SIP-2 IIR Report

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Name: M. Shanthan Simha Reddy Enrollment No.: 19FMUCHH010231

Location : Hyderabad Mobile No.: 9052704949 E-mail Id:

Initial Information Report (IIR)

I. Internship Program Details:

Title of the Internship Report: A Study Branding Strategies of Amazon.

Area of the Internship Report: Marketing

Objective of the Internship Report: To understand the process of Branding Strategies of


Description of the Internship Report in brief: My summer internship report aims to understand
the different components of Branding Strategies of Amazon. This report also includes the
case study of Amazon company.

II. Organizational Details:

Name of the Organization:............................................................................................................

Address of the Organization:........................................................................................................


Telephone Numbers:........................................................ E-mail:................................................

Main activity of the Organization: ...............................................................................................

Name & Designation of Head of the Organization:..................................................................

Work Timings: ................................................... Amount of Stipend Expected:.......................

Facilities available to the student:.................................................................................................

III. Company (if any)Guide:

Name:............................................................................ Designation:............................................

Telephone Numbers:........................................................ E-mail:................................................

IV. Report Implementation and Schedule:


Methodology: This project focuses on theoretical understanding

Any other details:....................................................................................................................................

V. I will submit the following reports as per the schedule given below:

Evaluation component: Date Planned:

Internship Proposal 31th May 2021

Interim Report 21h June 2021

Final Report 12th July 2021

th th
Presentation 13 - 17 July, 2021

Faculty Guide Name: Dr. Insha Amin

Date: Signature of the Student

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