The Carnivore Diet - The Beginner ' S Guide...

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The Beginner’s Guide to Carnivore Diet: How to

Start, What to Eat, Main Benefits
Easy and Healthy Carnivore Recipes That Will Make You a


Table of Contents
So, What Is It?
Weight Management & Weight Loss
Decreasing Inflammation
Increased Testosterone
Decreased Sugar
Reverses Insulin Resistance
Increased Nutrient Density
It’s Simple
Potential Risks
How Much Fat and Protein Should I Eat?
How Can I Increase How Much Fat I Eat?
How Many Meals Do I Eat?
Will I Gain Muscle on this Diet?
How Much Weight Will I Lose?
How Long Before I Adjust to This Diet?
What About Fiber?
Step 1: Exercise & Liquid Calorie Removal
Step 2: Get Rid of Junk
Step 3: Remove Grains, Legumes and Cereals
Step 4: Reduce Carbs
Step 5: Use Intermittent Fasting
Step 6: Cut Carbs Further
Step 7: Remove Vegetables & Vegetable Oils
Step 8: Animal Products Only
Beef Go To’s
What Else?
Eat Eggs
Eat Liver (And Other Organs!)
Eat Seafood
Use Bone Broth
Pick Your Schedule
Eat Slowly
Make Leftovers
Stay Hydrated
Add In Exercise
Grab A Buddy
Egg & Ham Bake
Goat Cheese & Ham Frittata
Bacon & Egg Quiche
Poached Eggs
Easy Pork Belly
Steak with Cheese Sauce
Grilled Cumin Crusted Lamb
Smoked Mutton with Roasted Marrow
Ribeye Sauté
Easy Bacon Burgers
Easy Beef Bone Marrow
Slow Cooker Pork
Lamb Chops
Roasted Bone Marrow with Herbs
Coconut & Lime Skirt Steak
Garlic Bison Rib Roast
Chicken in Cream Sauce
Duck Leg Confit
Indian Spiced Drums
Bacon & Chicken Patties
Garlic & Parmesan Wings
Indian Drumsticks
Asian Chicken Wings
Lemon Chicken Roast
Chicken Ala King
Prosciutto & Chicken Spiedini
Slow Cooker Chicken with Bacon
Bacon Chicken Meatballs
Blackened Shrimp
Garlic & Cilantro Salmon
Roasted Thyme Salmon
Ginger & Garlic Swordfish
Shrimp Deviled Eggs
Simple Fish Cakes
Garlic Lobster Tails
Easy Seafood Stew
Creamy Baked Fish
Grilled Tuna
Mediterranean Liver Steak
Crispy Tripe
Easy Gizzards
Liver Patties
Beef Hearts
Liver Meatballs
Ox Tongue with Gribiche Sauce
Every time you look there is a new diet plan just around the corner.
Each one has a different set of foods you can and can’t eat and rules
that come with it. with the Mediterranean diet you’re eating a lot of
grains, carbs and vegetables. With the vegetarian diet, you avoid all
meat products as w whole while enjoying just about anything else.
The vegan diet restricts you from eating any animal products, and
the ketogenic diet restricts your carbs while using healthy fats. With
the Paleo diet you even focus on the foods you ancestors could get
ahold of. While all of these promise weight loss and other health
benefits, they’re not for everyone. It’s important to find the right
diet for you, so let’s look at the carnivore diet and everything that it
has to offer.
With this diet you can lose weight and improve your overall health.
You just need to eat no carbs, including carb rich fruits and
vegetables. The focus of this diet, as the name suggests, is just eating
meat. Who doesn’t love a good steak? However, before jumping for
joy, let’s take a look at what this diet really means. Don’t start this
diet if you don’t love meat. You’ll be eating almost exclusively meat
all the time, which means a lot of fat, no carbs and tons of protein.
This contradicts what a lot of people know of nutrition because
you’ll be avoiding most vegetables, fiber and grain.
Our ancestors were able to eat mostly meat and stay healthy. After
all, it took too much energy to go out and gather vegetables and fruit
compared to hunting and consuming large amounts of protein. It also
took more wisdom than was always available, and this was before the
time of agriculture. While you won’t find a natural vegan diet in any
culture, you will find that there are many cultures where people
lived healthy lives eating almost nothing but meat.
Pregnant women and children should not eat this type of diet. It is
important for children to get all of their vital nutrients from other
food sources. Pregnant women would need to monitor their diet with
their doctor to find out what is best for them and their child.
However, for most healthy adults the carnivore diet can help to
improve their health and work towards weight loss.
So, What Is It?
Let’s take a closer look at what the carnivore diet actually is. This
includes what foods you should and shouldn’t be eating. The best
part is that the rules of this diet is simple, which makes it easier to
There are four different types of foods that you can consume while
on the carnivore diet, which are eggs, butter, meat and cheese. Some
zero calorie foods are available which includes coffee and spices.
These foods are full of fats and protein, but they have next to no
carbs. While there are very few rules with this diet, it is because it’s
strict. You can say goodbye to call of your old favorites including
vegetables, fruits, bread, baked goods and even pasta. This diet isn’t
just low carb, it’s considered extremely low carb. This is a hard
adjustment for most people, especially if they’re used to processed
foods in their diet or easy meals.
There are benefits to the carnivore diet other than just weight loss.
In this chapter, we’re going to go over what benefits you’ll receive if
you can just give up your sweet tooth for a diet that’s high in fatty
foods and meat.
Weight Management & Weight Loss
While there are other benefits to this diet, these are the main two
that people usually lean towards. Most people start a new diet in
order to lose weight or they’d just stick with the diet that they
currently. There is a debate on why weight loss happens, but the
most common reason that people believe this diet works is due to the
fact your source of energy (calories) comes from fat instead of carbs.
Your body will start to increase ketone levels and enter a state of
ketosis when you don’t have carbs to supply your body with the
energy that it needs.
Ketones are not your body’s preferred food source. Your body
prefers to run on carbs, but it will also store excess as fat. Ketones
are naturally formed by the body when eating these types of diets as
a way for your body to become a fat burning machine. It allows your
body to have the energy it needs by breaking down the fat you
already have. Another theory as to why the carnivore diet works is
because you eat less and therefore take in less calories.
Fatty cuts of meat will help you to get full faster while still eating
less food. So, cutting down your portion size just comes naturally
with this diet, and it doesn’t take excessive effort or thought. You
don’t actually feel like you’re doing without because you feel full.
This is especially effective when you pair it with even a general
workout, including cardio, which will help you to burn more calories
