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Enslavement Contract

Enslavement Contract


Mistress: ____________, born___________ in ______


Slave:____________ , born__________ , in _______.

(Should be you real name on the Passport)

With the signature of this contract both sides certify that they agree to all paragraphs and have
signed on their own will.

(Slave will also sign at every paragraph for full acceptance of all the rules).

This contract can only be changed or cancelled by…………., and the right of explaining belongs to

She does not need his agreement to change it.

Slave cannot change or cancel the contract.

The slave has to memorize this contract and to recite it anytime She wants him to.

The slave will give up all his human rights given to him by international or local laws.

The only law will be the Word of Mistress for the rest of his life.

slave signature for full agreement and acceptance________________


The fact of bodily harm does not exist any longer.

It’s the Mistress own decision how, for how long, where and when to punish him.

The slave will not have any safe word or signal.

Type of punishment and intensity of punishment will be decided only by Mistress.

slave signature for full agreement and acceptance________________


The Mistress will control every single Minute of the slave’s live.

The slave should live, breath, think and behave exactly as Mistress wants.

He has to come home straight after work.

His Job is it to do all the housework like cooking, cleaning, washing, ironing, dishes etc. etc .

After he has done all his jobs he has to wait in at his place for his Mistress.

He has to fulfil all of Her commands, orders and wishes without any hesitation.

Refusal or even hesitation will be punished hard.

slave ______________signature for full agreement and acceptance________________


The slave’s body and mind will be totally controlled by the Mistress.

She will decide what he eats, drinks, when he is allowed to use the toilet and what he wears.

She will feed him with Her and other people’s Urine, Scat and sperm.

She can change his name if She wants to.

He has no right to talk or to look the Mistress in the eyes.

If they are alone, he will be completely naked and his head will never be higher than her knees.

slave_______________ signature for full agreement and acceptance________________


His monthly Income will be transferred to Her account number: .

Everything will belong to Her and She alone decides what will happen with it.

The slave should hand over all his property to Mistress as the contract is signed, and also make a list
of his future income and debt.

slave_______________ signature for full agreement and acceptance________________


He will live in a place appropriate to his low status.

This could be a dog house, under her bed, next to her bed on the floor, basement, or just outside in
the backyard.

She can train and treat him as an animal like a dog, pig, horse, and he will have to act, live, eat, etc.
like this animal for how long as Mistress wants.

slave ________________signature for full agreement and acceptance________________


She has the right to mark his body by tattooing, branding, piercing at any point of his body.

slave________________ signature for full agreement and acceptance________________


He must provide sexual satisfaction to his Mistress and to Her friends in any way they want,
whenever they want.

His useless cock will be tortured and broke by the Mistress hands, feet, shoes or as she please and in
anyway She wants.

slave will be allowed an orgasm on daily or as regular as Mistress wants but with pain only and
sometimes with pleasure if the Mistress likes that.

slave will be milked in his ass and in extreme pain conditions rarely

The slave sexual organs will be his mouth and tongue for the rest of his life.

The slave useless penis will only be used to be tortured for Mistress Enjoyment and for Her friends

slave________________ signature for full agreement and acceptance________________


The Mistress is allowed to have a lover or lovers (male and female).

slave________________ signature for full agreement and acceptance________________

Every mistake of the slave will be physically and mentally punished by the mistress and he has to
stand the punishment without a single sound.

With every sound, crying, whining or complaining the punishment will be repeated doubled. She can
also give him to a third person to get him punished.

slave________________signature for full agreement and acceptance________________


With signing the contract, the slave has to give up all contacts to friends, colleagues, or relatives,
except with Mistress’s permission He will completely disappear and he will sacrifice his life to his

Any contact must be approved in advance and in writing by Mistress.

slave can be permitted to contact his family once a week on the phone under Mistress’s supervision.

Every contact with outside world, including his relatives, must be recorded on tape for Mistress to

slave ______________signature for full agreement and acceptance________________

I, slave _______________ , swear that I have signed this contract on my own will and that no one
forced me to do it.

I, slave_______________ , swear that this signature on this contract will be my last free decision for
the rest of my life.

I agree to all the paragraphs and will do my very best to fulfill them.

I also agree to all Changes made in the future by my Mistress.

Address ______________________ Date ___________________

Signature of slave: __________________

I Mistress_______________accept the person mentioned above as my slave and servant and will do
anything necessary to train him and make him a better slave.

Signature of Mistress _________________

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