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Ecotoxicology and Environmental Safety 148 (2018) 702–712

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Adsorption of heavy metals on conventional and nanostructured materials T

for wastewater treatment purposes: A review

Alexander E. Burakova, Evgeny V. Galunina, Irina V. Burakovaa, , Anastassia E. Kucherovaa,
Shilpi Agarwalb, Alexey G. Tkacheva, Vinod K. Guptab
Tambov State Technical University, 106, Sovetskaya Str., Tambov 392000, Russia
University of Johannesburg, Corner Beit and Nind Street, John Orr Building, P.O Box 17011, Doornfontein 2028, South Africa


Keywords: The problem of water pollution is of a great concern. Adsorption is one of the most efficient techniques for
Wastewater treatment removing noxious heavy metals from the solvent phase. This paper presents a detailed information and review
Adsorbents on the adsorption of noxious heavy metal ions from wastewater effluents using various adsorbents – i.e., con-
Heavy metals ventional (activated carbons, zeolites, clays, biosorbents, and industrial by-products) and nanostructured (full-
Nanostructured materials
erenes, carbon nanotubes, graphenes). In addition to this, the efficiency of developed materials for adsorption of
the heavy metals is discussed in detail along with the comparison of their maximum adsorption capacity in
tabular form. A special focus is made on the perspectives of further wider applications of nanostructured ad-
sorbents (especially, carbon nanotubes and graphenes) in wastewater treatment.

1. Introduction bodies (Akpor et al., 2014).

Heavy metals are absorbed by plants, thereby entering the animal
Rational use of water resources appears to be one of the world's and human bodies through food chains and negatively affecting their
urgent environmental problems, the solution to which largely lies in health and vital activity (Baldwin and Marshall, 1999; Barakat, 2011;
treating wastewater that comes from human activities in various fields: Akpor et al., 2014; Harvey et al., 2015). Table 1 demonstrates the ne-
industries (such as metallurgical, mining, chemical, tannery, battery gative effects on human health caused by the most hazardous heavy
and nuclear), agriculture, shipping and others. It is especially important metals (As, Cd, Cr, Cu, Hg, Ni, Pb, and Zn) and the maximum con-
to control contents of heavy metals (Roccaro et al., 2013; Ariffin et al., taminant level (MCL) standards in drinking water set by the US En-
2017) which are one of the most biologically dangerous and toxic vironmental Protection Agency (US EPA) for these contaminants. The
components of wastewater effluents. Heavy metals are the group of structure of atom electron shells of these contaminants determines their
trace elements i.e. metals and metalloids with an atomic density greater high reactivity, tendency to form complexes and, consequently, high
than 4 ± 1 g/cm3, e.g., Cu, Zn, Hg, Cd, Pb, Sn, Fe, Mn, Ag, Cr, Co, Ni, biochemical and physiological activity, thereby leading to several en-
As, Al etc. These metal ions are generally considered as the most vironmental and health impacts. Therefore, it is necessary to treat
widespread toxic mineral contaminants of soil and water systems heavy metal-contaminated wastewater prior to its discharge to the
(Salem et al., 2000; Mohammed et al., 2011). environment in order to avoid negative consequences such as getting
There are two main sources of heavy metals in wastewater effluents into drinking water.
viz. natural and anthropogenic. The former includes soil erosion, vol- Heavy metals can be removed from aqueous media using various
canic activities, weathering of rocks and minerals, whereas the later conventional methods such as chemical precipitation, solvent extrac-
comprises mineral processing, fuel combustion, street run-offs, landfills, tion, membrane filtration, ion exchange, electrochemical removal,
agricultural activities, and industrial activities (mining, printed board coagulation etc. However, these techniques have some disadvantages
manufacturing, metal finishing and plating, semiconductor manu- such as incomplete removal, high-energy requirements and availability
facturing, textile dyes, etc). Due to stability, high solubility and mi- of toxic sludge, low efficiency, sensitive operating conditions and costly
gration activity of heavy metals in aqueous media, untreated or in- disposal (Eccles, 1999; Barakat, 2011).
adequately treated metal-contaminated wastewater effluents cause a To overcome these drawbacks, many approaches aimed at devel-
variety of health and environmental impacts when released into water oping cheaper and more efficient methods to improve the quality of

Corresponding author.
E-mail address: (I.V. Burakova).
Received 22 August 2017; Received in revised form 7 November 2017; Accepted 13 November 2017
Available online 22 November 2017
0147-6513/ © 2017 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.
A.E. Burakov et al. Ecotoxicology and Environmental Safety 148 (2018) 702–712

