2002-Formation of Helical Beams by Use of Pancharatnam-Berry Phase Optical Elements (OPL)

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November 1, 2002 / Vol. 27, No.


Formation of helical beams by use of Pancharatnam–Berry

phase optical elements
Gabriel Biener, Avi Niv, Vladimir Kleiner, and Erez Hasman
Optical Engineering Laboratory, Faculty of Mechanical Engineering, Technion-Israel Institute of Technology, Haifa 32000, Israel

Received June 17, 2002

Spiral phase elements with topological charges based on space-variant Pancharatnam– Berry phase optical el-
ements are presented. Such elements can be achieved by use of continuous computer-generated space-variant
subwavelength dielectric gratings. We present a theoretical analysis and experimentally demonstrate spiral
geometrical phases for infrared radiation at a wavelength of 10.6 mm. © 2002 Optical Society of America
OCIS codes: 260.5430, 350.1370, 050.2770, 050.1970.

Recent years have witnessed a growing interest subwavelength periodic structure is smaller than the
in helical beams that are exploited in a variety of incident wavelength, only zeroth order is a propagating
applications. These include trapping of atoms and order, and all other orders are evanescent. The sub-
macroscopic particles,1,2 transferring of orbital angu- wavelength periodic structure behaves as a uniaxial
lar momentum to macroscopic objects,1 – 3 rotational crystal with the optical axes parallel and perpendicu-
frequency shifting, the study of optical vortices,4 and lar to the subwavelength grooves. Therefore, by
specialized alignment schemes. Beams with helical fabricating quasi-periodic subwavelength structures,
(or spiral) wave fronts are described by complex for which the period and the orientation of the sub-
amplitudes u共r, v兲 ~ exp共2ilv兲, where r and v wavelength grooves were space varying, we achieved
are the cylindrical coordinates, namely, the radial continuously rotating wave plates.10 Furthermore,
coordinate and the azimuthal angle, respectively, we showed that such polarization manipulations
and l is the topological charge of the beams. At the inevitably lead to phase modif ication of geometrical
center, the phase has a screw dislocation, also called origin results from local polarization manipulation
a phase singularity or optical vortex. Typically, and are in fact a manifestation of the geometrical
hellical beams are formed by manipulation of light Pancharatnam –Berry phase.9,11 Optical elements
after it emerges from a laser by superposition of two that use this effect to form a desired phase front
orthogonal (nonhelical) beams or by transformation are called Pancharatnam– Berry phase optical ele-
of Gaussian beams into helical beams by means of ments (PBOEs).12 In this Letter we maintain that
computer-generated holograms,2,4 cylindrical lenses, the formation of a PBOE with a spiral geometrical
and spiral phase elements (SPEs).5 Alternatively, a phase indicates an ability to form complex continuous
helical beam can be generated inside a laser cavity by PBOEs.
insertion of SPEs into the laser cavity.6 The common The PBOEs are considered wave plates with con-
approaches to forming SPEs are as refractive or stant retardation and continuously space varying fast
diffractive optical elements by use of a milling tool, by axes, the orientation of which is denoted u共r, v兲. It is
use of a single-stage etching process with a gray-scale convenient to describe PBOEs by using Jones calculus.
mask, or with a multistage etching process.6 Such We f ind the space-dependent transmission matrix for
helical beam formations generally are cumbersome the PBOE by applying the optical rotator matrix to the
or diff icult to achieve or suffer from large numbers Jones matrix of the subwavelength dielectric grating
of aberrations, low efficiency, or large and unstable to obtain, on a helical basis,12
optical system.
In this Letter we consider novel SPEs based on the ∑ ∏
1 1 0 1
space-domain Pancharatnam –Berry phase.7,8 Unlike T 共r, v兲 苷 关tx 1 ty exp共if兲兴 1 关tx 2 ty
2 0 1 2
diffractive and refractive elements, the phase is
not introduced through optical path differences but ∑ ∏
0 exp关i2u共r, v兲兴 ,
results from the geometrical phase that accompanies 3 exp共if兲兴 (1)
exp关2i2u共r, v兲兴 0
space-variant polarization manipulation. We show
that such elements can be achieved by use of continu- where tx and ty are the real amplitude transmission co-
ous computer-generated space-variant subwavelength efficients for light polarized perpendicular and parallel
dielectric gratings. Moreover, we experimentally to the optical axes, respectively, and f is the retarda-
demonstrate SPEs with different topological charges tion of the grating. Thus, for an incident plane wave
based on a Pancharatnam –Berry phase manipulation, with arbitrary polarization jEin 典, we find that the re-
with axially symmetric local subwavelength groove sulting field is
orientation, for CO2 laser radiation at a wavelength of
10.6 mm. p p
Recently, space-variant polarization-state manipu- jEout 典 苷 hE jEin 典 1 hR exp关i2u共r, v兲兴 jR典
lations were demonstrated with computer-generated p
subwavelength structures.9 When the period of a 1 hL exp关2i2u共r, v兲兴 jL典 , (2)

