Speaking Test APTIS

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Test one

compiled by Mr. M.N

Part one
In this part, I am going to ask you three questions and you have 30
seconds for each response.
What did you do yesterday ?
Yesterday, I played football with my friends in the park in the
afternoon. Also, I went shopping with my family in the evening.
What are you doing for the rest of today ?
I will play football with my friends in the park in the afternoon.
Also, I will go shopping with my family in the evening.
Please tell me about the last time you visited friends.
The last time I visited friends was yesterday. We played
football in the park. Also, we watched TV at home.
Describe this picture
In this picture, I can see a man. He is wearing yellow T-shirt and yellow jeans. Also, he is
wearing a brown cap and black shoes. He is dancing. He is happy.
Do you like dancing ? Why ? Why not ?
Yes. I like dancing because it is fun. I like dancing very much.
On what occasions do people usually dance in your country ?
People usually dance in my country atcompiled
by Mr. M.N
Tell me what you see in the two places
In the first picture, I can see a man. He is wearing a blue coat. He is
in the valley/wild. Also, I can see a bag. The weather is cold. In the
second picture, I can see a man and a woman. They are in the city.
Also, I can see 2 bags. They are happy.
compiled by Mr. M.N
Part four

Tell me about the music that comes from your country.

The music that comes from my country is Jazz. Also; we listen to Rock
music. I listen to music every day.
How do you feel when you hear or listen to music ?
I feel very happy when I hear or listen to music. (Also, I feel excited
because I remember our traditions).
Why do some cultures produce so much music and others so little ?
Some cultures produce so much music because they are free. Others produce so little
because there are limits. compiled by Mr. M.N
Test two

compiled by Mr. M.N

Part one
In this part, I am going to ask you three questions and you have 30 seconds for
each response.

Please tell me about the last time you went to the cinema.
The last time I went to the cinema was last week. I went wit
my friends. It was fun.
Please describe this room.
This room is big. It is white. I can see many students. Also, I
can see many computers.
Please tell me about your favorite singer.
My favorite singer is Mohamed Abdou. He is from Saudi
Arabia. He is 60 years old. He is fantastic.
compiled by Mr. M.N
Describe this picture
In this picture, I can see a man in the office. He is wearing a blue suit. He is happy.
Also, I can see a computer. Also, I can see a phone. Also, I can see a coffee.
Describe a time you talked on the phone recently.
The time I talked on the phone recently was yesterday. I talked
with my friend Abdallah. I was happy.
Will writing messages replace talking on the phone?
Yes. Writing messages will replace talking on the phone.
compiled by Mr. M.N
Tell me what you see in these two pictures.

What free time activities could you do in these two places ?

Which of these two places would it be better to enjoy yourself in ? Why ?

compiled by Mr. M.N
Tell me about a strange or interesting building you have visited.
The strange or interesting building I have visited is Al Patra. (It is an old building.
It is very big. It is in Jordan.)
How did you feel when you were in this building?
I felt very happy when I was in this building (because it is very interesting and
Why do people build strange or interesting buildings?
People build strange or interesting buildings because they want to attract
Test three

compiled by Mr. M.N

Part one Part one
In this part, I am going to ask you three questions and you have 30 seconds for
each response.
Please tell me about your favorite film.
My favorite film is Batman because it is fun. I always watch it at the
weekend with my family.
Please describe your typical day.
I drink coffee at 7 o’clock. Then, I go to work. Then, I watch TV. Then, I
have lunch. In the afternoon, I play football with my friends.
What sports do people like in your country?
People in my country like football, tennis, golf and swimming.
compiled by Mr. M.N
Describe this picture
In this picture, I can see 6 children/students in the street in the morning. They
are going to school by bus. They are wearing jackets and jeans. Also, I can see
back bags. The bus is yellow. The weather is cold/nice.
How do children get to school in your country ?
Children get to school in my country by bus and by car.
Is it common to live far from school in your country ?
Yes. It is common to live far from school
compiledin my
by Mr. M.N country. They go by bus.
Tell me what you see in the two pictures
In the first picture, I can see a man. He is running on the beach. He is
wearing a blue T-shirt and a black short. The weather is sunny. In the
second picture, I can see 6 players and a coach. They are playing
What kind of sports are popular in your country ? Why ?
How are these experiences of sports different ?
compiled by Mr. M.N
compiled by Mr. M.N
Test four

