English Speech (Pidato Bahasa Inggris)

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Dear Brother, Sisters, Ladies and Gentlemen!

Assalamualaikum warahmatullahi wabarakatuh

First of all, lets thanks God the Almighty who has been giving us His mercy and blessings until
we can attend this meeting without any obstacle in this happy place and time.

Secondly, May Salawat and Salam be with our Prophet Muhammad Peace Be Upon Him, who
has guided us from the darkness to the enlightenment in the world as well as in the next world.

Thirdly, I’ll never forget to thank Mr. Chairman who has given me opportunity to deliver a
speech in front of the public.

Standing in front of you all, I would like to present my speech under the title of: islamic
education and nasionalism

Our great prophet Muhammad peace be upon him said,

The acquisition of knowledge is a duty incumbent on every Moslem, male and female.

According to the above hadith, we are obliged to seek knowledge and science. Because science
is very important to our life. With science, we can conquer all countries in the world, such as,
malaysia,singapura,china and so on. We can be the leader in the word, we can conquer the other
countries when we are mastering knowledge and modern technology .we also apply religius
education until we are able to increase nation grade in the future

Reason is the capital to look for science, the other creatures like animals, plants and things have
no reason, therefore they are unable to look for science. Accordingly if we dont utilize or capital
of reason to look for science as much as possible. It is very pity.

If we have no science, we are just the same as the other creatures and be a foolish nation. But if
we have much science we will be the best nation in the world.

It is impossible for us to get science without doing anything. To get the science, we must study
hard wherever and whenever we are.

The meaning is Seek knowledge even to the China.

If it is necessary please study abroad like in china or the other foreign countries. And there is no
limitation of time to study. Our prophet has said also,

.The meaning is Seek knowledge from the cradle to the grave.

Science is not only why people getting succes. Both, we must have a science. We also we must
have a faith. Because God raise you who beleive and those who were given science degree. Of
course both we study hard we must applying religion education

I stop here my speech

I apologize my mistakes if any

Thank you very much

Till meet again

Wassalamulaikum wr.wb

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