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MCQs in Bit and and Binary Transmission

MCQs in Signaling Rat e

MCQs in Error Probabilit y, Digit al Filt ering, Swit ching, Packet Circuit , Vert ical Circuit
MCQs in Open syst ems Int erconnect ion
MCQs in Mult iplying, Modulat ion and Synchronizat ion
MCQs in Pulse Code Modulat ion, Companding, Encoding, Bandwidt h and Signal t o Noise
Rat io
MCQs in Delt a Modulat ion, Slope Overload, Adapt ive Delt a Modulat ion, Codes and
Prot ocol
MCQs in Error Det ect ion and Correct ion, Digit al Carrier syst ems
MCQs in Frequency Shift Keying, Phase Shift Keying, Different ial Phase Shift keying
MCQs in DC nat ure of dat a t ransmission, loops, Neut ral and Polar
MCQs in Binary t ransmission and t he concept of t ime
MCQs in Asynchronous and Synchronous, t iming, Dist ort ion, Bit s, band, WPM
MCQs in Dat a Int erface st andards, Dat a input /out put devices
MCQs in Digit al Transmission on analog channel, Modulat ion-demodulat ion schemes
paramet ers
MCQs in Circuit condit ioning, Modem Applicat ions
MCQs in Serial and Parallel Transmission

Start Practice Exam Test Questions Part 1 of the Series

1. ASK, PSK, FSK, and QAM are examples of _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ encoding.

a. Digit al-t o-digit al

b. Digit al-t o-analog

c. Analog-t o –analog

d. Analog-t o-digit al

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Answer: Option B

Solut ion:

2. Unipolar, bipolar, and polar encoding are t ypes of _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ encoding.

a. Digit al-t o-digit al

b. Digit al-t o-analog

c. Analog-t o-analog
d. Analog-t o-digit al

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Answer: Option A

Solut ion:

3. PCM is an example of _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ encoding.

a. Digit al-t o-digit al

b. Digit al-t o-analog

c. Analog-t o –analog

d. Analog-t o-digit al

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Answer: Option D

Solut ion:

4. AM and FM are examples of _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ encoding.

a. Digit al-t o-digit al

b. Digit al-t o-analog

c. Analog-t o –analog

d. Analog-t o-digit al

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Answer: Option C

Solut ion:

5. In QAM, bot h phase and _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ of a carrier frequency are varied.

a. Amplit ude

b. Frequency

c. Bit rat e

d. Baud rat e

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Answer: Option A

Solut ion:

6. Which of t he following is most affect ed by noise?

a. PSK

b. ASK

c. FSK

d. QAM

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Answer: Option B

Solut ion:

7. If t he frequency spect rum of a signal has a bandwidt h of 500 Hz wit h t he highest

frequency at 600 Hz, what should be t he sampling rat e according t o t he Nyquist t heorem?

a. 200 samples/sec

b. 500 samples/sec

c. 1000 samples/sec

d. 1200 samples/sec

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Answer: Option D

Solut ion:

8. If t he baud rat e is 400 for a 4-PSK, t he bit rat e is _ _ _ _ _ _ bps.

a. 100

b. 400

c. 800

d. 1600

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Answer: Option C
Solut ion:

9. Det ermine t he channel capacit y of a 4 kHz channel wit h S/N = 10 dB.

a. 8.02 kbps

b. 4.17 kbps

c. 13.74 kbps

d. 26.58 kbps

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10. If t he bit rat e for an ASK signal is 1200 bps, t he baud rat e is

a. 300

b. 400

c. 600

d. 1200

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Answer: Option D

Solut ion:

11. Which encoding met hod uses alt ernat ing posit ive and negat ive values for 1’s?

a. NRZ-I

b. RZ

c. Manchest er

d. AMI

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Answer: Option D

Solut ion:

12. If t he maximum value of a PCM signal is 31 and t he minimum value is -31, how many bit s
were used for coding?

a. 4
b. 5

c. 6

d. 7

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Answer: Option C

Solut ion:

13. Deliberat e violat ions of alt ernat e mark inversion are used in which t ype of digit al-t o-
digit al encoding?

a. AMI

b. B8ZS

c. RZ

d. Manchest er

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Answer: Option B

Solut ion:

14. RZ encoding involves _ _ _ _ _ _ _ levels of signal amplit ude.

a. 1

b. 3

c. 4

d. 5

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Answer: Option B

Solut ion:

15. If t he t ransmission rat e of a digit al communicat ion syst em of 10 Mbps modulat ion
scheme used in 16-QAM, det ermined t he bandwidt h efficiency.

a. 16 bit s/cycle
b. 4 bit s/cycle

c. 8 bit s/cycle

d. 2 bit s/cycle

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Answer: Option B

Solut ion:

16. In _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ t ransmission, bit s are t ransmit t ed simult aneously, each across it s own
channel .

a. Asynchronous serial

b. Synchronous serial

c. Parallel

d. A and B

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17. Dat a are sent over pin _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ of t he EIA-RS-232 int erface.

a. 2

b. 3

c. 4

d. All of t he above

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18. In t he EIA-RS-232 st andard what does -12V on a dat a pin represent ?

a. 1

b. 0

c. Undefined

d. Eit her 1 or 0 depending on t he coding scheme

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19. The majorit y of t he pins f t he EIA-RS-232 int erface are used for _ _ _ _ _ purpose.
a. Cont rol

b. Timing

c. Dat a

d. Test ing

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20. X-21 uses a _ _ _ _ _ connect or.

a. DB-15

b. DB-25

c. DB37

d. DB-9

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21. If you have t wo close, compat ible DTEs t hat can communicat e dat a t hat do not need t o
be modulat ed. A good int erface would be _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ .

a. A null modem

b. An EIA-RS-232 modem

c. A DB-45 connect or

d. A t ransceiver

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22. What is t he object of t rellis coding??

a. To narrow bandwidt h

b. To simplify encoding

c. To increase dat a rat e

d. To reduce t he error rat e

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23. In t rellis coding. The number of t he dat a bit s is _ _ _ _ _ t he number of t ransmit t ed bit s.

a. Equal t o
b. Less t han

c. More t han

d. Double t hat of

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24. Which ITU-T modem uses t rellis coding?

a. V.33

b. V.34

c. V.39

d. V.37

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25. The signal bet ween t wo modems is always

a. Digit al

b. Analog

c. PSK

d. QAM

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Answer: Option B

Solut ion:

26. For digit al communicat ions, det ermine t he signal t o noise rat io in dB which would be
required for an ideal channel wit h a bandwidt h of 2500 Hz.

a. 5

b. 9.54 dB

c. 4.77 dB

d. 3.4

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Answer: Option C
Solut ion:

27. For a PCM syst em wit h a maximum decoded volt age at t he receiver of ±2.55 V and
minimum dynamic range of 46 dB, det ermine t he maximum quant izat ion error.

a. 5.0 V

b. 0.5 V

c. 0.005 V

d. 0.05 V

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Answer: Option C

Solut ion:

28. Det ermine t he bandwidt h efficiency for QPSK modulat ion scheme at a t ransmission rat e
of 10 Mbps.

a. 2 bit s/cycle

b. 4 bit s/cycle

c. 8 bit s/cycle

d. 16 bit s/cycle

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Answer: Option A

Solut ion:

29. A modulat or convert s a (an) _ _ _ _ _ _ signal t o a (an) _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ signal.

a. Digit al, analog

b. Analog, digit al



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Answer: Option A
Solut ion:

30. Which of t he following modulat ion t echniques are used by modems?

a. 16-QAM

b. FSK

c. 8-PSK

d. All of t he above

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Answer: Option D

Solut ion:

31. A broadcast TV channel has a bandwidt h of 6 MHz. Ignoring noise, calculat e t he maximum
dat a rat e t hat could be carried in a TV channel using a 16-level code and det ermine t he
minimum possible signal-t o-noise rat io in dB for t he calculat ed dat a rat e.

a. 24 Mbps, 48 dB

b. 48 Mbps, 24 dB

c. 24 Mbps, 24 dB

d. 48 Mbps, 48 dB

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32. Which of t he following modems uses FSK modulat ion?

a. Bell 103

b. Bell 201

c. Bell 212

d. All of t he above

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33. A maximum lengt h of 50 feet is specified in st andard _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ .

a. EIA-RS-449

b. EIA-RS-232
c. EIA-RS-423

d. RS-422

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34. A cable range of 40 t o _ _ _ _ _ feet is possible according t o t he EIA-RS-449 st andard.

a. 50

b. 400

c. 500

d. 4000

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35. What is t he bandwidt h required t o t ransmit at a rat e of 10Mbit s/sec in t he presence of a
28 dB S/N rat io?