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1876 OPTICS LETTERS / Vol. 27, No. 21 / November 1, 2002

where hE 苷 j1/2 关tx 1 ty exp共if兲兴j2 , hR 苷 j1/2 关tx 2 K0 苷 2p兾L共r, v兲 is the local spatial frequency of a
ty exp共if兲兴 具Ein jL典j2 , and hL 苷 j1/2 关tx 2 ty exp共if兲兴 3 grating with a local period L共r, v兲.
具Ein jR典j2 are the polarization order coupling eff icien- To ensure the continuity of the subwavelength
cies, 具ajb典 denotes an inner product, and jR典 苷 共1 0兲T grooves we required that = 3 Kg 苷 0, which resulted
and jL典 苷 共0 1兲T represent the right-hand and the in a differential equation that could be solved to
left-hand circular polarization components, respec- yield the local grating period. The solution to this
tively. From Eq. (2) one can see that the emerging problem yielded K0 共r兲 苷 共2p兾L0 兲 共r0兾r兲l兾2 , where L0
beam from a PBOE comprises three polarization is the local subwavelength period at r 苷 r0 . Con-
orders. The f irst maintains the original polarization sequently the grating function fg (def ined such
state and phase of the incident beam, the second is that Kg 苷 =fg ) was then found by integration of
right-hand circularly polarized and has a phase modi- Kg 共r, v兲 over an arbitrary path to yield fg 共r, v兲 苷
fication of 2u共r, v兲, and the third has a polarization 共2pr0 兾L0 兲 共r0 兾r兲l兾221 cos关共l兾2 2 1兲v兴兾共l兾2 2 1兲 for
direction and a phase modification opposite those of l fi 2 and fg 共r, v兲 苷 共2pr0 兾L0 兲 ln共r兾r0 兲 for l 苷 2.
the former polarization order. Note that the polar- We then obtained a Lee-type binary grating to de-
ization eff iciencies depend on the shape and material scribe the grating function,11 fg , for l 苷 1, 2, 3, 4.
of the groove as well as on the polarization state of the The grating was fabricated for CO2 laser radiation
incident beam. For the substantial case tx 苷 ty 苷 1 with a wavelength of 10.6 mm, with L0 苷 2 mm,
and f 苷 p, an incident wave with jR典 polarization r0 苷 4.7 mm, and a maximum radius of 6 mm, re-
is subject to total polarization state conversion and sulting in 2 mm # L共r兲 # 3.2 mm. We formed the
results in an emerging f ield: grating with a maximum local period of 3.2 mm in
order not to exceed the Wood anomaly of GaAs. The
magnified geometries of the gratings for four topologi-
jEout 典 苷 exp关2i2u共r, v兲兴 jL典 . (3) cal charges are presented in Fig. 2. The elements
were fabricated upon 500-mm-thick GaAs wafers
by contact photolithography and electron-cyclotron
An important property of Eq. (3) is that the phase resonance etching with BCl3 to a nominal depth of
factor depends on the local orientation of the sub- 2.5 mm, resulting in measured values of retardation
wavelength grating. This dependence is geometrical of f 苷 p兾2 and tx 苷 ty 苷 0.9. These values are close
in nature and originates solely from local changes in to the theoretical predictions achieved by rigorous
the polarization state of the emerging beam. This coupled-wave analysis. The inset in Fig. 2 shows
dependence can be illustrated by use of a Poincaré
sphere with three Stokes parameters, S1 , S2 , and
S3 , representing a polarization state, as depicted in
Fig. 1(a). The incident right-hand polarized and the
transmitted left-hand polarized waves correspond to
the north and the south poles of the sphere, respec-
tively. Inasmuch as the subwavelength grating is
space varying, the beam at different points traverses
different paths on the Poincaré sphere. For instance,
the geodesic lines  and B̂ represent different paths
for two waves transmitted through element domains
of local orientations u共r, 0兲 and u共r, v兲. Geomet-
rical calculations show that the phase difference
wp 苷 22u共r, v兲 between states, corresponding to
u共r, 0兲 and u共r, v兲 orientations, is equal to half of the
area V enclosed by geodesic lines  and B̂.9,11 This Fig. 1. (a) Illustration of the principle of PBOEs by use
fact is in compliance with the well-known rule, pro- of the Poincaré sphere; insets, local orientations of the
subwavelength grooves. (b) Geometrical definition of the
posed by Pancharatnam, for comparing the phases of
grating vector.
two light beams with different polarizations7 and can
be considered an extension into the space domain of
the rule that we mentioned.
To design a continuous subwavelength struc-
ture with the desired phase modification, we de-
fine a space-variant subwavelength grating vector
Kg 共r, v兲, oriented perpendicular to the desired
subwavelength grooves. Figure 1(b) illustrates
this geometrical def inition of the grating vec-
tor. To design a PBOE with a spiral geometrical
phase we need to ensure that the direction of
the grating grooves is given by u共r, v兲 苷 lv兾2,
where l is the topological charge. Therefore, from Fig. 2. Top, geometry of the subwavelength gratings for
Fig. 1(b), the grating vector is given by Kg 共r, v兲 苷 four topological charges. Bottom, image of a typical grat-
K0 共r, v兲 兵cos关共l兾2 2 1兲v兴r̂ 1 sin关共l兾2 2 1兲v兴v̂其, where ing prof ile taken with a scanning-electron microscope.
November 1, 2002 / Vol. 27, No. 21 / OPTICS LETTERS 1877

