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i n t e r n a t i o n a l j o u r n a l o f h y d r o g e n e n e r g y 4 6 ( 2 0 2 1 ) 1 3 4 6 1 e1 3 4 7 0

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Emission characteristics and heat release rate

surrogates for ammonia premixed laminar flames

Mengzhen Cheng a, Haiou Wang a,*, Hua Xiao b, Kun Luo a, Jianren Fan a
State Key Laboratory of Clean Energy Utilization, Zhejiang University, Hangzhou 310027, PR China
Key Laboratory of Optoelectronic Devices and Systems of Ministry of Education and Guangdong Province, College of
Optoelectronic Engineering, Shenzhen University, Shenzhen 518060, PR China


 Laminar ammonia flames are simulated in atmospheric and high-pressure conditions.

 Four mechanisms of ammonia combustion are considered.
 The pollutant emission achieves a minimum around an equivalence ratio of 1.1~1.5.
 Heat release rate surrogates are proposed to estimate the heat release rate distribution.

article info abstract

Article history: Ammonia is a carbon-free fuel that has the potential to meet increasing energy demand
Received 6 April 2020 and to reduce CO2 emissions. In the present work, the characteristics of pollutant emis-
Received in revised form sions in ammonia premixed laminar flames are investigated using one-dimensional sim-
18 November 2020 ulations, and heat release rate (HRR) surrogates for ammonia combustion are proposed.
Accepted 22 January 2021 Both atmospheric and high-pressure conditions were considered, and four representative
Available online 25 February 2021 mechanisms for ammonia combustion were employed. It is shown that the total emission
of NO and NH3 achieves a minimum around an equivalence ratio (f) of 1.1 under atmo-
Keywords: spheric conditions, and there is no noticeable emission of NO and NH3 for f ¼ 1.1 ~ 1.5
Ammonia combustion under high-pressure conditions. Three HRR surrogates, [NH3][OH], [NH2][O], and [NH2][H],
Premixed laminar flames were proposed based on the analysis of HRR and elementary reaction profiles. The per-
Pollutant emission formance of HRR surrogates was found to vary with equivalence ratios. For example, with
Heat release rate surrogate the Miller mechanism, [NH3][OH], [NH2][O], and [NH2][H] have the best performance under
atmospheric conditions at f ¼ 1.15, 0.95 and 1.05, respectively, and under high-pressure
conditions at f ¼ 1.11, 0.87 and 0.96, respectively. Similar conclusions can also be drawn
with other mechanisms. These findings provide valuable insights into emission control
and flame identification of ammonia combustion.
© 2021 Hydrogen Energy Publications LLC. Published by Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.

* Corresponding author.
E-mail address: (H. Wang).
0360-3199/© 2021 Hydrogen Energy Publications LLC. Published by Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
13462 i n t e r n a t i o n a l j o u r n a l o f h y d r o g e n e n e r g y 4 6 ( 2 0 2 1 ) 1 3 4 6 1 e1 3 4 7 0