Table 1 Over the past twenty years, nanotechnology has been applied in
MCL standards and ill effects of hazardous heavy metals (Babel and Kurniawan, 2003). almost all branches of science and technology. As a matter of fact,
different materials based on carbon nanostructures such as fullerenes,
Heavy metal Ill effects MCL, mg/L
carbon nanotubes, graphene and graphene oxide have been synthesized
As Skin and vascular diseases, visceral cancer 0.05 and used to remove the contaminants considered herein from aquatic
Cd Renal disorders and damage, Carcinogenic 0.01 (Rao et al., 2007; Gupta and Saleh, 2013; Gautam and Chattopadhyaya,
Cr Headache, Diarrhea, Nausea, Carcinogenic 0.05
2016; Santhosh et al., 2016). Taking into account the importance of
Cu Liver damage, Wilson's disease, Insomnia 0.25
Hg Rheumatoid arthritis, Circulatory & Nervous 3.0 × 10-5 water quality and emerging benefits of nanotechnology, attempts have
disorders been made to discuss various issues of water treatment using na-
Ni Dermatitis, Chronic Asthma, Carcinogenic 0.20 noadsorbents. In this regard, such nanomaterials may present oppor-
Pb Cerebral disorders, Renal, Circulatory & Nervous 6.0× 10-3 tunities for elaborating perspective solutions to the water pollution
Zn Depression, lethargy, neurological signs, increased 0.80
thirst Considering the aforementioned, the present paper contains a re-
view on the use of various types of materials i.e. conventional and
nanostructured as adsorbents for removing heavy metals from waste-
treated effluents have been proposed. The majority of them are based water effluents. Besides, a comparison of these materials regarding the
on using adsorption processes, since adsorption appears to have the adsorption capacity for the considered contaminants is provided, with a
greatest impact on transport, toxicity and biological availability of conclusion on perspectives of employing nanomodified adsorbents.
heavy metals (especially, at their trace amounts) in aqueous media
besides, it is easy to operate and cost effective (Leung et al., 2000; 2. Adsorption removal of heavy metals from wastewater
Coelho et al., 2014; Santhosh et al., 2016).
Adsorption is often accompanied with the inverse process – deso- Adsorption (in the case considered in the present review) is the
rption, which represents the transfer of adsorbate ions from the ad- process taking place when a liquid solute (adsorbate) accumulates on
sorbent surface to the solution. Depending on the adsorbate amount the surface of a solid (adsorbent) and forms a molecular or atomic film.
desorbed from the adsorbent, one can judge on the reversibility of ad-
sorption: the more adsorbate is desorbed, the more reversible the ad- 2.1. Adsorption on conventional materials
sorption process is (Mishra, 2014).
There are two types of adsorption – physical, in which the increase There exist numerous adsorbents of different nature and they can be
in the adsorbate concentration at the interface is due to non-specific employed in initial or modified forms for removing noxious heavy
(i.e., not dependent on the substance nature) van der Waals forces, and metals ions from wastewater effluents. The most frequently used ones
chemical (chemisorption) caused by chemical reactions between the are activated carbons, zeolites, clay minerals, industrial solid waste,
adsorbate and the adsorbent which create covalent or ionic bonds. and biomaterials (Singh and Gupta, 2016). Some of them are described
Physical adsorption is weakly specific, reversible, its thermal effect is below.
small (units of kJ/mol), whereas chemisorption is selective, usually
irreversible, its heat ranges from tens to hundreds of kJ/mol (Gupta 2.1.1. Activated carbons and agricultural waste on the basis thereof
et al., 2015; Tripathi and Ranjan, 2015; Singh and Gupta, 2016). Adsorbents based on activated carbons (ACs) are widely used to
Nowadays, adsorption is considered as an efficient and low-cost remove heavy metal contaminants due to their well-developed porous
technique for removing noxious heavy metal ions from wastewater ef- structure (large mesopores and micropore volumes) and a high specific
fluents. This process is flexible in design and operation and allows for surface area, as well as different surface functional groups (including
producing high-quality treated effluents. Furthermore, since the ad- carboxyl, carbonyl, phenol, quinone, lactone, and others) bound to the
sorption is reversible in some cases, adsorbents can be regenerated edges of the graphite-like layers. The most widely used carbonaceous
through desorption (Fu and Wang, 2011). materials for the AC industrial production are coal, wood and coconut
There are many factors which affect the efficiency of adsorbents for shell (Jusoh et al., 2007; Kang et al., 2008; Fu and Wang, 2011;
heavy metal removal from wastewater: e.g., initial concentration, Deliyanni et al., 2015).
temperature, adsorbent dose, pH, contact time, and stirring speed. The Since coal-based ACs are expensive, their use has been limited
percentage (rate) of heavy metal adsorption usually increases with in- nowadays, and further efforts have been made to convert cheap and
crease in the above-mentioned factors (Sahu et al., 2009; Bisht et al., abundant sources into ACs (Anirudhan and Sreekumari, 2011). In this
2016). regard, ACs can be prepared from various agricultural waste.
The adsorption of heavy metals can be described by the commonly Kongsuwan et al. (2009) explored the use of AC from eucalyptus
used Langmuir or Freundlich isotherm models. The Freundlich equation bark in the binary component sorption of Cu2+ and Pb2+. The max-
is often useful for modeling sorption of metals onto solids with het- imum adsorption capacity for Cu2+ and Pb2+ was 0.45 and 0.53 mmol/
erogeneous surfaces and has frequently proved superior to the g, respectively, and adsorption was found to be the major mechanism
Langmuir equation for the adsorption of cations such as heavy metals. for the uptake of both heavy metals. Poultry litter to manufacture AC
Although there is a disagreement regarding the effectiveness of the for treating heavy metal-contaminated water was investigated by Guo
Langmuir and Freundlich models in interpreting the metal adsorption, et al. (2010). They revealed that poultry litter-based AC possesses a
some parameters of these models, such as the Langmuir maximum significantly higher adsorption affinity and capacity for heavy metals
adsorption capacity (qmax) and the Freundlich constant related to the than commercial AC derived from bituminous coal and coconut shell.
distribution coefficient (KF), are widely acceptable in characterizing the Karthikeyan et al. (2005) removed Cr6+ from wastewater using AC
metal sorption capacity of various materials (Shaheen at al, 2012). derived from rubber wood saw dust. They achieved the maximum ad-
Materials used as adsorbents should have a high adsorption inter- sorption capacity of 44 mg/g at the optimum pH 2.0, which was higher
action towards the target contaminants in order to effectively remove as compared to the other adsorbents such as coconut tree saw dust
them from wastewater effluents. The adsorbents may be of mineral, (Selvi et al., 2001), coconut shell carbon (Babel and Kurniawan, 2004),
organic or biological origin – e.g., activated carbons, zeolites, clay sugarcane bagasse (Sharma and Forster, 1994), and treated saw dust of
minerals, industrial by-products, agricultural waste, biomass, and Indian rose wood (Garg et al., 2004), where the Cr6+ maximum ad-
polymeric materials (Kurniawan et al., 2005; Barakat, 2011; Gautam sorption capacity was found to be only 3.60, 10.88, 13.40, and 10 mg/
et al., 2014). g, respectively. Lo et al. (2012)derived AC from Moso and Ma bamboo

