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The Role of Haptics in Medical Training

Simulators: A Survey of the State-of-the-art
Timothy Coles, Member, IEEE, Dwight Meglan, Senior Member, IEEE, and Nigel W. John,
Member, IEEE

Abstract— This review paper discusses the role of haptics within virtual medical training applications, particularly where it can
be used to aid a practitioner to learn and practice a task. The review summarises aspects to be considered in the deployment of
haptics technologies in medical training. Firstly, both force/torque and tactile feedback hardware solutions that are currently
produced commercially and in academia are reviewed, followed by the available haptics related software and then an in-depth
analysis of medical training simulations that include haptic feedback. The review is summarised with scrutiny of emerging
technologies and discusses future directions in the field.

Index Terms— State-of-the-art, Haptics, Force feedback, Tactile feedback, Medical Simulation, Training.

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T here is unrelenting pressure today to update and

reform conventional medical practices, and pa-
tient safety in particular has been highlighted as a
4700 patients operated upon using keyhole techniques by
29 surgeons in 7 hospitals throughout Europe and N
America, Vickers et al report that surgeons require 750
key issue to be addressed by medical process and tech- operations to perfect keyhole surgery procedures. It is not
nology [1]. Some of this is driving surgical management acceptable to make mistakes on patients when alterna-
into innovative minimal access approaches, in turn rais- tives are available.
ing further challenges of training the increasingly com- As technology has progressed many different tools and
plex skills required. Safe practice requires the operator to techniques have been deployed to provide added value to
respond correctly to both visual and haptic cues. The op- the training process, such as using anesthetised animals
erator’s deliberations then initiate and inform a range of or cadavers, or by practicing on mannequins or fellow
motor actions, including very fine translational and rota- students. However, the interactions that occur in an ani-
tional motions of tools, particularly in challenging anat- mal’s or cadaver’s tissues differ from those of living hu-
omy. As the spectrum of available techniques increases, mans due to varying anatomy or absence of physiologic
so the limited number and availability of suitably trained behaviour such as blood pressure. Not only are cadavers
practitioners becomes a significant problem. Medical expensive, but procedures can only be performed once
simulators are therefore becoming more accepted as a and a mistake can render the body useless to re-
tool for providing added value to the training process, demonstrate a procedure. This type of training also raises
and high fidelity haptics must be an integral component ethical issues. Mannequins of varying sophistication are
of such a tool. This paper provides a comprehensive sur- becoming increasingly common to simulate part or all of
vey of the current state-of-the-art of haptics technology in a patient [4]. However, drawbacks of mannequins include
this context. limitations in their replication of physiology and that at
Training based on an apprenticeship model has been best they have a limited range of anatomical variability.
used effectively by the medical profession for centuries. Barker [5] notes how students resort to training venipunc-
Learning involves the experience of errors, albeit under ture upon fellow students as the plastic mannequin mod-
the guidance of an expert mentor. Yet performing an op- els don’t provide enough realism.
eration incorrectly through inexperience can lead to An alternative approach that is making an impact on
avoidable patient discomfort and complications. The lat- the medical community is computer simulation enabled
ter can prolong a patient’s hospital stay or in the worst experiential training systems [6] [7] [8], which can train
case scenario can cause permanent damage or death. For practitioners on a virtual patient whilst critically analys-
example, a three year study [2] by HealthGrades (Golden, ing skills and providing feedback on the performed pro-
CO, USA), an American healthcare ratings organisation, cedure. This feedback can then be used to refine the re-
found that medical errors resulted in over 230,000 deaths quired skills until the operator reaches a target level of
in American hospitals during the study period. In a dif- proficiency before commencing training with patients.
ferent study [3] based on rates of cancer recurrence in Simulations can also provide the user with an opportu-
———————————————— nity to practice difficult cases or to be exposed to those in
x T.R. Coles is with the School of Computer Science, Bangor University and which patient anatomy is unconventional before perform-
Advanced Robotics Dept, Istituto Italiano di Tecnologia. E-mail: timo- ing the procedure upon a patient. Such ‘mission re- or
x D. Meglan is with SimQuest, Silver Spring, Maryland, USA hearsal’ can highlight operational and equipment difficul-
x N.W.John is with the School of Computer Science, Bangor University. E-
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This article has been accepted for publication in a future issue of this journal, but has not been fully edited. Content may change prior to final publication.