Heat release rate (HRR) is an important quantity in com-

Introduction bustion characterization. The spatial distribution of HRR
provides an important basis for determining where the flame
In order to reduce the emissions of CO2 while meeting the locates in reacting flows. The most direct measurement of
growing demand for energy, alternative for fossil fuels should turbulent burning rate would be an evaluation of local heat
be explored. Both hydrogen and ammonia are carbon-free release rates [23]. Unfortunately, direct measurement of HRR
fuels and they are attractive energy carriers [1,2]. According is impossible as its calculation involves accurate measure-
to its physical properties, hydrogen is difficult to be com- ments of temperature and all species concentrations simul-
pressed and liquefied so that its storage and transport are taneously. Alternatively, HRR profiles could be estimated with
major challenging problems [3]. Ammonia consists of 17.8% information of certain species concentrations. For example,
hydrogen by mass and it can be easily liquefied by com- Mulla et al. [24] compared the product of H and CH2O con-
pressing to 9.9 atm at atmospheric temperature or cooling to centrations ([H][CH2O]) and [OH][CH2O], and suggested that
33.4  C at atmospheric pressure. Because of these advan- both surrogates provide close estimates of HRR in laminar
tages, ammonia has been regarded as a potential fuel for methane/air premixed flames. Najm et al. [25] concluded that
environmental considerations to address global warming is- HCO mole fraction was a suitable indicator of HRR of methane
sues. In fact, ammonia has been used as a fuel in laboratories flames in two-dimensional unsteady vortical flows based on
[4]. However, there are several challenges for ammonia com- numerical and experimental studies. Wang et al. [23] exam-
bustion applications, such as low premixed flame velocity, ined the validity of existing HRR surrogates in turbulent
low flammability and high NOx emission [5,6]. There have methane/air premixed flames and proposed a new HRR
been some attempts made to develop practical combustion surrogate with improved performance. Despite of the above-
devices using ammonia but their performance was not satis- mentioned works, there is no relevant study on HRR surro-
factory [7,8]. Insightful studies of ammonia combustion are gates for ammonia combustion, which motivates the present
required to gain better understanding of ammonia combus- work.
tion and emission behaviors, and to enable improved design Most previous studies of ammonia combustions were
of industrial engines. conducted under low or atmospheric conditions. For example,
Recent studies on ammonia combustion focus on laminar the pollutant emission characteristics of ammonia combus-
flames, which are helpful to reveal the fundamental com- tion under atmospheric conditions were examined by Hay-
bustion characteristics of ammonia, to develop and verify akawa et al. [26]. However, industrial combustors such as gas
ammonia combustion mechanisms, and to provide a refer- turbines mostly operate under high temperature and pressure
ence for the study of ammonia turbulent combustion. conditions. It is of interest to explore the ammonia combus-
Ammonia laminar flames have been studied by both exper- tion behaviors such as pollutant emissions in more practical
iments and numerical simulations. Experimental data exist conditions.
for model development and validation [9e12]. For example, In this context, the objectives of the present work are to
Duynslaegher et al. [9] experimentally investigated the flame compare the characteristics of pollutant emissions in
structure of eight premixed NH3/H2/O2 flames at low pres- ammonia combustion under atmospheric and high pressure
sure and measured profiles of temperature as well as mole conditions, and to propose proper HRR surrogates for these
fractions of important species. The experimental data were flames. The paper is organized as follows. Section Numerical
used by the same authors to validate an improved ammonia methods describes the setup of different cases and the details
combustion mechanism [13]. Appropriate combustion about the numerical tools, and shows the verification of the
mechanism is the prerequisite for reliable simulations. A four mechanisms used in this work. The results of ammonia
short review of the chemical mechanisms for ammonia combustion are shown and discussed in Section Results and
combustion is provided here. Miller et al. [14] developed the discussion. Finally, conclusions are drawn in section
first complete mechanism for ammonia combustion which Conclusions.
was validated against the experimental data for NH3/O2 and
NH3/H2/O2 flames. Lindstedt et al. [15] improved the Miller
mechanism [14] and explored the NO formation character- Numerical methods
istics. In order to obtain better predictions, Duynslaegher
et al. [13] modified four elementary reactions in the Konnov In the present work, NH3/air premixed laminar flames under
mechanism [16], and proposed a reduced mechanism in their atmospheric (1 atm) and high pressure (20 atm) are simulated.
simulations of engine problems. Mathieu et al. [17] measured For the atmospheric pressure cases, the reactant temperature
ignition delay time of NH3/O2/Ar flames at high pressure and is 298 K, while that for the high-pressure cases is 800 K. A
proposed a new mechanism from the mechanism of Dagaut range of equivalence ratios are considered in both the atmo-
et al. [18] with improved predictions of ammonia ignition spheric and high-pressure cases. A freely-propagating flame
delay time. Combustion of ammonia blended with hydro- configuration is considered. The simulations were performed
carbon fuel was also studied [19e21]. For exemple, Tian et al. using Cantera [27], an open-source suite of tools for combus-
[19] developed a mechanism for methane and ammonia tion problems involving chemical kinetics, thermodynamics,
combustion, and modeled various NH3/CH4/O2 premixed and transport processes. A mixture-averaged transport model
flames at low pressure. The Tian mechanism was further is used. Note that only laminar ammonia flames are consid-
improved by Okafor et al. [22] for modeling ammonia-based ered in this work. Turbulent ammonia flames will be explored
flames. in our future work.
i n t e r n a t i o n a l j o u r n a l o f h y d r o g e n e n e r g y 4 6 ( 2 0 2 1 ) 1 3 4 6 1 e1 3 4 7 0 13463

The governing equations of continuity, radial momentum,

energy and species are solved in a cylindrical coordinate,
which are shown as follows [28]:

