “teen self” is concerned, I strongly disagree with the idea of fornication and

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cohabitation. I believe that all things take time and if true love is indeed present between two people,

respect should be the utmost concern. I also infer that doing it the old-fashion way, or should I say the

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appropriate way, as what our parents taught us, really makes sense, for they`re not doing it for the sake

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of depriving our freedom rather to save us from the consequences that we might encounter further.
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Although, it somehow sound practical to live with someone you love prior marriage for the reason that
you`ll be able to discern their behaviors in different situations, it is still forbidden to do so. Doing such

might lead you to a more complicated situation that will bring a drastic change to your life. To name a
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few, we have teenage pregnancy, one of the most controversial issues in the country at the moment. In
this conflict, not only you will be sacrificing your future but also your child`s life is at stake. On one
hand, if the situation falls with adultery, not only you will be bringing your spouse so much agony,
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consider how your children would feel about it and how it can affect them as they grow older. These and
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many more are the disadvantages of such impulsive actions. Hence, it should be condemned as a deviant
as is and should not be normalized just because we live in a different generation. To conclude my stand,

I would like to share with you one of my favorite line from the Bible, “Love is patient, love is kind. It

does not envy, it does not boast, it is not proud.” Let everything falls into place, it is always worth the

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