ties that would otherwise be overlooked until they are well as torques must be experienced. This requires six
encountered during the real procedure. Haptics devices degrees of force feedback but is not typically provided
are also being used to train operators of robotic surgery because of the higher cost of manufacturing devices that
e.g. the MIMIC Technologies (Seattle, WA, USA) da Vinci can provide torque as well as directional force feedback.
Trainer (but this class of applications is outside the scope In the following review it will be made explicitly clear if
of this survey). torques are included when referring to feedback and de-
Physical models require remodelling to simulate pa- vices.
tient variability where a patient’s body habitus, (related Commercial haptics devices are available today, and
to their quantity of muscle and fat) varies between differ- many more have been fabricated in research laboratories.
ent subjects. Virtual models offer the opportunity to sim- The majority incorporate only the force feedback compo-
ply modify the virtual patient using patient specific data nent of touch (see table 1 for a list of commercial manu-
from one of the many 3D medical imaging modalities facturers). Only a few solutions support tactile feedback,
available in the hospital or to utilise the skills of the nu- which is harder to reproduce as the biological processes
merous well trained medical illustrators who are capable of tactile receptors are not fully understood. Both catego-
with 3D modelling packages. This is a significant advan- ries are reviewed in section two: “Haptic Devices”. Sec-
tage of computer simulation over that of a cadaver or tion three focuses on software libraries that have been
fixed anatomical models. However, when producing a developed to interface with haptics hardware. A compre-
realistic training simulation the virtual patient must be hensive evaluation of medical simulations involving hap-
displayed to the practitioner in such a way that they be- tic feedback is presented in Section four. A brief summary
lieve the simulation replicates a real situation so as to of validation issues is then given and the paper ends with
achieve “suspension of disbelief” [9] . Cadavers and a discussion of current and future trends.
mannequins have physical presence which a simulation
lacks. Overcoming this lack of presence is an ongoing
challenge of medical simulation research.
Of the human sensorial modalities (visual, auditory, In 1965, Ivan Sutherland correctly predicted that the sense
touch, smell, and taste), two main modalities are cur- of touch would be added to virtual environments [10],
rently used in simulation: visual and touch. Smell and allowing the user to feel virtual objects [11]. Burdea [[10]
taste will be included in the future with new products in reference to [12]], notes how this became reality in 1971
such as the ScentPalette from EnviroScent (Ball Ground, and that many of today’s haptics devices still use this
GA, USA). Auditory cues are sometimes used to alert a same robotic arm like arrangement. The typical “Haptic
user to a fault, or for guidance and can be important for devices” as they are sold commercially provide a me-
the correct learning of certain procedures using high chanical I/O device with which a user interacts. The de-
speed power tools such as burr-based bone and tooth vice will track one or more end effectors in physical space
drilling. The visualisation component is provided using and provide force and/or torque feedback (a bidirectional
either two dimensional or three dimensional displays and channel of interaction between a virtual environment and
is well documented. The focus of this paper is to review user). Devices that provide tactile feedback are more
the role of the sense of touch in enhancing a user’s per- commonly referred to as “tactile devices” but are not
ceived fidelity of computer simulations for medical pro- widely available. Table 1 provides a list of the companies
cedures. that manufacture multipurpose haptics devices together
Haptics solutions are less mature than visual display with the capabilities of each device.
technologies. In particular, haptics require bi-directional
input and output, which is difficult to model accurately
2.1 Force Feedback Devices
due to the large number of the different touch receptors
involved. Haptics can be considered in two main catego- Commercial force feedback devices vary greatly in the
ries: tactile feedback and force/torque feedback. Tactile degrees of freedom they offer, the size of their workspace,
feedback is sensed by receptors in and just under the the force and torque they can apply, the shape of the end
skins surface allowing humans to detect if a surface is effector and maybe most significantly, in price. Different
smooth or rough, hot or cold, as well as conveying pain. types of actuation used in haptics devices include: shape
Force/torque feedback resists motion and/or rotation, for memory metals, magnetic, piezoelectric materials, electro-
instance stopping a person’s hand falling through a table rheological fluids, DC electric motors (the most common),
top as they touch it. The biological receptors providing pneumatic, as well as hydraulic actuation. There are
this feedback are in muscles and at joints allowing a per- many desirable properties of force feedback devices that
son to know where their hand is in space, even with will help to make a device more natural to use and enable
closed eyes (proprioception). Both tactile and force feed- optimal haptic interaction with a medical (and other do-
back can be crucial to the success of carrying out a medi- main) virtual environment (VE). Some of these properties
cal procedure. are conflicting and so the advantages and disadvantages
The term ‘force feedback’ is often used in place of ‘hap- must be carefully considered in order to make an in-
tic feedback’. However, these terms are not interchange- formed decision about the device of choice. For example,
able. In a general case of proprioceptive feedback, where a device that is stiff will usually be made of metal and
a person interacts with a simulated scene, both forces as therefore have a large mass. This in turn can have an un-

Authorized licensed use limited to: University of Wales Bangor. Downloaded on April 28,2010 at 11:22:23 UTC from IEEE Xplore. Restrictions apply.
This article has been accepted for publication in a future issue of this journal, but has not been fully edited. Content may change prior to final publication.


desirable higher inertia than a lightweight plastic device. the accuracy of the haptics effects produced and the
Human haptic perception operates at a far higher rate speed required within the application. Batteau [17] pre-
than our visual system. The latter can be fooled into see- sents experimental results demonstrating the unnotice-
ing continuous motion by displaying 25 to 30 interlaced able haptic latencies of most humans. This time between
images per second. However, providing artificial haptic action and realisation can be harnessed to improve the
feedback to a user requires a significantly faster rate of calculated response without reducing the fidelity of the
“haptic image” update (around thirty times faster). This simulation but rather improving it through further calcu-
requires a significant amount of computational power for lation.
even simple models and has been a limiting factor in the The end effector of a force feedback device is impor-
development of haptics, only becoming a viable technol- tant to provide a meaningful interaction with the envi-
ogy for simulation within the last ten years [13]. The re- ronment and the grasp used directly influences the
quired refresh rate to provide realistic force feedback is force/torque that can be applied. Grasping geometry can
commonly accepted to be at least 1000Hz. However, this be classified as a precision grasp or a power grasp [[10] in
refresh rate is widely debated. According to Burdea [14] a reference to [18]], with the user performing more dexter-
minimum refresh rate of only 300Hz is acceptable. Con- ous or higher power tasks respectively. Most commercial
versely, a study by Booth et al. [15] using SensAble’s Pre- force feedback devices come equipped with generic end
mium 1.5 to deduce the minimum acceptable haptic re- effectors, shaped like pens, balls and tubes. It is increas-
fresh rate, suggests that “a minimum acceptable refresh ingly more common for medical simulations to use modi-
rate must lie within the 550-600Hz range”. The necessary fied end effectors, however, so as to increase the face va-
rate of update is dependent upon the stiffness of the sur- lidity of the simulation. For example, a syringe shaped
faces to be simulated. A stiff contact between objects is end effector can provide the extra validity needed to help
better simulated by higher refresh rates, whereas lower a trainee nurse to suspend disbelief. On the other hand,
refresh rates are satisfactory for softer objects. Additional such a modification may increase the cost of the simulator
methods can be applied to simulate touching stiffer ob- with no significant increase in training effectiveness in
jects such as combining vibrations with force to the end comparison to using an off the shelf stylus end effector.
effector to represent the small vibrations felt upon object There are also examples of two commercial devices being
contact [16]. Typically a trade off must be made between combined to provide extra degrees of force feedback

