Course Packet in ED 112

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1. By the use of graphic organizer, present the elements of a profession.

2. Why does a profession like teaching require long years of initial professional education and
continuing professional development after that long, arduous initial professional education?

 Teaching necessitates a long period of initial professional education as well as ongoing

professional development. After a long and arduous initial technical education, growth for
the aspiring teachers to gain the necessary knowledge and skills to use in their
classrooms occupation
3. By way of an acrostic, explain the elements of a profession

P Professional
R Requires an
O Outstanding Competence and skills
F For you to get those
E Elements you
S Should learn and
S Should learn and
I In
O Order be called professional teacher and
N Nourish the profession you have.
Activity: Let‘s find out how much you know about the history of teaching in the country. Write
TRUE if the statement is correct and FALSE it is wrong.

1. T
2. T
3. T
4. F

Present the historical development of teacher preparation and professionalization in the

Philippines from pre-Hispanic Philippines to 1996 by way of a graphic organizer
1. When the mother says "I think my son has a vocation" what does she mean?

 I think what that a mother trying to say is that his son has a calling from god. She
means that his son has a call it can be a serve to people or marriage.
2. A soldier report and says mission accomplished what does this imply, what does
she mean?
 I think the soldier trying to say is that the mission is finished. The soldier finished
the mission that was given to the soldier. It means the soldier was successful to
finish his mission.
3. Some teachers regard teaching as just job. Others see it as their mission. What
the difference?
 In my opinion, job is like you are doing that because you are paid for it. While a
mission is like you are doing that not just because the pay but also because you
have passion and you love what you are doing.

APPLICATION: Read this letter given by a private school principal to her teachers on the
first day of a new school year. It may make your humanizing mission in teaching crystal
clear. Then, reflect your mission as a professional teacher by helping children become
more human.

As I read the message, I realized that a well-educated individual is causing harm

to others. They were, in my opinion, less and less human beings. They had forgotten
about life's ideals and the need to safeguard human life. Nurses and physicians should
assist those who are ill. Engineers can create something beneficial to humans.
Educated people should use their talents or minds to defend or benefit humans rather
than to hurt them. As a future educator, it is my responsibility to educate and direct them
in order for them to become successful individuals in the future. Then I'll be there to
assist them in being more human. Also, I would say that we must be human beings, not
just being human. I will do my best and put forth every effort to produce students who
are kind, considerate, and value human life. I'll teach them about the value of human life
and how they can use their abilities to become more human. In general, we should be
aware of the differences between being human and being human. In fact, educated
people are the cruelest, harshest, and poorest people on the planet, as they have
abused their professional status. As a potential educator I plan to assist and create
students who are human beings.

LESSON 3: The Demands of Society from the Teacher as a

Professional and as a Person
What does society expect of teachers as professionals?

T Tenacious
E Exemplar
A Alive
C Creative
H Hardworking
E Essential
R Responsible

1. What does your list tell about society's expectation from teachers?
 My list reveals that the teachers are tenacious due to their excellent
memory. They are exceptional because they serve as a role model for
their pupils. They are alive and they bring life to the classroom or society.
They are innovative because they develop new learning styles and
materials. They have a reputation for being hardworking. They are
necessary because we would be oblivious to the world if we did not have
them, and no one would be able to teach us the lesson or value anything if
we did not have them. Finally, they are responsible and they are
accountable to their students in order for them to have a better future.
2. How do you feel? Are you overwhelmed by the litany of expectations?
 I'm feeling proud because, as a potential teacher, I'm very aware of how
important teachers are to society.
3. Are you changing your ―YES‖ to the call to teach?
 Right now, I'm not sure whether this is a vocation or just a job for me. But
I'm hoping to find the solution sooner rather than later.
An LPT pin is worn by Licensed Professional Teacher (LPT) and the letters LPT are
attached to the name of every professional teacher in the Philippines in the same way
that M.D., Doctor of Medicine, is attached to the name of a medical doctor, R.N. for
Registered Nurse and CPA for Certified Public Accountant. When you wear that pin and
write LPT after your name, you are announcing to the world you are a professional
teacher. Professional teacher, what does this mean?

It refers to someone who possesses talents, competence, or experience. It is a

person who complies with the ethnic or ethical norms of a career, such as doctor,
engineer, or teacher.