þ 2rV ¼ 0 (1)
vV v vV
ru þ rV2 ¼ L þ m (2)
vz vz vz

vT v vT vT X
rcp u ¼ l  jk cp  hk Wk u_ k (3)
vz vz vz k
vz k

Fig. 1 e Flame speed calculation of NH3/air flame at 0.1 MPa

vYk vjk
ru ¼  þ Wk u_ k (4) and 298 K compared with experimental data from
vz vz
Hayakawa et al. [30] (), Takizawa et al. [31] (-), Pfahl et al.
where r is the density, u is the axial velocity, V is the scaled [32] (þ) and Ronney et al. [33] (:).
radial velocity, L is the pressure eigenvalue, m is the dynamic
viscosity, cp is the heat capacity at constant pressure, T is the
temperature, l is the thermal conductivity, Yk is the species
To overcome the low burning velocities of pure ammonia
mass fraction, jk is the species diffusive mass flux, hk is the
flames, combustions of a blend of ammonia and other gas,
species enthalpy, Wk is the species molecular weight, and u_ k is
such as H2, CO and CH4, have been studied [34,35]. The
the species molar production rate.
mechanisms are further assessed in Fig. 2, which shows the
As mentioned in Sec. Introduction, there are a few
premixed flame speeds of NH3/H2 flames under atmospheric
ammonia mechanisms available in the literature [13e19,22].
conditions [36]. As can be seen, the Miller and Lindstedt
Four representative chemical mechanisms for ammonia
mechanisms provide more accurate results in lean regions.
combustion are employed in the present work, i.e. the Miller
In contrast, the Mathieu mechanism is good at predicting
mechanism [14,29], the Lindstedt mechanism [15], the
premixed flame speed in a wide range of equivalence ratio.
Mathieu mechanism [17], and the Okafor mechanism [22].
The Okafor mechanism under-predicts the premixed flame
These mechanisms are described and assessed by comparing
the numerical and experimental results in the following.
The Miller mechanism [14] represents the first complete
mechanism for ammonia combustion and an improved
version with 20 species and 73 reactions [29] is utilized in the
present work. The Lindstedt mechanism [15] accounts for 22
species and 95 reactions including those contributing to the
formation and consumption of NOx. The Mathieu mecha-
nism [17] is based on the Dagaut mechanism [18] and it
consists of 55 species and 275 reactions. It is proposed to
predict ignition delay time for ammonia combustion over a
wide range of operating conditions. The Okafor mechanism
[22] is a detailed reaction mechanism developed based on
GRI Mech 3.0 and the Tian mechanism [19], which provides
improved laminar premixed flame velocity and NO concen-
tration predictions.
Laminar premixed flame speed is an essential parameter
for premixed flames, which could be computed both numer-
ically and experimentally. Fig. 1 shows the unstrained pre-
mixed flame speed of NH3/air flames calculated with the four
mechanisms at a pressure of 0.1 MPa and a temperature of
298 K. The experimental results from Refs. [30e33] are also
presented. It is seen that the premixed flame speed increases
firstly with increasing equivalence ratio and then decreases.
The maximum premixed flame velocity is achieved at around
f ¼ 1.1. All four mechanisms predict the correct trend as
compared to the experiments. The predictions of the Mathieu
and Okafor mechanisms are particularly good. Both the Miller
and Lindstedt mechanisms over-predict the flame speeds.
Discrepancy of the experimental results between various Fig. 2 e Flame speeds calculation of 40% (top), 50% (middle)
research groups also exist due to uncertainties in the mea- and 61.5% (bottom) NH3 in NH3/H2 mixture flames under
surements [30e33]. atmospheric conditions.
13464 i n t e r n a t i o n a l j o u r n a l o f h y d r o g e n e n e r g y 4 6 ( 2 0 2 1 ) 1 3 4 6 1 e1 3 4 7 0