Degrees of freedom (DOF) – Sensed degrees of freedom, Workspace measured in millimetres (note: methods manufacturers use to measure a devices work-
space may vary), Stiffness – Device stiffness N/mm as quoted by device manufactures (will vary significantly through workspace). Price in Euro’s is dis-
played in multiples of one thousand and is an approximation at the time of writing. Price ranges are given where device specifications are variable. * Haption’s
INCA 6D device price is dependent upon size of work space (large – greater than 2m)

Authorized licensed use limited to: University of Wales Bangor. Downloaded on April 28,2010 at 11:22:23 UTC from IEEE Xplore. Restrictions apply.
This article has been accepted for publication in a future issue of this journal, but has not been fully edited. Content may change prior to final publication.


task. If a procedure requires millimetre translational pre-

cision whilst manipulating tools, a device with a coarser
resolution than this would not be appropriate. Also the
risk of providing too high fidelity of force/torque feed-
back can be as much of a problem as providing too little.
A medical procedure where this scenario occurs is laparo-
scopic surgery. Here the tools enter the body through
tight introducers that severely limit the interactions felt
during a procedure. Providing too little or too much
feedback will lead to negative training.
Use of commercial haptic devices will enable easier
replication of a simulator after its development. The pro-
duction cost may be lower if performing modifications to
an existing device and such a device can be tested with
already available software drivers. Production of a cus-
tom haptics device is an expensive and complex process
only to be attempted by the experienced. In addition to
the products listed in Table 1 there are some haptics de-
vices available for specific medical procedures. Mentice is
widely known for their minimally invasive procedure
training solutions (MIST and VIST). Since acquiring Xitact
(Morges, Switzerland), who specialised in the manufac-
ture of medical force feedback interfaces, Mentice now
market the Xitact IHP for the emulation of endoscopic
instruments and the Xitact CHP for the simulation of
interventional procedures such as cardiology, peripheral
interventions and interventional radiology. Also at the
low fidelity, low cost end of the force feedback market,
Logitech (Fremont, CA, USA) license and market many
force feedback devices such as gaming joysticks (which
have been used in some medical simulations). A now dis-
Fig. 1. SimQuest’s burr hole drilling simulation hardware. Two continued device, the 2DOFF Logitech Wingman Mouse
3DOFF Falcon devices arranged to give 5DOFF feedback to a sin- [20] released in 1999, also showed promise as a low cost
gle drill handle. force feedback device. At least one needle insertion simu-
(DOFF) for a particular task. For example, Figure 1 shows lation used this device [21].
Simquest’s bur hole drilling simulation hardware in
which two Novint Falcon devices are configured to give 5 2.3 Tactile Devices
DOFF to a single drill handle. This approach requires Tactile information is conveyed by compressing, stretch-
specific design engineering expertise to develop the solu- ing or vibrating and by varying the heat at the skin sur-
tion. face. Pasquero [22] provides in depth information about
Other technologies for haptics devices have been in- the human tactile sense and a comprehensive list of 13
vestigated (e.g. Lorentz magnetic levitation [19]) that different tactile technologies. Note that the current lim-
promise better haptic interaction fidelity in the future, but ited understanding of human tactile receptors means that
have not yet been incorporated into medical simulation the design and optimisation of tactile devices is a slow
solutions. iterative process. Of the developed tactile devices most
are large and lack the portability necessary to be used in
2.2 Force Feedback Devices Summary combination with force feedback devices for a true haptic
Choosing a commercial force feedback device for a spe- interaction. To be useful for medical training purposes a
cific application is not as simple as deciding upon the realistic feeling of touch identical to that felt during the
workspace required and selecting a suitable device in this actual procedure must be simulated. It may be useful to
category. Even the largest workspaces have multiple de- simulate heat, conveying information on the patient’s
vices available. The requirement to have six degrees of temperature. This could be done with a temperature con-
force/torque feedback may mean the device will have a trolling glove [23]. No medical training simulation is yet
larger than necessary workspace. Budget restrictions can known to incorporate this cue. A recent example of tactile
also limit the functionality that can be provided and often technology used in medical simulation is work to simu-
just three degree of freedom force-only devices must be late a palpation for the femoral artery in an interventional
used. An analysis of the task to be simulated should de- radiology procedure [24]. This has led to the evaluation of
termine if the trade-off is valid. The force/torque capabili- three tactile technologies: piezoelectric pads, micro
ties of the device and the resolution of both position and speakers and a commercial pin array device from Aesthe-
rotation sensing also need to meet the requirements of the sis (Salford, UK). These devices are suitable to be

