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General Principles of Taxation legislature to the executive or juridical departments of the

 Territorial jurisdiction - The tax laws of a state are
Definition of Taxation enforceable only within its territorial limits
 This is the power by which the sovereign raises revenue to  International comity - The property of a foreign state or
defray the necessary expenses of government. government may not be taxed by another.
 The mode by which government make exactions for
revenue in order to support their existence and carry out Constitutional Limitation (DEO NUER) - are those which are
their legitimate objective. expressly found in the constitution or implied from its provisions
 The power of the state to collect revenue for public  Due process of law
purposes.  Equal protection of the laws
 Non-impairment of obligation of contract
Taxes – the enforced proportional contributions levied by the law  Non-imprisonment for non-payment of poll tax
making body of the state by virtue of its sovereignty upon the  Rule of taxation shall be uniform and equitable
persons or property within its jurisdiction for the support of the  Exemption from real property tax of charitable institutions,
government and all public needs. churches, parsonages or convents appurtenant thereto,
mosques, and non-profit institutions, and all lands,
Lifeblood Theory buildings and improvements actually, directly and
 Taxes are the lifeblood of the Government and their prompt exclusively used for religious or charitable purposes.
and certain availability are imperious (expecting obedience)  All revenues and assets of non-stock, non-profit educational
need institutions used actually, directly and exclusively for
 Upon taxation depends the government’s ability to serve the educational purposes shall be exempt from taxes and duties.
people for whose benefit taxes are collected Proprietary educational institutions, including those
 Manifestation of lifeblood theory: cooperatively owned, may likewise be entitled to such
 Imposition of tax even in the absence of exemptions subject to the limitations provided by law.
constitutional grant
Charitable, Non-stock, non-
 Right to select objects of taxation
Who are educational and profit educational
 No injunction to enjoin (or stop) tax collection
exempt? religious institutions institutions
Scope of Power of Taxation What taxes Property tax Income tax, property
 Comprehensive are exempt? tax, customs duties.
 Plenary
 Unlimited
 Supreme The Fundamental (Inherent) Power of the State
 Police power – to promote the general welfare. It is the
The power of taxation is subject to inherent and power to regulate liberty, public health and morals.
constitutional limitation.  Eminent Domain – it is also called as expropriation. The
power of the state to take the private property for public use
Essential Characteristic of Tax upon payment of just compensation.
 Enforced contribution  Power of taxation – the power of the state to collect
 Legislative authority revenue for the necessary expenses of government.
 Proportionate in character
 Generally payable in money
 Levied on persons and property within the jurisdiction of
the state
 Commonly required to be paid at regular intervals

Nature of Power of Taxation

 The power is inherent in the state. It may be exercises
although not expressly granted by the constitution.
 It is essentially a legislative function. Only the legislature
can impose taxes (high prerogative of sovereignty) Similarities among the Fundamental Power of
 Based ability to pay State
 Subject to inherent and constitutional limitation. It is not an  They are inherent in the state.
absolute power than can be exercised by the legislature  They are independently exists of the constitution.
anyway it pleases.  They are not only necessary but indispensable, as the state
cannot continue or be effective unless it is able to exercise
 They are methods by which the state interferes with private
 Each presupposes an equivalent compensation.
 They are legislative in nature.

Differences among the Fundamental power

a. As to authority which exercises the power
Inherent Limitation (PENTI) – are those which restrict the power Taxation Government only
although they are not embodied in the constitution. Police power Government only
 Public purpose - This is the purpose affecting the Power of eminent domain Government, public service
inhabitants of the State as a community and not merely as companies and public utilities
 Exemption from taxation of government entities - b. As to purpose
Government agencies performing governmental functions Taxation Support of government
are exempt from tax unless expressly taxed while those Police power Promote public welfare
performing proprietary functions are subject to tax unless Power of eminent domain Public purpose
expressly exempted
 Non-delegation of the power to tax - The power to tax is c. As to Affected
purely legislative, and it cannot be delegated by the Taxation Community or class of
Police power Community or class of Purpose of Taxation
individuals  Principal purpose – To raise revenue for governmental
Power of eminent domain Individuals as owner of a needs.
particular property  Secondary purpose
 To reduce excessive inequalities of wealth
d. As to Effect  Protective tariff on imported goods may be
Taxation Taxes become part of public imposed to protect local produces against foreign
funds competitors
Police power No transfer of title, there is  To encourage the growth of home industries
restraint on the injurious use of through the proper use of tax exemptions and tax
property incentives
Power of eminent domain There is transfer of the right to  To implement the police power of the state in
property, either ownership or a promoting the general welfare
lesser right  To maintain high level of employment
 To control inflation
e. As to Benefits Received
Taxation Equivalent of tax in the form of Aspect/Process/Phases/System of Taxation
protection and benefit (Embodied in the Term Taxation)
Police power No direct and immediate  Levying or imposition of the tax – Legislative act. This is
benefit, only such as may arise pertains to the passage of tax laws and tax ordinance
from the maintenance of a through legislature. (Impact of taxation / process of
healthy economic standard of determining)
society (damnum absque injuria  Assessment aspect – refers to the appraisal and valuation
or damage without injury) process of the subject or object of taxation to arrive at total
Power of eminent domain Market value of the property amount of collectible tax.
taken from him  Collection of the tax – essentially administrative character
(BIR or BOC)
f. As to Amount of Imposition  Payment – an incidence of taxation. This is the compliance
Taxation No Limit phase.
Police power Limited to the cost of the  The impact of taxation corresponds to the imposition of the
surveillance and regulation tax, shifting refers to transfer of tax and incidence consist of
Power of eminent domain No imposition, the owner is the payment of tax.
paid the fair market value of his
property Matters within the Competence of the Legislature to
No imposition, the owner is Determine
paid the fair market value of his  The subject matter or object to be taxed
No imposition, the owner is paid Subject Situs
the fair market value of his Poll tax on persons Residence of the person
property Real property tax State where the property is located
whether the owner is resident or not
Tax on tangible State where it is physically located
personal properties although the owner resides in another
jurisdiction (lexi rei sitae)
Tax on intangible Domicile of the owner (mobilia
g. As to Relationship to the Non-Impairment of Obligations personal properties sequntur pesonam)
Clause of the Constitution Income Tax State where the taxpayer is a resident
Taxation Inferior to the clause or citizen
Business, occupation and Place where the business is done, or the
Police power Superior to the clause transaction tax occupation is engaged in or the
Power of eminent domain Inferior to the clause transaction took place
Gratuitous transfer of State where the transferor is/was a
property citizen or resident, or where the
property is located
h. As to Compensation
Taxation For the protection and benefits  The purpose of the tax so long as it is a public purpose
received from the government  The amount or rate of the tax
 The manner, means and agencies of collection of the tax.
Police power The maintenance of a good
economic standard of society Tax Legislative Function
Power of eminent domain Just compensation for the  Prescribe the general rules of taxation
property taken  Selection of the object /subject to be taxed
 Determination of the purpose for which taxes shall be
Basis of Taxation  Fixing the amount of the tax to be imposed
 The reciprocal duties of protection and support between the  Fixing the amount of tax rate
state and inhabitants (benefits received theory).
 Necessity – that it cannot continue without means to pay its Tax Administrative Function
expenses and that for this means it has a right to compel all  Valuation of property for taxation
its citizen and property within its limits contribute  Equalization of assessment
 Collection of tax
The Benefits-Protection Theory - Taxes are what we pay for
a civilized society. The government and the people have a Basic Principles of a Sound Tax System
reciprocal and mutual duties of support and protection to (Canons of Taxation)
one another (symbiotic relationship between the  Fiscal adequacy – the source of revenues must be adequate
government and the taxpayer). to meet government expenditures.
 Theoretical Justice/Equality on theoretical Justice – based property, or an excise tax which persons and corporations
on the ability to pay (Equity) and proportionate character. generally within the same taxing district, are obliged to pay
 Administrative Feasibility – which means
 The tax law must be clear and concise
 Convenient
 Just and effective administration