a. 107.5 kHz

b. 3.57 MHz

c. 357.14 kHz

d. 1.075 MHz

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36. The maximum dat a rat e for RS-442 is _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ t imes t hat of t he maximum RS-423 dat a
rat e.

a. 0.1

b. 10

c. 100

d. 500

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37. For an Et hernet bus t hat is 500 met ers in lengt h using a cable wit h a velocit y fact or of
0.66, and a communicat ion rat e of 10 Mb/s, calculat e t he t ot al number of bit s t hat would be
sent by each st at ion before it det ect s a collision, if bot h st at ions begin t o t ransmit at t he
same t ime.

a. 25 bit s
b. 30 bit s

c. 19 bit s

d. 41 bit s

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38. A _ _ _ _ _ _ is a device t hat is a source of or a dest inat ion for binary digit al dat a.

a. Dat a t erminal equipment

b. Dat a t ransmission equipment

c. Digit al t erminal encoder

d. Dat a-circuit t erminat ing equipment

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Answer: Option A

Solut ion:

39. An asynchronous communicat ions syst em uses ASCII at 9600 bps wit h eight bit s, one
st art bit , one st op bit and no parit y bit . Express t he dat a rat e in words per minut e. (Assume a
word has five charact ers and one space).

a. 9600 wpm

b. 57600 wpm

c. 160 wpm

d. 11520 wpm

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40. A t elephone line has a bandwidt h of 3.2 kHz and a signal-t o-noise rat io of 34 dB. A signal
is t ransmit t ed down t his line using a four-level code. What is t he maximum t heoret ical dat a
rat e ?

a. 12.8 kbps

b. 6.4 kbps

c. 36.144 kbps

d. 18.072 kbps
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41. For a binary phase shift keying (BPSK) modulat ion wit h a carrier frequency of 80 MHz and
an input bit rat e of 10 Mbps. Det ermine t he minimum Nyquist bandwidt h.

a. 40 MHz

b. 10 MHz

c. 20 MHz

d. 50 MHz

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Answer: Option B

Solut ion:

42. The EIA st andard specified in t he EIA-232 st andard is _ _ _ _ _ _ volt s.

a. Great er t han -15

b. Less t han -15

c. Bet ween -3 and -15

d. Bet ween 3 and 15

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43. For a quat ernary phase shift keying (QPSK) modulat ion, dat a wit h a carrier frequency of
70 MHz, and input bit rat e of 10 Mbps, det ermine t he minimum Nyquist bandwidt h.

a. 10 MHz

b. 5 MHz

c. 20 MHz

d. 40 MHz

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44. 12 voice channels are sampled at 8000 sampling rat e and encoded int o 8-bit PCM word.
Det ermine t he rat e of t he dat a st ream.

a. 768 kbps

b. 12 kbps
c. 12.8 kbps

d. 46.08 kbps

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45. The encoding met hod specified in t he EIA-232 st andard is _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ .

a. NRZ-I

b. NRZ-L

c. Manchest er

d. Different ial Manchest er

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46. A binary digit al signal is t o be t ransmit t ed at 10 Kbit s/s , what absolut e minimum
bandwidt h is required t o pass t he fast est informat ion change undist ort ed?

a. 5 kHz

b. 10 kHz

c. 20 kHz

d. 2.5 kHz

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497. A coherent binary phase shift keyed (BPSK) t ransmit t er operat es at a bit rat e of Mbps
wit h a carrier t o noise rat io C/N of 8.8 dB. Find Eb/No.

a. 8.8 dB

b. 16.16 dB

c. 21.81 dB

d. 18.8 dB

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48. The EIA-RS-232 int erface has _ _ _ _ _ _ _ pins.

a. 20

b. 36

c. 25
d. 19

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49. The EIA-RS-232 st andard defines _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ charact erist ics of t he DTE-DCE int erface.

a. Mechanical

b. Elect rical

c. Funct ion

d. All of t he above

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50. For sample rat e of 30 kHz in a PCM syst em, det ermine t he maximum analog input
frequency .

a. 30 kHz

b. 15 kHz

c. 60 kHz

d. 45 kHz.

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Answer: Option B

Solut ion:

Questions and Answers in Digital and Data Communication Networks Series

Following is t he list of mult iple choice quest ions in t his brand new series:

Digital and Data Communication Networks MCQs

MORE ON: MCQ in Digital and Data Communications

Complet e List of MCQ in Communicat ions Engineering per topic

Series of MCQ in Electronics Systems and Technologies
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