Authorized licensed use limited to: University of Wales Bangor. Downloaded on April 28,2010 at 11:22:23 UTC from IEEE Xplore. Restrictions apply.
This article has been accepted for publication in a future issue of this journal, but has not been fully edited. Content may change prior to final publication.


mounted onto a trainee’s fingertips or a force feedback lows extensions to be easily added (such as ODE physics
device’s end effector – see Figure 2. engine support), and also offers support for a range of
CompuTouch AS (Asker, Norway) have produced tac- commercial force feedback devices.
tile devices that are small enough to be attached to a fin- The H3DAPI, is a haptics development platform in-
gertip. These tactile displays have a tilting metallic plate cluding graphics support. It is available under either an
interface that can be controlled by electromagnetic coils open source or commercial license dependent upon us-
within the device. Various tilting combinations can pro- age. According to the development requirements X3D,
duce the illusion of touching complex surfaces. C++ or Python can be used. The API is maintained by
In an approach similar to that first taken by Caldwell SenseGraphics and provides support for Force Dimen-
et al [25], another small portable tactile device consisting sion, Novint, Moog FCS Robotics and SensAble force
of a 3 by 2 array of pneumatic balloons has been devel- feedback devices. A scenegraph architecture is used to
oped by Culjat et al. [26]. The device has been designed to reduce the complexity of environment definition.
add tactile information to the controllers of the Da Vinci SensAble’s devices are the most widely supported of
surgical system from Intuitive Surgical, Inc. (Sunnyvale, all the haptic manufacturers and some additional APIs
CA, USA). The conveyed tactile information is suitable that provide singular support for these are XVR by
for training purposes. VRMedia (Pisa Italy), and OpenSceneGraph (through an
The term vibrotactile refers to a vibration sensation additional sub-library called osgHaptics).
that is more global than directed tactile feedback. Vibro- ReachIn market two commercial haptic API’s that sup-
tactile devices are now common place in games consoles port various device manufacturers. One, the self titled
to alert a user to an action such as being shot or driving a “Reachin API” is compatible with C++, VRML and Py-
car over a rough surface, and in mobile phones to alert thon with visual components rendered using OpenGL.
the owner of a message or call when in silent mode. These The second is HaptX, a haptics only engine designed for
devices comprise of a motor with an off-centred weight the games market. Haptik [29] like HaptX also provides a
connected to the shaft. Some simulation solutions may basic abstraction layer for force feedback hardware. It is
find force feedback devices too expensive and opt to use an open source library allowing a wide range of devices
vibrotactile displays to convey information such as opera- to be accessed through a common interface.
tor mistakes or contact between two objects. A simulation The VirtualHand API, formerly from Immersion and
adopting this approach is being developed for ultrasound now from CyberGlove Systems LLC, is a C++ simulation
scanning training [27]. The project uses the Nintendo Wii development API for hand interaction. It supports Cy-
Remote controller, which incorporates 3D tracking and berGlove’s gloves as well as their CyberForce system and
vibrotactile technology, as a virtual ultrasound probe. various hand tracking hardware. MHAPTIC [30], is an-
The tactile sense is an important cue and as research other hand interaction simulation environment catering
provides methods of producing tactile stimulation at an for two handed manipulation. It is not freely available.
affordable cost and in small enough devices to be Specific to medical applications, OpenMAF [31], is an
mounted upon force feedback devices, the technology open source framework for computer aided medicine and
will become more wide spread. Currently these problems is based on the VTK toolkit. Haptic feedback is not the
limit the applicability of this modality for common use in main focus in this project but is provided through
simulation. SensAble’s OpenHaptics interface. SPRING [32] is an
open source, real-time soft-tissue simulation platform
developed by Stanford University. SPRING’s main focus
is minimal invasive surgery and a limited number of
Several Application Programming Interfaces (APIs) have force feedback devices are supported. SOFA [33] is a
been produced to aid in the construction of haptically framework aimed at real time medical simulation, and
rendered virtual environments. They implement common the development of new algorithms. Support for force
methods of modelling forces, provide physics simulation, feedback is expected in a future release. Mass-spring and
offer different methods of collision detection and interface FEM deformation models, fluid models and a large array
with most of the products listed in Table 1. However, of collision detection features are already provided. GiPSi
they can be slow to support new advances and so it is [34] is an open source framework for developing human
often preferable to develop the core simulation routines organ level surgical simulation. The structure of the API
separately. Licensing methods also vary. SensAble Tech- is designed to use more general models than those used
nology’s OpenHaptics API is a commercial C++ library in SOFA whose models must be tailored toward specific
but it is free for academic use. OpenHaptics provides methods. ESQUI [35] is a platform independent laparo-
cross platform support and with respect to programming scopic surgery framework, although it is intended that
it resembles the OpenGL graphics library. It only works the system can be applied to any surgical simulation. Us-
with SensAble’s force feedback devices but these are the ing XML style scene descriptions, the ESQUI platform
most popular products today. advocates the Simulation Reference Markup Language
Chai3D [28], an open source library, includes both (SRML) as a standard for information exchange between
graphics (using OpenGL) and force feedback components simulators. One commercial laparoscopic haptics device
and is written by academics in C++ to be platform inde- is supported at the time of writing. VSS [36] is also a
pendent. It is a comparatively light weight API but it al- framework in development for virtual surgery simulation

Authorized licensed use limited to: University of Wales Bangor. Downloaded on April 28,2010 at 11:22:23 UTC from IEEE Xplore. Restrictions apply.
This article has been accepted for publication in a future issue of this journal, but has not been fully edited. Content may change prior to final publication.