Situs of Taxation
 Situs – place of taxation, the country that has the power and
jurisdiction to levy and collect the tax.
 The Situs will help in determining the source of an income, Classification of exemptions
whether from within the Philippines or from abroad or  Express or affirmatives – these are express provisions in the
sources outside the Philippines. For taxpayers other than constitution, statutes, treaties, ordinances, franchise or
resident citizen and domestic corporation which are taxable contract.
on incomes from all sources, this will serve to identify  Implied or exemption by omission – these occurs when a
income which are taxable in the Philippines. tax is levied on certain classes of persons, properties, or
transactions without mentioning other classes. Those not
Factors to Consider in Determining Situs of Taxation mentioned are deemed exempted by omission
 Subject matter (person, property, or activity)
 Nature of tax Classes of Taxes
 Citizenship
 Residence of the taxpayer  As to subject matter
 Sources of income  Personal, poll, capitation – tax of fixed amount
 Place of exercise, business or occupation being taxed imposed on individuals residing within a specified
territory without regard to their property or the
Double Taxation occupation in which they may be engaged.
 Definition. Taxing twice, for the Example Residence tax (community tax)
1. same purpose,  Property – tax imposed on property, whether real
2. in the same year or period, or personal, in proportion, either to its value or in
3. the same subject by the same taxing jurisdiction, accordance with some other reasonable method of
4. same authority. apportionment. Example Real estate tax
 Constitutionality of double taxation. – there is no provision  Excise – tax imposed upon the performance of an
in the constitution specifically prohibiting double taxation. act, the enjoyment of a privilege or the engaging in
It should, however, whenever possible, be avoided. an occupation. Example income tax, privilege tax
on business or occupation, transfer tax, VAT and
Other percentage tax (Note this is different from
the excise tax which is a business tax imposed on
items such as cigars, cigarettes, wines, liquors,
frameworks, mineral products)
 As to who bears the burden
 Direct – tax which is demanded from the person
Kinds of Double Taxation who is intended to pay it. Example: Income tax,
 Direct double taxation. This is prohibited by the immigration tax, transfer tax (estate tax and
constitution as it violates the rule of uniformity donor’s tax).
 Uniformity - that all properties or other taxable  Indirect – tax which is demanded from one person
subjects belonging to the same class be taxed at the in the expectation and intention that shall
same rate or measure. indemnify himself at the expense of another or tax
 Indirect double taxation. which the taxpayer can shift to another. Example
Percentage tax, Value added tax (Tax on Business)
Forms of Escape From Taxation  As to Determination of amount
 Shifting – transfer of the tax burden by the person on whom  Specific – tax of a fixed amount imposed by the
it is imposed by law to another who bears it. Kinds of head or member, or by some standard of weight or
shifting measurement; it requires no assessment other than
 Forward shifting – this takes place when the burden of the a listing or classification of the objects to be taxed.
tax is transferred from a factor or production through the Example: Excise tax on distilled spirits, excise tax
factors of distribution until it finally settles on the ultimate on cigar, cigarettes and liquors
purchaser or consumer.  Ad-valorem – tax of a fixed proportion of the
 Backward shifting – this is effected when the burden of the amount or value of the property to which the tax is
tax is transferred from the customer or purchaser through assessed. It requires the intervention of assessors
the factors of distribution to the factor of production or appraisers to estimate the value of such property
 Onward shifting – this occurs when tax is shifted two or before the amount due from each taxpayer can be
more time either forward or backward determined Example: Excise tax on watches, Real
 Capitalization – Form of backward shifting whereby future estate tax, VAT, Income tax, donors tax and estate
taxes on property sold are capitalized at the time of tax
purchase and deducted in lump sum from the selling price.
 Transformation – The process of production.
 Evasion – known as tax dodging, is the use by the taxpayer
or illegally permissible methods in order to reduce tax
 Avoidance – Known as tax minimization, is the used by the
taxpayer or legally permissible methods in order to reduce
tax liability

Exemption From Taxation

 Exemption from taxation – is a grant of immunity, express  As to purpose
or implied, to particular persons or corporations, or to
persons or corporation of a particular class, from a tax upon
 General, fiscal or revenue – tax imposed for the  Legislative intention must be considered.
general purpose of the government or to raise  Where there is doubt
revenue for governmental needs Example- Sales  On a tax statute – they are constructed strictly
tax, Income tax, Donor’s tax , Estate tax against the government and liberally in favor of the
 Special or regulatory – tax imposed for a special taxpayers.
purpose or to achieve some social or economic  On tax exemption – they are constructed strictly
ends. Example: Tariff or customs duties. against the taxpayer and liberally in favor of the
 As to authority imposing the tax/ As to Scope government.
 National – tax imposed by the National  Where language is plain – if there is no doubt as to the
Government. Example Income tax, estate tax, legislative intent, then the words employed are to be given
donor’s tax, valued added tax, other percentage their ordinary meaning.
tax, documentary stamp tax
 Municipal or local – imposed by the municipal Power and Duties of the BIR in General (under
governments. Example Real estate taxes, the supervision and control of the Department of
Municipal licenses, community tax Finance)
 As to graduation or rate  To assess and collect all national internal revenue taxes,
 Proportional – tax based on fixed percentage of the fees and charges;
amount of property income or other basis to be  To enforce all forfeitures, penalties and fines connected
fixed. Example: VAT, Percentage Tax, and Real therewith;
Estate Tax  To give effect to and administer the police power conferred
 Progressive or Graduated Tax– the rate increase as the tax to it by law;
base increases. Example: income tax, estate tax, donors tax  To recommend to the Secretary of Finance all needful rules
 Regressive tax – the tax rate decreases as the tax base and regulations for the effective enforcement of the
increases. The Philippines is not practicing the Regressive provisions of the National Internal Revenue Code.
 Degressive tax – increase of rates is not proportionate to the Powers of the Commissioner of Internal
increase of tax base Revenue
 Interpret tax laws and to decide tax cases
Regressive System of Taxation  Obtain information and to summon, examine, and take
 A regressive tax must not be confused with regressive testimony of persons
system of taxation. In a society where the majority of the  Make assessment and prescribed additional requirements
people have low income, it exists when there are more for tax administration and enforcement.
indirect taxes imposed that direct taxes
 The low – income sector of the population as a whole buys Authority of the Commissioner
more consumption goods on which indirect taxes are  Authority to delegate power
collected. The burden of indirect taxes rests more on them  Authority to conduct inventory taking
than on the more affluent groups.  Authority to terminate taxable period
 Studies reveal that progressive elements of the income and  Authority to prescribe real property values
other direct taxes have not sufficiently offset the regressive  Authority to inquire into Bank Deposit accounts
effects of the indirect as a whole.  Authority to accredit and register tax agents
 License fee or permit – is a charged imposed under the  Authority to prescribe additional procedures or
police power for the purpose of regulations documentary requirement
 Toll - is a sum of money collected for the use of something,
generally applied to the consideration which is paid for the
use of road, bridge or the like, of a public nature.
 Special assessment – is an enforced proportional Power of the Commissioner Shall not
contribution from owners of land for special benefits Delegated
resulting from public improvements.  The power to recommend the promulgation of rules and
regulation by the secretary of finance
 The power to issue rulings of first impressions or to reverse,
revoke or modify any existing ruling of the Bureau
 The power to compromise or abate. Except deficiency taxes
P500,000 or less and minor criminal violations (secretary of
 The power to assign or reassign internal revenue officers to
establishment where articles subject to excise tax are
produced or kept.
Other Charges / Related Terms
 Subsidy – is pecuniary and directly granted by the
government to an individual or private commercial  Commissioner of internal revenue
enterprise deemed beneficial to the public -The chief
 Revenue – refers to all the funds or income derived by the Four deputy Commissioner
government, whether from tax or any other sources. Internal  Legal and inspection group
revenue – refers to taxes imposed by the legislature other  Information systems group
than duties on imports and exports  Operations group
 Custom duties – are taxes imposed on goods exported to or  Resource management group
imported from a country. Custom duties are really taxes but
the latter is broader  Characteristic of National Internal Revenue:
 Tariff may be used in one of the following three senses:  Generally prospective in application
 A book rates drawn usually in alphabetical order containing
the names of several kinds of merchandise with the The following taxes, fees and charges are deemed to be National
corresponding duties to be paid for the same Internal Revenue Taxes:
 The duties payable on goods imported or exported  Income tax
 The systems of principles of imposing duties on the  Percentage tax
importation or exportation goods.  Value added tax
 Estate tax
Rules on Construction of income tax laws
 Excise tax  Presidential decree
 Documentary stamp tax  Provincial, City, Municipal and barangay ordinance
 Other taxes may be imposed and collected by the BIR  Treaties and international agreements

National taxes imposed under Special Laws: Basic Tax Laws of the Philippines
 Custom duties  National Internal Revenue Code
 Sugar adjustment taxes  Tariff and Custom Code
 Taxes on narcotic drugs  The Local Tax Code
 Special educational fund tax  The Real Property Tax Code
 Science fund taxes
 Energy taxes on aircraft; motorized watercraft and electrical
power consumption Rules on Set-Off of Taxes
 Travel tax  No set-off or compensation is admissible against demands
 Private motor vehicle tax for taxes levied for general or local purposes.
 Reason: Taxes are not in the nature of contract between
Sources of Tax Laws parties; the government and the taxpayer are not mutually
 Constitution – The provisions of the constitution dealing on creditors and debtors of each other and the claim for taxes is
taxation merely regulate the exercise of the power of not such a debt, demand, contract or judgment as is allowed
taxation. They are not actually grants of the power, because to be set-off.
of taxation can be exercised by the government; the power  Exception: Where both the claims of the government and
of taxation is not a mere constitutional grant. the taxpayer against each other have already become due
 Statutes or laws – This refers to the tax laws passed by the and demandable as well as fully liquidated.
Global and Schedular System of Taxation
 Schedular – a system which itemizes the different incomes
 Administrative rulings and regulation – Administrative and provides for varied percentages of taxes, to be applied
rulings are the less general interpretation of tax laws which thereto.
are issued from time to time by the Commissioner of  Global – a system employed where the tax system views
Internal Revenue. They are usually rendered on request of indifferently the tax base and generally treats in common all
taxpayers to clarify certain provisions of a tax law. They are categories of taxable income of the individual.
commonly known as “BIR Rulings”. Regulations are
intended to clarify or explain the law and carry into effect Other Doctrines in Taxation
its general provisions by providing the details of  Taxpayer’s suit – this suit can only be allowed if the act
administration and procedure. However, in case of conflict involves a direct and illegal disbursement of public funds
between a regulation and a statute, the latter shall prevail. derived from taxation.
 Revenue Regulations (RRs) are issuances signed  Equitable recoupment – this states that a claim for refund
by the Secretary of Finance, upon recommendation which is prevented by prescription may be allowed to be
of the Commissioner of Internal Revenue, that used as payment for unsettled tax liabilities if both taxes
specify, prescribe or define rules and regulations arise from the same transaction in which overpayment is
for the effective enforcement of the provisions of made and underpayment is due.
the National Internal Revenue Code (NIRC) and  Tax amnesty – it is a general pardon or the intention
related statutes. overlooking by the State of its authority to impose penalties
 Revenue Memorandum Orders (RMOs) are on persons otherwise guilty of violation of a tax law. It
issuances that provide directives or instructions; partakes of an absolute waiver bythe government of its right
prescribe guidelines; and outline processes, to collect what is due it and to give tax evaders who wish to
operations, activities, workflows, methods and relent a chance to start with a clean slate
procedures necessary in the implementation of
stated policies, goals, objectives, plans and Philippine Economic Zone Authority
programs of the Bureau in all areas of operations, Purpose of Creation
except auditing.  Philippine Economic Zone Authority (PEZA) is a
 Revenue Memorandum Rulings (RMRs) are government agency in the Philippines attached to the
rulings, opinions and interpretations of the Department of Trade and Industry created to help promote
Commissioner of Internal Revenue with respect to investments in the export-oriented manufacturing industry
the provisions of the Tax Code and other tax laws, into the country by assisting investors in registering and
as applied to a specific set of facts, with or without facilitating their business operations and providing tax
established precedents, and which the incentives.
Commissioner may issue from time to time for the  PEZA also assists investors who locate in service facilities
purpose of providing taxpayers guidance on the tax inside selected areas in the country (areas are called PEZA
consequences in specific situations. BIR Rulings, Special Economic Zones) which are usually business
therefore, cannot contravene duly issued RMRs; process outsourcing and knowledge process outsourcing
otherwise, the Rulings are null and void ab initio. firms.
 Revenue Memorandum Circular (RMCs) are  Other activities also eligible for PEZA registration and
issuances that publish pertinent and applicable incentives include establishment and operation within
portions, as well as amplifications, of laws, rules, special economic zones for tourism, medical tourism,
regulations and precedents issued by the BIR and logistics and warehousing services, economic zone
other agencies/offices. development and operation and facilities providers
 BIR Rulings are the official position of the Bureau
to queries raised by taxpayers and other
stakeholders relative to clarification and
interpretation of tax laws. Composition of PEZA Board
 Judicial decisions – This refers to decisions of the Court of  PEZA was enacted under Republic Act 7916 and was
Tax Appeals and the Supreme Court applying or passed by the House of Representatives and the Senate and
interpreting tax laws. They constitute major part of the approved by former Philippine President Fidel V. Ramos on
jurisprudence on taxation and form part of the legal system the 21st of February, 1995.
of the Philippines. Decisions of the Court of Tax Appeals,  As provided in the Special Economic Zone Act, the PEZA
however, are still appealable to the Supreme Court of the Board is:
 chaired by the Secretary of the Department of Trade and Philippines shall be EXEMPT from the final tax of 20%.
Industry. (Sec. 25 (A)(2) of the NIRC, as amended)
 Vice-Chair is the Director General (Chief Executive  Capital gains tax on sale of shares of stock not traded in the
Officer) of PEZA. stock exchange by foreign corporation, both resident and
non-resident, is fixed at 15%. (Sec. 28 (A)(5)(c) and Sec. 28
(B)(5)(c) of the NIRC, as amended)