A professional teacher is someone who is qualified to teach and has experience

doing so. To become a licensed teacher, you must first complete a four-year teaching
degree in college. Then take the bar exam for licensed professional teacher. If you pass
the bar exam, you will be a professional teacher. The LPT pin will be worn to show that
you passed the bar exam. Since the instructor has technical knowledge or mastery of
the subject matter, the professional teacher must prepare and plan very well for
teaching, as well as implement or deliver the instruction plan very well. Build a
supportive or favorable learning atmosphere for different groups of learners, evaluate
and report learners' development, and deal with superiors, colleagues, students, and
parents with professionalism. Teachers must use a variety of learning styles and be able
to adapt to the diverse backgrounds of their students. Teachers should be accountable
for what they teach, and their primary customers are the students.

In general, teaching is a difficult career because you will teach for 8 hours in
school and then prepare and research the next subject at home. When you become a
teacher, it's as though you don't have any time off. A career as a teacher may be a
calling or a project. If you are a classroom instructor or a skilled educator, both teachers
need to be valued because their work is difficult.


1. Are teachers who have no license considered professional?
 No, in my view, because you can only call yourself a professional
teacher if you have a license. If you have a Licensed, it means you
have passed the test that assesses your skills. You became a
professional after passing the test and being a professional in teaching
or some other field takes a long time. To become a specialist, you must
go through a certain procedure.
2. The schools are the "nurseries of the citizens of the state." What are the
nurseries for? Why schools are called the nurseries of the citizens of the
 I believe it means that schools are where people will be educated or
taught the importance of education. It is here that the procedure will
take place. The instructor would be required to pass on such
information to the students.
 Promote national morality, national pride, and patriotism, among other
things. They will be the guardians of the country's cultural and
educational heritage.
3. In what ways can the professional teacher help elevate national morality,
promote national pride and cultivate love of country?
 Professional teachers contribute to the elevation of national morality by
teaching the nature of morality in life, which is essential for learners to
become great individuals in the future. They will foster national pride by
encouraging and guiding you to develop your talent or skills so that it
can become learners' pride in the future. They will foster a love of the
country by teaching learners about the country's history, beautiful
locations, and rules and regulations, so that the learners will love their
4. Every teacher shall enjoy academic freedom. What does academic freedom
mean? Is this academic freedom absolute?
 Academic freedom refers to the ability of a teacher to expound on the
results of his or her study and investigation. I believe it means that the
instructor has the right to use various types of information sources,
such as the internet or books, but it must be based on evidence or the
source must be trustworthy. Academic freedom is not unrestricted;
however, there are some limitations in the section.

1. How can a teacher show respect for community customs and traditions?
 The instructor will demonstrate community respect by modeling active
participation in religious, social, educational, economic, and civic
movements. The ability to provide leadership and counseling services, as
required, would be accepted by the instructor. And, to be personally
interested in issues that concern people's well-being. In terms of tradition,
a teacher should demonstrate reverence for others by refraining from
using his or her role and power to proselytize others.
2. To be nationally and internationally competitive, in which should teacher
participate according to Article IV of the Code of Ethics? Explain.
 Teachers should engage in the Professional Regulation Commission's
Continuing Professional Education (CPE) program and undertake other
studies in order to boost their performance, increase the reputation of their
profession, and reinforce their competences, virtues, and competitiveness
on a national and international level.
3. Which Filipino trait makes it difficult sometimes for professional teachers to
function as a collegial community?
 The burden of seeking correctives for what might seem to be
unprofessional and unethical behavior of any associate is a Filipino
characteristic that makes it difficult for professional teachers to act as a
collegial group at times. I believe it is that if anyone sees you or saw or
witnessed a teacher acting in an unprofessional or immoral manner, you
would be unable to inform the school's administration or correct them
because it might impact their self-esteem or cause them to become