offering a cross platform object oriented system with interface [41], work that was later extended to simulate
support for both haptics, GPU processing and semi auto- the palpation of subsurface tumours [42] [43]. More re-
matic segmentation. cent palpation simulations have been produced for pros-
One of the hardest problems in medical simulation is tate cancer using a SensAble PHANTOM [44] and of the
the modelling of tool and/or hand interaction with soft heart using a custom haptics device [45]. A back palpa-
tissue. The collision detection parameters must constantly tion simulation, the Virtual Haptic Back (VHB) [46] [47]
change as the surface of the soft tissue deforms. This de- uses two PHANTOM 3.0 devices with thumb interfaces.
formation is due to the actions of many different material In vivo measurements of the back compliance have been
layers within the tissue whose properties are little known recorded to improve simulation accuracy [48]. This is the
and typically too complex to model in real time. Simplifi- first stage of a planned palpation system of the entire
cations are usually made to enable a sufficiently rapid human body.
response time. Bodily functions such as respiration, Several palpation simulators are reported using the
changes in blood pressure and contraction of muscles will PHANTOM Desktop. Stalfors et al [49] designed a remote
also result in tissue deformation. Moore et al [37] provide diagnosis (telemedicine) simulator of malignancy in the
a broad overview of deformable models for a wide range head and neck area using a Desktop with a 3D surface
of disciplines. A more detailed survey by Nealen et al. model created from computed tomography (CT) data. An
[38] focuses on deformations for computer graphics an- index finger palpation of tissue using a Desktop is also
imations where visual fidelity is the main goal, whilst presented by Chen, et al. [50]. They discuss various de-
Meier et al. [39] survey deformation techniques for real- formation models for palpation and select a contact
time surgical simulation. There is little overlap between model based on Hertz’s theory from contact mechanics
these two surveys, highlighting the different challenges [51].
faced between animation and surgical simulation such as: Two simulations of palpation for a pulse have been
strict real time behaviour, acceptable accuracy in model- presented, one specifically for palpation of the femoral
ling highly complex tissues, and the capability to cut artery as part of an Interventional Radiology (IR) proce-
models for surgical simulation. A comparison of tech- dure [24] and the other for the brachial pulse [52]. Both
niques demonstrates the trade off between computational simulations have erred on the side of affordability using
efficiency and realism. More recently Famaey et al. [40] low cost force feedback devices (the Falcon – see figure 2
provides a detailed review of the key continuum me-
chanical models for surgical simulators for minimally
invasive surgery.


The use of haptics in medical simulators has primarily
been to enhance training applications and a variety of
different medical specialties have been covered. This re-
view starts with palpation simulation as this is the first
task in many procedures. The review then moves on to
needle insertion simulations, which is often the next step
once the palpation has located an insertion point. A nee-
dle puncture is needed to anesthetise the patient before
more invasive procedures, to obtain blood and biopsy
samples, and to introduce tools in minimally invasive
procedures such as interventional radiology. Other pro-
cedures where haptics have been used are also included,
e.g. knee athroscopy.

4.1 Palpation
Palpation is where a practitioner presses upon an area of
interest with their fingers to locate landmarks beneath the
patient’s skin and to feel for the presence or absence of
anatomic and/or physiological features or abnormalities.
This could be for patient assessment or guidance for an
intervention. Palpation and general haptic response
commonly requires direct multi finger, multi contact tac-
tile manipulations, a challenging task for a medical simu- Fig. 2. Modified Novint Falcon force feedback device for a pulse
lator to implement and so is usually ignored. When in- palpation simulation (Istituto Italiano di Tecnologia and Bangor Uni-
cluded, the manipulation is usually greatly simplified. versity). The device has been rotated through 90 degrees and
An early palpation example was a knee palpation mounted with an additional pneumatically actuated tactile end effec-
simulation using a Rutgers Master force feedback glove

Authorized licensed use limited to: University of Wales Bangor. Downloaded on April 28,2010 at 11:22:23 UTC from IEEE Xplore. Restrictions apply.
This article has been accepted for publication in a future issue of this journal, but has not been fully edited. Content may change prior to final publication.