speeds compared to the experimental data. It can also be under various conditions are examined. In addition, the con-
concluded that the incorporation of hydrogen can promote centration of unburned fuel, NH3, in the products is also
the propagation of ammonia-based flames. studied as ammonia itself is also a pollutant.
Next, validations of the mechanisms at elevated pressure Fig. 4 shows the flame structure using the Miller mecha-
are performed. Shrestha et al. [37] reported flame speeds under nism under atmospheric and high-pressure conditions with
high pressure conditions with different levels of hydrogen an equivalence ratio of f ¼ 1. The flame thickness in the high-
addition based on experimental measurements. The compar- pressure case is significantly thinner, and its value calculated
ison of flame speeds for NH3/H2 flames [37] as a function of H2 from the temperature profiles is about 0.045 mm. In contrast,
content in the fuel blend are shown in Fig. 3. As can be seen, the flame thickness in the atmospheric case is 1.259 mm,
the premixed flame speed increases with increasing amount of which is much larger than its counterpart under high-
H2 in the fuel and decreasing pressure for all mechanisms. The pressure conditions and is also larger than the flame thick-
Mathieu mechanism provides the best results among all ness of hydrocarbon fuels [5] under atmospheric conditions.
mechanisms. Although the predictions of the Miller and The flame thicknesses of ammonia combustion using
Lindstedt mechanisms are promising in NH3/H2 flames under different mechanisms are provided in Table 1.
atmospheric conditions, they over-predict the flame speeds at As can be seen in Fig. 4, ammonia is completely reacted in
elevated pressure. stoichiometric flames, and the nitrogen element in ammonia
is mostly converted into N2. As for NOx in the products, NO
concentration is much greater than that of NO2 and N2O, so we
Results and discussion focus on NO formation in the following analysis.
The concentrations of NH3 and NO vary significantly with
In this section, the mechanisms described in the previous equivalence ratio, and the position where they are sampled.
section are employed for the study of ammonia flames. First, Here, the emission characteristics at 4 cm downstream of the
the ammonia flame structures and emission characteristics of reaction zone (characterized by the location of maximum heat
NOx and NH3 are presented. Then the heat release rate sur- release rate) at various equivalence ratios under atmospheric
rogates for Ammonia flames are proposed and their implica- conditions are plotted in Fig. 5. It is seen that under atmo-
tions for turbulent ammonia flames are discussed. spheric conditions, the mole fraction of NO first increases
and then decreases with increasing equivalence ratio, and
Emission characteristics the maximum NO mole fraction is achieved around an
equivalence ratio of 0.9. This observation can be explained as
Reduction of NOx emission is of great importance for indus- follows.
trial applications. It has been well understood that using The oxidation of NHi (i ¼ 0, 1, 2) may lead to NO formation,
equilibrium results for estimating NOx emissions is not suffi- mainly through HNO reactions, or to NO consumption
cient as the formation of NOx depends on its residence time in through NHi þ NO reactions, depending on the concentration
the combustor. In this section, the emission characteristics of of radical pools such as O and OH [14]. The abundance of O and
NOx in the products of ammonia/air premixed laminar flames

Fig. 3 e Laminar flame speed of NH3/H2/air at 473 K and

varying H2 content at 4 ¼ 1.1 and pressure of 5 (a) and 7 Fig. 4 e Flame structure under atmospheric (a) and high-
(b) bar. pressure (b) conditions using the Miller mechanism.
i n t e r n a t i o n a l j o u r n a l o f h y d r o g e n e n e r g y 4 6 ( 2 0 2 1 ) 1 3 4 6 1 e1 3 4 7 0 13465

Table 1 e Flame thicknesses calculated with the four

mechanisms under atmospheric and high-pressure
Miller Lindstedt Mathieu Okafor
Atmospheric 1.259 mm 1.201 mm 2.675 mm 1.811 mm
High-pressure 0.045 mm 0.044 mm 0.083 mm 0.053 mm

OH radicals in the reaction zone at lean conditions, especially

at equivalence ratios from 0.9 to 1.0 as shown in Fig. 6, favors
Fig. 6 e Mole fractions of O, OH, and H in the reaction zone
the oxidation of NHi by O and OH through the following
under atmospheric (left) and high-pressure (right)
conditions using the Miller mechanism.
NH þ O ¼ NO þ H ðR1Þ

NH þ OH ¼ HNO þ H ðR2Þ
Hayakawa [26]. Therefore, it is concluded that the slightly rich
condition of f ¼ 1.1 can simultaneously reduce NO and NH3.
NH2 þ O ¼ HNO þ H ðR3Þ
The predictions provided by the four mechanisms show
the same trend but the Mathieu mechanism predicts lower
HNO þ H ¼ H þ NO ðR4Þ
concentrations of NO than other mechanisms and there is less
unburned NH3 in rich regions for the Lindstedt mechanism.
N þ OH ¼ NO þ H ðR5Þ
Under high-pressure conditions, the peak of emission of
These reactions therefore facilitate the production of NO in NO occurs at a smaller equivalence ratio of f ¼ 0.8 compared
the flames. In contrast, in rich regions a lacking of radicals with that under atmospheric conditions as shown in Fig. 7,
such as O and OH prevents formation of NO from NHi and and this tendency is again related to the behaviors of O and
promotes NHi-NHi interactions through which NHi is con- OH radicals (not shown). High temperature benefits oxidation
verted to N2 without producing NO. Fig. 5 also indicates that of NH3, so there is little NH3 left in burned gas until the
the concentration of NH3 is negligible when f < 1.1 and it in- equivalence ratio reaches 1.5. There is almost no noticeable
creases monotonically with equivalence ratio in rich regions. emission of NO or NH3 at equivalence ratio from 1.1 to 1.5. This
The total emission of NO and NH3 drops to a minimum result has significant implications for emission reduction in
amount around f ¼ 1.1, and the same trend was observed in practical engines of ammonia combustion, showing that in