1. Does the Code of Ethics for Professional Teachers prohibit a teacher and student
to fall in love with each other?
 While the Code of Ethics for Skilled Teachers does not preclude a teacher
and a student from falling in love, the teacher must use extreme caution to
prevent scandal, gossip, and preferential treatment of the learner.
2. What should be the first and foremost concern of the professional teacher?
 The teacher's first and foremost concern is the learners' best interests and
wellbeing, and the teacher must treat of learner fairly and impartially.
3. Does the Code of Ethics for Professional Teachers allow teacher to accept
remuneration for students which tutor teachers rightly deserves?
 Other than what is approved for service, the code of ethics for professional
teachers prohibits any remuneration from tutorials. It will not be tolerated
by the teacher, whether directly or indirectly. It's cool to do tutorials as long
as there's no charge or product involved because you're providing a
4. Is it professional to support a school‘s policy even if you do not personally agree?
 Yes, it is professional and it is assumed that you are familiar with the
school's rules and regulations before signing a contract. As a result,
regardless of personal feelings, it is your responsibility to make an honest
effort to recognize and respect the school's and administration's valid
1. There are more women than men in the teaching profession. Does this indicate
that less man is able to face the challenge of the teaching profession?
 In my view, this is due to the fact that women are generally calmer and
have more patience. Teaching is more appealing to women than it is to
2. Books go with teaching and learning. Books go with the teachers and students
but why is it unethical for teachers to supply books in school?
 It is immoral for a teacher to provide books in school because the teacher
must serve as an agent for, or be financially involved in, the business. The
teacher does not use his or her power to control textbook purchases or
disposal. Unless his assignment is inextricably linked to such purchases
and disposals, in which case it must be done in compliance with
established regulations.
3. On what condition can a professional teacher engage in business?
 The instructor can engage in business directly or indirectly, but only if it is
unrelated to or detrimental to his job.
4. How should a professional teacher respond to unfair criticism raised by parents?
 According to section 3 of Article IX, "A teacher shall listen to parent
grievances with sympathy and appreciation, and shall prevent
unreasonable criticism."

How do you want your teacher to be? What are your WISHES for your teacher?

A teacher is someone who is qualified and knowledgeable in the field of

education. A teacher, especially one who works in a school. What do you want to say to
your teacher? What kind of instructor do you want?

I want my teacher to be approachable, understanding, and kind, and to be able to

be strict in class but friendly afterward. I want my teacher to be satisfied because
teaching is a difficult career because you can encounter and interact with a wide range
of people or students. It will be difficult to adapt and be patient with the students. I wish
for my teacher's success not only in teaching, but in all aspects of life, including money,
love, and company. I wish they could be content every now and then, forgetting that
they are still teachers. They should enjoy their lives and have fun with their friends and
loved ones from time to time. And if we have teachers, they are human beings who can
feel and think about themselves. I hope they will appreciate both their work and their
personal lives.
In general, teaching is a difficult and exhausting occupation. I hope that students,
while being teachers, will enjoy their lives as well. I wish you all the happiness in the
world, teachers, and I wish you all the success in the world.

1. A 11. C 21. A

2. B 12. D 22. C

3. B 13. C 23. B

4. A 14. C 24. D

5. A 15. D 25. D

6. D 16. D 26. D

7. C 17. C 27. D

8. B 18. A 28. A

9. C 19. B 29. A

10. A 20. A 30.


Reflect on the statement: “Act as a global teacher, act locally but thinks globally.”

A global teacher is one who is qualified and equipped with sufficient skills, an apt
mindset, and universal principles to teach learners at home or abroad, and who is
equipped with both tried and new educational technology at any time and in any location
around the world.

"Act as a global trainer, act locally but think globally," says the quote. I believe it
means that when you are a teacher, you must think internationally in order to
comprehend how the world is interconnected, even if you are teaching in the localities,
towns, provinces, or religious where you are located. Since students must understand
that the world has a rich variety of ways of life, global teachers must think internationally
in order to contextualize teaching-learning. The global educator must be aware of,
appreciation for, and respectful of cultural diversity. Teachers must have in-depth
expertise, functioning skills, embedded beliefs, and the ability to think not only inside but
also outside the box, even if they are teaching in small towns.

As a result, a global teacher is someone who is knowledgeable and well-

equipped. Someone who acts locally but thinks internationally is referred to as a global
instructor. The global instructor will assist us in comprehending diversity and various
cultural classes.

If given an opportunity to experience teaching in another country, where would you like
to teach? Explain.

There are many countries in the world, and we all have that one dream
place/country that we would like to visit if given the opportunity. Teachers can teach in
any country they choose, but if given the chance, where would you like to teach if you
were given the opportunity?

If I had the chance to teach in another world, I would choose South Korea. I
chose South Korea for three reasons, one of which is that I am a fan of Korean drama.
Second, I adore South Korea's scenery and tourist attractions. Third, I've noticed that
many people in South Korea are unable to communicate in English. Many Koreans do
not speak or understand English, so if the opportunity arises, I will travel to South Korea
and teach them the English language. I've also found that South Korean education is
very strict and difficult; I'd like to participate in their education to gain new knowledge
and experience. They pick up on what I'm teaching, and I pick up on their educational
policies and procedures.