compiled by Mr. M.N

Part one
In this part, I am going to ask you three questions and you have 30
seconds for each response.
Please tell me about your friends.
My friends are Sattam and Mutaq. Mutaq is married. He has 3
children. He is 30 years old. Sattam is married too.
Please tell me about your first school.
My first school is Imam Chafai. It is big. It is beautiful. It has many
classrooms and a garden. I love my first school very much.
Please tell me about the last time you visited friends.
The last time I visited friends was last week. We played football in the
park. Also, we watched TV. compiled by Mr. M.N
Describe this picture
In this picture, I can see a woman and a child. They are happy. They are smiling. They have
yellow hair. Also, I can see beautiful flowers.
Tell me about a time when you gave or received some flowers
The time when I gave some flowers was last week. I gave some flowers to my wife.
On what occasions do people in your country give flowers ?
People in my country give flowers at weddings and parties.
compiled by Mr. M.N
Tell me what you see in the two pictures
In the first picture, I can see a man and a woman. They are eating
Pizza in the restaurant. They are happy. Also, I can see juice. In the
second picture, I can see a man and a woman. They are in the
restaurant. They are happy. Also, I can see flowers on the table.
What would it be like to eat in these two places ?
Which of these two places would be healthier to eat in ?why?
compiled by Mr. M.N
Tell me about your sleeping habits.
Usually, I go to sleep early after dinner. Also, I sleep after
lunch for an hour.
How do you feel when you don’t get enough sleep?
I feel tired when I don’t get enough sleep. I can’t work.
Is getting the right amount of sleep important? Why or why
Yes. Getting the right amount of sleep is important because I
need to relax before I go to work.
Test five

compiled by Mr. M.N

Part one
In this part, I am going to ask you three questions and you have 30
seconds for each response.
What are you wearing today?
Today, I am wearing a white T-shirt. Also, I am wearing blue
jeans. Also, I am wearing black shoes.
Please tell me about the last thing you saw on television.
The last thing I saw on television was a football match between
Al Nasr and Al Hilal. It was fun.
What do you like doing with your friends.
I like playing football with my friends in the park. Also, I like
watching TV with my friends. compiled by Mr. M.N
Describe this picture
In this picture, I can see a man. He is wearing a white cap. Also, he is wearing
a white T-shirt. Also, he is wearing black jeans and black shoes. He is painting.
Also, I can see many paitings/pictures.
Describe the last time you looked at some art.
The last time I looked at some art was yesterday. I looked at some paintings on
Why do people enjoy creating art ?
People enjoy creating art because it is fun.
Tell me what you see in the two pictures
In the first picture, I can see many people. They are watching a
film in the cinema. They are happy. Also, I can see pop corn. In the
second picture, I can see a man and a woman. They are happy.
They are watching TV at home.
What would it be like to see a film in these two places?
Which of these places is better to watch
compiled films ?why?
by Mr. M.N
Part 4

Tell me about your favorite piece of clothing.

My favorite piece of clothing is my thobe. It is very special because it is a gift
from my mother.
How do you feel when you wear it ?
I feel very happy when I wear it. Also, I feel relaxed.
Why do people dress in such different ways ?
People dress in such different ways because they have different cultures.
compiled by Mr. M.N
Test six

compiled by Mr. M.N

What are you wearing today?

Please describe a typical meal from your country.