and, the Omni respectively) with the former using an ad- DOFF Premium device to provide better simulation fidel-
ditional tactile component. ity [62]. An LCD screen is used to display fluoroscopic x-
Immersion filed a patent in 2001 for a haptic interface ray images of the lumbar region and a three dimensional
for palpation of a pulse [53]. This haptic interface closely model of the needle, spine and tissues. Simulation of
resembles their design of the Wingman Force feedback variable tissue thicknesses accommodates for patient
mouse [20] with minor amendments. The simulation has variability.
not yet appeared commercially. Novint have produced a custom grip for the Falcon in
A breast palpation simulation [54] developed by Gifu a commissioned project, incorporating a real syringe and
University uses the Haptic Interface Robot (HIRO) in fluid. It is expected that other simulation companies will
combination with a finite element soft tissue model. The take advantage of this low cost hardware where appro-
user interacts with the device by placing their thumb, priate.
index and middle finger into thimbles on the tips of three Chinese acupuncture is another field in which needle
robotic fingers. A different breast palpation simulator [55] insertion simulation is being employed for training pur-
uses a PHANTOM Premium, a 6 DOFF device. A third poses. A simulation by Heng et al [63] uses two com-
unpublished breast palpation simulation was performed puters to split the computation workload and is dis-
by Stanford Robotics lab as part of their multi point hap- played in stereo upon a mirrored immersive workbench
tics interaction research. A video of their two fingered display. A PHANTOM Desktop was used during testing
interaction can be found on the internet [56]. but eventually an Omni was used with a customized nee-
In the field of veterinary medicine, a rectal palpation dle end effector.
training simulator for bovine fertility examinations has An initial step in many interventional procedures is
been developed at the Royal Veterinary College (London, the insertion of a needle or trocar, as an introducer for
UK) using a PHANTOM Premium 1.5 force feedback de- other tools. Most current commercial simulators for
vice with a thimble interface. The device is housed within minimally invasive surgery (MIS) are built with the in-
a fibreglass model of a cow [57]. Other work from the troducer already in place, e.g. the MENTICE Procedicus
same group includes a horse ovary palpation simulator, VIST - a simulator for vascular interventional surgery
HOPS [58], and more recently a simulation of feline ab- where forces can be applied to a real catheter and
dominal palpation [59]. The latter requires a two handed guidewire. Other commercial simulators for interven-
palpation with two Premium 1.5 devices. A cat manne- tional procedures use a similar approach to reduce simu-
quin is also used to provide context and a tactile stimulus lation complexity and cost. Immersion Medical produced
from the mannequin’s fur. The developers state that the a now discontinued intravenous access simulation device
high fidelity force feedback devices are necessary to con- named the CathSim AccuTouch System [64] [65] . It con-
vey the haptic cues required. Despite the high cost, all tained a needle carrier with 3 degrees of freedom (DOF)
three of the simulations are used in the veterinary cur- movement, and one degree of force feedback. Movement
riculum at the college, with the Premium devices
swapped between the simulations accordingly.
The direct practitioner/patient contact in palpation re-
quires simulating both force and tactile feedback. Al-
though, commercial force/torque feedback can be simple
and inexpensive to incorporate, the lack of commercially
available tactile devices limits current solutions for palpa-
tion simulation.

4.2 Needle Insertion

The Mediseus Epidural simulator (Medic Vision) is a
commercial example of a needle insertion simulation us-
ing force feedback. The simulation can be run from a lap-
top. It gives a vocal response if the user makes mistakes
and produces an objective report for the student [60]. A
relatively low cost SensAble PHANTOM Omni is encased
inside the system using a modified syringe end effector at
a fixed insertion point. This transforms the 3 positional
DOFF to one positional and two orientation DOFF. To
further reduce costs Medic Vision have been investigating
replacing the Omni with a Novint Falcon device which
would reduce the cost of this component by 80%. An al-
ternative epidural anaesthesia simulation is EpiSim from
Yantric Inc. (West Newton, MA, USA), which was origi-
Fig. 3. BIGNePSi, Bangor University’s ultrasound-guided needle
nally developed by MIT [61]. The simulator takes a high puncture simulator using two Omni force feedback devices [66]. Im-
fidelity rather than low cost approach, first using a mersive workbench not shown.
SensAble PHANTOM Desktop before changing to use a 6

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This article has been accepted for publication in a future issue of this journal, but has not been fully edited. Content may change prior to final publication.