A.E. Burakov et al. Ecotoxicology and Environmental Safety 148 (2018) 702–712

and reached 100-% removal using once activated Ma bamboo and The adsorption of heavy metal ions from synthetic solutions was
91.7% removal using twice activated Ma bamboo. The removal effi- performed with the use of sawdust from beech, linden, and poplar trees
ciency decreased for once activated Moso bamboo and twice activated by Božić et al. (2009). The results reveal that the maximum adsorption
Moso bamboo by 20–77%, since their average pore diameter was less capacity (7–8 mg/g of sawdust) for all the studied sawdust types was
than 2 nm, and the adsorbent is mesoporous in nature. Kobya (2004) achieved at pH 3.5–5.0. The acidification of the aqueous phase led to a
prepared AC using hazelnut shell, and the maximum adsorption capa- decrease in the adsorption capacity of the sawdust due to an increased
city of 170 mg/g was reached at the optimum pH 1.0, which is higher proton concentration occupying active sites in the adsorbent structure.
than the adsorption capacity of other adsorbents such as wood AC, The degree of adsorption higher than 80% can be achieved for Cu2+;
coconut shell AC (Selomulya et al., 1999) and tyre AC (Hamadi et al., however, this value is very low for Fe2+, which does not exceed 10%.
2001), which was found to be only 87.6, 58.5, and 107.1 mg/g, re- The removal of Pb2+ and Cu2+ from aqueous solutions was studied by
spectively. El-Ashtoukhy et al. (2008) using pomegranate peel AC. The material
Rice husk-based AC was prepared by Nasehir et al. (2010) through was carbonized and activated in a muffle furnace at 500 °C for 1 h, then
chemical activation using ZnCl2 as chemical agent. The effects of acti- soaked for 24 h in nitric acid. Batch adsorption experiments were per-
vation temperature, activation time, and ZnCl2: char impregnation ratio formed as a function of pH, contact time, and adsorbent dose. It was
on the Cu2+ removal from aqueous solutions was studied. The optimum found that the optimum pH required for maximum adsorption is 5.6
material was obtained under the following conditions: activation tem- and 5.8, for Pb2+ and Cu2+ respectively. The removal of Pb2+ and
perature of 500 °C, activation time of 1.71 h, and impregnation ratio of Cu2+ increased with time and reached saturation in about 120 min. By
1.04, which resulted in the Cu2+ removal rate of 33.92%. The removal increasing the initial concentrations, the percent metal removal de-
of Cu2+ from aqueous media via AC prepared from chestnut shells and creased, whereas the percent removal of metal ions increases with in-
grape seeds as the adsorbent material was investigated by Özçimen and creasing weight of the adsorbents due to the greater availability of the
Ersoy-Meriçboyu (2009). Adsorption experiments were performed with exchangeable sites or surface area at higher concentration of the ad-
variations in the initial metal ion concentration, temperature, and pH. sorbent. The similar phenomenon was reported by Acharya et al. (2009)
The authors found that the adsorption capacity of adsorbents increases after studying the Pb2+ removal using AC prepared from Tamarind
with an increase in temperature, pH, and surface area. Issabayeva et al. wood at the ZnCl2: precursor impregnation ratio of 3:1, activation
(2010) obtained the same result for palm shell AC used to remove Cu2+ temperature of 439 °C, and activation time of 40 min. The maximum
from aqueous solutions. Their results revealed that these ions are better Pb2+ removal of 97.74% was achieved at the adsorbent dosage of 5 g/
removed at high pH. L, pH 6.5, and initial Pb2+ concentration of 20 mg/L.
The ability of AC prepared from apricot stones for removing Ni2+, Apart from the above-mentioned materials, ACs modified with al-
Co2+, Cd2+, Cu2+, Pb2+, Cr2+and Cr6+ from aqueous solutions by ginate (Park et al., 2007), tannic acid (Üçer et al., 2006), magnesium
adsorption was investigated by Kobya et al. (2005). Apricot stones were (Yanagisawa et al., 2010) and surfactants (Ahn et al., 2009)could be an
carbonized and activated after treatment with H2SO4 (1:1) at 200 °C for effective option for removing heavy metals.
24 h. The respective metal adsorption was found to be highly depen-
dent on pH. The optimum pH for removal (99.99%) was 1.0 for Cr6+, 2.1.2. Zeolites
whereas that for the other metal ions it varied from 3.0 to 6.0 for re- Zeolites are crystalline alumino silicates that can occur naturally or
moval efficiency ranging from 97.48% to 99.68%. The adsorption ca- can be produced industrially on a large scale. They are among the best
pacity for the metal ions decreased in the following sequence adsorbents for the removal of heavy metal ions, since they are com-
Cr6+ > Cd2+ > Co2+ > Cr3+ > Ni2+ > Cu2+ > Pb2+. Almost the posed of hydrated aluminosilicate minerals made from the interlinked
same tendency was revealed by Fiol et al. (2006) for AC prepared from tetrahedral of alumina (AlO4) and silica (SiO4) moieties (Choi et al.,
olive stone waste generated in olive oil production as a metal biosor- 2016). Zeolites have good ion exchange properties, a high surface area
bent for Pb2+, Ni2+, Cu2+, and Cd2+ from aqueous solutions. The ef- and a hydrophilic character, which make them suitable for extracting
fects of contact time, solution pH, ionic medium, and initial metal heavy metals from wastewater effluents.
concentration were studied in batch experiments at room temperature. Clinoptilolite is the most abundant natural zeolite, and it was found
The maximum metal sorption (85%) was found to take place at an in- to effectively remove heavy metals owing to its ion exchange capability,
itial pH of approximately 5.5 to 6.0. The highest value of the Langmuir followed by pretreatment (Babel and Kurniawan, 2003; Bose et al.,
maximum adsorption capacity (qmax) was found to be 6.88 10−5 mol/g 2002; Shaheen et al., 2012). The selectivity series of clinoptilolite in the
for Cd2+, followed by Pb2+ (4.47 10−5 mol/g), Ni2+ (3.63 10−5 mol/ sodium form for various heavy metal ions was determined to be follows:
g), and Cu2+ (3.19 10−5 mol/g). The results obtained illustrate that Pb2+ > Cd2+ > Cu2+ > Co2+ > Cr6+ > Zn2+ > Ni2+ > Hg2+
olive stone waste, which has very low economic value, can be used for (Zamzow et al., 1990).
the treatment of contaminated wastewater. AC prepared from olive Modified zeolites provide a higher adsorption capacity compared to
stone under the activation temperature of 650 °C, activation time of 2 h natural ones. There exist various methods for zeolite modification. For
and 20-% ZnCl2 was employed to adsorb Cd2+ from aqueous solutions instance, nanosized zeolite has more accessible pores which make it
(Kula et al., 2008). The authors reported the maximum adsorption ca- more suitable for heavy metal removal. Among nanosized zeolite ad-
pacity of 1.85 mg/g achieved at the equilibrium time of 60 min, op- sorbents, NaX zeolite (Ansari et al., 2014) has been widely used to re-
timum pH of > 6.0, and adsorbent dosage of 1.0 g/50 mL. The same move heavy metals (in particular, Cd2+) from wastewater (Erdem et al.,
precursor was studied by Uğurlu et al. (2009) to remove Ni2+ from 2004; Ibrahim et al., 2010; Aliabadi et al., 2013; Rad et al., 2014). Rad
aqueous solutions by adsorption. They found that the maximum ad- et al. (2014) synthesized NaX nanozeolite according to a microwave
sorption capacity is 0.67 mg/g under the similar conditions. Another heating method, and then polyvinylacetate polymer/NaX nanocompo-
study was reported by Alslaibi et al. (2013) for olive stone AC prepared site nanofibers were prepared using an electrospinning method. The
via microwave to remove a group of metals from synthetic wastewater: potential of these composite nanofibers was studied regarding Cd2+.
Fe2+, Pb2+, Cu2+, Zn2+, Ni2+ and Cd2+. The optimum conditions The reported maximum adsorption capacity was found to be 838.7 mg/
obtained were as follows: radiation power of 565 W, irradiation time of g with 80-% removal at the optimum pH 5.0. Choi et al. (2016) mod-
7 min, and KOH:char impregnation ratio of 1.87. The removal effi- ified zeolite by replacing Si4+and Al3+ sites in the lattice with ex-
ciency was found to be 98.55% for Cu2+, 95.32% for Cd2+, 98.19% for changeable cations such as Na+, Mg2+, K+, or Ca2+, leading to a net
Ni2+, 98.83% for Pb2+, 99.32% for Fe2+, and 98.36% for Zn2+ at pH negative charge. Mg-modified zeolite demonstrated some advantages
5.0, contact time of 3 h, initial metal concentration of 20 mg/L, and (non-toxicity, low cost, abundance, and availability) and large pore size
agitation speed of 200 rpm. of 40–50 nm compared to the non-modified adsorbent. This modified