than you take in. when you are burning more energy than you
consume you lose weight.
Decreasing Inflammation
Inflammatory diseases continue to rise, especially in the US, and a
high carb diet may have an effect on that. There are many studies
that suggest a diet that’s high in carbs will trigger an inflammation
response in the body. Type 2 Diabetes is an inflammatory disease,
and altering the diet of people who suffer form type 2 Diabetes is
one of the best ways to treat this symptom. Not only is the carnivore
diet extremely low on carbs, but high fat is also known to help with
inflammation which the carnivore diet is.
Increased Testosterone
This isn’t great if you’re a female, but males benefit from the
carnivore diet by an increased amount of tester one. While this is
mainly a male hormone (estrogen is the female counterpart to this
hormone), both men and women actually need testosterone. It plays
an important role in brain function, bone mass, muscle growth, sex
drive and even has an impact on your mood. However, testosterone
does naturally decrease as we age. It is also common for some people
to suffer from a deficiency in testosterone due to their diet choices
as well as their lifestyle. If you suffer from low testosterone, then
this diet can help.
Decreased Sugar
Sugar just isn’t good for you. Sugar is damaging because it can stick
to cholesterol particles, which can cause you to develop
atherosclerosis. It’s glycemic which causes sugar spikes in inulin, and
over time this can lead to insulin resistance. It can lead to chronic
disease, sped up aging, and diabetes. Glucose is oxidatively stressful,
so it contributes to inflammation. Oxidative stress can cause various
disease. Glucose can also feed into tumor growth.
Reverses Insulin Resistance
Insulin resistance is related to heart disease, gives you a higher
cancer mortality, can increase your risk of prostate cancer, speed up
aging, cause chronic inflammation, acne and even put you at risk of
Alzheimer’s disease. If you already have insulin resistance, then the
carnivore diet could help you to repair your body. If you do not, it
can help you to keep from developing it.
Increased Nutrient Density
Your cells need nutrients to function because they play a role in
everything that your body does from supporting brain function,
increasing and working your immune system to even just forming
growth. Many nutrients also have antioxidant properties which are
important for helping your body to fight disease. Sadly, most people
are defiance in most vitamins, including vitamin D, vitamin B12,
vitamin A, Iron, Zinc and Calcium. With so many Americans
deficiencies in so many essential vitamins, it makes sense that so
many people now suffer from chronic disease. However, most of
these vitamins can be found in what you eat when on the carnivore
diet. Therefore, the carnivore diet will help you to fight these
deficiencies which will improve your overall health.
It’s Simple
This is one of the best parts of the carnivore diet. Diets shouldn’t be
complicated, and while this diet is restrictive it is not complicated. A
simple diet is one that you’re likely to stick with. No one is going to
stick to a lifestyle change that complicates their life more than
they’re willing to handle.
Potential Risks
With anything there are potential risks, and this the case with the
carnivore diet as well. However, while this is healthy for most
individuals, we’ve already went over who shouldn’t be on the
carnivore diet. Taking a multivitamin is also recommended on this
diet to make sure that you do not develop any deficiencies. You are
less likely to develop deficiencies if you are eating organ meat as
You may still be a little nervous about the carnivore diet and if it’ll
really work. While this diet is great for most people, it isn’t for
everyone. With this FAQ section, you will find the most commonly
asked questions and their answers. This can help you to decide if the
carnivore diet is really for you.
How Much Fat and Protein Should I Eat?
You should be getting 20-30% protein each day and about 70-80% fat.
This means that if you’re at 2,000 calories a day you should eat about
155 grams of fat and 150 grams of protein o get a 70/30 split. One
gram of fat is nine calories, one gram of protein is four calories, and
one gram of carbs is four calories.
How Can I Increase How Much Fat I Eat?
Most places only sell lean meat, which means it’s high in protein
while being low inf at. Most steaks have the fat cut off before it’s
packaged, and most ground beef is 80% lean or higher. Always buy
fatty cuts of meat when you can. For steak, chuck steak is a fatty cut
that’s cheaper than most other cuts because it isn’t considered a
prime cut due to the fat. Other fatty meat includes pork or beef ribs,
chicken thighs, salmon, trout, mackerel, sardines, herring, and bacon
or pork belly. You can also add butter to everything. You need
butter, and should be about four tablespoons of butter per day at
How Many Meals Do I Eat?
While you can eat three meals on the carnivore diet, you really only
need to eat two meals a day. If you eat anything else, it’s going to be
excessive and will defeat any goal of weight loss that you may have.
As far as snacks are concerned, you shouldn’t need them because you
should feel full from the protein and fat you’re getting from your
meals. If you do need a snack then go for meat or cheese. Pepperoni
and salami, sliced cheeses or beef jerky is a great place to start. If
you are going for beef jerky, makes sure that you find some that
doesn’t have sugar.
Will I Gain Muscle on this Diet?
Since your body uses protein to create muscle, then yes you will gain
muscle on this diet. Protein will help to build muscle while fat helps
to boost testosterone, which is the perfect combination for muscle
building. However, you cannot gain muscle and lose weight at the
same time. to gain muscle you’ll need to add a little more calorie to
your diet with exercise.
How Much Weight Will I Lose?
If you use the carnivore diet correctly, most people will lose between
five and ten pounds in the first week. This is usually body fat loss as
well as water weight. It will depend don how much body fat you
already have. You will continue to lose body fat on this diet until
you’re about 15% body fat even if you are eating a large amount of
calories per day. However, depending on your calorie restriction and
dedication to exercise will depend on rate that you lose the weight.
How Long Before I Adjust to This Diet?
This will be based on the person, but most people will take two weeks
to get used to it. if you are already familiar with a low carb diet,
then you will be able to get adapted in less than a week. Most of
your cravings will begin to diminish in about five to seven days.