  Earned within Earned outside GENERAL PRINCIPLES OF TAXATION

  the Philippines  the Philippines   A citizen of the Philippines residing therein is taxable on all
income derived from sources within and without the
Resident Citizens  Taxable  Taxable  Philippines;
Non-Resident Citizens  Taxable  Non-Taxable   A nonresident citizen is taxable only on income derived
Resident Alien  Taxable  Non-Taxable  from sources within the Philippines;
 An individual citizen of the Philippines who is working and
Non-Resident Aliens Taxable  Non-Taxable  deriving income from abroad as an overseas contract
(whether engaged in trade worker is taxable only on income derived from sources
or business or not)  within the Philippines: Provided, That a seaman who is a
citizen of the Philippines and who receives compensation
for services rendered abroad as a member of the
 Members of the Board are Undersecretaries representing
complement of a vessel engaged exclusively in international
nine(9) key government Departments, to ensure efficient
trade shall be treated as an overseas contract worker;
coordination between PEZA and their respective
 (D) An alien individual, whether a resident or not of the
Departments on matters pertaining to
Philippines, is taxable only on income derived from sources
 investors’ operations inside the Special Economic Zones.
within the Philippines;
 A domestic corporation is taxable on all income derived
Incentives Offered by PEZA
from sources within and without the Philippines; and
 PEZA offers both fiscal and non-fiscal incentives as well as
 A foreign corporation, whether engaged or not in trade or
ready-to-occupy business locations in world-class economic
business in the Philippines, is taxable only on income
zones and IT parks or buildings.
derived from sources within the Philippines.
 Fiscal incentives include:
 Income tax holiday for a certain number of years, which
Taxability of Individuals:
translates to 100% from corporate income tax;
 For simplicity, resident citizens are taxable on their
 Tax and duty-free importation of raw materials, capital
worldwide income, while all the rest (Non-resident Citizen
equipment, machineries and spare parts;
and Aliens [whether resident or non-resident) are taxable
 exemption from wharfage dues and export tax, impost or
only on their income from sources within the Philippines.
 VAT zero-rating of local purchases subject to compliance
Taxability of Corporations:
with BIR and PEZA requirements;
 Exemption from payment of any and all local government   Earned within the Earned outside the
imposts, fees, licenses or taxes; and   Philippines  Philippines 
 Exemption from expanded withholding tax. Domestic Taxable  Taxable 
 Non-fiscal incentives, on the other hand include: Corporations 
 Simplified import-export procedures, extended visa-
facilitation assistance to foreign nationals and spouses and Resident Foreign Taxable  Non-Taxable 
dependents; special visa multiple entry privileges; and Corporations 
more. Non-Resident Foreign Taxable  Non-Taxable 


INCOME TAX  Interest – the situs of interest income is the residence of the
 Income Tax is a tax on a person's income, emoluments, debtor. Thus, if the debtor is a resident of the Philippines, it
profits arising from property, practice of profession, is considered earned within the Philippines.
conduct of trade or business or on the pertinent items of
gross income specified in the Tax Code of 1997 (Tax
Code), as amended, less the deductions and/or personal and
additional exemptions, if any, authorized for such types of
income, by the Tax Code, as amended, or other special
 A person means an individual, a trust, estate or corporation.  Dividends – received from:
(Sec. 22[A] of the Tax Code)  A domestic corporation;
 Relevant changes introduced by RA 11534 or most  A foreign corporation, unless 50% of the gross
commonly known as Corporate Recovery and Tax income of such foreign corporation for the 3-year
Incentives for Enterprises Act (CREATE Act) in the period ending with the close of its taxable year
National Internal Revenue Code of 1997, as amended by preceding the declaration of such dividends was
RA 10963 (TRAIN LAW): derived from sources within the Philippines; but
 Limit on the tax exemption granted to nonresident alien only in an amount which bears the same ratio to
engaged in trade or business (NRAETB) within the such dividends as the gross income of the
Philippines for winnings received from PCSO and Lotto. corporation for such period derived from sources
within the Philippines bears to its gross income
from all sources.
 Only winnings amounting to TEN THOUSAND PESOS
 Example: Z Corporation received P10,000
(Php10,000.00) OR LESS from Philippine Charity dividends from X Corporation, a Japanese firm,
Sweepstakes Office (PCSO) games received by non-
which earned P200,000 from Philippine sources
resident alien engaged in trade or business within the and P300,000 from Japan. The amount of
dividends received by Z Corporation as from
Philippine sources is only P4,000 (P10,000 Philippines at any time during the taxable year to
*P200,000/P500,000). reside permanently in the Philippines shall
 Services – where performed. Thus, if performed within the likewise be treated as a non-resident citizen for the
Philippines, it is considered earned herein. taxable year with respect to his income derived
 Rentals and Royalties – where the property is located or the from sources abroad until the date of his arrival in
place of use of the intangible. As such, if the property or the Philippines. (Sec. 22[E] of the Tax Code)
any interest in such is located in the Philippines, rentals and  So, if the taxpayer, who is previously considered a
royalties therefrom are considered earned within the non-resident citizen arrived in the Philippines on
Philippines. July 1, 2016 with the intention of residing
 Sale of real property – where the real property is located. permanently in the Philippines, shall be considered
As such, gains, profits and income from the sale of real a non-resident citizen for his income from January
property located in the Philippines are considered earned 1 to June 30, 2016 (prior to his date of arrival) and
herein. a resident citizen for the rest of the year.
 Purchase: where the property is sold. If the
personal property was purchased outside the  Resident Alien
Philippines, but sold herein, the gains, profits and  An alien who lives in the Philippines with no
income derived therefrom are considered earned definite intention as to his stay (floating intention);
within the Philippines. On the other hand, even if it  One who comes to the Philippines for a definite
was purchased in the Philippines and sold outside, purpose which in its nature would require an
gains therefrom shall be treated earned from extended stay and to that end makes his home
outside the Philippines. temporarily in the Philippines;
 Produced: if the personal property is produced in  An alien who has acquired residence in the
the Philippines and sold outside, it shall be treated Philippines and retains his status as such until he
as derived from sources partly within and partly abandons the same and actually departs from the
without the Philippines. Except: sale of shares of Philippines.
stock of a domestic corporation, which shall be
considered entirely within the Philippines even if  Non-resident alien (NRA)
sold outside.  An alien who comes to the Philippines for a
 Income partly within and partly without the Philippines : definite purpose which in its nature may be
aside from sale of personal property produced in the promptly accomplished.
Philippines, income from transportation and other services  One who may either be a:
rendered partly within and partly without, is covered by this  NRA engaged in trade or business
number. (NRAETB) in the Philippines or
 NRA not engaged in trade or business
Requisites of Income: (NRANETB) in the Philippines.
 There must be gain or profit.  A NRA who shall come to the Philippines and stay
 Income tax only applies only when there is income, gain or for an aggregate of more than 180 days shall be
profit. Income, in its broad sense, means all wealth that deemed a NRAETB.
flows into the taxpayer other than as a mere return of
capital. Unless otherwise specified, it means cash or its SOURCES OF INCOME FOR INDIVIDUAL
equivalent. TAXPAYERS
 The gain must be realized or received  Compensation Income – all remuneration received for
 The gain must not be excluded by law or treaty from services performed by an employee for his employer under
taxation. (Commissioner of Internal Revenue vs. The Court an employee-employer relationship. (Section 2.78.1 (A) of
of Appeals,, G.R. No. 108576, January 20, 1999 301 RR No. 2-98)
SCRA 152)  Business or Professional Income – income earned by an
individual from his sole proprietorship business, from the
TAX ON INDIVIDUALS practice of profession, or share in the income of a general
 Resident Citizens – A citizen of the Philippines residing professional partnership subject to Income Tax and
therein. Under Sec. 1, Art. IV of the 1987 Constitution, the Expanded Withholding Tax, whenever applicable.
following are citizens of the Philippines.  Income owned in common with the spouse: if there
 Those who are citizens of the Philippines at the is a disposal of an asset which is conjugally owned
time of the adoption of this Constitution; by the spouses, the gain therefrom shall be divided
 Those whose fathers or mothers are citizens of the equally to both the husband and the wife. Same is
Philippines; true with expenses incurred conjugally, which are
 Those born before January 17, 1973, of Filipino deductible, and it is not determinable who among
Mothers, who elect Philippine citizenship upon the spouses actually incurred the same, they shall
reaching the age of majority; and share in such deduction equally.
 Those who are naturalized in accordance with law.  Passive Income - income generated without any active
conduct. These are income generated by assets which can
 Non-resident citizen be in the form of real properties that return rental income,
 A citizen of the Philippines whose physical shares of stock in a corporation that earn dividends or
presence abroad is with a definite intention to interest income received from savings. (Chamber of Real
reside therein – to the satisfaction of the Estate and Builders Associations, Inc. vs. the Hon.
Commissioner of Internal Revenue. Executive Secretary Alberto Romulo, et. Al)
 A citizen of the Philippines who leaves the  Specific rates of final withholding tax are provided
Philippines during the taxable year to reside for certain passive incomes, such as interest from
abroad, either as an immigrant or for employment deposits, dividends, royalties, etc. However, if they
on a permanent basis. are not covered by such rate, it will form part of
 A citizen of the Philippines who works and derives the taxpayer’s gross income subject to income tax.
income from abroad and whose employment  Capital Gains are those arising from the sale of capital
thereat requires him to be physically present assets which may be subject to Capital Gains Tax, for sale
abroad most of the time during the taxable year. of real property and shares of stock not traded in a local
“Most of the time” meaning at least 183 days. stock exchange; or as part of gross income subject to
 A citizen who has been previously considered as income tax for all other types of capital assets.
non-resident citizen and who arrives in the
 Compensation Income – for individuals earning purely Pure Business or Professional Income
compensation income, there is no allowable deduction. Availing of the Graduated Rates
However, the first P250,000 of their income is exempt from Gross Taxable Business/professional Income P XXX
income tax. Less: ID or OSD (XXX)
 Business Income – for those earning business income or Taxable Income xxx
income from the practice of profession, the individual is
allowed to claim itemized deductions or the optional Taxable Income XXX
standard deduction. If they earn income purely from Tax Due XXX
business or practice of profession, the first P250,000 of Less: Withholding Tax (XXX)
such income is exempt from income tax. Creditable Withholding tax (XXX)
 Itemized Deductions (Sec. 34 of the Tax Code) Tax Payable (Refundable) XXXX

