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A Pair of Silk Stockings

_____ 1. Mrs. Sommers initially thinks that a wise use of her fifteen dollars would be to spend the money on
a. kid gloves for herself
b. a nutritious lunch
c. clothes for her children
d. a matinee at the theater

_____ 2. At the beginning of the story, Mrs. Sommers is characterized as a

a. dutiful, careful parent
b. neglectful mother
c. flighty, irresponsible person
d. cheerful person

_____ 3. Which of the following statements is true of Mrs. Sommer’s past?

a. she was known for wearing perfectly tailored ensembles
b. her husband deserted her
c. her parents usually provided financial assistance
d. she had experienced better days

_____ 4. Mrs. Sommers is initially drawn to the silk stockings

a. when she realizes she is touching them as she waits to begin shopping
b. because she has always worn them and needed a new pair
c. because the price is too good to resist
d. shoes for her children

_____ 5. After Mrs. Sommers buys the stockings, what is her next purchase?
a. silk undergarments
b. a pair of boots
c. two magazines
d. shoes for her children

_____ 6. What other luxuries does Mrs. Sommers indulge in?

a. a gallery visit and a newspaper
b. a new hat and a play
c. a nice meal at a nice restaurant and a play
d. a pair of new gloves and a box of chocolates

_____ 7. Mrs. Sommers’s new clothes make her feel

a. guilty and ashamed of her selfishness
b. fearful of her family’s reaction
c. self-assured, as if she belongs among the well dressed
d. like going dancing everyday

_____ 8. At the matinee, Mrs. Sommers

a. is distracted by the guilty thoughts about her spending spree
b. thoroughly enjoys the performance
c. departs early because se dislikes the performance
d. decides to become an actress

_____ 9. One explanation for Mrs. Sommers’s spending spree is that she
a. thinks it won’t matter
b. is acting on impulse
c. has plenty of money left at home
d. has saved for the occasion

_____ 10. As she rides home on the cable car, Mrs. Sommers
a. is satisfied and peaceful
b. feels a wave of remorse
c. thinks about her childhood
d. longs for escape from her life

11. Why does Mrs. Sommers spend the fifteen dollars in the way she does rather than in the way she had planned? On a separate sheet of
paper, write one paragraph explaining your opinion. Support your ideas with at least two examples from the short story.

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