What About Fiber?

You don’t need fiber if you are eating mainly meat. Meat is usually
digested in your stomach, and fiber is an abrasive insoluble
substance meant to help your intestines push out waste. If your
digestive system is already breaking down the food, then fiber isn’t
Now that you know the carnivore diet can help you and have some of
the most common questions answered, let’s move on to how you can
get started. It can be hard to switch to any diet or lifestyle change.
Just follow these simple steps to help!
Step 1: Exercise & Liquid Calorie Removal
Before you actually switch over, start to remove any liquid calories
from your diet. This means cutting out everything but unsweetened
tea, unsweetened coffee and water. You will also want to add a little
exercise into your routine. This doesn’t have to be hard exercise.
Even just a thirty-minute walk once a day is better than nothing.
Step 2: Get Rid of Junk
You want to remove all the junk food and sweets from your life, and
this means cleaning out the pantry. Instead of cleaning out
everything that you have all at once, let’s break it down. Take a week
to cut out all of these sweet and junk foods from your diet before
moving on to the next step. This makes it an easier transition.
Step 3: Remove Grains, Legumes and Cereals
This is some of the main starches, and you can kiss them goodbye.
Remove them from your diet, and give yourself time to adjust.
Step 4: Reduce Carbs
You need to go from a high carb diet to a no carb diet if you want to
commit to the carnivore diet. This can be hard if you’re trying to cut
carbs cold turkey. That’s why it’s better to slowly take time to switch
to a low carb diet. A low carb diet consists of days where you eat less
than one hundred grams of carbs.
Step 5: Use Intermittent Fasting
While this isn’t necessary, it can be helpful to switching to the
carnivore diet. If you can eat all of your food in an eight-hour
window during the day, you’ll get used to eating only two meals a
day and getting what you need from those days all at once.
Step 6: Cut Carbs Further
Go keto for a short time before going to the carnivore diet. You
already have gotten used to a low carb diet, but now cut those carbs
down to under twenty-five grams a day. You can easily find keto
recipes to get you started.
Step 7: Remove Vegetables & Vegetable Oils
There are no vegetables on the carnivore diet, and you can remove
extra oils as well. You will be cooking with fat or butter.
Step 8: Animal Products Only
Clean out your pantry. If it isn’t from an animal, you need to throw
it out. If you keep it in the house, you’re going to suffer more
temptation than you need. If you’ve come this far, then you’re
officially a carnivore.
In this chapter, we’ll go over the foods that you should have in the
house to make the carnivore diet a success.
Beef Go To’s
Not everyone can afford the best cut of steak, but chuck roast, strip,
chuck eye, sirloin and beef are beset. You’ll also want chick brisk,
prime rib, brisket or other roasts. Ground beef is fine as long as you
are getting fatty ground beef. You can also eat beef organs. There
are many who practice the carnivore diet that believe that organs are
necessary if you want to have complete nutrition on this diet.
For lamb, stick with chops, ribs and shank. For pork, the best cuts
are shoulder, pork belly, ribs and butt roasts. For poultry, your best
options are wings, thighs and drumsticks. As far as seafood is
concerned, try shrimp, scallops, lobster, crab, sardines, mackerel,
trout and salmon. While you can have leaner cuts, you should limit
these. They are not as filling or nutritious for you.
You can have bone broth, water, unsweetened tea or black coffee.
You should not have sugar or calories in your drinks. With water,
you can have it with or without minerals or even carbonated.
What Else?
You can have seasonings as well as eggs. You can also have butter.
Full fat butter is better for you than margarine. If you need to put
something in your coffee, a spoonful of butter is great way to add a
certain type of sweetness while increasing your fat intake to where it
needs to be. The carnivore diet also allows for cheese, yogurt, and
milk. Anything that comes from an animal is something you’re
allowed to have.
In this chapter, we’ll go over the tips and tricks you can use not only
to get on the carnivore diet but to stay on it. With these tips, your
transition will be easier, and you won’t have to worry about breaking
your diet on accident.
Eat Eggs
While eggs are not quite animals, they are acceptable on the
carnivore diet. They have everything that a chicken needs to develop,
and so you’re eating a whole animal while it’s bite size. It’s also a
cheap protein which will help you to budget on a meat heavy diet.
Eat Liver (And Other Organs!)
Liver especially is loaded with folate, vitamin A, copper, iron and
choline. It’s the best multivitamin that nature has to offer. Fish
livers specially hold a lot of vitamin D, but it can be hard to get
ahold of.
Eat Seafood
Oysters, mussels, and various fish (including salmon) are great to
add into your diet! You’ll get selenium, iodine, vitamin D, iron,
manganese, omega-3 fatty acids and copper. Fish oil can also bring
various benefits.
Use Bone Broth
Bone broth is a great way to get minerals, vitamins and collagen. It’s
also beneficial for your digestive system, helps to fight down
inflammation, and it’s great for joint health.
Pick Your Schedule
It’s important that you stick to a schedule if you want to keep from
getting too hungry. While some people can eat only one meal a day,
not everyone can. It’s okay to need to eat two smaller meals or even
break it into three meals. While it’s still recommended that you only
eat twice, you need to pick a schedule that works for you and just
watch out for overeating.
Eat Slowly
While you may be eating a manly meal, you don’t have to act like a
caveman doing it. it’s important to take time to eat your food. If you
eat slower, you’ll feel full quicker because your body will have time
to register that you’ve eaten. Don’t rush through your meals and
overeat because you feel short on time. if you do have to eat quickly,
make sure to portion out what you should be eating and put any
leftovers away.
Make Leftovers
On any diet, it can be hard to transition to cooking every day if you
don’t already. The average person doesn’t, so there’s no need to feel
bad. However, if you make enough for leftovers, then you’ll be able
to follow your diet easily without resorting to fast food or junk food
temptations because you don’t feel like being in the kitchen. Just
remember to portion out your food and put away leftovers
immediately so that you don’t overeat.
Stay Hydrated
Staying hydrated will help you to stay feeling full and keep some of
the adjustment symptoms away. Dehydration is only going to worsen
any uncomfortable side effects that occur while you adjust. Make
sure that you drink water regularly. If you already have a soda
problem, try to keep cold water in the fridge that you can pour from
whenever you’d go to get a drink. You’ve already built up a habit to
go to the fridge, so make sure what you should be drinking is readily
available when you get there. You can also try canned carbonated
waters, even flavored ones with zero sugar and zero calories to help
you adjust.
Add In Exercise
While you don’t need tons of exercise to be successful, it is
important that you exercise some on any diet if you want to stay
healthy. The carnivore diet will give you abundant energy after
you’ve adjusted, and you should use this at least for some light
cardio to get started. If you are used to a sedentary lifestyle, try
exercising for just ten to twenty minutes a day and slowly increase
the duration and intensity of your workouts until you are at a fitness
level you want.
Grab A Buddy
The success of any diet is easier when you have someone doing it
with you. Not only do you have someone making sure that you meet
your goals, but you share a common adjustment and struggle to bring
you closer together. it’s important to have support from friends and
family. If you don’t have someone in your life who would be willing
to do this with you, look online for a group that can give you the
support you need.
Serves: 6
Time: 45 Minutes
6 Eggs, Large
12 Slices Ham
½ Cream Milk
1 Tablespoon Dijon Mustard
1 Tablespoon Thyme
Sea Salt & Black Pepper to Taste