consisted of pitch, yaw and depth of insertion. Force over the last 15 years and demonstrate well how technol-
could be applied along the depth of insertion vector, ei- ogy advances are aiding continual simulation improve-
ther whilst inserting or retracting the needle. This one ments. An early (1994) lumbar puncture simulation pro-
DOFF allowed the simulation of a needle passing through duced using a custom haptics device [75] suffered from
different tissues. SimQuest developed the Virtual IV in- low bandwidth actuators that caused problems simulat-
travenous access training simulator, which was subse- ing stiff objects, and a large graphics delay that only al-
quently acquired by Laerdal (Stavanger, Norway). At lowing the procedure to be performed slowly. Stepping
present, the Virtual IV is produced by Immersion and has forward 6 years, a later simulator used a PHANTOM 1.5
replaced the CathSim. The Virtual IV is sold by both Im- device, a mannequin, and a more powerful computer
mersion and Laerdal. with OpenGL support [76]. With a goal to produce a lum-
A simulator for percutaneous vertebroplasty (a mini- bar puncture simulator that was “effective, not cost pro-
mally invasive procedure performed to bind spinal frac- hibitive, relatively simple to maintain, and truly usable”,
ture components) has been developed by the National results were said to be “encouraging” with one of the fu-
University of Singapore [67]. The simulation is claimed to ture goals to accommodate for patient variability. More
provide advanced feedback and requires a force feedback recently, a lumbar puncture simulator using a 6 DOFF
joystick, a Delta haptics device and a CyberGrasp glove. Premium force feedback device has been produced [77].
This MIS procedure requires the practitioner to deliver The six degrees of force feedback accounts for all of the
cement from a needle at a specified critical rate. A reflec- possible forces/torques felt whilst inserting a needle and
tive mirror display is used for stereo visualisation. The importantly if a user releases the needle whilst it is in-
researchers have applied biomechanical models to model serted, it will stay in the correct position and orientation.
the bone needle insertion [68]. Future work aims to pro- This simulator calculates needle tip resistance using CT
duce a cost viable version of the simulation. density data and in addition models the forces acting on
A trainer for catheter insertion has been developed at the needle shaft. This involves restricting rotation and
the Centre for Advanced Studies, Italy [69]. Using a head transversal motion as well as increasing needle friction as
tracked stereoscopic viewing system and a PHANTOM, depth increases. The tissue model is static with both a 2D
the solution was reported to be “sufficiently representa- and a 3D stereo view provided during the simulation.
tive of a real catheter insertion” by a surgeon in the field Testing was performed by users with varying medical
but, not validated. The soft tissue component of the simu- experience, who concluded they could tell the difference
lation uses an incremental viscoelastic model [70]. Forces between different tissues. The 6 DOFF was reported to
are applied using a lookup table. facilitate “realistic needle behaviour”.
Simulations of ultrasound-guided needle puncture us- Needles are also used in suturing for wound closure.
ing two Omni devices have been implemented by Forest The goal of one simulation [78] was to develop a realistic
et al [71], and Vidal et al [66]. The latter simulator em- and economical haptics suturing simulator. However, the
ploys an immersive workbench. One of the Omni styluses Premium 1.5 device used in this simulation puts a high
is replaced with a custom, ultrasound probe shaped end price on the required hardware. The simulation is dis-
effector, and the second Omni is used for the virtual nee- played upon a stereo-enabled mirrored display and the
dle - see figure 3. The simulation uses the graphics proc- force feedback device is mounted upside down modify-
essing unit (GPU) to generate ultrasound-like images ing the range of motion of the stylus – see figure 4. This
from CT data. This work is currently being developed configuration modification can be used to increase the
and enhanced with the intention of producing a commer- usable workspace for specific tasks. A mass spring model
cial biopsy simulator [72]. was implemented to represent the deformable skin tissue.
A commercial ultrasound training application for en- This simulation is now intellectual property of Verefi
dovaginal scanning is being developed by MedaPhor Technologies Inc (Elizabethtown, PA, USA).
(Cardiff, UK). This simulation is implemented using the A device with 7 DOF positional capabilities and 4
H3D software and a single Omni force feedback device. DOFF was developed by Hing et .al [79] to simulate a
Another endovaginal simulation VEUSim [73] is in devel- needle insertion. The forces and tissue deformation in-
opment at Drexel University. volved in a needle insertion and removal were collected
A spine needle biopsy simulator incorporating visual from a porcine specimen that was then used to validate a
and force feedback has been designed for training and finite element force feedback model. There is no visual
task planning [74]. A 3 DOFF PHANTOM Premium with feedback, and needle insertion and withdrawal velocity
needle end effector is used in conjunction with a manne- are unaccounted for. Work towards simulation of realistic
quin. The mannequin has a fixed entry point in the lum- tissue deformation is ongoing.
bar region which is used as a pivot point to translate the DiMaio developed algorithms to simulate visual and
degrees of freedom in much the same way as the afore- force output during needle insertion into a deformable
mentioned Mediseus Epidural simulator. Only one punc- tissue [80] [81]. The model calculations are performed
ture site is permitted. A 3D visual user interface allows upon mesh nodes in the tissue model. If nodes are in con-
the user to follow the needles movement toward a target tact with the needle, they’re constrained. A rigid needle
lesion. It is not clear from the literature what validation will constrain node movement along a single axis. Nodes
studies have been carried out. may either stick to the needle or slip. As the physical be-
Lumbar puncture simulators have been developed haviour of the needle within the tissue is not known, the

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This article has been accepted for publication in a future issue of this journal, but has not been fully edited. Content may change prior to final publication.


sive Skills Trainer. The current version uses the Xitact ITP
and IHP hardware devices. The ITP performs only track-
ing whereas the IHP also provides axial force and pitch,
yaw, and roll torque feedback. The simulation software is
modular, allowing basic skills to be tuned using an ab-
straction of the real life task. For example, procedures
such as suturing and knot tying are trained using a series
of simple geometric shape manipulation tasks. Many
evaluations have been performed on the product such as
[84] and a complete list can be found on Mentice’s web-
site [85].
Immersion Medical offer a laparoscopic simulator
called LapVR that offers basic skills modules including
the handling of some geometric objects and also includes
training in more realistic environments. Tasks include
camera navigation, cutting and procedural tasks of
laparoscopic cholecystectomy. Each user’s progress can
be tracked for evaluation of progress through the curricu-
lum. A custom haptics device developed by Immersion is
Fig. 4. A haptic suturing simulator [78] with modified PHANTOM LAP Mentor, a product from Simbionix (Cleveland,
Premium 1.5 end effector, mounted upside down to increased range OH, USA) originally used the Xitact LS500 [86] hardware
of motion for task. Picture courtesy of Millersville University (which combined a computer and monitor along with two
model for sticking and slipping has been produced ex- laparoscopic interfaces and a camera tool). The latest ver-
perimentally. The original haptics device used in the sion uses new haptics hardware from Mimic Technolo-
simulation [82] has been commercialised by Quansar, and gies. Simbionix also market a lower cost, portable version
is named the Planar Pantograph Mechanism. It is a 3 DOF of this system designed to be run with a laptop - the LAP
device allowing planar translation and unlimited rotation Mentor Express. The device supports an expanding set of
about a single axis. Quansar are also involved in provid- modules including training of knot tying, suturing and
ing a new force feedback device for Verres needle inser- gastric bypass along with decision making and teamwork
tion [83]. The device has a syringe shaped end effector but tasks.
the technical details are unpublished. The SurgicalSim Education Platform (SEP) is produced
A needle insertion is commonly simulated using com- in a partnership between SimSurgery (Oslo, Norway) and
mercial force/torque hardware with frequent use of Medical Education Technologies (Sarasota, FL, USA). Its
modified end effectors. A one DOFF can be used to simu- basic skills module allows port placement, camera navi-
late the penetration force but, five DOFF is required for gation, tissue manipulation and suturing exercises. In
accurate simulation of needle puncture into an arbitrary addition to these basic operations the simulation also in-
location. Fixing the needles puncture location can reduce cludes gall bladder and embryo removal. Teamwork and
this to only three DOFF. decision making is also trained. The interface to the simu-
lator provides no haptic feedback and uses electromag-
4.3 Laparoscopy netic trackers embedded in the handles of specially built
Laparoscopic surgery, or minimally invasive surgery laparoscopy tools. The tool shafts are inserted into an
(MIS), is a surgical procedure performed through small elastomeric sheet that represents the skin access portal.
incisions, using long thin tools to perform a procedure The deformable tissue interaction software is licensed to
within the body. A surgeon’s view of the procedure is other medical simulation companies.
occluded by the skin and as such a camera is inserted into LapSim (Surgical Science AB, Goteborg, Sweden), is a
the patient along with the tools. Tool manipulation is un- laparoscopic simulator available with a choice of either
intuitive as the surgeon has to move the tool handle right the Xitact IHP or ITP interfaces. The simulation has two
to move the tool tip left etc. The force/torque feedback is laparoscopic tool interfaces and a single monitor. The
limited by the tight trocars through which the MIS tools standard basic skills module deals with procedures such
enter the body. Orientation within the patient is also diffi- as suturing. Various add-ons are available such as the
cult to master and identifying the anatomy from a re- gynecological module The simulation has been the focus
stricted camera angle is problematic. A practitioner needs of many validation studies [87] and links to these can be
training before performing an operation and several found on Surgical Sciences website.
simulators are commercially available for this purpose. Simendo (SIMulator for ENDOscopy) marketed by
There are more simulators available for training in DeltaTech (Rotterdam, The Netherlands) provides a con-
laparoscopy than for any other medical speciality. Pro- trol interface without force feedback capabilities. Mar-
cedicus MIST, a simulator sold by Mentice was one of the keted as a simple simulator that does not try to tackle the
first on the market. It was originally developed and sold complexities of a real procedure, DeltaTech recommend
by Virtual Presence (London, UK) as the Minimally Inva- training on pigs for real world training. The simulation is

