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How lovely are your tents, O Jacob, your dwelling-places, O Israel!

In Your abundant loving kindness, O God, let me enter Your house, reverently to worship in Your holy temple.
Eternal One, I love Your house, the place where Your glory dwells. So I would worship with humility, I would
seek blessing in the presence of God, my Maker. To You, then, does my prayer go forth. May this be a time of
joy and favor. In Your great love, O God, answer me with Your saving truth.

The Miracle of Life: Blessings for the Body, For Study (the mind), and for the Soul.
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Baruch Atah Adonai Elo-heinu melech ha-olam, asher yatzar et ha-adam b’chochma u-va-ra vo n’kavim
n’kavim, chalulim chalulim. Galui v’yadu-ah lifnei chiseh ch’vo-de-cha she-im yipa-tei-ach e-chad
mei-hem, o yi-sa-teim e-chad mei-hem, ee efshar l’hit’ka-yeim v’la-amod l’faneicha. Baruch Atah Adonai,
Rofeh kol basar u’maflee la-asot.

Praised are You, Adonai, our God, Ruler of the universe, who has made our bodies in wisdom, combining
veins, arteries, and vital organs into a finely balanced network. The glory of Your creation is reflected in our
bodies as we live amidst Your wonders day by day. Wonderous Fashioner and Sustainer of life, Source of
our health and our strength, we give You thanks and praise.

For the Soul v"nJ%

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Elo-hai n’shama sh’nata bi t’hora hi. Atah vra-ata, Atah y’tzarta, Atah n’fachta bi, V’Atah m’shamra
b’kirbi. Kol zman she-han’shama b’kirbi, modeh\modah ani l’faneicha, Adonai Elo-hai, V’Elo-hei avotai
v’imotai, Ribon kol hanshamot. Baruch Atah Adonai, asher b’yado nefesh kol chai, v’ruach kol b’sar ish.
The soul that You have given me, O God, is a pure one. You have created and formed it, breathed it into me,
and within me You sustain it. So long as I have breath, therefore, I will give thanks to You, Adonai, my God
and God of all ages, Creator of all. Praised are You, Adonai, in whose hands are the souls of all life.
(from the Babylonian Talmud, Tractate Berakhot 60b)

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