A.E. Burakov et al. Ecotoxicology and Environmental Safety 148 (2018) 702–712

adsorbent showed the Ca+ removal of more than 98% at the optimum major advantages of biosorption are its high effectiveness in adsorbing
pH 7.0. Besides, its adsorption capacity was found to be 1.5 times heavy metal ions and the use of in expensive materials. This process is
higher than that of the K- and Na-modified zeolites, and up to 2.0 times particularly suitable for treating dilute wastewater. Typical biosorbents
higher than that of the natural zeolite. can be derived from three sources: 1) non-living biomass such as bark,
Furthermore, due to its low cost, fly ash – a coal combustion by- lignin, shrimp, krill, squid, crab shell, etc.; 2) algal biomass; and 3)
product – can be used for zeolite formation based on the hydrothermal microbial biomass such as bacteria, fungi and yeast (Apiratikul and
process (Hui et al., 2005). Javadian et al. (2014) converted fly ash into Pavasant, 2008).
amorphous zeolite and achieved the maximum Cd2+ adsorption capa- Different forms of inexpensive, non-living plant material such as
city of 26.246 mg/g with 84-% removal at the optimum pH 5. Similarly, potato peels (Aman et al., 2008), sawdust (Kaczala et al., 2009), black
Visa (2016)hydrothermally transformed fly ash into zeolite using NaOH gram husk (Saeed et al., 2005), eggshell (Jai et al., 2007), seed shells
to remove Cd2+, and reported that this product possesses a high specific (Amudaa et al., 2009), coffee husks (L. Oliveira et al., 2008; W.E.
surface area, has many micropores, and is able to remove more than Oliveira et al., 2008), sugar-beet pectin gels (Mata et al., 2009), citrus
80% of Cd2+ at the pH 7.0–8.0. peels (Schiewer and Patil, 2008), sugarcane bagasse (Dos Santos et al.,
2010), cashew nut shell (Coelho et al., 2014), among others, have been
2.1.3. Clay minerals widely studied as potential adsorbents for heavy metals.
There are three main groups of clays: kaolinite, smectites (bento- Algae, a renewable natural biomass proliferating ubiquitously and
nites), and mica. Among them, bentonites (in particular, montmor- abundantly in the littoral zones of world, has attracted the attention of
illonite) possess the greatest cation exchange capacity, it is highly se- many researchers as organisms to be tested and used as new adsorbents
lective and regenerable, and it was found to be 20 times cheaper as to remove metal ions. Several advantages in applying algae include
compared to ACs (Tripathi and Ranjan, 2015; Bisht et al., 2016). their wide availability, low cost, high metal adsorption capacity and
The heavy metal removal capacity of clay minerals is less as com- reasonably regular quality (Apiratikul and Pavasant, 2008; Sharma and
pared to zeolites. However, they are used for removing different heavy Garg, 2014).
metal species from wastewater due to a number of advantages over Studies on algae as heavy metal adsorbents include the biosorption
other adsorbents such as high surface area, excellent physical (plasti- of Cu2+ and Zn2+ using dried marine green macroalgae
city, bonding strength, shrinkage), chemical (large zeta potential, ca- Chaetomorphalinum (Ajjabi and Chouba, 2009), biosorption of Cu2+,
tion exchange property, shows monobasicity) and structural/surface Cd2+, Pb2+, and Zn2+ using dried marine green macroalgae Caulerpa
(load bearing strength, resistance to wear, resistance to chemical at- lentillifera (Pavasant et al., 2006), the biosorption of chromium from
tack) properties (Singh et al., 2001; Krikorian and Martin, 2005; Asçı wastewater using green algae Ulvalactuca (El-Sikaily et al., 2007), and
et al., 2007). the biosorption of Pb2+ from wastewater by green algae Cladophor-
Bertagnolli et al. (2011) employed a bentonite clay after calcination afascicularis (Deng et al., 2007). The biosorption of Cu2+ and Zn2+ by
at 400–500 °C. After calcination, the chemical morphology and com- dried marine green macroalgae (C.linum) was investigated by Ajjabi and
position of the clay was found not to change, although the resulting Chouba (2009). At the optimum particle size of 100–315 mm, biosor-
structural alterations affect its behavior toward water and enable to use bent dosage of 20 g/L and pH 5.0, the dried alga produced the max-
infixed bed columns with no expansion. This material presented the imum Cu2+ and Zn2+ uptake values of 1.46 and 1.97 mmol/g, re-
Cu2+ maximum adsorption capacity of 11.89 mg/g. De Almeida Neto spectively.
et al. (2014) described the Cu2+ adsorption in a fixed bed using the Microbial removal of metal ions from wastewater has been con-
Bofe bentonite calcinated clay, and reported the Cu2+ maximum ad- sidered as being highly efficient. The biosorption of heavy metals in
sorption capacity of 19.0638 mg/g. The equilibrium time increased aqueous solutions by bacteria includes Bacillus cereus (Pan et al., 2007),
from 120 to 400 min, which is much less compared to the equilibrium Escherichiacoli (Souiri et al., 2009; Quintelas et al., 2009), Pseudomo-
time obtained in the case of removing Cu2+ with chitosan immobilized nasaeruginosa (Gabr et al., 2008; Tuzen et al., 2008), etc. has been
on bentonite (Futalan et al., 2011). Furthermore, the bed was re- studied. In these works, the maximum adsorption capacity was found to
generated using NaCl/HCl solution at pH 5.0, thereby yielding 50-% be about 70–123 mg/g (e.g., in the case of Pb2+ and Ni2+), and the
elution efficiency. It increased the removal capacity, since the bed be- adsorption process was successfully described by the Langmuir and
comes free from the heavy metals after contact with the eluent. Vengris Freundlich isotherm models. Moreover, bacteria species such as Ba-
et al. (2001) modified the clay using HCl followed by neutralization of cillus sp., Micrococcusluteus,Pseudomonascepacia,Bacillussubtilise and
the resultant solution with NaOH for the Cu2+ removal from waste- Streptomycescoelicolor have been effectively used for the Cu2+, Cd2+
water. This procedure resulted in the increased metal adsorption ca- and Ni2+ removal from wastewater (Nakajima, 2002; Öztürk et al.,
pacity by the modified clay compared with the unmodified one. The 2004; Hassan et al., 2009). Veneu et al. (2013) employed Streptomyces
acidic treatment led to the decomposition of the montmorillonite lumalinharesii for the Cu2+ removal from wastewater, and the adsorp-
structure. The maximum adsorption capacity obtained for the single tion rate of 81% was achieved at the optimum pH 5.0 with the best fit to
component solutions was 0.75 mg/g, whereas for the ternary compo- the Freundlich isotherm model.
nent solutions it was 0.80 mg/g. The experimental data fitted well the Fungi are easy to grow, produce high yields of biomass and at the
Langmuir isotherm. In the same manner, Oubagaranadin et al. (2010) same time can be manipulated genetically and morphologically. Fungi
modified a montmorillonite-illite clay using H2SO4 for the Cu2+ and biosorbents include Aspergillusniger (Amini et al., 2009; Tsekova et al.,
Zn2+ removal from wastewater. The BET model fitted well the ex- 2010), Rhizopusarrhizus (Aksu and Balibek, 2007; Bahadir et al., 2007),
perimental data, and the shape of the isotherm indicated that the metal Saccharomycescerevisiae (Chen and Wang, 2008; Cojocaru et al., 2009),
adsorption is multilayer. Lentinusedodes (Bayramoglu and Arıca, 2008), etc. There are a number
Jiang et al. (2010) investigated a kaolinite clay to remove Pb2+, of works dedicated to the removal of heavy metals using Rhizopus
Cd2+, Ni2+ and Cu2+ from wastewater. The metal uptake was rapid, biomass. Bhainsa and D'Souza (2008) studied the Cu2+ removal using
the maximum adsorption was observed within 30 min. This clay was NaOH-treated Rhizopusoryzae biomass in a batch reactor. The maximum
used for removing metal ions from real wastewater containing Pb2+, Cu2+ capacity of the viable and pretreated biomass was found to be
where its concentration was reduced from 160.00 to 8.00 mg/L 19.4 and 43.7 mg/g, respectively. Biosorbents were characteristic of
broad sources, low-cost and rapid adsorption. However, the separation
2.1.4. Biomaterials of biosorbents would be difficult after process.
Biosorption of heavy metals from aquatic media is a relatively new Yeast is a fungi that has a larger size than bacteria and, like other
and promising process in the removal of heavy metal contaminants. The eukaryotic organisms, has a nucleus and associated cytoplasmic