 The amount reported as business/professional income shall

be gross of any applicable withholding taxes. Note that
 Expenses incurred in conducting the business or in the creditable withholding taxes are deducted from the Tax
practice of profession are allowed as deductions for income Due; not as reductions to gross income to arrive at Taxable
tax purposes provided that they meet all the requirements Income.
for deductibility.
Optional Standard Deduction (OSD) Pure Business or Profession Income availing of the 8% Income
 In lieu of the itemized (per item) expenses mentioned Tax
above, the Individual may opt to claim Optional Standard  ***If the taxpayer also earns compensation income but
Deduction. Accordingly, no other deductions for expenses, elected to avail of the 8% income tax rate, there is no longer
such as Cost of Sales, Cost of Services, Rent, Selling or any a first P250,000 non-taxable income; likewise, the
Administrative Expenses, or other business expenses or compensation income shall be subject to the graduated tax
those incurred in the practice of profession, shall be rate.
allowed. Moreover, it is not available against compensation  Gross Sales/Receipts  P XXX 
income nor can it be claimed by an individual earning Other Non-Operating Income  XXX 
purely compensation income or an individual who has gross Less: First P250,000 exempt from(P250,000)*** 
sales/receipts not exceeding P3,000,000 and opted to be Income Tax 
subject to the 8% income tax on gross sales/receipts.
Taxable Sales/Receipts  XXX 
 Basis of computation: The OSD is 40% of Gross Sales or
Receipts. If the individual has mixed income (from business Tax Rate  8% 
and compensation) the basis for the 40% will not include Income Tax  XXX 
compensation income. Note that the basis for the OSD is Less: Withholding Tax XXX   
gross sales or receipts which is the amount BEFORE any         Creditable Tax             XXX  (XXX) 
deduction for cost of sales or cost of services.
 Non-resident aliens: The OSD cannot be claimed by Non- Tax Payable (Refundable)   XXXX 
Resident Aliens.
 Period to elect: as to the use of OSD or Itemized Expenses
shall be made on the first quarter of the taxable year, upon INCOME TAX RATES
filing of the first quarter return and shall be irrevocable for  Graduated Income Tax Rate for Individuals (sometimes
the said year. (RR No. 2-10) referred to as basic income tax or schedular income tax or
 Special Allowable Itemized Deductions regular income tax of individuals)
 In addition to the regular itemized deductions, these are the
deductions allowed by regular and special laws such as
Rooming-in and Breast-feeding Practices under RA 7600,
Adopt a School Program under RA 8525, Senior Citizen
Discount under RA 9257, etc.
 All of the above deductions are not available:
 Against compensation income and shall only be allowed
against business income or from the practice of profession.
Accordingly, the amount thereof cannot exceed the said
income and is not available to individuals earning purely
compensation income.
 If the taxpayer opted to avail the 8% income tax since the
tax base for this tax is gross sales/receipts (before the above  The above rates shall apply to:
deductions, including costs of sales)  Purely compensation income earners
 Mixed income earners as regards their compensation
 Pure Compensation Income  Those earning income from business or practice of
profession whose sales/receipts and other operating
Gross Taxable Compensation Income P XXX income EXCEEDS P3,000,000
Less: Non-Taxable Compensation Income* (XXX)  Those earning income from business or practice of
Taxable Compensation Income XXX profession whose sales/receipts and other operating
Taxable Income XXX income DOES NOT exceed P3,000,000 and the
Tax Due XXX taxpayer opted to avail of the graduated income tax
Less: Withholding Tax on Compensation (XXX) rates.
Tax Payable (Refundable) XXXX
 The 8% Income Tax Rate: this income tax rate applies
 non-taxable compensation income includes those benefits ONLY to income from business or practice of profession
provided for by the employer which are considered de where the gross sales or receipts do not exceed P3,000,000.
minimis or otherwise exempted from income tax such as  Those earning mixed income (from compensation and
mandatory government and other contributions. income from business or practice of profession) can be
taxable as follows:
a. 8% income tax rate but only as to the income from Tax Rate *8%
business or practice of profession without the first Income Tax Due P88,000
P250,000 exempt (since this will be considered in the
application of the graduated rates for income from
compensation) On her compensation income:
b. Income from compensation is ALWAYS subject to the Compensation Income P1,000,000
graduated rights. Tax on the first P800,000 P130,000
 Rules applicable to the 8% income tax rate: On the excess (P1,000,000 – 800,000) * 30% 60,000
 It shall be based on gross sales/receipts including other Income Tax Due P190,000
non-operating income, unlike the graduated rates
which are based on taxable income;
 For those earning purely from business or practice of Income Tax on income from self-employment P88,000
profession, the tax base shall be that in excess of Income Tax on compensation income 190,000
P250,000 Total Income Tax Due P278,000
Tax Withheld (180,000)
ILLUSTRATION: Income Tax Still Payable P98,000
Ms. X operates a convenience store while she plays axie . In 2021,
her gross sales amounted to P800,000.00, in addition to her income  Ms. X’s gross sales/receipts from business and practice of
from selling SLP amounts to P300,000.00 and incurred costs and profession did not exceed P3,000,000. Thus, she can avail
expenses of P300,000 and P100,000, respectively. How much is her of the 8% income tax rate applicable only to such income.
tax due using the 8% tax rate?  The tax base is the gross sales/receipts. Thus, costs,
expenses or even the optional standard deduction is not
Gross Sales – convenience store P800,000 allowed as a deduction.
Gross Sales – Axie Income 300,000  Income from compensation is always subject to the
Total Sales/Receipts P1,100,000 graduated rates.
Less: Non-taxable portion (250,000)  Since she is a mixed-income earner there is no first
Taxable Income P850,000 P250,000 considered non-taxable as to her business income
Tax Rate * 8% and income from the practice of profession, since this
Income Tax Due P68,000 amount (the non-taxable P250,000) has already been
considered in the graduated rates.
1. Ms. X’s gross sales/receipts from business and practice of  Note that Ms. X will not qualify for substituted filing since
profession did not exceed P3,000,000. Thus, she can avail she has income other than compensation. Thus, she would
of the 8% income tax rate. need to file her individual income tax return using BIR
2. The tax base is the gross sales/receipts. Thus, cost of sales, Form No. 1701.
expenses or even the optional standard deduction is not  The 8% income tax shall be in lieu of the percentage tax
allowed as a deduction. under Sec. 116. Accordingly, the taxpayer shall not be
3. Since she is earning purely from such business and practice subject to the 3% other percentage tax on his gross
of profession, the first P250,000 is considered non-taxable. sales/receipts.

 Availment of the 8% income tax rate shall be made on the

1st quarter Income Tax Return or on the initial quarter
return of the taxable year after the commencement of a new
business or practice of profession. Such election shall be
irrevocable, and no amendment of option shall be made for
the said taxable year. Accordingly, the taxpayer shall
compute for the final annual income tax due using such
 Otherwise if the taxpayer failed to make such election, the
taxpayer shall be considered to have availed of the
graduated rates.