Fig. 5 e Emission characteristics at 4 cm downstream of the position of maximum heat release rate at various equivalence
ratios under atmospheric conditions using the Miller mechanism (a), the Lindstedt mechanism (b), the Mathieu mechanism
(c) and the Okafor mechanism (d).
13466 i n t e r n a t i o n a l j o u r n a l o f h y d r o g e n e n e r g y 4 6 ( 2 0 2 1 ) 1 3 4 6 1 e1 3 4 7 0

Fig. 7 e Emission characteristics at 4 cm downstream of the position of maximum heat release rate at various equivalence
ratios under high-pressure conditions using the Miller mechanism (a), the Lindstedt mechanism (b), the Mathieu
mechanism (c) and the Okafor mechanism (d).

high pressure conditions there is a wide range of operating NH3 þ OH ¼ NH2 þ H2 O ðR6Þ
conditions where the pollutant emission could be minimized.
NH2 þ O ¼ HNO þ H ðR7Þ
Heat release rate surrogates
NH2 þ H ¼ NH þ H2 ðR8Þ
In this section, HRR surrogates for ammonia premixed flames
are proposed and their performance is evaluated. The spatial show overall good agreement with that of the total HRR as
distributions of total HRR and heat release from elementary can be seen in Fig. 9, which shows the spatial distribution of
reactions are first examined, and the heat release rates of normalized reaction and total HRR at stoichiometric and at-
some major reactions contribute considerably to the total HRR mospheric condition using the Miller mechanism. Based on
which are showed in Fig. 8, where the profiles of different the above analysis, [NH3][OH], [NH2][O] and [NH2][H] are pro-
reactions are also compared with the total HRR profile. The posed as HRR surrogates and their performance under various
normalized profiles of following three reactions: conditions is evaluated quantitatively. The representative
profiles of HRR and [NH3][OH] are shown in Fig. 10. In order to

Fig. 8 e Spatial distribution of HRR of major reactions and Fig. 9 e Spatial distribution of normalized reaction and
total HRR at stoichiometric and atmospheric condition total HRR at stoichiometric and atmospheric condition
using the Miller mechanism. using the Miller mechanism.
i n t e r n a t i o n a l j o u r n a l o f h y d r o g e n e n e r g y 4 6 ( 2 0 2 1 ) 1 3 4 6 1 e1 3 4 7 0 13467

surrogates. It is readily observed that (x-x0)/H0 approaches

zero and H/H0 approaches unity for [NH3][OH], [NH2][O], and
[NH2][H] at f ¼ 1.15, 0.95, and 1.05, respectively, suggesting
these HRR surrogates work reasonably well at specific equiv-
alence ratios. The performance of HRR surrogates is further
verified by plotting HRR against its surrogates, which has been
used to evaluate the HRR surrogate performance [23e25].
Fig. 12 shows HRR versus HRR surrogates with f ¼ 0.95, 1.05,
and 1.15 under atmospheric conditions. The quantities are
normalized using their respective peak values. It is confirmed
that [NH3][OH], [NH2][O] and [NH2][H] show good spatial cor-
relations with HRR at these equivalence ratios.
Finally, Fig. 13 shows H/H0 and (x-x0)/H0 as a function of
equivalence ratio under high-pressure conditions for various
Fig. 10 e Definition of characteristics of the spatial
HRR surrogates. Again, the performance of HRR surrogates
distribution profiles of HRR and concentrations product.
varies for different equivalence ratios. In particular, the
equivalence ratio corresponding to the optimal performance
is 1.11, 0.87 and 0.96 for [NH3][OH], [NH2][O] and [NH2][H],
quantify the difference between the two profiles, two non- respectively. Consistent results are obtained by plotting HRR
dimensional variables, (x  x0)/H0 and H/H0, are utilized. The against its surrogates at these equivalence ratios as shown in
variable x0 is defined as the location of the maximum heat Fig. 14.
release rate and H0 is the width of heat release rate profile at Flame front identification is one of the most challenging
its half maximum value; x and H are the corresponding vari- tasks for experimental studies of ammonia flames [38,39]. The
ables for the [NH3][OH] profile. It is obvious that for a perfect present work proposed several HRR surrogates that perform
HRR surrogate, (x-x0)/H0 is zero and H/H0 is unity. The results
of (x  x0)/H0 and H/H0 for various HRR surrogates are pre-
sented in the following. Only results based on the Miller
mechanism are provided here. Similar trends are obtained
with other mechanisms as shown in the supplementary
Fig. 11 shows H/H0 and (x-x0)/H0 as a function of equiva-
lence ratio under atmospheric conditions for various HRR