A.E. Burakov et al. Ecotoxicology and Environmental Safety 148 (2018) 702–712

organelles. The cytoplasm present in living cells is important for the increase in temperature increases the adsorption equilibrium adsorp-
living cells because it interacts with metal ions and after entering into tion, thereby assuming that the adsorption process is endothermic in
the cells, the heavy metal ions are separated into compartments for nature.
removal (Wang and Chen, 2009). Waste beer yeast is a by-product of
the brewing industry that is a cheap and promising adsorbent for 2.2. Adsorption on nanostructured materials
copper removal from wastewater (Han et al., 2006). These researchers
reported the Cu2+ maximum uptake of 1.45 mg/g with a preferred fit to Conventional materials, some of which are described above, usually
the Langmuir and Freundlich isotherms; the process reached equili- suffer from low metal adsorption capacity and cannot provide the de-
brium within 30 min. sired removal efficiency for the majority of heavy metals in wastewater
treatment (Rao et al., 2007). In this regard, scientists perform studies on
2.1.5. Industrial solid waste developing novel adsorbents with improved characteristics.
Industrial solid waste also possesses an adsorption capacity and can Nowadays, there is an increasing tendency to employ nanos-
be used for adsorbing heavy metals from wastewater. It is produced as a tructured materials, such as fullerenes (Darwish, 2013), and especially,
by-product and is rarely used for any other purposes. The by-product carbon nanotubes (Burakov et al., 2014) and graphene (Melezhyk et al.,
nature renders it to be easily available and very economical as well. The 2016), in many fields, including the removal of heavy metals from
heavy metal adsorption capacity of the industrial waste could be in- wastewater effluents, due to their unique physical, chemical and me-
creased followed by slight physical and chemical modification. By- chanical properties. They have very high strength, resistance, electrical
products such as fly ash (Bayat, 2002; H.J. Wang et al., 2007; S.B. Wang conductivity, and thermal stability. Besides, their high specific surface
et al., 2007; S.-G. Wang et al., 2007; Al Zboon et al., 2011), blast fur- of these nanomaterials is combined with the manifestation of various
nace sludge (Dimitrova, 1996; Srivastava et al., 1997), waste slurry, types of intermolecular interactions, thereby allowing them to be ef-
lignin (Srivastava et al., 1994; Demirbas, 2004; Suhas Carrott and fectively used in various adsorption systems.
Ribeiro Carrott, 2007), Fe(OH)3 (Namasivayam and Ranganathan,
1993, 1998) and red mud (Altundogan et al., 2000; Gupta and Ali, 2.2.1. Fullerenes
2002) have been used as effective adsorbents during the past for their Fullerenes were discovered in 1985 through spectrometric mea-
technical feasibility to remove toxic heavy metals from contaminated surements on the interstellar dust (Kroto et al., 1985). They represent
water. Other industrial waste such as coffee husks (L. Oliveira et al., closed-cage carbon molecules containing pentagonal and hexagonal
2008; W.E. Oliveira et al., 2008), Areca waste (Zheng et al., 2008), tea rings. Their formula is C20+m, where m is an integer number. Fullerenes
factory waste (Malkoc and Nuhoglu, 2007), sugar beet pulp (Pehlivan comprise a wide range of isomers and homologous series - from the
et al., 2006), waste pomace of olive oil factory waste (Malkoc et al., most studied C60and C70 to the so-called higher fullerenes like C240,
2006), battery industry waste, waste biogas residual slurry C540 and C720. The relatively high electron affinity, hydrophobic surface
(Namasivayam and Yamuna, 1995), sea nodule residue (Agrawal et al., and high surface/volume ratio of these materials allows for employing
2004) and grape stalk waste (Villaescusa et al., 2004) have been uti- them for extraction of different species from aqueous media (B.T. Zhang
lized as low-cost adsorbents for the removal of toxic heavy metals from et al., 2013; M. Zhang et al., 2013).
wastewater. The adsorption capacity of fullerenes is usually related to surface
Several adsorbents have been used for the adsorption of Zn2+ from defects (Valcarcel et al., 2008). It is assumed that the adsorption of
wastewater. The Zn2+ maximum adsorption capacity was found to be species on fullerenes occurs as a result of penetration of a sorbate into
168 mg/g for powdered waste sludge, 73.2 mg/g for lignin, 55.82 mg/g the lattice. In the fullerene C60, the space between carbon nanoclusters,
for cassava waste, which is higher compared with the adsorption ca- where adsorbate ions come to through defects, acts as micropores
pacity of 52.91 mg/g achieved for the bentonite clay, and in most cases (Kaneko et al., 1993).
lower (except for the powdered waste sludge) compared with the ad- The low tendency of fullerenes for aggregation and their large
sorption capacity of 128.8 mg/g achieved the dried marine green specific surface area make it possible to use them as adsorbents for
macroalgae biomaterial (Zwain et al., 2014). purifying industrial wastewater from heavy metals (Lucena et al., 2011;
Among the industrial by-products, red mud has the advantage of Scida et al., 2011). Alekseeva et al. (2016) used fullerenes either alone
being cheap and available and possesses a high metal adsorption ca- or as part of a polystyrene-based composite film material. They estab-
pacity. However, it also has some disadvantages, such as the difficulty lished that the Cu2+ removal efficiency is higher in the first case, and
of dealing with the wastewater produced during its activation before the equilibrium isotherm of the Cu2+ adsorption on the fullerene fits to
application, and its regenerating/recovering after application (Zhu the Langmuir model. The adsorption capacity of a monomolecular layer
et al., 2007). Nevertheless, Zhu et al. (2007) have succeeded in devel- with reference to Cu2+ was found to be 14.6 mmol/g.
oping red mud as a novel adsorbent to remove Cd2+ from wastewater. However, their direct use is unprofitable due to high price.
In this regard, the adsorption process onto this granular material was Therefore, studies on the modification of conventional sorbents (ACs,
found to be spontaneous and endothermic in nature. The authors zeolites, lignin, etc.) by small amounts of fullerenes with the purpose of
achieved the Cd2+ maximum adsorption capacity of 52.1 mg/g at the enhancing their adsorption capacity have been performed (Samonin
pH 3.0- 6.0. In the same manner, Gupta and Sharma (2002) also used et al., 2008, 2014). It was found that the introduction of fullerenes leads
red mud to remove Cd2+ from wastewater, and complete removal was to the development of the porous structure of the adsorbent, increases
obtained at lower concentrations (1.78 10-5 − 1.78 10-4 M), whereas hydrophobicity, and also improves the adsorption capacity of the ma-
60–65-% removal was achieved at higher concentrations (1.78 10-4 – terial in the adsorption of heavy metals from water. For instance, after
1.78 10-3 M) at the optimum pH 4.0–5.0. Ma et al. (2009) used red mud having introduced 0.001–0.004% of fullerenes into ACs, their adsorp-
containing substantial amounts of CaCO3 to remove several heavy tion capacity for Pb2+ and Cu2+ increased by 1.5–2.5 times (Samonin
metal ions (Cu2+, Zn2+, and Cd2+) from wastewater. With an increase et al., 2008).
in saturation degree of binding sites on red mud particles by the heavy As a separate application field for fullerenes, it is worth noting the
metals, the proportion of HCH3COO-extractable Cu fraction (acetic extraction of heavy metals (preconcentration) in the form of chelates
acid-extractable Cu fraction) increased accordingly. Cu2+, Zn2+ and formed with various chelating reagents – e.g., with pyrrolidine-am-
Cd2+ were found to increasingly bind with HCH3COO-extractable monium dithiocarbamate or pyrrolidine-sodium diethylcarbamate
forms until the adsorption capacity of red mud was depleted. Ju et al. (Gallego et al., 1994). To regenerate and reuse fullerenes as adsorbents,
(2012) mixed 2–8% w/w granular red mud with cement and reported chelates are desorbed by appropriate solvents.
the Cd2+ adsorption capacity of 9 mg/g. It was also found that an It should be noted that there are not so much publications regarding