In the above illustration, if Ms. X failed to signify her intention to

be subjected to the 8% income
tax rate, she shall be subject to the graduated tax and her income tax
liability shall be computed
as follows:

Total Sales/Receipts P1,100,000

if the taxpayer is a mixed-income earner, i.e., he earns Less: Cost of Sales (300,000)
compensation income too, the first Gross Income 800,000
P250,000 treated as non-taxable is not applicable Less: Operating Expenses (100,000)
Taxable Income P700,000
In the above illustration, Ms. X likewise earned P1,000,000 from Income Tax Due
employment with XYZ Company for which P180,000 was tax On the first P400,000 P30,000
withheld and remitted to the BIR. How much is her income tax due On the excess (P700,00 – 400,000) * 25% 75,000
and payable? Income Tax Due P105,000

Answer: P278,000 and P98,0000 computed as follows:  Aside from being subjected to the graduated tax rates, Ms.
X shall likewise be liable for 3% percentage tax on her
On her business income and income from the practice of gross sales/receipts.
Gross Sales – convenience store P800,000
Gross Sales – bookkeeping services 300,000
Total Sales/Receipts P1,100,000
 The Financial Statements (FS) is not required to be attached  In this transaction:
to the final income tax return. However, existing rules and  the P100 interest is the passive income of A
regulations on bookkeeping and invoicing/receipting shall  X Bank will remit the P20 final tax on interest to
still apply. the BIR
 If the taxpayer’s gross sales/receipts and other non-  A will receive the interest net of the tax, P80.
operating income exceeds P3,000,000, he/she shall be  The P100 interest will no longer be included in A’s
automatically subjected to the graduated rates. In such case, taxable income subject to income tax.
his/her income tax shall be computed under the graduated Rates and Income Items Subject to Final Withholding Tax
income tax rates and shall be allowed a tax credit for the
previous quarter/s income tax payment/s under the 8% 20% Interest from any currency bank deposit; Yield or other
income tax rate option. monetary benefit from deposit substitutes and from trust funds
and similar arrangements.
ILLUSTRATION: Mr. ABC earned P3,000,000 on his practice of 20% Royalties, except on books and other literary works and
profession for the first three quarters of 2018 for which he filed musical compositions.
quarterly income tax returns and availed of the 8% income tax rate, 20% Prizes (except prizes amounting to P10,000 or less)
and on the fourth quarter, he earned P3,500,000. For the taxable 20% Winnings (except Philippine Charity Sweepstakes and Lotto
winnings amounting to P10,000 or less) Note that prior to the
year, he incurred cost of sales and operating expenses amounting to
TRAIN: winnings from the PCSO and Lotto are exempt
P3,000,000 and P1,440,000, respectively. How much is his tax due regardless of amount.
and tax still payable for taxable year 2018? 10% Royalties from books and other literary works and musical
Answer: P509,200 and P289,200, computed as follows: 15% Interests from depository banks under the Foreign Currency
Deposit System (prior to the TRAIN, the rate banks under the
 Total Sales P6,500,000 Foreign Currency Deposit System (prior to the TRAIN, the rate
applicable is 7.5%
Less: Cost of Sales (3,000,000) 10% Cash and/or property dividends*
5% Interest Income from LONG TERM deposit or investment are
Gross Income 3,500,000 generally exempt from tax, but if they are
Less: Operating Expenses (1,440,000) PRETERMINATED before the 5th year the final tax would be:
4 years to less than 5 years
Taxable Income P2,060,000 3 years to less than 4 years Less than 3 years
Income Tax Due 12%
Tax Due based on graduated rates P509,200 20%
Less: 8% Income Tax paid for the first three quarters  Passive Income earned from outside the Philippines: if a
(P3,000,000 – P250,000) * 8% (220,000) resident citizen earns any of the above income items from
abroad, the same is not subject to final withholding tax but
Income Tax Payable P289,200 to the regular income tax and will thus form part of his
taxable income subject to the same. Note that the above
 Since the gross receipts exceeded the P3,000,000 threshold, rates apply only for income earned from Philippine sources.
Mr. ABC shall automatically be subject to the graduated  The following rates shall apply on the income of Non-
rates. However, he can claim the 8% income tax paid for Resident Alien ENGAGED in Trade or Business in the
the first three quarters as tax credits. Philippines (NRAETB):
 20%
 Interest from any currency bank deposit; Yield or
other monetary benefit from deposit substitutes
and from trust funds and similar arrangements.
 In addition, Mr. ABC shall be liable to business taxes, as  Royalties, except on books and other literary
follows: works and musical compositions.
 Percentage Tax – on the gross sales/receipts up to
 Winnings (except Philippine Charity Sweepstakes
and Lotto winnings amounting to P10,000 or less)
 VAT – on gross sales/receipts after exceeding the
 Prizes (except prizes amounting to P10,000 or less)
P3,000,000 threshold.
 Cash and/or property dividends
 However, there shall be no penalties for the percentage
taxes if timely paid on the due date immediately following  Interest Income from LONG TERM deposit or
the month/quarter when the taxpayer ceased to be a non- investment are generally exempt from tax, but if
VAT taxpayer. they are
 PRETERMINATED before the 5th year the final
PASSIVE INCOME tax would be:
 There are items of passive income which are specifically  5% 4 years to less than 5 years
enumerated in the Tax Code as subject to final withholding  12% 3 years to less than 4 years
tax and thus are not included in the Gross Income of the  20% Less than 3 years
Taxpayer for purposes of computing his taxable income  A NRAETB is subject to the same rates as that of a citizen
subject to the graduated/scheduler/basic income tax or the or resident alien, except for the following:
8% tax rate. 1. Dividend Income – 20%;
 The final withholding tax is the amount of tax which 2. Interest Income from FCDUs – exempt.
constitutes the full and final payment of the income tax due  Non-Resident Aliens NOT engaged in trade or business are
from the payee of the said income. subject to the 25% Final Tax on his entire income, save for
 Remittance of the Tax: capital gains on shares of stocks not listed or traded in a
 The liability for the payment of the tax rests primarily on local stock exchange. The above rates do not apply.
the payor as a withholding agent. Thus, in case of his failure  However still, a NRANETB’s income from an FCDU is
to withhold the tax or in case of underwithholding, the exempt because he is still a non-resident.
deficiency tax shall be collected from the payor/withholding
agent. The payee is not required to include the income GAINS FROM DISPOSITION OF ASSET
subject to final withholding tax to his gross income subject  Capital Assets are those not falling within the definition of
to income tax. an ordinary asset.
 The final tax is withheld at source; thus, the income earner  Ordinary Assets, on the other hand, means:
need not file a return for the income subjected to Final Tax. 1. Stock in trade of the taxpayer or other property of a
 Example: A earned P100 interest from his deposits with X kind which would properly be included in the inventory
Bank, X Bank withheld P20 final tax due on the interest.
of the taxpayer if on hand at the close of the taxable
year;  Treatment of Capital Gains: depending on the nature of the
2. Property held by the taxpayer primarily for sale to property, the gains derived from sale or disposition of
customers in the ordinary course of his trade or capital assets may be subject to:
business; 1. Capital gains tax; or
3. Property used in the trade or business, of a character 2. Ordinary income tax.
which is subject to the allowance for depreciation;  Capital Gains Tax: is applicable only to
4. Real property used in trade or business of the taxpayer. 1. sale of shares of stock of a domestic corporation NOT
 Thus, "capital assets" refers to taxpayer’s property that is listed or traded through a local stock exchange held as
NOT any of the following: capital assets; and
1. Stock in trade; 2. sale of real property located in the Philippines held as a
2. Property that should be included in the taxpayer’s capital asset.
inventory at the close of the taxable year;  All other capital gains are subjected to regular income tax.
3. Property held for sale in the ordinary course of the  Sale of Shares of Stock of a Domestic Corporation
taxpayer’s business; NOT listed and traded through a local stock
4. Depreciable property used in the trade or business; and exchange
5. Real property used in the trade or business. (SMI-ED  Held as capital assets: means all stocks and securities held
Philippines Technology, Inc. vs. CIR) by taxpayers other than dealers in securities. (Sec. 2[a] of
 Determination of gain or loss: the gain shall be the excess RR No. 6-2008)
of the amount realized from the disposition of property over  Not applicable: the Capital Gains Tax does not apply if the
the basis or adjusted basis for determining the gain; on the sale of shares of stock was made by
other hand, the loss is the excess of the basis or adjusted a. A dealer in securities;
basis for determining loss over the amount realized. b. Investor in shares of stock in a mutual fund company;
 Amount realized: is the sum of the money plus the fair and
market value of the property received. c. Other persons exempt under special law. (Sec. 4 of RR
 Amount of cost or basis or adjusted basis of computing gain No. 6-2008)
or loss:  Capital Gains Tax Rate: is now 15%
1. Purchase – the cost;  Tax base: is the net capital gain, which is the excess of the
2. Inheritance – fair market value as of the date of selling price/fair market value (less cost to sell) over the
acquisition; cost of the shares.
3. Gift – the basis is the same as if it would be in the  Shares listed or traded through the stock exchange: if the
hands of the donor or the last preceding owner who did shares are disposed through the stock exchange, the same is
not acquire the property by gift; however, if the same not subject to CGT but to the Stock Transaction Tax of 6/10
exceeds the fair market value at the time of the gift, of 1% of the selling price (prior to the TRAIN, the rate was
then for purposes of determining loss, the fair market ½ of 1%), which is a business tax (this is part of the
value. discussion in Percentage Taxes). However, this tax
4. Property acquired for less than an adequate constitutes the final tax on such sale since the Tax Code
consideration in money or money’s worth – the amount provides that the same shall be exempt from income tax.
paid by the transferee; Thus, any gain resulting from such disposition will no
 The above amounts are adjusted by amounts of longer be included in the taxpayer’s gross income subject to
improvements that materially add to the value of the regular income tax.
property or appreciably prolong its life less accumulated  However, if the shares, although listed in the stock
depreciation. (RR No. 6-08) exchange, are sold over-the-counter, or directly to the
 No gain or loss: generally, upon the sale or exchange of buyer, and not through such stock exchange, then it will
property, the entire amount of the gain or loss as the case still be subject to the CGT.
may be, shall be recognized. Except in the following  Not subject to the Capital Gains Tax:
instances where no gain or loss shall be recognized in a. The sale is made through the local stock exchange;
pursuance of a plan of merger or consolidation: b. The shares of stock are of a foreign corporation (not
a. A corporation, which is a party to a merger or domestic corporations);
consolidation, exchanges property solely for stock in a c. The shares are NOT held as capital assets, e.g., the
corporation, which is a party to the merger or seller is a dealer in securities.
consolidation; or d. The sale resulted in a capital loss.
b. A shareholder exchanges stock in a corporation, which  Sale of Real Property located in the Philippines
is a party to the merger or consolidation, solely for the  A 6% Capital Gains Tax of 6% is imposed on the presumed
stock of another corporation, also a party to the merger gain from sale of real property, based on the gross selling
or consolidation; or price or the fair market value, whichever is higher.
c. A security holder of a corporation, which is a party to  Fair Market Value: shall be the higher between:
the merger or consolidation, exchanges his securities in a. Zonal Value as determined by the BIR;
such corporation, solely for stock or securities in b. Fair Market Value per local assessor.
another corporation, a party to the merger or  Note: for individuals, real property subject to CGT consists
consolidation. (Sec. 40[C][2] of the Tax Code) of ALL real properties (classified as capital assets); whereas
 Tax Free Exchange: no gain or loss shall also be recognized for domestic corporations, the only real property subject to
if property is transferred to a corporation by a person in capital gains tax are LANDS and BUILDINGS. Sale of
exchange for stock or unit of participation in such a machineries, even though classified as a capital asset, shall
corporation of which as a result of such exchange said be subject to the regular corporate income tax.
persons, alone or together with others, not exceeding four
(4) persons, gains control of the corporation: Provided, that
stocks issued for services shall not be considered as issued
in return for property. (Sec. 40[C], last par. of the Tax
Code)  Sale of real property to government or any of its political
 Treatment of Ordinary Gains: or those arising from the sale subdivisions or agencies or GOCCs may be treated as
of ordinary assets will form part of the taxable income subject to capital gains tax or ordinary income tax, at the
subject to the graduated/basic/regular income tax. Likewise, option of the taxpayer. (Sec. 22[D] of the Tax Code)
losses arising from such sale may be claimed as deductible  Sale of Principal Residence: sale of principal residence of
expense, without any limitation as to amount, unlike in natural persons, the proceeds of which is fully utilized in
capital losses. (see limitation on capital losses) acquiring or constructing a new principal residence within
18 calendar months from the date of sale or disposition is
not subject to the 6% CGT. Subject to the following does not affect the classification of the property in the
requirements: hands of the seller, either as capital asset or ordinary asset,
a. The historical cost or adjusted basis of real property and are thus subject to the rules applied therefor.
sold or disposed is carried over to the new principal  Capital Gains not subject to CGT; subject to
residence; regular/graduated income tax: All gains resulting from sales
b. The exemption can only be availed once every 10 not subject to capital gains tax, are subject to
years; ordinary/regular income tax.
c. The BIR is notified by the taxpayer within 30 days
from the date of sale or disposition of his intention to Rules applicable to capital gains:
avail of the tax exemption.
 If there is no full utilization of the proceeds, the portion of 1. Percentage taken into account:
the gain presumed to have been realized from the sale or The following percentages of the gain or loss recognized upon the
disposition shall be subject to the 6% CGT, as follows: sale or exchange of capital assets shall be taken into account in
computing net capital gain, loss or net income:
Taxable Amount = Unutilized Portion
CGT base* x Gross Selling Price This rule is not applicable to corporations