The typical meal from my country is Pizza. I like Pizza very
much because it is tasty/delicious.
What things do people in your country like to read ?
People in my country like to read Quran and
math/art/history/English books.
compiled by Mr. M.N
Describe this picture
In this picture, I can see a teacher and 4 children. They are cooking in the
kitchen/classroom. They are happy. Also, they are smiling.
Why is it important for people to learn how to cook for themselves ?
How do people learn how to cook in your country ?
compiled by Mr. M.N
Tell me what can you see in these two pictures.
In the first picture, I can see many people. They are in the disco. They are
dancing. They are happy. In the second picture, I can see 3 men. They are in the
theatre. They are playing Jazz music.

What sort of people go to these two events.

Which of these two events wouldcompiled
Mr. M.N
to go to ? Why ?
Part 4 3 questions: 2 minutes all questions

1/ Tell me about a time when somebody told you to stop doing something?
The time when somebody told me to stop doing something was last week. My boss told
me to stop smoking at work.
2/How did you feel about it?
I felt very angry ( because I am addicted to smoking).
3/Do you think there are too many rules in modern life?
Yes. I think there are too many rules in modern life. ( The rules make our life better).

compiled by Mr. M.N

Test seven

compiled by Mr. M.N

Part one
In this part, I am going to ask you three questions and you have 30 seconds
for each response.
Please tell me about your favorite time of year ?
My favorite time of year is Summer because I like swimming./ Also, I like to play
football on the beach.
Please tell me about your favorite place .
My favorite place is Dubai because the weather is nice. Also, I like swimming in
the sea.
What did you do last night ?
Last night, I went to the cinema. I watched a film. Also, I went shopping.
Describe this picture
In this picture, I can see a family. I can see four women and a boy. They are eating
at home. They are happy. Also, I can see food.
Tell me about when people in your culture usually eat meals together?
People in my country usually eat meals together at lunch and dinner./ Also,
they eat together at the weekend.
Why is it important for families to eat together ?
It is important for families to eat together because they want to be united.
Tell me what you see in the two pictures
In the first picture, I can see a city. Also, I can see tall buildings. Also, I can see the sea. Also,
I can see many trees. The weather is nice. In the second picture, I can see a small city. I can
see old buildings. The weather is very cold.

What would it be like to visit these two places ?

Which place would you like to live in ? Why ? by Mr. M.N

1/ Tell me about an outdoor activity you did as a child.
2/ How did you feel about doing this activity?
3/ Is it important for children to do outdoor activities?
The outdoor activity I did as a child was playing football in the street.
I felt very happy because playing football in the street was funny.
Yes. It is important for children to do outdoor activities ( because it is healthy).
Test eight

compiled by Mr. M.N

Part one
In this part, I am going to ask you three questions and you have 30 seconds
for each response.

Please tell me about your favorite film star .

My favorite film star is Adel Imem. He is from Egypt. He is sixty years old. He
has many films. He is funny. I like him very much.
Please describe the place where you live .
I live in Qurayat. It is in Saudi Arabia. There are many parks, shopping malls,
hotels and schools. I love my city.
Please tell me about a famous place in your country.

The famous place in my country is Makkah. There is Al Kaaba. There is Zamzam

water. Many people go to Makkah because they are Muslims.
Describe this picture
In this picture, I can see a man. He has a black hair. He is wearing a black suit. He is reading a
newspaper. Also, I can see many TVs. Also, I can see a brown wall.
How do most people in your country learn about the news?
Most people in my country learn about the news from newspapers , Internet
and TV.
How has reporting of news changed in the last fifty years ?
In the past, the news were on the Radio. Now, the news are on TV and Internet.
Tell me what you see in the two pictures
In the first picture, I can see a man and a woman. They are cooking. They are wearing white
clothes. They are in the restaurant. They are in the kitchen. They are happy. In the second
picture, I can see two men. They are wearing black clothes. The place is dark.

Would both of these jobs well paid ?