1. Start by heating your oven to 370, and put your oven rack on
the lowest slot.
2. Spray a muffin tin with cooking spray and then fit in your
ham slices. The ham should spill over the sides of the cup.
3. Get out a bowl and combine your salt, thyme, pepper, eggs,
milk and Dijon mustard.
4. Add the egg mix into the cups lined with ham, and fill them
three quarters full.
5. Bake for ten to fifteen minutes. The ham should be crisp and
eggs should be fully cooked. When you insert a toothpick, it
should come out dry.
6. Allow it to cool for five minutes, and serve warm.
Serves: 6
Time: 25 Minutes
Sea Salt & Black Pepper to Taste
4 Ounces Goat Cheese
2 Tablespoons Butter
3 Ounces Ham, Chopped
8 Eggs, Large
1 Cup Heavy Cream

1. Start by heating the oven to 350, and then get out a large
bowl. Whisk your heavy cream, eggs, chopped ham, and
season with salt and pepper. Mix until combined well.
2. Get out a skillet that can go into the oven and melt your
butter using medium heat. Add in the egg, cooking for four
minutes. It should be firm near the edges. Sprinkle with goat
cheese, and then cook in the oven for fifteen minutes. Serve
Serves: 4
Time: 1 Hour 20 Minutes
6 Eggs, Large
2 Cups Heavy Cream
12 Slices Bacon
1 Cup Whole Cream Milk
1 Tablespoon Dijon Mustard
Sea Salt & Black Pepper to Taste
4 Tablespoons Parsley, Dried

1. Get out a spring form pan that’s nine inches, and grease it.
line the bottom with bacon slices. Chill it in the fridge for an
2. While your bacon is chilling get out a bowl and combine your
cream, milk, eggs, mustard, salt, pepper and parsley. Heat
your oven 325.
3. Remove your bacon from the fridge and pour in the egg
mixture before placing it in the oven.
4. Bake your eggs until set which is about an hour and fifteen
minutes. Your eggs should be slightly wobbly, but they should
not be runny.
5. Allow it to cool for forty minutes and then take it out of the
springform pan. Slice to serve.
Serves: 1
Time: 10 Minutes
2 Eggs
½ Teaspoon Salt
3 tablespoons Butter

1. Heat up your skillet and melt the butter. Once softened, crack
in your eggs so that the yolks stay intact.
2. Sprinkle your eggs with salt, and cook until done to your
liking. Serve warm.
Serves: 3 Hours 5 Minutes
Time: 2 Hours 25 Minutes
Sea Salt & Black Pepper to Taste
2 Tablespoons Olive Oil
2 lbs. Pork Belly, Skin Intact

1. Start by heating your oven to 350, and then use a sharp knife
to put cuts over the skin and into the fat. Don’t cut into the
meat, and make sure your cuts are about a half an inch apart.
2. Drizzle your oil over the meat and then sprinkle with salt and
3. Place a rack on an oven tray, laying your meat on it with the
skin side facing up.
4. Bake for two and a half hours.
5. Turn your oven to 420, and then cook for an additional
twenty minutes. Allow to cool for at least ten minutes before
Serves: 2
Time: 25 Minutes
2 lbs. Butterflied Steak Fillets
1 Teaspoon Black Pepper
1 ½ Teaspoons Sea Salt, Fine
1 Tablespoon Lemon Juice, Fresh
1 Tablespoon Garlic Powder
1 Tablespoon Worcestershire Sauce
2 Tablespoons Butter

1 Cup Whole Cream
6 Slices Cheddar Cheese
2 Teaspoons Garlic Butter

1. Start by rubbing your steak down with salt, pepper and garlic
powder. Pour the Worcestershire sauce and lemon juice over
it. marinate for ten minutes.
2. Place a skillet over medium-high heat and melt your butter.
Cook your steak on both sides according to your preference.
3. Get out an additional small pan and whisk all sauce
ingredients together. whisk and cook until everything is
melted together and well combined.
4. Serve your steak with sauce.
Serves: 4
Time: 30 Minutes
3 lbs. 2 Racks of Lamb
¾ Cup Cumin Powder
3 Tablespoons Paprika
1 Teaspoon Chili Powder
1 Tablespoon Sea Salt, Fine

1. Cut your rack of lambs into individual chops, and then
combine your seasonings together. dip each chop into this
mixture, and then heat your grill to the lowest temperature.
2. Place the lamb on the grill for five minutes with the lid
closed. Clip every two to three minutes until it reaches your
desired doneness.
Serves: 4
Time: 5 Hours 10 Minutes
1 Mutton Leg, Bone In & 5-6 lbs.
6 Teaspoons Sea Salt
7 Teaspoons Black Pepper
4 Bone Marrow Halves
1 Wedge Lemon, Fresh
3 Tablespoons Apple Cider vinegar
½ Cup Barbeque Sauce

1. Start by coating the leg with salt pepper and sauce. Set it to
high, and then get a smoker ready. Turn it to high, and then
put the leg inside. Keep the temperature constant, cooking for
three hours.
2. Heat your oven to 350, and then put the leg on foil. Pour
apple cider vinegar on it. it should be on all sides of the
meat, and then wrap the foil around.
3. Bake for an additional two hours. It should be tender, but
keep the oven heated for your marrow.
4. Get out a baking tray and line it with foil. Put the bones on
top, and bake for twenty to twenty-five minutes. Your marrow
should be brown and bubbling.
5. Sprinkle salt and pepper over your marrow if desired, and
squeeze the lemon juice into it. serve warm with your mutton.
Serves: 1
Time: 30 Minutes
2 Ounces Beef Ribeye Steak, Sliced
2 Cloves Garlic, Minced
2 Tablespoons Olive Oil
1 Sprig Parsley, Fresh
1 Teaspoon Onion Powder

1. Get out a frying pan and place your oil in it. heat over
medium heat, and once hot add the remaining ingredients.
Cook until you reach the desired doneness.
Serves: 6
Time: 30 Minutes
4 Ounces Bacon, Diced
1 ½ lbs. Ground Beef
Sea Salt & Black Pepper to Taste

1. Dice your bacon before cooking in the frying pan until crispy.
Alternatively, you can cook your bacon first before crumbling
it. crispy bacon is easier to crumble. Do not discard the bacon
grease from the frying pan.
2. Mix your raw beef and bacon together in a bowl and season
with salt and pepper. Mix together and then form six patties.
Cook for eight to ten minutes per side in your skillet over
high heat using your bacon grease to cook.
Serves: 2
Time: 35 Minutes
Pinch Sea Salt
4 Beef Bone Marrow Halves

1. Start by heating your oven to 350, and then get out a baking
ray. Put the marrow side face up, and then bake for about
thirty minutes. Your marrow should be golden. It can take as
little as twenty minutes in some ovens, so watch closely.
Serves: 4
Time: 8 Hours 5 Minutes
2 lbs. Pork Shoulder
1 Tablespoon Ginger Powder
1 Teaspoon Szechuan Peppercorns
1 Tablespoons Sea Salt

