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I. Which notice (A - H) says this (1 - 5)?

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II. Look at the text in each question. Mark the letter next to the correct explanation.
A. You must show a receipt if you want to remove luggage.
B. When you remove your luggage you are given a receipt.
C. You can leave your luggage here without change.
2. Message
Jeff rang: suggests taking a blanket (cold there!) No need to bring programme now. He’ll meet you at the
festival entrance with your ticket.
For the festival, Anna should bring
A. her ticket. B. a blanket. C. the programme.
3. Will the last person to leave please switch off the lights
A. Don’t turn the lights on until it’s necessary.
B. Switch the lights on when you’re in the room.
C. Don’t leave the lights on if the room is empty.
4. - Has anyone seen my gold chain? - I took it off before athletics. It's a present from my boyfriend -
he mustn’t find out it’s lost! Sally
A. Sally has given a chain to someone as a present.
B. Sally’s boyfriend knows about the missing chain.
C. Sally lost her chain when she got changed for sport.
5. Assistants needed because of new opening hours - apply inside
-> This shop……………………………….....................
A. has just opened and jobs are available.
B. is opening for longer and needs extra staff.
C. will open late because of job interviews.

III. Choose the most suitable word or phrase for each space
1. He .................... in this office for ten years by next Monday.

Posts and Telecommunications Institute of Technology
A. will be working B. will work C. will have been working D. would be working
2. He has taken the medicine, ....................?
A. has he B. hasn’t he C. isn’t he D. didn’t he?
3. His parents never allowed him ....................
A. smoking B. to smoke C. to smoking D. to be smoked
4. She .................... 20 pounds out of the bank every Monday.
A. pulls B. draws C. takes D. removes
5. After the battle, the .................... soldiers were helped by those who could walk.
A. damaged B. wounded C. broken D. killed
6. The rise in house prices .................... him to sell his house for a large profit.
A. achieved B. managed C. facilitated D. enabled
7. Could you .................... me ten pounds until the next pay day?
A. let B. provide C. borrow D. lend
8. Many kinds of .................... animals are disappearing or have already disappeared from the earth.
A. brave B. wild C. unfriendly D. angry
9. We wish that you .................... such a lot of work because we know that you would have enjoined the
A. hadn’t had B. hadn’t C. hadn’t have D. didn’t have
10. Would you mind ...................., please?
A. to answer the phone B. answering the phone C. answer the phone D. to answering the phone
11. Currently one popular technique of advertising is celebrity ………………., which means companies use
famous people in its advertising for its products.
A. research B. endorsement C. exhibition D. sponsorship
12. An image flashed onto a screen very quickly so that people are influenced without noticing it is a kind of
…………… advertising.
A. direct B. word-of-mouth C. subliminal D. point-of-sale
13. Advertising for a product done in places where it is sold is called …………… advertising.
A. point-of-sale B. direct C. outdoor D. word-of-mouth
14. If you get information about a product from a friend, a relative or people you work with rather than you
see an advert, this is called ……………… advertising.
A. word-of-mouth B. person-to-person C. direct D. business-to-business
15. Many companies often place adverts for their products on …….……… such as buses, trains or the
A. public transport B. public places C. billboards D. private transport
16. When a well-known person such as a superstar athlete, a film star or a pop star …………….. a product,
they say how good the product is in adverts.
A. uses B. persuades C. launches D. endorses
17. Outdoor advertising is growing rapidly these days because of a dramatic rise in the cost of radio and
A. promotion B. commercials C. publicity D. programmes
18. If you want to sell your old sofas and furniture, why not ………… an advert in the local paper?
A. launch B. target C. place D. write
19. An advertisement can be …………………; it makes people think seriously and deeply.
A. energy-saving B. eye-catching C. brain-teasing D. thought-provoking
20. We try to make the advert as attention-…………….. as possible.
A. grabbing B. finding C. driving D. paying
21. Someone…………. for you outside. – Who is it?
A. waits B. is waiting C. waiting

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22. What…………. of this book? – I think it is fantastic.
A. do you think B. is you think C. you do think
23. ………….in ghost?
A. Are you believe B. Are you believing C. Do you believe
24. Kate is busy. She…………. for a test.
A. is study B. is studying C. is studies
25. …………. a great time at the moment.
A. We are have B. We’re have C. We’re having
26. Tina usually………….at 7.00.
A. get up B. is getting up C. gets up
27. What…………. he…………. ? – He is a teacher.
A. is/doing B. does/do C. is/do
28. Yesterday there…………. a heavy rain.
A. is B. were C. was
29. He arrived…………. the hotel………….in the evening.
A. in/lately B. at/late C. in/late
30. Our neighbors always have many influences…………. our lives.
A. in B. on C. to