followed by a circular polarizer. We used the circular

polarizer to transmit only the desired jL典 state and
to eliminate the jR典 polarization order that appeared
because of the insuff icient etched depth of the grating.
Dark spots can be observed at the center of the
far-f ield images, providing evidence of phase singu-
larity in the center of the helical beams. We found
excellent agreement between theory and experiment,
clearly indicating the spiral phases of the beams with
different topological charges.
To conclude, we have demonstrated the formation
of helical beams by using space-variant Pancharat-
Fig. 3. (a) Interferogram measurements of the spiral nam–Berry phase optical elements based on com-
PBOEs. (b) The corresponding spiral phases for different puter-generated subwavelength dielectric gratings.
topological charges. The formation of the spiral phase by the PBOE is
subject to control of the local orientation of the grating.
This can be achieved with a high level of accuracy
by use of an advanced photolithographic process. In
contrast, in the formation of a SPE based on refractive
optics the phase is inf luenced by fabrication errors
caused by inaccuracy of the etched three-dimensional
prof ile. We are currently investigating a photolitho-
graphic process with which to achieve accurate control
Fig. 4. Experimental far-f ield images and their calculated
and measured cross sections for the helical beams with l 苷 of the retardation phase to yield only the desired
1 4. polarization order.
E. Hasman’s e-mail address is mehasman@tx.
a scanning-electron microscope image of one of the
dielectric structures.
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