Which of these two jobs would be more fun to do ? Why ?

compiled by Mr. M.N
1/ Tell me about a sports game you went to or watched on TV?
2/ How did you feel about watching this event?
3/ Do sporting events always bring out the best in people?
The sports game I watched on TV was a football match between Al Hilal and Al Nasr.
I felt very happy ( because it was very interesting and exciting).
Yes. Sporting events always bring out the best in people ( because sport is about respect).

compiled by Mr. M.N

Test nine

compiled by Mr. M.N

Part one
In this part, I am going to ask you three questions and you have 30 seconds
for each response.
Please tell me about the best way to travel around your country .
The best way to travel around my country is by plane because my country is
very large. Also, the plane is very fast and safe. I don’t like to travel by train.
Please describe your journey here today .
Today, I woke up at 7 o’clock. I had a shower. Then, I had breakfast. After that, I
went to school by car because I have a test.
Do you have a large family
Yes. I have a large family. I’m married. I have 10 children; 6 boys and 4 girls.
Also, I live with my parents. We have a big house.
compiled by Mr. M.N
Describe this picture
In this picture, I can see a child. He is wearing a yellow T-shirt. He has a black
hair. He is reading a book. I think he is happy.
Do you think it is important for children to read ? Why or why not ?
Yes. I think it is important for children to read because they learn new things
What books did you read when you were a child ?
I read when I was a child history books. Also, I read Quran because I am Muslim.
compiled by Mr. M.N
Tell me what you see in the two pictures
In the first picture, I can see old people. They are in the wild. They are happy. Also, I
can see many trees. The weather is cold. In the second picture, I can see two (young)
men. They are in the city. They are happy. Also, I can see many trees.

Have social media changed friends ? How ?

How is spending time with one ‘best’ friendcompiled
by Mr. M.Nfrom spending time in a group ?
Tell me about a time you ate at a restaurant.
What makes a restaurant good ?
Why do people choose to spend money in restaurants ?
The time I ate at a restaurant was last week. I went with my family to eat
Good service makes a restaurant good.
People choose to spend money in restaurants because they want to try
new food.
compiled by Mr. M.N
Test ten

compiled by Mr. M.N

Part one
In this part, I am going to ask you three questions and you have 30 seconds
for each response.

How do you relax in the evening ?

What’s your favorite music?

Describe a member in your family.

compiled by Mr. M.N

Describe this picture

How do children and parents usually spend their time together in your country ?

Why is it important for parents and children to spend time together ?

compiled by Mr. M.N
Part 3 5 marks - 3 questions: 45 seconds each

Tell me what you see in the two pictures.

In the first picture, I can see two women. They are
nurses. They are wearing white clothes. They are
in the Lab. In the second picture, I can see many
people. They are in the office. They are working.
Also, I can see many computers.

Which of these two places would you prefer

to work in ? Why?. compiled by Mr. M.N
Tell me about a time you got caught in bad weather.
What would you do next time it happened ?
How are people affected by the weather ?
The time I got caught in bad weather was last winter. It was awful.
Next time it happened, I would stay at home.
People are affected by the weather because they get sick.
compiled by Mr. M.N
Test eleven

compiled by Mr. M.N

Part one
In this part, I am going to ask you three questions and you have 30 seconds
for each response.

Please tell me about your job.

Now, I don’t have a job. I’m a student. In the future, I like to be a nurse
because I like to help people.
What do you like doing in your free time ?
I like swimming in my free time. Also, I like shopping with my family. Also, I like
playing football with my friends in the park.
Please tell me about your best friend.
My best friend is Mahmoud. He is a nurse. He is 35 years old. He is married.
He has 5 children: 2 boys and 3 girls. I like him very much.
Describe this picture
In this picture, I can see a very big TV. Also, I can see a remote control. Also, I can see a
hand. The man is watching TV.
How often do you watch films or programmes at home ? Why ?
I watch films or programmes at home every day at night because I like to watch TV with
my family.
Which is better for learning, watching videos or reading ? Why ?
I think reading is better for learning because reading is easy.
Part 3 5 marks - 3 questions: 45 seconds each
Describe these two pictures
In the first picture, I can see many people.
They are skiing. Also, I can see many trees.
The weather is very cold. In the second
picture, I can see the beach. I can see 2
chairs. Also, I can see many trees. The
weather is sunny/hot/nice.