A.E. Burakov et al. Ecotoxicology and Environmental Safety 148 (2018) 702–712

the use of fullerenes for removing heavy metals from wastewater. At CNTs can also be used to prepare composites with Fe2O3, ZrO2 and,
present, they are mostly employed to extract organic compounds from using a coprecipitation method, with Fe3O4, Al2O3 (Yang et al., 2009;
aquatic media (Gupta and Saleh, 2013). Gupta et al., 2011b; Ntim and Mitra, 2012; Tang et al., 2012) to remove
Cr, As, Ni, Pb and Cu ions. The adsorption of ions on these composites
was found to depend on the pH value, so desorption can be easily ac-
2.2.2. Carbon nanotubes complished by changing the pH. In addition, the adsorption process was
Carbon nanotubes (CNTs) were discovered in 1991 (Iijima, 1991). well described by the Langmuir model. Depending on the pH and
They represent single- or multi-walled long carbon cylinders in the form temperature, the sorption capacity of the composites varied from 10 to
of rolled graphite sheets (where carbon forms a continuous hexagonal 31 mg/g. Luo et al. (2013) prepared MnO2/Fe2O3/acid oxidized multi-
network) with a diameter from one to several tens of nanometers and a walled CNT nanocomposites to remove Cr6+. The maximum adsorption
length of up to several centimeters. CNTs have led research to new area capacity of this nanocomposite was found to be 186.9 mg/g with the
in many investigations due to their advantages: unique structural, maximum removal capacity of 85% at the optimum pH 2.0. Yu et al.
electronic, optoelectronic, semiconductor, mechanical, chemical and (2011) suggested that instead of chemically oxidized multi-walled
physical properties (Haddon, 2002). These properties combined with CNTs, plasma-oxidized multi-walled CNTs be used as adsorbents for a
chemical stability, large specific surface area (150–1500 m2/g, which is number of metals. Compared with chemically oxidized CNTs, plasma-
many times higher than for fullerenes) and availability of well-devel- oxidized tubes showed an increased adsorption capacity, mainly due to
oped mesopores make CNTs efficient adsorbents for heavy metal re- the addition of functional groups containing oxygen to the CNT surface.
moval (Gupta et al., 2011a; Wang et al., 2012). The study of the regeneration process showed that the metal ions are
Since CNTs can be covalently or non-covalently modified (functio- easily extracted (desorbed) from the plasma-oxidized CNTs.
nalized) with various organic molecules, they are able to more selec- Zhao et al. (2010) and S.G. Wang et al. (2007) developed CNT-based
tively interact with adsorbates and have greater maximum adsorption hybrid adsorbents using TiO2 and MnO2, respectively, for extracting
capacity after modification (Rao et al., 2007; Chen et al., 2009; Bisht Pb2+ was considered. The results showed that these hybrid systems can
et al., 2016; Gupta et al., 2016). There is a certain opinion that in the be used as an effective sorbent for this metal (in the first case, the ad-
processes of adsorption purification of wastewater effluents from heavy sorption capacity was 137 mg/g, and in the second case, it was
metals CNTs can eventually replace ACs and other adsorbents (Hussain 78.74 mg/g).
and Mitra, 2011). In this regard, Table 2 compares the heavy metal Burakov et al. (2014) proposed to modify ACs with CNTs synthe-
maximum adsorption capacity of CNTs and some conventional mate- sized by chemical vapor deposition of carbon from the gas phase at
rials. catalytic sites formed on the AC surface and in AC macropores from the
Stafiej and Pyrzynska (2007) elucidated that the pH and metal ion original components. These hybrid adsorbents showed an increased (by
concentrations in aqueous media could affect the adsorption char- 10–30%) adsorption capacity for Ni2+ and Co2+. Romantsova et al.
acteristics of CNTs. The sorption mechanisms were found to be gov- (2016) made an attempt to consider the heterogeneity of the surface of
erned by the surface features, ion exchange process and electrochemical the above-mentioned nanomodified adsorbents, for which the dual-site
potential (Gao et al., 2009). The latter plays a significant role in multi- combined Langmuir-Freundlich equation was used to distinguish be-
component sorption where redox reactions are likely to take place not tween two types of adsorption sites – with greater and lesser energy of
only on the adsorbent surface, but also among different adsorbates (Li affinity for the adsorbate (Ni2+): the former are responsible for che-
et al., 2003a; Sadegh et al., 2017). Nevertheless, it is commonly be- mical reactions and surface complexation, whereas the latter char-
lieved that chemical interactions between heavy metal ions and CNT acterize electrostatic interactions and ion exchange. It was found that
surface functional groups appear to be the major sorption mechanism the Ni2 + sorption is mainly controlled with the greater- energy sites,
(Lu et al., 2006; Rao et al., 2007; Santhosh et al., 2016). and the nanomodification leads to a 20-% increase in the adsorption
Oxidized CNTs have also shown exceptionally high sorption capa- capacity at small (up to 0.1 mol/L) equilibrium adsorbate concentra-
city and efficiency for Pb2+, Cd2+ and Cr6+ from water (Li et al., 2002, tions.
2003b; Robati, 2013). H.J. Wang et al. (2007) showed that the ad- Table 3 summarizes the maximum adsorption capacity of previously
sorption capacity of multi-walled CNTs treated with concentrated reported CNTs – original or modified with different functional groups.
HNO3 can be significantly increased mainly due to oxygen functional
groups created on the surface of acidified nanotubes that can react with
Pb2 + to form complex or salt precipitates on the surface. The ad- 2.2.3. Graphene and graphene-based materials
sorption equilibrium time for the acidified CNTs was found to be 20 min Graphene, discovered in 2004, is a two-dimensional, atomic-scale
at the pH 2.0, which is much less than for ACs (about 120 min). hexagonal lattice made of carbon atoms. Like CNTs, it also has unique