IV. Read the following passages and then answer the questions (NO MORE THAN FOUR WORDS)
1. On Friday, October 21, at approximately 8:30 a.m., Judith Reynolds arrived at her establishment to find
that it had been robbed and vandalized overnight. The front window of the shop at 128 Broad Street was
broken. Chairs and tables were overturned throughout the café area. Additionally, the cash register had been
pried open and emptied of money. The thieves attempted to open the safe as well, but were unsuccessful.
Ms. Reynolds used her cell phone to report the crime to the police. She also phoned the owner of Primo
Pizza, located at 130 Broad Street, as she noticed that the door of that restaurant showed signs of forced
entry. The police is asking anyone with information to call 555-2323.
1. Where did the crime happen? ……………………………………………
2. What was stolen? ……………………………………………
3. What other business was possibly affected? ……………………………………………

2. E.T. the Extra-Terrestrial is a video game that came out for the Atari 2600 game system in December,
1982. It was based on a very popular film of the same name. It cost over 125 million dollars to make. The
programmer, Howard Scott Warshaw, created it with consultation from Steven Spielberg. And it is widely
considered to be one of the worst video games ever created. Too many copies of the game sat on store
shelves. One employee remembers the game being discounted five times, from $49.95 to less than a dollar.
Many people returned the game. In September of 1983, a newspaper in New Mexico reported that between
10 and 20 semitrailer truckloads of Atari products were crushed and buried at a landfill in Alamogordo.
Perhaps a million or more copies of E.T. were buried in the desert.
1. When was E.T. the Extra-Terrestrialreleased?
2. How much did it cost to make thegame?
3. Who programmed E.T. theExtra-Terrestrial?
4. Where were unsold copies of E.T possibly buried?

3. Carlo’s Pizzeria
Founded in 1983, Carlo‘s Pizzeria, Restaurant & Caterers is a family operated establishment serving foods
in New York and the surrounding areas. With nearly 25 years of satisfying customers in and around the

Posts and Telecommunications Institute of Technology
New York area, Carlos, Sal, Sally, Maria, Estel and the entire Carlo‘s staff pride themselves in serving
only the finest selection of Italian food.
Ocean Avenue Branch 1247 Ocean Avenue Brooklyn, NY 11230 (718) 578-1878 / (718) 578-4798 Hours of
Monday - Thursday: 11 A.M. - 10 P.M.
Friday: 11 A.M. -11 P.M.
Saturday: 11 A.M. - Midnight
Sunday: CLOSED
Visit the website for our lunch and dinner menus!
1. When was the restaurant setup?
2. What kind of food do theyserve?
3. On what day does the business stay open longer thanusual?
4. Where can people get information about themenus?

4. For a long time, people believed that there was a place in Himalayas where the inhabitants lived forever.
They called the place Shangri-La. This name came to mean - paradise in English language. The people here
don‘t live forever, but many live to be over one hundred years old. They appear to be among the healthiest
people in the world. Why is this? People who have traveled to this remote area say it‘s because their diet is
so healthy. The inhabitants eat only what they grow. Grain, fruit, and vegetables are their daily food. They
seldom eat butter or eggs. They eat meat only on important feast days. Their only sweet dish is dried
apricots. They never drink alcohol. Their religion forbids it. Sugar and canned food are also unknown to
1. What does Shangri-La mean in English?
2. What is special about people in Shangri- La?
3. What do travelers say about the inhabitants‘ diet?
4. What do they rarely eat?
5. What does their religion forbid them to do?

V. Find words in the box to complete the numbered blanks in the passage below. Use only ONE word for
each blank.
where risk show under smoking harder smokers avoid smoke
bodies unhealthy non-smokers scientists when
The smoke that comes from a lit cigarette contains many different poisonous chemicals. In the past,
scientists didn’t think that these chemicals could harm a non-smokers’ health. Recently, though (1)
……………….. changed their opinion after they studied a large group of (2) ....................., they discovered
that even non-smokers had (3) ……………….. amount of these toxic chemicals in their (4) ………………...
As a matter of fact, almost all of us breathe tobacco (5) ……………….. at times, whether we realize it or
not. For example, we cannot (6) ……………….. many public places have “non-smoking is permitted”; it is
even (7) ……………….. for children to avoid second-hand smoke. In the United States, nine million
children (8) ……………….. the age of five live in homes with at least one smoker. Research (9)
……………….. that these children are sick more often than those who live in homes (10) ………………..
non-smokers live. The damaging effects of second-hand smoke on children also continue as they grow up.
The children of smokers are more than twice as likely to develop lung cancer when they are adults as
children of non-smokers. The risk is even higher among children who live in homes where both parents

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