1. Put your pork in a slow cooker and add in your spices. Cook
for eight hours on low. Turn your meat over after six hours,
but do not pull it apart at this time.
Serves: 8
Time: 20 Minutes
8 Lamb Chops (Roughly 1 ¼ Inches Thick)
2 Tablespoons Rosemary, Fresh & Chopped
3 Tablespoons Olive Oil
3 Cloves Garlic, Minced
1 Teaspoon Sea Salt
½ Teaspoon Black Pepper

1. Start by heating your grill to medium-high heat and then add
your chops in a single layer to a plate.
2. Get out a bowl and use all remaining ingredients to make a
marinade. Spoon this mixture over your lamb chops, coating
both sides.
3. Allow it to marinate for ten minutes before grilling to desired
doneness. Allow them to rest before serving.
Serves: 2
Time: 20 Minutes
4 Marrow Beef Bones
¼ Teaspoon Thyme, Fresh & Chopped
¼ Teaspoon Rosemary, Fresh & Chopped
Sea Salt & Black Pepper to Taste

1. Start by heating your oven to 400, and then put your bones in
a baking dish. Top with the rosemary and thyme, and roast
for fifteen minutes. They should no longer be pink.
2. Season with salt and pepper before serving warm.
Serves: 4
Time: 1 Hour
2 lbs. Skirt Steak
½ Cup Coconut Oil, Melted
1 Lime, Juiced & Zested
1 Tablespoon Garlic, Minced
1 Teaspoons Ginger, Freshly Grated
1 Teaspoon Red Pepper Flakes
Pinch Sea Salt
2 Sprigs Parsley, Fresh & Chopped

1. Get out a large bowl and mix your juice, zest, coconut oil,
garlic, salt, red pepper flakes and ginger to make your
marinade. Toss in your steaks, and coat well. Allow the meat
to marinate for twenty minutes at room temperature.
2. Cook over medium-high heat in a large skillet until it reaches
desired doneness. Serve warm.
Serves: 6
Time: 9 Hours 10 Minutes
2 ½ lbs. Bison Roast Rib
1 Teaspoon Olive Oil
1 Teaspoon Oregano
1 Teaspoon Thyme
6 Cloves Garlic, Fresh & Minced
1 Teaspoon Oregano
½ Teaspoon Sage
1 Cup Hot Water
Sea Salt to taste

1. Get out a bowl and mix your oregano, garlic, thyme, oil and
sage. Rub this onto your rib roast and then allow it to
marinate for at least eight hours or overnight. Remove the
roast thirty minutes before placing it in the oven.
2. Heat your oven to 500, and then cook uncovered in a roasting
pan. Turn every five minutes for fifteen minutes total before
turning it down to 275. Add a cup of hot water to your pan,
and then cover it.
3. Cook for another forty minutes but remove the lid for the last
ten minutes to ensure caramelization.
4. Allow it to rest for ten minutes before serving warm.
Serves: 6
Time: 1 Hour 15 Minutes
1 Chicken Breast
Sea Salt & Black Pepper to Taste
1 Tablespoon Olive Oil
1 Tablespoon Butter
1 Liter Milk, Warm
2 Cups Onion, Chopped
2 Tablespoons Ginger & Garlic Paste

1. Remove fat from your chicken breast before seasoning it with
salt and pepper.
2. Get out a large pan and place it over high heat. Heat your oil
and butter together, and add in the breast. Brown well. Add
in four cups of milk, and mix well. Cover and cook for twenty
minutes, and turn halfway through.
3. Remove it from the pan and then add the onion, ginger and
garlic paste. Allow it broil for ten minutes, and then add the
rest of the milk and beat it all in a blender. Cut the meat into
thin slices, and then return it to the pan with the sauce. Bring
it to heat, and then serve warm.
Serves: 4
Time: 2 Hours 45 Minutes (+12 Hours)
1 Tablespoon + ¼ Teaspoon Sea Salt
4 Duck Legs with Thighs Attached, Trimmed & Fat Reserved
Sea Salt & Black Pepper to Taste
10 Cloves Garlic
4 Bay Leaves
4 Sprigs Thyme, Fresh
1 ½ Teaspoons Black Peppercorns
4 Cups Olive Oil

1. Place your reserved duck fat in a glass container.
2. Get out a plate and lay out your duck legs with the skin side
face down. Season with salt, pepper, thyme, garlic cloves and
bay leaves. Lay the remaining duck on top. Make sure the
flesh is touching the exposed flesh and sprinkle with your
remaining salt. Cover, and then allow it to marinate for
twelve hours.
3. Heat your oven to 300, and then remove your duck legs from
the fridge. Remove the thyme, garlic, and bay leaves, adding
it to the duck fat. Rinse your legs under cold water, and rub
off some of the salt and pepper. Pat them dry using paper
4. Get out a cast iron pot and then put your reserved seasonings
and duck fat on the bottom. Season with salt and pepper.
5. Lay your duck legs in a pot making sure the skin side is down
and then add in the oil. Cover before placing in the oven and
baking for two and a half to three hours. The meat should
tear from the bone easily. Remove the duck fat and strain.
Reserve the fat.
6. Get out a pan and sear your duck legs with the skin side
down for three to four minutes. Serve warm.
Serves: 2
Time: 1 Hour 20 Minutes
3-4 Drumsticks (or 5-6 Drumettes)
½ Teaspoon Sea Salt
2 Tablespoons Garam Masala
1 Tablespoon Butter

1. Rinse and dry your drumsticks, and make sure to keep the
skin on. add in the garam masala and salt, and allow it to
marinate for ten minutes.
2. Get out a skillet and heat your butter over medium-high heat.
3. Once the butter has melted, add in your drums, and allow the
skin to sear and become crisp.
4. Once it’s golden brown, then heat your oven to 400. Cook for
thirty-five minutes.
5. After twenty-five minutes, make sure they’re cooked all the
way through and serve warm.
Serves: 2
Time: 30 Minutes
1 lb. Minced Chicken
2 Bacon Slices, Cooked & Crumbled
1 Egg, Whisked
Sea Salt & Black Pepper to Taste
1 Tablespoon Garlic Powder

1. Start by heating your oven to 400. Get out a bowl and mix all
ingredients together until smooth. If chunky, add it to a food
processor to blend until smooth.
2. Form your patties about a half inch thick. You should be able
to make ten to twelve, and then get out a tray. Cover it in foil
and lay out your patties. Cook for twenty minutes, and then
allow them to cool before serving.
Serves: 12
Time: 35 Minutes
½ Cup Parmesan Cheese
1 Teaspoon Garlic Powder
¼ Teaspoon Crushed Red Pepper
¼ Teaspoon Sea Salt
1 Egg
½ Teaspoon Italian Seasoning
8 Tablespoon Butter, Melted
6 lbs. Whole Chicken Wings