Fig. 11 e H/H0 (a) and (x-x0)/H0 (b) as a function of Fig. 12 e The spatial variation of HRR compared to species
equivalence ratio at atmospheric conditions using the concentration product at equivalence ratio of 0.95, 1.05 and
Miller mechanism. 1.15 at 1 atm and 298 K using the Miller mechanism.
13468 i n t e r n a t i o n a l j o u r n a l o f h y d r o g e n e n e r g y 4 6 ( 2 0 2 1 ) 1 3 4 6 1 e1 3 4 7 0

reasonably well under various conditions, and improved our

understanding of ammonia flame front identification. It is
worth noting that the species involved in these HRR surro-
gates could be measured based on laser diagnostics [39e42], so
that the results of the present work could be applied to
experimental studies directly. Although the proposed HRR
surrogates are based on laminar flames, they are expected to
be valid also under turbulent conditions. It has been shown
that although turbulence influences the flame structures in
physical space, the chemical pathways of the flames are
largely unchanged [43,44]. The proposed HRR surrogates of
ammonia combustion will be explored for turbulent ammonia
flames in our future work.


The present work focuses on the characteristics of pollutant

emission, especially the emission of NO and NH3, and the
surrogates of heat release rate (HRR) for ammonia unstrained
premixed laminar flames. Simulations conducted under at-
mospheric (P ¼ 1 atm and T ¼ 298 K) and high-pressure
(P ¼ 20 atm and T ¼ 800 K) conditions using Cantera were
performed and four representative chemical mechanisms for
Fig. 13 e H/H0 (a) and (x-x0)/H0 (b) as a function of ammonia combustion, i.e. the Miller mechanism, the Lind-
equivalence ratio at high-pressure conditions using the stedt mechanism, the Mathieu mechanism and the Okafor
Miller mechanism. mechanism, were employed.
Under atmospheric conditions, the mole fraction of NO at
4 cm downstream of the maximum heat release rate location
first increases and then decreases with increasing equiva-
lence ratio, and the maximum NO mole fraction is achieved
around f ¼ 0.9. The mole fraction of NH3 increases with
increasing equivalence ratio when f > 1.1. The total emission
of NO and NH3 achieves a minimum around f ¼ 1.1. Under
high-pressure conditions, the peak of NO emission occurs at a
smaller equivalence ratio compared to that under atmo-
spheric conditions. There is no noticeable emission of NO or
NH3 for f ¼ 1.1 ~ 1.5 for high-pressure flames.
Three HRR surrogates were proposed by analyzing the
profiles of HRR and elementary reactions, i.e. [NH3][OH],
[NH2][O] and [NH2][H]. Two non-dimensional variables,
(x  x0)/H0 and H/H0, are employed to evaluate the HRR sur-
rogate performance quantitatively. The performance of the
HRR surrogates varies with equivalence ratios. It was found
that using the Miller mechanism, the equivalence ratios
corresponding to the optimal performance of [NH3][OH],
[NH2][O], and [NH2][H] for atmospheric flames are 1.15, 0.95
and 1.05, respectively, while those for high-pressure flames
are 1.11, 0.87 and 0.96, respectively. The results using
different ammonia mechanisms are qualitatively similar. In
summary, these are novel findings that could potentially
contribute to emission control in ammonia combustion and
the flame front identification.

Declaration of competing interest

Fig. 14 e The spatial variation of HRR compared to species The authors declare that they have no known competing
concentration product at equivalence ratio of 0.87, 0.96 and financial interests or personal relationships that could have
1.11 at 20 atm and 800 K using the Miller mechanism. appeared to influence the work reported in this paper.
i n t e r n a t i o n a l j o u r n a l o f h y d r o g e n e n e r g y 4 6 ( 2 0 2 1 ) 1 3 4 6 1 e1 3 4 7 0 13469

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