 *CGT base is the higher between the FMV and the Selling Percentage Applicability
Price. If the capital asset has been held for NOT more
 The CGT then would be 6% of the Taxable Amount 100%
than 12 months;
computed above.
If the capital asset has been held for MORE than
ILLUSTRATION: Mr. F sold his principal residence which he 12 months.
acquired for P1,000,000 for P3,000,000. At the time of sale, the fair 2. Limitation on Capital Losses:
market value is P2,500,000. After 1 year, Mr. F bought a house and The capital losses realized during the taxable year are deductible
lot for P3,200,000. only to the extent of capital gains from the same type of transaction
during the same period. This rule likewise applies to sales of shares
Assuming all other requisites are present, how much is the CGT due of stock subject to 15% CGT.
on the sale?  Exception: banks and trust companies whose business is the
Answer: P0. The proceeds of P3,000,000 was fully utilized to receipt of deposits, sells any bond, debenture, note or
acquire a new principal residence. certificate or other evidence of indebtedness. Any loss
resulting from such sale shall not be subject to the
If, however, the new principal residence was acquired for only foregoing limitation and not included in determining the
P2,000,000, how much is the CGT? applicability of such limitation to other losses. (Sec. 39[C]
of the Tax Code)
Answer: P60,000, computed as follows: 3. Net Capital Loss Carry-Over
If the individual sustains in any taxable year a net capital loss, such
1,000,000 / 3,000,000 x 3,000,000 = 1,000,000 x 6% = 60,000 loss, in an amount not to exceed the net income of such year, shall be
treated in the succeeding taxable year as a loss from the sale or
1. Unutilized Portion is 1,000,000 (3,000,000 selling price less the exchange of asset held for not more than 12 months. (Sec. 39[D] of
utilized portion of 2,000,000) the Tax Code)
2. CGT Base is P3,000,000 (the higher between the selling price and  This rule is likewise not applicable to a corporation.
fair market value) 4. Corporations
3. Taxable Amount is P1,000,000, the ratio of unitilized portion over Based on the above, only the rule on limitation on capital losses
the selling price multiplied by the CGT base apply to corporations; and if the corporation sustains a net capital
4. CGT, therefore, is P60,000, 6% of the taxable amount. loss, the same cannot be carried over in the succeeding taxable year.

 If, however, fair market value of the principal residence was 5. Sale of shares of stock subject to 15% CGT
P3,300,000, how much is the CGT? For sale, barter, exchange or other forms of disposition of shares of
stock subject to the 15% capital gains tax, if the transferor of the
Answer: P66,000, computed as follows: capital asset is an individual, the rule on holding period and capital
loss carry-over will not apply.
1,000,000/3,000,000 x 3,300,000 = 1,100,000 * 6% = 66,000
1.Unutilized Portion is P1,000,000 (3,000,000 selling price less the  Fringe Benefit means any good, service or other benefit
utilized portion of 2,000,000) furnished or granted by an employer in cash or in kind, in
2.CGT Base is P3,300,000 (the higher between the selling price and addition to basic salaries, to an individual (Sec. 33[B]).
fair market value)  Fringe benefits given to non-rank-and-file employees are
generally subject to fringe benefits tax; while fringe benefits
received by rank-and-file employees are subject to
3. Taxable Amount is P1,100,000, the ratio of the unutilized portion withholding tax on compensation.
(P1,000,000) over the selling price (P3,000,000). Note that the  Fringe Benefits Tax is 35% effective January 1, 2018 (32%
denominator is ALWAYS the selling price (and not the fair market from Jan. 31, 2000 to December 31, 2017). Fringe benefits
value) because this is the total tax is paid by the employer and is considered a final tax.
amount which can possibly be utilized for the acquisition or Accordingly, the fringe benefits received by the employee
construction of a new principal residence considering that this will is no longer included in his taxable income subject to
be the total amount of proceeds that income tax.
will be collected from the buyer.  DIFFERENT KINDS OF EMPLOYEES
4. CGT, therefore, is P66,000, 6% of the taxable amount. • Rank and File Employees are those who are not
holding managerial or supervisory positions
 Real Property located abroad: is not subject to CGT. Note • Managerial Employees are those who are vested
that what is subject to the 6% CGT is sale of real property with powers or prerogatives to lay down and
LOCATED IN THE PHILIPPINES. Thus, if the property is execute management policies and/or to hire,
located abroad, gain from such disposal, if taxable in the transfer, suspend, lay-off, recall, discharge, assign
Philippines, is subject to regular income tax. or discipline employees.
 Forced Sale of Real Property: the fact that the sale is • Supervisory Employees are those who, in the
involuntary, e.g., from a court order of foreclosure sale, interest of the employer, effectively recommend
such managerial actions if the exercise of such  For loans with no or less interest than that of the market
authority is not merely routinary or clerical in rate (12%), the monetary value would be the difference
nature but requires the use of independent between the market interest and the interest paid, if any.
ILLUSTRATION: If the employee extends a loan to an employee
Fringe Benefits SUBJECT to Fringe Benefit Tax with a 7% interest rate in the amount of P100,000, the annual
 Housing; monetary value would be 5% (12%-7%) of P100,000 or P5,000 for
 Expense account; FBT purposes.
 Vehicle of any kind;
 Household personnel such as maid, driver and others; Monetary value for VEHICLES of any kind
 Interest on loan at less than market rate to the extent of the Value of the Monetary value of
difference between the market rate and the actual rate benefit the benefit
granted (12% benchmark rate);
 Membership fees, dues and other expenses borne by the Employer OWNS and Acquisition cost of 50% of the value
employer for the employee in social and athletic clubs and maintains a fleet of all motor vehicles of the benefit
similar organizations; motor vehicles for the not normally used
 Expenses for foreign travel; use of the business and for business
 Holiday and vacation expenses; employees divided by 5 years
 Educational assistance to the employee or hid dependents;
 Life or health insurance and other non-life insurance Employer LEASES Amount of rental 50% of the value
premiums or similar amounts in excess of what the law motor vehicles for the payments for of the benefit
allows. use of the business and motor vehicles not
the employees normally used for
 In case of housing privilege and motor vehicle: Employer Acquisition cost Entire value of the
 If there is NO transfer of ownership, the monetary value of PURCHASES the benefit
the benefit is 50% of the value of the benefit. motor vehicle in the
 If there is transfer of ownership, the monetary value shall be name of the employee
the same as the value of the benefit, or 100% thereof.
 In case of other fringe benefits, the monetary value shall Employer PROVIDES Cash received by Entire value of the
be the same as the value of the benefit. CASH to the employee employee benefit
Monetary value of HOUSING PRIVILEGE: for the purchase of a
vehicle in the name of
ILLUSTRATIONS: the employee Value of the Monetary value
 If an employer rents a house for an employee for benefit of the benefit
Employer SHOULDER Amount Entire value of the
P10,000 a month, the P10,000 is the value of the A PORTION of the shouldered by benefit
benefit. For purposes of computing the FBT, P5,000 Employer leases
purchase residential
price Rental paid
of the employer 50% of the value
would be the monetary value, or 50% of the value of property
the useinof the of the benefits
the benefit, since there is no transfer of ownership. employee
name of the employee
 If an employer owns the house with a FMV of
Employer OWNS the 5%* of the 50% of the value
P1,000,000 and allows the employee to use the same as Employer purchases the Acquisition cost Entire value of the
residential property which FMV of the of the benefits
residence, the value of the benefit would be P50,000 (5% car on instalment in the exclusive
is assigned to the employee land andof benefit
of P1,000,000) and the monetary value for FBT would be name of the employee interest
for his use improvements by
P25,000 (50% of the value of the benefit, since there is 5 years
no transfer of ownership). Employer PURCHASES 5% of the 50% of the value
 If an employer purchased a house for P1,200,000 on an residential property on the acquisition cost of the benefits
instalment basis where the P200,000 is for the interest instalment basis and allows exclusive of
throughout the instalment period, and allows the employee to use the same interest
employee to use the same, the value of the benefit would as his residence
be P1,000,000*5% (without the interests) or P50,000. For
FBT, the monetary value would be P25,000, or 50% of Employer PURCHASES a Employer’s Entire value of
the value since there is no transfer of ownership. residential property and acquisition cost the benefit
 If an employer purchased a house for P1,000,000 with a TRANSFERS ownership or FMV,
FMV of P800,000, and transfers the same to the to the employee whichever is
employee, the value of the benefit would be P1,000,000 higher
(Higher acquisition cost) and the monetary value for FBT Employer PURCHASES a The difference Entire value of
would be the same, or 100% of the value since there was residential property and of the FMV and the benefit
transfer of ownership. TRANSFERS ownership the payment of
 If in (d) above, the employee is required to pay half of the to the employee at a the employee
purchase price (P500,000), the value of the benefit would PRICE LOWER than the
only be P300,000 which is the difference between the acquisition cost
FMV (P800,000) and the amount paid by the employee
(P500,000), the monetary value would be the same since
there as transfer of ownership.