Which of these two places would

you prefer to go on holiday to? Why?
Which of these two places do you
think children would prefer ? Why?
Part 4 3 questions: 2 minutes all questions

- Tell me about a time you went on a long journey.

- How did you feel about it ?
- How do people travel long distances in your country?
The time I went on a long journey was Last week. I went to the wild
with my friends Hamza and Abderrahmen.
I felt very happy because it was very interesting and exciting.
People travel long distances in my country by plane.
Test twelve

compiled by Mr. M.N

Part one
In this part, I am going to ask you three questions and you have 30 seconds
for each response.

Please describe your house.

My house is big. It is beautiful. I have a small garden. I have three
rooms. I have a swimming pool.
Tell me about yourself and what you are looking for in your new house
My name is Salah. I am 30. I am married. I have two children. I like football. I
like a big house.
Please tell me about your favorite books.
My favorite books are Quran and math books. I read books every day
at night. compiled by Mr. M.N
Describe this picture
In this picture, I can see a family. The father Is wearing a blue T-shirt. The mother is
wearing a black T-shirt. The child is wearing a white T-shirt. They are happy. They are
smiling. Also, I can see a gift.
Tell me about a time when you gave or received a gift?
I gave a gift last week to my mother. I gave her a watch. She was very happy.
Why is it important to give people gifts on special occasions ?
It is important to give people gifts on special occasions because
they need to be happy and united. compiled by Mr. M.N
Part 3 5 marks - 3 questions: 45 seconds each

Tell me what you see in the two pictures.

In the first picture, I can see a woman. She is wearing a
red T-shirt. She has black hair. She is studying at home.
Also, I can see many books. Also, I can see a computer.
In the second picture, I can see many students. They are
studying at school. Also, I can see a teacher.

Which place looks better to learn in ?

The school looks better to learn in because the teacher
helps me to understand. Also, I like to learn with my
Is it better to study in groups face to face or on
the internet? Why?
It is better to study in groups face to face
because the students help each other
compiled by Mr. M.N
Part 4 3 questions: 2 minutes all questions

Tell me about a time you visited a tall building.

How did you feel about it?
Why do you think so many cities have tall buildings?
The time I visited a tall building was last week. I saw Khalifa tower in Dubai.
I felt very happy because it was very interesting and exciting.
I think so many cities have tall buildings because they are new/modern/civilized.

compiled by Mr. M.N

Test thirteen

compiled by Mr. M.N

Part one
In this part, I am going to ask you three questions and you have 30 seconds
for each response.

please tell me what you do at the weekend.

At the weekend, I watch movies with my family in the cinema. Also,
I play football with my friends in the park.
Where did you go last weekend?
I went last weekend to the cinema. I watched movies with my
family./ Also, I went to the park. I played football with my friends.
What are you wearing today ?
Today, I am wearing a white thobe and a red Chmag. Also, I am
wearing black shoes. compiled by Mr. M.N
Describe this picture
In this picture, I can see a boy. He is a student He is wearing a yellow T-shirt. He is
reading a book. Also, I can see many books on the desk. He is in the library.

What kind of books do you like reading ?

I like reading Quran because I am Muslim. Also, I like reading History books.
Why do people enjoy reading books?
People enjoy reading books because it is fun.
Part 3 5 marks - 3 questions: 45 seconds each
Tell me what you see in the two pictures.
In the first picture, I can see a big building. It is old.
Also, I can see many windows. Also, I can see stairs. In
the second picture, I can see a small house. It is new.
Also, I can see two windows and a red door. Also, I can
see a garden.
What would it be like living in these two places?
In the big building, it is noisy. In the small house, it
is quite.
In the big building, there are many people. I can’t
relax. In the small house, I can relax.
Which of these two places would it be better
for old people to live in ? Why?
It would be better for old people to live in the
small house because they can’t usecompiled
Mr. M.N
Part 4

Tell me about a time when you started a new course.