1. Heat your oven to 425, and then slice your wings into two
2. Get out a baking sheet and place a metal rack on top. Put
your wings on this rack. Cook for fifteen minutes.
3. To make the sauce combine your butter, seasonings, eggs, and
cheese in a bowl.
4. Remove them from the oven and flip them. Turn on your
broiler and cook for five minutes. Flip again and cook for an
additional five minutes.
5. Toss in the sauce, and garnish with cheese before serving.
Serves: 5
Time: 45 Minutes
½ Tablespoon Coconut Oil
3 Tablespoons Garam Masala
2 Tablespoons Sea Salt
2 lbs. Chicken Drumsticks

1. Start by turning the oven to 450, and then get out a large
baking sheet. Coat with coconut oil.
2. Mix your garam masala with salt and then pat your
drumsticks dry before coating them in the mix.
3. Lay them in an even layer on the baking sheet, and bake for
forty minutes. Serve warm.
Serves: 5
Time: 45 Minutes
¼ Cup Tamari Sauce
1 Tablespoon Ginger Powder
2 Tablespoons Sesame Oil
2 lbs. Chicken Wings
3 Cloves Garlic, Minced
2 Teaspoons White Wine Vinegar
Pinch Sea Salt

1. Start by heating your oven to 400, and then get out a large
bowl. Whisk your ginger powder, salt, sesame oil, vinegar,
garlic and tamari before throwing in your wings.
2. Get out a lined baking sheet, and then place your wings in a
single layer. Cook for thirty to thirty-five minutes. They
should be crispy. If they are not, broil for three minutes.
Serves: 8
Time: 1 Hour 55 Minutes
1 Lemon, Halved
½ Cup Ghee
1 Tablespoon Sea Salt
1 Lemon, Zested & Sliced
4 lbs. Whole Chicken, Giblets Removed

1. Start by heating your oven to 350, and then combine your
lemon zest and sea salt. Rub this into your chicken, and
sprinkle the cavity with salt and stuff with lemon halves. Add
in ¼ cup of ghee.
2. Brush your remaining ghee on the outside, and then put it on
a roasting pan. Arrange lemon slices around your chicken.
3. Roast for one hour and forty-five minutes.
4. Allow it to rest for ten minutes before slicing to serve. It
should have reached an internal temperature of 165 before it
was done.
Serves: 4
Time: 1 Hour 10 Minutes
1 Whole Chicken
5 Bay Leaves
1 Teaspoon Thyme
4 Tablespoons Butter
3 Cups Chicken Broth
250 ml Heavy Cream
Sea Salt & Black Pepper to Taste

1. Skin your chicken before portioning it out. Set your skin
aside, and then get out a pot and add in thyme, broth, salt,
pepper and bay leaves. Cover and allow it to simmer for an
hour with the chicken. Heat your oven to 350.
2. Wash your chicken skin and slice it into suitable sizes, and
then pat it dry.
3. Marinate with salt and pepper. Lay them on a baking sheet
prepared with parchment paper. Add another piece of
parchment paper on top, and put a heavy baking tray over
them to press flat.
4. Bake for forty minutes or until your skin are brown and
crispy. Remove them and allow them to cool on a paper towel
to drain. They will crisp further as they cool down.
5. Strain your chicken rom the broth, and set your broth to the
side. Allow your chicken to cool down and break it into bite
size pieces.
6. Place your broth over heat again and add in your butter and
cream. Allow it to reduce and thicken.
7. Once thick, add int eh chicken pieces and then put the crispy
chicken skins on top to serve.
Serves: 8
Time: 25 Minutes
8 Chicken Tenders, Raw
8 Slices Prosciutto
8 Ounces Provolone Cheese, Block
Sea Salt & Black Pepper to Taste
¼ Teaspoon Garlic Powder
8 Skewers
16 Basil Leaves, Fresh & Whole

1. Combine the salt pepper and garlic, and then pound your
chicken tenders until they are only a half inch thick.
2. Season with the spice mixture, and then cut your provolone
cheese into pieces that are no longer than two inches.
3. Get out a cutting board and place a slice pro prosciutto down
first. Top with two of your basil leaves, thicken tender, and a
piece of cheese. Carefully roll this up and then skewer it.
continue until you have no remaining ingredients.
4. Heat your grill to 375, and grill for three to five minutes per
side before serving warm.
Serves: 4
Time: 8 Hours 5 Minutes
1 Tablespoon Sea Salt
5 Tablespoons Olive Oil, Divided
1 Tablespoon Oregano
1 Tablespoon Rosemary
2 Tablespoons Thyme
10 Slices Bacon
5 Chicken Breasts

1. Combine all of your ingredients except for two tablespoons of
olive oil in your slow cooker.
2. Set on low and cook for eight hours.
3. Shred your meat, and toss with the remaining oil before
serving warm.
Serves: 8
Time: 45 Minutes
1 lb. Chicken Breasts
8 Slices Chicken, Cooked & Crumbled
3 Cloves Garlic
1 Egg, Whisked
1 Tablespoon Onion Powder
4 Tablespoons Olive Oil (Or Bacon Grease)
2 Drops Liquid Smoke
2 Sprigs Parsley, Fresh & Torn

1. Place all ingredients in a food processor except for your oil
or bacon grease. Pulse until well mixed.
2. Form about twenty small meatballs, and then get out a large
pan for frying.
3. Heat up your oil or grease, and cook for five to ten minutes
per side. Your meatballs should be done all the way through
before serving warm.
Serves: 2
Time: 16 Minutes
½ lbs. Shrimp, Peeled & Deveined
2 Tablespoon Blackened Seasoning
1 Teaspoon Olive Oil
1 Lemon, Juiced

1. Toss all ingredients together except for your oil. Your shrimp
should be coated well.
2. Place the oil in a skillet over medium-high heat.
3. Add in the shrimp and cook for two to three minutes per side.
Serve warm.
Serves: 4
Time: 25 Minutes
1 Tablespoon Butter
1 lb. Salmon Fillet
1 Lemon
¼ Cup Cilantro Leaves, Fresh & Chopped
4 Cloves Garlic, Minced
Sea Salt & Black Pepper to Taste

1. Start by heating your oven to 400, and then get out a baking
sheet. Line it with foil and then place the salmon with the
skin side down before squeezing your lemon over the salmon.
Season with garlic, pepper, salt and cilantro. Slice your butter
thin and place it over the salmon evenly. Bake for seven to
ten minutes. This will depend on how thick your salmon is.
Turn the broiler on, and cook for five to seven minutes more.
it should be crisp on top, and serve warm.
Serves: 4
Time: 30 Minutes
1 lb. Salmon, Fresh & Skinless
2 Teaspoons Olive Oil
¼ Teaspoon Sea Salt
1 Tablespoon Ghee
½ Teaspoon Thyme, Dried
Lemon Wedges