As a result, I'd like to teach in South Korea because it's one of my dream
destinations. I can work there when living in or visiting my dream place. Being a teacher
in a different country can also be difficult because you will have to adjust to the climate
and people. There will be significant changes in your life.

The global village has changed and will keep on changing. As you prepare to become the
Teacher of the 21st Century, how will you prepare for these rapid changes?

The world's culture, life, and economy are rapidly changing in today's age, which
is the twenty-first century. We live in an advanced technological age where we rely
heavily on technology. Teachers in the twenty-first century are adjusting to changes in
teaching and educating students. They use technology to present their subjects or
discussions, and some teachers are reliant on it because it is simpler and easier to use.
People all over the world will soon be living in more advanced and high-tech
environments. How would you plan as a potential educator for these rapid changes?

I must brace myself as a potential educator for the rapid changes in education. In
order to deal with the new developments, I must adapt to the changes and adjust what
I've learned to the new learning I'll have to face. In the future, I want to be the kind of
teacher who can sabay sa panahon and be a successful teacher. Technology has
advanced dramatically in the twenty-first century. Teachers, in particular, benefit greatly
from technological advancements. They should incorporate technology into their
learning materials and use it to help their ideas or discussions. When it comes to
teaching, using technology can be very useful because it can draw the students'

In general, today's generation is experiencing rapid changes in many areas,

including education, culture, and the economy. As a potential teacher, I intend to be
more open-minded and able to adapt to educational changes.


Exercise to Determine Your Education Philosophy Find out to which philosophy you
adhere. Rate yourself 4 if you agree with the statement always, 3 if you agree but not
always 2 if you agree sometimes, and 1 if you don‘t agree at all.

1. 3 6. 3 11. 2 16. 2 21. 2

2. 2 7. 3 12. 3 17. 2 22. 1
3. 2 8. 2 13. 2 18. 3 23. 4
4. 2 9. 3 14. 3 19. 2 24. 3
5. 4 10. 3 15. 3 20. 3 25. 2

1. A 6. C 11. D 16. B 21. B

2. A 7. B 12. D 17. C 22. C

3. A 8. C 13. B 18. B 23. B

4. B 9. D 14. C 19. D 24. B

5. A 10. D 15. B 20. A 25. A

Create your own philosophy of education and reflect how you can be true to your
philosophy and what you should do as a teacher

Philosophy is a branch of science concerned with a point of view or perspective

on the basic concepts that underpin a particular domain. When you're a teacher, you
have your own philosophy that helps you understand your students. What is your
educational philosophy?

As a potential educator, I believe that children have unique abilities and strengths that
we must nurture in order for them to be the generation's future leaders. Furthermore, I
agree that each child is special.

1. What do you like the most in the story? Why?
 Mrs. Thompson said something at the end of the story that I liked "Teddy,
you're completely wrong. You were the one who instilled in me the belief
that I might make a difference. Before I met you, I had no idea how to
teach." "That part is my favorite because she told Teddy about her
realization. I like the story because it teaches us not to be prejudiced and
not to know a person's history before drawing conclusions.
2. Do you know of a student who is similarly situated as "Teddy"?
 As far as I recall, there was no student or anyone who resembled Teddy.
3. Did you ever have a Mrs. Thompson in your life?
 Mrs. Thompson is somebody doesn’t exist in my life, in my opinion.
However, I have a teacher who is biased and believes what she sees and
hears without understanding the context. As an example, the instructor
reaches a conclusion quickly without understanding the context or the
reason for it. If it is real or not, the instructor must trust what he or she has
seen and learned.
4. Any lesson learned?
 I learned that we should first think about the person's backstory before
drawing conclusions about them. We shouldn't be prejudiced because we
don't know anything about a person's life; there is always a story we don't
know about.
Are you proud to be teacher because you belong to the noblest profession?

I am honored to be a potential teacher because I believe teaching is a difficult career.

You must have a lot of flexibility with your students and be open to new ideas, changes,
and their opinions. I am proud to be a potential educator because without teachers,
professions such as physicians and engineers would not exist. Teachers create a wide
range of professions that benefit our economy.

I am convinced that I have been chosen the noblest profession because………

I am confident that I have chosen the noblest path because I am prepared to face the
difficulties that a teacher can face, as well as having patience and being open-minded.

And so I commit, therefore…….

I'll be the approachable, understanding, kind, and open-minded teacher. I will do

everything in my power to create a better citizen for society.

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