What makes a course enjoyable ?
Why do people choose to do new courses ?
The time when I started a new course was last month. I
learned English.
A good teacher makes a course enjoyable.
People choose to do new courses because they want to
learn new things.
compiled by Mr. M.N
Test fourteen
Part one
In this part, I am going to ask you three questions and you have 30
seconds for each response.
Please tell me about your friends.
I have many friends. They are from Saudi Arabia. My favorite friend is ………. He is a nurse. He is
a good person. I love him very much.
Please tell me about your first school.
My first school is Hettine. It is in Tura if. It is an old school. There are many students and
teachers. The teachers are friendly. Also, there are many classrooms. I love my first school.
Please tell me about the last time you visited friends.
The last time I visited friends was last weekend. We went to the
cinema. We watched a good film. Also, we played football.
Describe this picture
In this picture, I can see a family. I can see three children. Also, I can see a mother and a father.
They are playing in the park. ( They are smiling). They are happy. Also, I can see many trees.
Tell me about a game you played when you were a child
The game I played when I was a child is football. I played football in the park
with my friends.
How have children’s games changed in the last fifty years ?
Children’s games have changed in the last fifty years. In the past/ fifty years ago/ before fifty
years, children played ( hide and seek)/ football in the street. Now, they play at home with
their mobile phones and computers.
Tell me what you see in the two pictures.
In the first picture, I can see a woman. She is in the grocery. She is shopping. Also, I can see
tomatoes and potatoes. In the second picture, I can see a woman and a child. They are in
the supermarket. Also, I can see oranges.
What are some of the benefits of shopping in these two places ?
In the grocery shop, there are many different and fresh vegetables. In the supermarket, it is
cheaper. Also, you can find everything there.( Also, I can use my VISA card there.)
Where do you think people will shop in the future ?
I think people will shop in the future on the internet. I think it is easier.
compiled by Mr. M.N
The time when I got lost was last month. I got lost in the wild.
I felt very scared.
People usually call the police when they get lost.
compiled by Mr. M.N
Test fifteen

compiled by Mr. M.N

Part one
In this part, I am going to ask you three questions and you have 30 seconds
for each response.
Please tell me about the best way to travel around your country .
The best way to travel around my country is by plane because my
country is very big.
Please describe your( Also, thehere
journey planetoday
is fast).
I had a shower. Then, I had breakfast. Then, I went to school.

Do you have a large family?

Yes. I have a large family. I am married. I have 5
children: 2 girls and 3 boys.
compiled by Mr. M.N
Describe this picture
In this picture, I can see many people. They are watching a film. They are in the cinema. They
are happy. They are smiling. They are laughing because they are watching a comedy film. Also,
I can see pop corn.
Tell me about a time when you laughed a lot.
The time when I laughed a lot was Yesterday. I watched Mr Bean in the cinema with my friends
in the evening ( It was a funny film).
Do you think people from different countries laugh at different things?
Yes. I think people from different countries laugh at different things because they have
compiled by Mr. M.N
different cultures.
In the first picture, I can see an old man. He is wearing a black jacket. He has white hair and a beard. He is in the
grocery shop. In the second picture, I can see a man and a woman. They are shopping. They are in the
supermarket. They are wearing white clothes.
What sort of people shop in these two places?
Poor men shop in the grocery shop but rich people shop in the supermarket.
Which of these two places would you prefer to shop in? Why?
I would prefer to shop in the supermarket because there is everything I need. (Also, everything in the
supermarket is cheaper than the grocery).
Tell me about a time you ate at a restaurant.
What makes a restaurant good ?
Why do people choose to spend money in restaurants ?

compiled by Mr. M.N

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