1. Start by heating the oven to 400, and then slice your salmon
into four equal pieces.
2. Get out a sheet and line it with parchment paper before
putting your salmon on it.
3. Brush the oil over your salmon and season with salt. Roast for
ten minutes.
4. Get out a bowl and mix your thyme and ghee before setting it
to the side.
5. After ten minutes brush the salmon down with your ghee
mixture. Roast for five to eight minutes, and then allow it to
rest for six to eight minutes before serving.
Serves: 2
Time: 30 Minutes
1 Clove Garlic, Minced
½ Teaspoon Ginger, Grated
2 Teaspoons Parsley, Fresh & Chopped
2 Tablespoons Butter, Room Temperature
1 Clove Garlic, Minced
1/8 Teaspoon Crushed Red Pepper
½ Teaspoon Lemon Peel, Grated
1 Tablespoon Olive Oil
12 Ounces Swordfish, 6-7 Ounces Each

1. Start by heating the oven to 400. Get out a bowl and mix your
butter, parsley, ginger, garlic, red pepper and lemon peel.
Season your swordfish with sea salt.
2. Get out an ovenproof skillet and place your oil over medium-
high heat. Put your swordfish fillets in the skillet, cooking
until browned. This should be about three minutes.
3. Turn the swordfish over and place your pan in the oven.
Roast for eight to ten minutes depending on your desired
4. Add the seasoned butter, and cook over medium-high heat
until melted. It should bubble slightly, and serve warm.
Serves: 6
Time: 45 Minutes
6 Eggs, Hardboiled
½ Cups Mayonnaise
12 Rock Shrimp
Sea Salt & Black Pepper to Taste
½ Cup white Wine Vinegar
2 Tablespoons Dill, Fresh

1. Get out a bowl and mix your peeled rock shrimp and vinegar.
2. While the shrimp is cooling halve your eggs lengthwise and
scoop out the yolk into a bowl. Lay the egg whites to the side.
Mix your yolk, salt, pepper and mayonnaise until smooth and
pipe it back into the egg white halves. Drain your shrimp and
place it on the side.
3. Garnish with dill before serving.
Serves: 2
Time: 1 Hour 20 Minutes
½ lb. Salmon Fillet, Skinless & Boneless
½ lb. Smoked Haddock
1 Tablespoon Onion Powder
1 Egg
Sea Salt & Black Pepper to Taste
2 Tablespoons Olive Oil

1. Chop your haddock and salmon until coarse. It should not be
2. Drop your fish into a large bowl, and then season with salt,
pepper and onion powder. Mix well.
3. Get out a small bowl and whisk your egg. Fold in the fish
mixture, and then mold this into fish cakes. Allow them to
chill for an hour in the fridge so that they will hold their
4. Get out a frying pan and heat up a pan over medium-high
heat to heat your oil. Cook for three minutes per side, and
then serve warm.
Serves: 2
Time: 25 Minutes
4 Lobster Tails with Shells (Roughly 1 lb.)
4 Tablespoons Garlic Butter

1. Get out a large pot that will fit the lobster tails, and then
pour in three cups of water. Bring this water to a boil before
placing in a steamer basket. The bottom should not be
touching the water.
2. Rinse your lobster tail down the middle. This will make it
easier to take the meat out after it’s cooked.
3. Once your water is at a hard boil then put it in the steamer
basket, and close the lid quickly.
4. The cooking time will vary depending on the size of a lobster
tail, and then steam for twelve minutes. If you have a smaller
tail, you’ll want to reduce it by half.
5. Melt the garlic butter and drizzle it over the lobster before
Serves: 4
Time: 50 Minutes
½ lbs. Shrimp, Tails & Shells On
1 lb. Black Snapper Fillets
6 Cups Water
1 Tablespoon Butter
1 Lime Wedge
¾ Cup Heavy Whipping Cream
4 Tablespoons Garlic Powder
4 Tablespoons Onion Powder
10-12 Mussels

1. Peel your shrimp and place them to the side for later.
2. Devein your shrimp and marinate it with your fish in three
tablespoons of onion and garlic powder. Set them to the side.
3. Rinse your mussels using cold water, and clean of any debris
before setting them to the side.
4. Place a skillet over medium heat and then spray it with
cooking spray. Add in your shrimp shells, a tablespoon of
garlic and onion powder and cook for five minutes. Stir
occasionally and then add in six cups of water. Bring it to a
boil and allow it to reduce by half. Strain the broth over a
bowl and then wash your skillet clean.
5. Heat your skillet to medium-high and then add in the butter.
Pour in three cups of the shrimp broth, and bring it to a boil.
6. Once boiling add in the cream and season to taste with salt.
Allow it to thicken, and then add in the fish, shrimp and
mussels. Turn it down to medium-low. Simmer for five to
seven minutes.
7. Serve with lime juice.
Serves: 4
Time: 1 Hour 5 Minutes
1 Cup Parmesan Cheese, Grated Fine
1 ½ Cups Full Cream
1 ½ lbs. Hake Fillets
2Tablespoons Garlic Powder
2 Tablespoons Onion Powder
Sea Salt to Taste

1. Start by heating your oven to 350, and then rinse your fillets.
Take off any skin and debone. Cut them in half lengthwise,
and then season with onion powder.
2. Mix together half of your parmesan and cream, and then add
garlic powder. pour this over your fish and bake for twenty
3. After the twenty minutes, sprinkle over the rest of your
parmesan, and then bake for an additional ten minutes. This
should brown your cheese, and serve warm.
Serves: 4
Time: 25 Minutes
4 Yellowfin Tuna Steaks (Roughly 2 ½ lbs.)
2 Tablespoon Lemon Juice, Fresh
Sea Salt & Black Pepper to Taste

1. Start by heating your grill to high heat, and then rub the tuna
with salt and pepper. Place them on the grill for three to five
minutes per side. It will depend on how done you would like
your tuna.
2. Allow it to rest for two minutes before slicing against the
grain to serve.
Serves: 5
Time: 25 Minutes (+24 Hours)
1 lb. Beef Liver, Slice into 1 Inch Slices
½ Cup Olive Oil
1 Clove Garlic, Crushed
¼ Teaspoon Black Pepper
1 Tablespoon Mint, Fresh & Chopped
1 Teaspoon Sea Salt
¼ Cup Apple Cider Vinegar

