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First Bimonthly Test September - October 2021
Subject: English
Class: V
Group A – First Shift
Answer Key

Listening passage:
One afternoon, a little boy had lost his puppy. He looked under his bed. He looked in the
kitchen and inside the cupboard. He also looked in the bathroom. He looked all over his house.
But still there was no puppy. Finally, he looked for his puppy in the garden. After a few hours,
he still could not find the puppy. The little boy was tired and was about to give up. Then he saw
his neighbour, Mrs. Hardin. “I beg your pardon, Mrs. Hardin. Is my puppy in your garden?"
asked the little boy. “Oh yes, she is. She is chewing on a mutton bone," replied Mrs. Hardin.
The little boy climbed the fence and saw his puppy chewing on a mutton bone. He was so happy
that his puppy was not lost but had only gone to his good neighbor's house to eat.
Q#1. Listen to the text about Beg your pardon, Mrs. Hardin and follow the instructions.

1. A little boy lost his

A. puppy
B. lamb
C. kitten
D. teddy bear
2. First the boy looked
A. in the garden
B. inside the cupboard
C. in the kitchen
D. under his bed
3. Mrs. Hardin was the boy’s
A. mum
B. aunt
C. neighbor
D. teacher
4. To see hiss puppy the boy climbed a
A. ladder
B. fence
C. wall
D. tree
0.5 marks for each right answer
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MCQs (0.5 for each correct answer)
i) Where did Luke’s family get the idea to build a tree house from?
A. from talking to another family member
B. from the internet and library books
C. from an architect
D. from an unusual home they visited
ii) On his first night in the tree house Luke was surprised
A. by the way it moved
B. because of the noises he heard
C. because it was so dark
D. because there were no lights
iii) What else does Luke say about his bedroom now?
A. It is too close to his nearest neighbors.
B. It is a good place to play musical instruments.
C. It has enough wall space for all his paintings.
D. It has much space when his friends visit him.
iv) Luke’s tree house is built around ….
A. One strong tree
B. Two strong trees
C. Three strong trees.
D. Four medium sized trees
0.5 marks for each right answer
CRQs: (1 mark for each right answer)
v. Who designed Luke’s tree house?
Luke’s parents designed the tree house.
vi. Why is it dark around Luke’s treehouse?
It is dark around Luke’s treehouse because there are no streetlights.
vii. How does Luke spend his free time?
He spends his free time in painting and playing musical instruments in his room.
viii. Who is going to stay at Luke’s tree house next weekend?
His friend is going to stay at his tree house.
ix. Would you like to move to a tree house? Give reason.
Students’ own responses. Any response that is relevant and logical should be considered correct.
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Attempt part (A) OR (B) in Q3 and similarly (A) OR (B) in Q4.

Q3A. Read the sentences carefully and fill the gaps with simple present or present continuous
tense. 3 Marks

Part (i) A: Topic simple present and present continuous tense.

Level K/U/A Mark/s: 3

(i) A: Read the sentences carefully and fill the gaps with simple present or present continuous tense.
1: I sometimes _______________________ a book in the morning.
A. read C. reads
B. Is reading D. are reading
2: He ____________________________ TV at the moment.
A. does not watch C. is not watching
B. Do not watching D. are not watching
3: Her mother always _______________________ music in her spare time.
A. listen C. is listening
B. listens D. are listening
4: They _________________________ football every day.
A. does not play C. are not playing
B. is not playing D. do not play
5: It usually _____________________ in summer.
A. rain C. rains
B. is raining D. are raining
6: Jane _____________________the house at the weekends.
A. does not clean C. do not clean
B. is not cleaning D. are not cleaning
0.5 marks for each right answer
Part (i) B: Topic: simple past and past continuous tense. 3 Marks

(i)B: Read the sentences carefully and fill the gaps with simple past or past continuous tense.
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1: They _______________________ Marry and Raheel to the party last week.

A. did not invited C. did not invite
B. were not inviting D. was not inviting
2: I_______________________ my friend last summer.
A. visited C. visit
B. was visiting D. were visiting
3: The fishermen ______________________________ their nets at 3 o’clock in the afternoon.
A. was mending C. were mending
B. mended D. mend
4: Last year our school team ________________________the tournament.
A. was not wining C. were not wining
B. did not win D. din not won
5: They ________________________tennis when it started to rain.
A. was playing C. were playing
B. played D. play
6: I ___________________ work early yesterday.
A. is finishing C. Was finishing
B. finish D. finished
0.5 marks for each right answer
Part (ii) A: Topic: Collective noun Level K/U/A Mark/s: 3
(ii) A: Read the sentences carefully then choose the appropriate collective noun.
1: A ________________ of bees is chasing me.
A. army B. swarm C. herd D. litter
2: Sara gave a ________________ of flowers to her mother on Mother's Day.
A. bouquet B. choir C. pack D. group
3: Dad brought a _____________________ of bananas to make banana shake.
A. collection B. galaxy C. comb D. fleet
4: A __________________ of wolves went hunting in the forest.
A. crowd B. crew C. team D. pack
5: A _________________ of sheep is gazing in the valley.
A. herd B. tribe C. gang D. troop
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6: She bought a ________________________ of shoes yesterday.

A. mob B. bundle C. pair D. fleet
0.5 marks for each right answer

Part (ii) B: Topic: Abstract noun 3 Marks

(ii)B: Fill in the blanks with correct abstract noun.

1: The soldier was awarded for his ______________________.

A. brave B. bravery C. annoyance D. anger
2: Julia bought the dress because of its ____________________.
A. simple B. anxiety C. simplicity D. joy
3: Lara had a great ______________________ for the police officer.
A. surprising B. success C. trust D. relief
4: Mike shares lots of _______________________ with his family.
A. wise B. lucky C. defeat D. love
5: My grandmother is full of ________________________.
A. belief B. shock C. wisdom D. wise
6: My friend showed extreme ________________________________when I helped him.
A. happiness B. envy C. happy D. courage
0.5 marks for each right answer

Writing skill: 5 marks

• Content relevancy: 3 marks

• Proper format (introduction, body and conclusion): 1 mark
• Creative ideas and use of adjectives: 1 mark
• 8 punctuation errors: 1 mark will be deducted
• 6 spelling/ tense/ S + V agreement errors: 1 mark will be deducted

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