Table 2
Metal maximum adsorption capacity (qm, mg/g, calculated from the Langmuir equation) for CNTs and some conventional adsorbents.

Heavy metal ion (adsorbate) Adsorbent qm, mg/g Conditions Reference

Cu As-produced CNTs 8.25 pH6.0, 300 K Wu (2007)
NaOCl-modified CNTs 47.39 pH6.0, 300 K Wu (2007)
AC 19.50 303 K Rao et al. (2009)
Sawdust 37.17 pH 6.6, 303 K Ahmad et al. (2009)
Zeolite 8.13 pH 5.0, 298 K Sljivic et al. (2009)
Ni2+ Multi-walled CNTs 3.72 pH 5.4, 293 K Yang et al. (2009)
NaClO-modified single-walled CNTs 47.86 298 K Lu et al. (2009)
NaClO-modified multi-walled CNTs 38.46 298 K Lu et al. (2009)
Granulated AC 2.88 pH4.5, 298 K Godino-Salido et al. (2009)
Montmorillonite 12.89 pH 6.0, 298 K Ijagbemi et al. (2009)
Pb2+ Acidified multi-walled CNTs 49.71 pH 5.0, 298 K H.J. Wang et al. (2007), S.B. Wang et al. (2007), S.-G. Wang et al. (2007)
Original bentonite 19.19 303 K Kul and Koyuncu (2010)
Cicer arientinum biomass 27.79 pH 4.0, 303 K Nadeem et al. (2009)
Pine wood char 4.13 pH 5.0, 298 K Mohan et al. (2007)
AC F-400 30.11 pH 5.0, 298 K Mohan et al. (2007)