1. Rinse your beef under cool water and wash out any traces of
blood. Dry by patting it down with paper towels. Use a knife
to remove any veins and then marinate your liver slices for a
full twenty-four hours in apple cider vinegar. Keep it in the
2. Remove them from the marinate and pat them dry.
3. Get a grill pan out and then heat it to medium-high heat.
4. Get out a bowl and combine your olive oil, garlic, salt, pepper,
and mint. Mix well.
5. Lay the slices on the grill pan, brushing them down with your
spice mixture. Grill for five to seven minutes per side.
Serves: 2
Time: 6 Hours 10 Minutes
1 lb. Beef Tripe
1 Bay Leaf
Sea Salt to Taste
4 Tablespoons Garlic Powder
¼ Teaspoon Black Peppercorns
1 Liter Cooking Oil (to Deep Fry)
1 Cup Cricket Flour
½ Teaspoon Paprika

1. Rinse your tripe and scrub out impurities using a soft brush.
Make sure to scrub from both sides, and then put your tripe
in a stock pot. Fill with water so that it’s completely
submerged. Bring it to a rapid boil and then boil for twelve
minutes. Discard the water and rinse the tripe and then refill
the pot with water.
2. Add in a garlic powder, bay leaf, salt and peppercorns. Allow
it to simmer for five hours. Remove it from heat and then
drain it. the tripe should be tender, and then put it to the
side to cool.
3. Slice it in half inch-wide strips about two inches long.
4. Combine your paprika, salt, pepper and cricket flour. Place it
on a flat plate. Heat your oil in a deep pan for frying. It
should be at 350.
5. Coat the tripe with flour mixture, and fry four to five
6. Get out a container and line it with paper towels, which will
allow it to soak up excess oil. Serve with mayonnaise.
Serves: 4
Time: 3 Hours 20 Minutes
2 lbs. Chicken Gizzards
1 Tablespoon Garlic Powder
3 Tablespoons Onion Powder
1 Bay Leaf
1 Teaspoon Thyme, Dried
3 Cups Cricket Flour
Sea Salt & White Pepper to Taste
1 Tablespoon Paprika
2 Eggs, Large

1. Wash and clean your gizzards and add them to a stock pot.
Add in the garlic, onion, bay leaf, salt and pepper. Cover with
enough water that the gizzards do not show. Bring it to a boil
and reduce the heat. Allow it to simmer for one to two hours.
Your gizzards should be tender. Drain your gizzards and place
them to the side.
2. Combine your salt, pepper, paprika and flour. Whisk the egg
in a smaller bowl.
3. Once the gizzards have cooled place them in the egg mixture
and dredge them through the flour. Allow them to sit on a
plate in a single row for ten minutes.
4. Heat a deep skillet to 375 and fill it with cooking oil. Drop in
the gizzards and fry until crisp.
Serves: 4
Time: 30 Minutes
2 lbs. Ground Beef
1 lb. Liver
1 Egg
Sea Salt & Black Pepper to Taste
12 Teaspoon Rosemary, Dried
½ Teaspoon Chili Pepper Flakes
1 Tablespoon Butter

1. Start by washing your liver and then place it in a food
processor to grind into a food paste. Strain out any excess
2. Get out a large bowl and add your ground beef, liver, dry
spices, and beat your egg before mixing it in.
3. Once mixed make into thin patties.
4. Place a grill pan over medium-high heat and then melt your
butter. They should be cooked all the way through before
Serves: 4
Time: 30 Minutes
1 Beef Heart (Roughly 2 lbs.)
½ Cup Balsamic Vinegar
4 Tablespoons Butter
Sea Salt & Black Pepper to Taste

1. Start by rinsing your heart. Your butcher should have already
cleaned and dissected. Cut out any blood vessels or strings
that may remain. Cut off excess fat, and then refrigerate
overnight with balsamic vinegar. Dry it thoroughly and then
slice it in half.
2. Get out a skillet and place it over high heat. Melt your butter
and then add in the heart. Do not turn it for five minutes. Do
this per side, and then remove from heat. Loosen it and then
cover with foil. Allow it to sit for fifteen minutes and then
slice thin and serve warm. You should slice against the grain.
Serves: 2
Time: 30 Minutes
1 lb. Ground Pork
1 lb. Chicken Livers
1 Egg
Sea Salt & Black Pepper to taste
¼ Cup Bacon Fat
½ Teaspoon Garlic Powder

1. Combine your chicken liver, egg, garlic powder, salt, pepper
and ground pork in a food processor. Blend until you get a
smooth texture.
2. Grease your hands using butter and roll your balls from the
3. Get out a pan and melt your bacon fat over low-medium heat.
Cook in batches on both sides. Each batch should take twelve
to fifteen minutes. Serve warm.
Serves: 4
Time: 3 Hours 40 Minutes
2 lbs. Ox Tongue
1 Bay Leaf
1 Tablespoon Onion Powder
½ Teaspoon Black Peppercorns
1 Teaspoon Coriander Powder
½ Teaspoon Fennel Seeds
1 Tablespoon Sea Salt, Fine
2 Liters Water

Gribiche Sauce:
¼ Cup Olive Oil
1 Tablespoon Dijon Mustard
2 Eggs, Large, Peeled & Hard Boiled
2 Tablespoon White Wine Vinegar
Sea Salts & Black Pepper to Taste

1. Combine your bay leaf, onion powder, ox tongue, peppercorns,
onion, coriander powder, fennel seeds, sea salt and water in a
large stock pot. Bring it to a boil using medium heat, but
don’t bring it to a hard boil. Scoop out any fats or impurities
that are on the surface and discard. Turn it down to a
2. Cook the tongue for two to three hours, and make sure that it
is always covered by water. You will need to add more water
as necessary.
3. Remove it from the pot once cooked, and allow it to cool. You
will need to peel the skin while it’s still warm. When it’s cool
enough to handle and its peeled wrap it in plastic wrap and
place it in the fridge for two hours.
4. Get out your eggs and separate the whites from the yolk. Add
the yolks to your mustard, salt and pepper. Place this mix in
the food processor and blend until smooth. Add in a
tablespoon of oil before blending again. Add in your white
wine vinegar, and mix well. Add in the last two tablespoons of
oil at a time, and then blend until smooth.
5. Julien your egg whites, adding it to the sauce only when it’s
done. Thinly slice your tongue and then serve with your sauce
over it.
Now you know everything you need to in order to start the carnivore
diet. Just pick how strict you want to be, and a few recipes to follow.
Remember that there will be some sickness in the beginning as your
body adjusts to the new diet, but it should clear up in one to two
weeks. The carnivore diet, while doesn’t work for everyone, does
work for most people. It’s not an easy adjustment, but it will turn
your body into a fat burning machine while reaping various health
benefits. If you love meat and can give up your sweet tooth, then this
is the diet for you.

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