Exempt housing privileges

 If the house is within the maximum of 50 meters from the
perimeter of the business premises;
 Housing privilege of military officials of Armed Forces of
the Philippines;
 Note:
 Temporary housing for an employee who stays in a housing
 Treatment of the above for FBT purposes is similar to that
unit for 3 months or less.
of the housing privilege except that the presumptive
economic useful life of the vehicles is 5 years (20 years for  Retiring employee is 50 years old or older at the time of
housing privileges). retirement; and
 The same rule applies, the monetary value is 50% of the  Retiring employee has not previously availed of the
benefit if there is no transfer of ownership privilege under the retirement benefit plan of the same or
 The vehicles owned by the company used for business another employer
purposes although provided to a managerial or supervisory  Retirement benefits under R.A. 7641 (amendment to the
employee is not subject to FBT. Labor Code granting retirement pay under Art. 287 thereof)
 Use of an aircraft and helicopters owned and maintained by where:
the employer is treated as business expense and is not • No private retirement plan or retirement plan under
subject to FBT. the CBA/employment contract.
• Must have served the company for at least 5 years
EXPENSE ACCOUNTS iii. Retiree at least 60 years old but not more
 which are personal to the employee (such as groceries for than 65 years of age at the time of retirement.
personal consumption) are subject to FBT based on the  “CBA is a retirement plan”
amount reimbursed to the employee. If, however, they are
not personal (such as food expensed for a meeting with a B. Any amount received by an employee or by his heirs from
client) and duly receipted in the name of the EMPLOYER, the employer due to death, sickness, or other physical
they will be treated as valid reimbursable expenses and is disability or for the cause beyond the control of the said
not subject to FBT. employee such as retrenchment, redundancy, or cessation of
 Fixed amounts: if the amounts are given regularly on a business.
monthly basis, this will not be considered as fringe benefits  The cause of separation by the employee from the service
subject to FBT. They will form part of the regular was beyond his control.
compensation of the employee subject to withholding tax  Amounts received by involuntary separation remain exempt
on compensation. from income tax even if the employee, at the time of
separation, had rendered less than 10 years of service and/or
EDUCATIONAL ASSISTANCE is below 50 years old;
 provided to an employee is generally subject to FBT, except  However, any payment made by an employer to an
if the study is directly related with the trade or business or employee on account of dismissal constitutes compensation
profession or if there is a “bond” where the employee is regardless of legal contract, statute, or otherwise to make
required to stay in the employ of the employer for some such payment - thus not exempted.
period after finishing. C. Social security benefits, retirement gratuities, pensions and
 EDUCATIONAL ASSISTANCE PROVIDED TO A other similar benefits received by resident and non-resident
DEPENDENT of an employee is generally subject to FBT, citizens of the Philippines or aliens who reside permanently
except if awarded through a competitive scheme under a in the Philippines from foreign entities whether private or
scholarship program. public
D. Payments of benefits due or to become due to any person
 INSURANCE PREMIUMS paid by the employer for the residing in the Philippines under the law of the US
employee is generally subject to FBT, except those exempt administered by the US Veterans Administration e.
under the law (SSS, GSIS, etc.) and those which are for the Payments of benefits made under the Social Security
group insurance of the employee. System Act of 1954, as amended
 EXPENSES FOR FOREIGN TRAVEL are generally  Benefits received from the GSIS Act of 1937, as amended,
subject to FBT, except if in connection with attending and the retirement gratuity received by government officials
business meetings or conventions at an average of $300 a and employees
day (excluding lodging costs). For all others, the cost of
economy and business class airplane tickets shall NOT be
subject to FBT and 70% of the cost of first class tickets
shall likewise be exempt.


1. The Fringe Benefit Tax (FBT) is computed as follows:
Monetary Value XXX 2. Remuneration for casual labor not in the course of an
Divided by 65% employer's trade or business (Sec. 2.78.1 (B)(4) of RR No.
Grossed Up Monetary Value XXX 2-98)
Tax Rate 35%  Remuneration paid for labor which is occasional, incidental,
Fringe Benefit Tax XXX or irregular AND does not promote or advance the
employer's trade or business;
2. For Non-Resident Aliens NOT Engaged in Trade or  The above is exempt from withholding tax on compensation
Business, the gross up rate is 75% and the FBT rate is 25%. because there may be no employer-employee relationship
between the employer and the casual laborer. However, the
remuneration received by the laborer is part of his taxable
income for income tax purposes.
 Note: The following remunerations constitutes
compensation income, thus taxable:
ITEMS EXEMPT FROM WITHHODING TAX ON • Remuneration paid for labor which is occasional,
COMPENSATION/FRINGE BENEFITS TAX incidental, or irregular but is in the course of the
1. Remunerations received as an incident of employment employer's trade or business; and
(Sec. 2.78.1 (B)(1) of RR No. 2-98) • Remuneration paid for casual labor performed for
A. Retirement benefits received under Republic Act (RA) No. another corporation
7641 AND those received by officials and employees of 3. Compensation for services by a citizen or resident of the
private firms, whether individual or corporate, under a Philippines performed for a foreign government or
reasonable private benefit plan. international organization. (Sec. 2.78.1 (B)(5) of RR No. 2-
 Those received under a reasonable private benefit plan: is 98)
exempt subject to the following requisites:  Includes remuneration paid for services performed by
 Plan is reasonable; ambassadors, ministers, and other diplomatic officers and
 Plan is approved by the BIR; employees;
 Retiring employee must have been in the service of the
same employer for at least 10 years
 Includes remuneration paid for services performed as Laundry allowance ₱3,600 (₱300 per month)
consular or other employee of a foreign government or a
non-diplomatic representative of such government Employees achievement ₱10,000 (Must be in the form of
awards tangible personal property other than
 Damages (Sec. 2.78.1 (B)(6) of RR No. 2-98): Actual, cash or gift certificate, received by
moral, exemplary and nominal damages received by an employees under an established
employee or his heirs pursuant to a final judgment or written plan which does not
compromise agreement. discriminate in favor of highly paid
 Life Insurance (Sec. 2.78.1 (B)(7) of RR No. 2-98): employees)
proceeds of life insurance policies paid to heirs or
beneficiaries upon death of the insured, whether single sum Gifts given during Christmas ₱5,000
or otherwise; Provided that interest payments agreed under and major anniversaries
the policy for the amounts which are held by the insured Daily meal allowance for 25% of basic minimum pay on a per
shall be included in gross income. overtime or night/graveyard region basis
 Amount received by the insured as a return of premium. work
(Sec. 2.78.1 (B)(8) of RR No. 2-98): the amount received
by the insured, as a return of premiums paid by him under 10. Benefits received by an ₱10,000  
life insurance, endowment, or annuity contracts either employee by virtue of a
collective bargaining
during the term or at the maturity of the term mentioned in
the contract or upon surrender. agreement (CBA) and
productivity incentive
 Compensation for injuries or sickness (Sec. 2.78.1 (B)(9)
of RR No. 2-98): Amounts received through Accident or schemes (RR No. 1-2015)
Health Insurance or under Workmen's Compensation Act,
as compensation for personal injuries or sickness. It
likewise includes the amount of any damages received
whether by suit or agreement on account of injuries or
 Income exempt under treaty (Sec. 2.78.1 (B)(10) of RR
No. 2-98): income required by any treaty obligation binding
on the Government of the Philippines.  Treatment: De Minimis benefits are considered non-taxable
 Thirteenth (13th) month pay or other benefits (Sec. and are not included in the computation of taxable income
2.78.1 (B)(11) of RR No. 2-98; RR No. 3-2015): 13th and withholding tax on compensation, as well as fringe
month pay and other benefits such as Christmas bonus, benefits tax.
loyalty awards, gifts in cash or kind, and other benefits of  Amounts in excess of the above-mentioned ceiling will
similar nature; Provided that the total amount shall not form part of OTHER BENEFITS, which is non-taxable
exceed ₱90,000 (as amended by RR No. 11-18, previously only up to P90,000 together with other benefits received by
₱82,000). the employee including 13th month pay and other bonuses,
etc. (BIR Ruling No. 030-2013)