A.E. Burakov et al. Ecotoxicology and Environmental Safety 148 (2018) 702–712

Table 3 Ren et al. (2013) and B.T. Zhang et al. (2013) and M. Zhang et al.
Maximum adsorption capacity (qm, mg/g or mmol/g, calculated from the Langmuir (2013) studied the adsorption properties of GO, and they found that,
equation) of various types of CNTs or composites on the basis thereof for some heavy
like graphene, this material has a large sorption capacity for various
metal ions (Rao et al., 2007; Bisht et al., 2016; Santhosh et al., 2016).
pollutants, including heavy metals. However, due to the fact that GO is
Adsorbent Adsorbate qm Reference well dispersed in water, it is difficult to reuse it for metal adsorption
after reprocessing. To overcome this drawback, it was proposed to
CNTs Pb2+ 17.44 mg/g, Stafiej and Pyrzynska (2008)
combine GO with some magnetic materials, such as Fe3O4, MnFe2O4
CNTs (HNO3) Pb 2+
49.95 mg/g, Li et al. (2002) and CoFe2O4, which possess low toxicity and good biocompatibility
pH7.0 preferable in for purification of anthropogenic water (Li et al., 2012;
Multi-walled Ni 7.53 mg/g, Lu and Liu (2006) Kumar et al., 2014; Zhang et al., 2014).
CNTs pH7.0 Hur et al. (2015) studied the adsorption of several metal ions (Cu2+,
Single-walled Ni2+ 9.22 mg/g, Lu and Liu (2006)
Pb , Cd2+) on magnetic GO synthesized in a simple way using ul-
CNTs pH7.0
Multi-walled Pb2+ 97.08 mg/g, Li et al. (2003a) trasonic treatment of graphite oxide and Fe3O4. It was found that ir-
CNTs (HNO3) pH5.0 respective of the adsorbent, the metal adsorption depends mainly on pH
CNTs Pb 1.406 mmol/g Anitha et al. (2015) and is controlled by the ion exchange between the positively charged
CNT-OH Pb2+ 2.07 mmol/g Anitha et al. (2015)
metal ions and the negatively charged adsorption sites on the adsorbent
CNT-CONH2 Pb2+ 1.907 mmol/g Anitha et al. (2015)
CNT-COO- Pb2+ 4.672 mmol/g Anitha et al. (2015) surface.
CNTs Cu2+ 1.219 mmol/g Anitha et al. (2015) Zhao et al. (2011b) synthesized few-layered GO from graphite via
CNT-OH Cu2+ 1.342 mmol/g Anitha et al. (2015) the modified Hammer method. This material was employed to remove
CNT-CONH2 Cu2+ 1.755 mmol/g Anitha et al. (2015) Pb2+ from aqueous solutions. It was found that the presence of the
CNT-COO- Cu2+ 3.565 mmol/g Anitha et al. (2015)
oxygen-containing groups on the surface of the adsorbent increases its
CNTs Cd2+ 1.291 mmol/g Anitha et al. (2015)
CNT-OH Cd2+ 1.513 mmol/g Anitha et al. (2015) maximum adsorption capacity (up to 1850 mg/g).
CNT-CONH2 Cd2+ 1.563 mmol/g Anitha et al. (2015) Lujaniene et al. (2016) reached a sufficiently high sorption capacity
CNT-COO- Cd2+ 3.325 mmol/g Anitha et al. (2015) (up to 574 mg/g) for a number of heavy metal ions (Co2+, Cu2+, Pb2+,
CNTs Hg2+ 1.068 mmol/g Anitha et al. (2015)
and Ni2+). Like in the other studies, here the adsorption process was
CNT-OH Hg2+ 1.284 mmol/g Anitha et al. (2015)
CNT-CONH2 Hg2+ 1.658 mmol/g Anitha et al. (2015)
also controlled by the initial and final pH of the solution.
CNT-COO- Hg2+ 3.300 mmol/g Anitha et al. (2015) Table 4 summarizes the information on the heavy metal adsorption
CNTs (HNO3) Cr6+ 0.5 mg/g, pH Atieh et al. (2010) capacity of some of the graphene-based materials previously used for
7.0 water treatment purposes.
CNTs/activated Cr6+ 264.5 mg/g, pH Sankararamakrishnan et al.
Al2O3 2.0 (2014)
N-CNTs Cr6+
638.56 mg/g, Shin et al. (2011) 3. Evaluation of present scenario & our insights
pH 8.0
Single-walled Zn2+ 43.66 mg/g, pH Lu and Chiu (2006) Several materials (namely, activated carbon, biomaterials, rubber
CNTs 7.0
waste, nanoparticles, CNTs – MWCNTs and SWCNTs, etc.) have been
Multi-walled Zn2+ 32.68, mg/g, pH Lu and Chiu (2006)
used as effective adsorbents for the removal of noxious impurities from
CNTs 7.0 wastewater. But there are certain limitations in terms of cost effec-
(NaOCl) tiveness and efficiency of the above-mentioned materials. Although, a
lot of work has been carried out in developing novel adsorbents for
wastewater treatment but countries like Russia and India is still short in
structural, mechanical, physical and chemical properties, which allow the cost effective technology transfers for effective wastewater treat-
for using it in many fields (Geim, 2009; Novoselov et al., 2012). Gra- ment because the developed material is not that much efficient and
phene is available in various forms such as pristine graphene, graphene economical. In the recent era, we are working on the aspects of the
oxide (GO) and reduced GO. adsorbent modification - i.e., activated carbon loaded on the nano-
From the past decade, there is a huge growth in the use of graphene particles for more effective and efficient removal of noxious impurities
and graphene based materials for environmental purposes, including from wastewater, in addition to this we are looking for the successful
wastewater treatment, due to their high specific surface area, enhanced technology transfer in the field of wastewater treatment using novel
active sites and the functional groups present on their surface, and good biomaterials as adsorbents.
chemical stability (Gopalakrishnan et al., 2015).
Graphene may be oxidized to add hydrophilic groups for heavy 4. Conclusion
metal removal (Bisht et al., 2016). Studies of many scientists confirm
that graphene-based materials have a strong sorption activity with re- A detailed compilation of the conventional and nanoparticles as
spect to heavy metals (e.g., Huang et al., 2011; Zhao et al., 2011a; Cong adsorbents is presented in the form of compact information in the
et al., 2012). present review. Keeping in view the nanotechnology interventions, we
Deng et al. (2010) considered functionalized graphene as an ad- are mainly focused on promising nanoadsorbents such as carbon na-
sorbent to remove Pb2 + from an aquepus medium. Its maximum ad- notubes, graphene and activated carbon loaded on nanoparticles etc.
sorption capacity was found to be 406.6 mg/g at the optimum pH 5.0. which have further perspectives of employing in the above-mentioned
The equilibrium of this process was achieved within 40 min. environmental field. In this regard, materials developed on the basis of
Li et al. (2016) developed an adsorbent representing graphene hy- nanotechnology and having unique physical, chemical and mechanical
drogel lignosulfonate-modified with various oxygen-containing groups. properties (especially, the nanomaterials mentioned above) can become
The researchers marked its large specific surface area, high porosity and a promising alternative to traditional adsorbents, both independently
activity of adsorption sites on the surface, as well as the great Pb2+ and as a part of hybrid materials for more efficient removal of heavy
maximum adsorption capacity of 1308 mg/g. The equilibrium of the metal pollutants from wastewater effluents.
process was reached in 40 min. In this work, the authors also note that
this sorbent is environmentally friendly and is subject to regeneration Acknowledgement
(processing), which makes it possible to employ it for wastewater
purification on a large scale. The work was supported by the Ministry of Education and Science of

A.E. Burakov et al. Ecotoxicology and Environmental Safety 148 (2018) 702–712

Table 4
Maximum adsorption capacity (qm, mg/g, calculated from the Langmuir equation) of various graphene-based adsorbents for some heavy metal ions (Bisht et al., 2016; Santhosh et al.,

Adsorbent Adsorbate qm Reference

Graphene oxide (GO)/Fe3O4 Cu2+ 18.3 Wu (2007)

GO/SiO2/Fe3O4 Pb2+ and Cd2+ 333.3 and 166.7 Wang et al. (2013)
GO/Fe3O4/sulfanilic acid Cd2+ 55.4 Hu et al. (2014)
GO-MnFe2O4 Pb2+ 673 Kumar et al. (2014)
Reduced GO/COFe2O4 Pb2+ 299.4 Zhang et al. (2014)
GO/Mn-Fe2O3 Cd2+ and Cu2+ 87.2 and 129.7 Nandi et al. (2013)
GO/Fe3O4/sulfanilic acid Cu2+ 50.7, 56.8 Hu et al. (2013)
GO/Fe3O4 Cu2+, Pb2+, Cd2+ 23.1, 38.5, and 4.4 Hur et al. (2015)
GO Pb2+ 35.6 Lee and Yang (2012)
TiO2/GO Pb2+ 65.6 Madadrang et al. (2012)
GO-EDTA Pb2+ 479 Madadrang et al. (2012)
Graphene nanosheets (GNSs) Pb2+ 22.4 Huang et al. (2011)
GNSs-500 Pb2+ 35.2 Huang et al. (2011)
SiO2–GNSs Pb2+ 113.6 Hao et al. (2012)
MnO2/GNSs Hg2+ 10.8 Sreeprasad et al. (2011)
GO- based inverse spinel nickel ferrite composite Cr6+ 45, pH 4.0 Lingamdinne et al. (2015)
Fe(0) assembled on magnetic Fe3O4/grapheme nanocomposites Cr6+ 101, pH 3.0 Lv et al. (2014)
Copolymer of dimethylaminoethyl methacrylate with grapheme oxide Cr6+ 82.4, pH 1.1 Ma et al. (2015)
Graphene sand composite Cr6+ 2859.38, pH 1.5 Dubey et al. (2015)
GO Cr6+ 43.72, pH 5.0 Yang et al. (2014)
GNSs modified with cetyltrimethylammonium bromide Cr6+ 21,57, pH 2.0 Wu et al. (2013)

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