 GSIS, SSS, Medicare and Other Contributions (Sec. ITEMS EXEMPT FROM WITHHODING TAX ON
2.78.1 (B)(12) of RR No. 2-98): GSIS, SSS, Medicare, Pag- COMPENSATION/FRINGE BENEFITS TAX
ibig contributions and union dues of individual employees.  COMPENSATION INCOME OF MINIMUM WAGE
For purposes of computing taxable income subject to EARNERS (MWES) who work in the private sector and
Income Tax and Withholding Tax on Compensation, the being paid the Statutory Minimum Wage (SMW) (Sec.
said contributions are deducted to arrive at taxable income. 2.78.1 (B)(13) of RR No. 2-98, as amended).
However, for employees, the amount considered not taxable  Coverage: No income tax and consequently, withholding of
shall only pertain to the maximum required by law. Any tax, shall be required on: a. The SMW
amount in excess of the mandatory amounts, voluntarily  Holiday pay
given as contribution by the employee, shall be taxable.  Overtime pay
 Facilities and privileges of relatively small value or “de  Night shift differential; and
minimis” benefits (Sec. 2.78 (A)(3)(c) of RR No. 2-98, as  Hazard pay
amended by RR No. 10-2008, as further amended by RR
No.5-2011) are facilities or privileges furnished or offered COMPENSATION INCOME OF MINIMUM WAGE
by an employer to his employees that are of relatively EARNERS (MWES)
small value and are offered or furnished by the employer  Other Income earned by MWEs: Additional
merely as a means of promoting the health, goodwill, compensation such as commissions, honoraria, fringe
contentment or efficiency of his employees, including: benefits, benefits in excess of the allowable statutory
amount to P90,000, taxable allowances and other taxable
De Minimis Benefits income given to an MWE by the same employer other than
those which are expressly exempt above shall be subject to
De Minimis Benefits Maximum Value Per Year per income tax and consequently, withholding tax on
Employee compensation.
Monetized unused vacation Equivalent to 10 days VL  Likewise, MWEs receiving other income from other
leave (VL) credits sources in addition to compensation income, such as
Medical cash allowance to ₱3,000 (₱1,500 per employee per income from other concurrent employers, from the conduct
dependents, per employee semester or ₱250 per month) (as of trade, business, or practice of profession except income
amended by RR No. 11-18) subject to final tax, are subject to income tax only to the
extent of income other than SMW, holiday pay, overtime
Rice subsidy ₱24,000 (₱2,400 or 1 sack of 50kg pay, night shift differential pay, and hazard pay earned
rice per month) (as amended by RR during the taxable year.
No. 11-18)  The same shall still be not subject to income tax if it does
Uniform and clothing ₱6,000 (as amended by RR No. 11- not exceed P250,000 (not considering those which are
allowance 18) exempt as enumerated above)
Actual medical ₱10,000
ILLUSTRATION: Mr. Brent Quito is employed by ABC
Corporation. He received the SMW for 2018 in the total amount of
₱100,000 and 13th month pay amounting to ₱75,000. In the same
year, he also received overtime pay of ₱40,000 and nightshift
differential of ₱25,000. He also received commission income from
the same employer of ₱20,000, thus, total income received
amounted to ₱260,000. How much is his income tax due, if any?
Total Income Received P260,000  A. INCOME TAX RETURN
Less: Income Exempt SMW P100,000  Annual Income Tax Return:
13th month pay (not exceeding P90,000) 75,000 • BIR Form No. 1700 – for individuals earning
Night shift differential 25,000 purely compensation income.
Overtime pay 40,000(240,000) • BIR Form No. 1701 – for self-employed
Taxable Income – Commission P 20,000 individuals.
 The deadline for either is May 15 (previously April 15) of
the succeeding year.
under this rule, individual income taxpayers need not file
their own ITR, provided the following requisites are met:
• The individual is receiving purely compensation
WITHHOLDING TAX SYSTEM • The amount of income tax has been correctly
 Concept: the concept of a withholding tax on income withheld by the employer;
obviously and necessarily implies that the amount of the tax • There is only one employer during the taxable
withheld comes from the income earned by the taxpayer. year.
Since the amount of the tax withheld constitutes income  The substituted filing of income tax return rule is now
earned by the taxpayer, then that amount manifestly forms embodied under Sec. 52(A) of the Tax Code, as amended
part the taxpayer’s gross receipt. Because the amount by the TRAIN.
withheld belongs to the taxpayer, he can transfer its
ownership to the government in payment of his tax liability. WHO ARE REQUIRED TO FILE AN INCOME TAX
The amount withheld indubitably comes from income of the RETURN:
taxpayer, and thus forms part of his gross receipts (China • Individuals deriving compensation from two or
Banking Corporation v. CA, 403 SCRA 634, 2003). more employers concurrently or successively at
 A manner of collection: A withholding tax on income is not any time during the taxable year.
a new kind of tax but simply a manner or system by which • Employees deriving compensation income,
income taxes may be collected when the income is paid or regardless of the amount, whether from a single or
received. It is in the nature of advance tax payment by a several employers during the calendar year, the
taxpayer on the annual tax which may be due at the end of income tax of which has not been withheld
the taxable year. correctly.
 Reason for the system: the withholding tax system was • Individuals deriving income other than
devised for three primary reasons: compensation, such as business income or income
• To provide the taxpayer a convenient manner to from the practice of profession. d. Individuals
meet his probable income tax liability; whose spouse is required to file an ITR.
• To ensure the collection of income tax which can • Non-resident alien engaged in trade or business in
otherwise be lost or substantially reduced through the Philippines.
failure to file the corresponding returns; and  2. Quarterly Income Tax Return (BIR Form No. 1701Q) –
• To improve the government’s cash flow. applicable only to individuals who earn business income or
 Kinds: income from the practice of profession, the deadline of
 Withholding tax at source (Secs. 34K, 57-59); which is 60 days following the close of the quarter, except
• Withholding tax on quarterly corporate income for the first quarter return which should be filed on May 15
(Secs 75-76); of the year.
• Withholding tax on quarterly individual income
 Withholding tax on employee’s compensation or wages 1. Shares of stock – 30 days after each transaction using BIR
(Secs. 78-83); Form No. 1707; the consolidated return shall be filed on or
 Withholding of value-added tax (Sec 114c); and 4. before April 15 of the following year.
Withholding of percentage tax (Secs 116-128). 2. Real Property – 30 days following each sale or other
 Withholding of Final Tax of Certain Income Payments: disposition using BIR Form No. 1706.
The amount of income tax withheld by the withholding  Real Property subject to regular income tax: If the sale
agent is constituted as a full and final payment of the of real property is subject to regular income tax, the same
income tax due from the payee on the said income. The shall likewise be subject to CREDITABLE
liability for payment of the tax rests primarily on the payor WITHHOLDING TAX, and such withholding tax shall be
as a withholding agent. (see Final Tax Rates on Passive remitted on the 10th day following the month of transaction
Income) using BIR Form No. 1606.
 Withholding of Creditable Tax at Source: Taxes
withheld on certain income payments are intended to equal
or at least approximate the tax due from the payee on said
income. The income recipient is still required to file an
income tax return, as prescribed in Sec. 51 and 52 of the
Tax Code, to report the income and/or pay the difference
between the tax withheld and the tax due on the income.
This is otherwise known as Expanded Withholding Tax
(EWT) or the Creditable Withholding Tax (CWT) WITHHOLDING TAX RETURNS
 (Withholding tax on compensation, Final Withholding
Taxes, Expanded Withholding Taxes) – end of the month
following the close of the taxable quarter using the
following returns:
Tax Type BIR Return
Expanded (Creditable) Withholding BIR Form No. 1601EQ
Final Withholding Tax on Interest on BIR Form No. 1602
Bank Deposits
Fringe Benefits Tax BIR Form No. 1603
All other Final Withholding Taxes BIR Form No. 1601FQ
 Withholding Tax Statement at Source: Every payor
required to deduct and withhold taxes under this subsection
shall furnish each payee, a withholding tax statement, in
triplicate, within twenty (20) days from the close of the
 The prescribed form (BIR Form No, 2307 for creditable
withholding tax and BIR Form 2306 for final withholding
tax) shall be used, showing the monthly income payments
made, the quarterly total, and the amount of taxes withheld.
Provided, however, that upon request of the payee, the
payor must furnish such statement, simultaneously with the
income payment.
 D. MANNER OF FILING: the returns can be filed (1)
manually; (2) through electronic filing and payment system
(EFPS); or (3) through the use of eBIR Forms.
 In case of filing through the eFPS, the deadlines are
extended by 1 to 5 days depending on the industry
classification of the taxpayer.

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