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This article has been accepted for publication in a future issue of this journal, but has not been fully edited. Content may change prior to final publication.


designed to train the practitioner’s basic tool skills only, 4.5 Endovascular Procedures
much like the Mentice MIST, using tasks represented by There are different disciplines of IR: one focusing on
geometric shapes. The simulation does not require a high the peripheral vascular system; procedures focusing on
specification computer due to its simplicity and has un- the brain, possibly as therapy for strokes called interven-
dergone validation [88]. tional neuro-radiology; and those procedures focusing on
SkillSetPro (Verefi Technologies Inc.) is a laparoscopic the heart, interventional cardiology.
training simulator combining camera navigation, sutur- Many procedures start with a needle insertion into the
ing and basic skills training software modules. The user vascular system but current commercial simulators skip
interface is Verifi’s custom hardware derived from a this step to reduce complexity and build cost. A
SensAble Omni, which is embedded into a mannequin’s guidewire and catheter are then manipulated within the
torso. The simulator incorporates trainee feedback and vascular anatomy to navigate to the position of interest.
performance measurements that are “easily recorded and This is a 2D visual (using fluoroscopic guidance) and tac-
viewed”. Teamwork and collaborative surgery are also tile process, sensing small axial forces and torques at the
trained with the systems Head2Head module. Validation fingertips whilst manipulating the wire. The acute train-
has been performed, but not as extensively as some of the ing of wire guidance and the response to the fine forces
other laparoscopic simulators [89]. felt whilst advancing a wire is crucial for efficient IR pro-
The VSOne system (VEST System One) produced by cedure training. An over exertion of force can have seri-
Select IT VEST Systems (Breman, Germany) is a virtual ous consequences and correct training to prevent this
endoscopic surgical trainer using a custom built haptics must be included in any IR training simulation.
interface and the KISMET simulation software developed Two early IR simulators were the Dawson-Kaufman IR
by Forschungszentrum Karlsruhe (Karlsruhe, Germany). simulator, designed by HT Medical for practicing angio-
The KISMET software supports real time interaction with plasty [95] and the daVinci/ICard IR simulator [96] [97].
deformable objects. VIST (Mentice AB, Sweden) is sold as a simulator for
The VirtaMed (Zuric, Switzerland) HystSim is used for various endovascular procedures. VIST was developed
teaching hysteroscopy procedures and has been licensed from an interventional cardiology simulation called ICTS
by Simbionix. This system is the result of many years of (Interventional Cardiology Training System) [98]. The
work at ETH Zurich which entailed extensive attention to development of ICTS started at MERL, the Mitsubishi
both physical behaviour and visual appearance [90]. Electric Research Lab (Cambridge, MA, USA) in collabo-
The Haptica ProMIS (Boston, MA, USA) system con- ration with the CIMIT group [99] and a number of inter-
tains target simulations of a number of laparoscopic pro- ventionalists. This work was subsequently brought to
cedures that are used in combination with physical mod- completion by Virtual Presence (Sale, UK) under contract
els and digital video cameras to produce an augmented to Guidant and ultimately commercialised by Mentice. A
reality display. This system does not include a haptics more recent simulator using a hydraulic pulse generator
device but rather uses the real interaction of surgical tools for palpation, and an adapted Vascular Surgical Platform
with physical surrogate anatomy to provide haptic cues. (VSP) haptics device from Mentice for catheter and
For effective simulation, tools that penetrate a fixed guidewire manipulation, is being developed by the
point of a mannequin structure can be attached to three CRaIVE consortium in the UK – see Figure 5 [100]. This
DOFF devices. If simulations were to include trocar inser- simulator is aimed at training the Seldinger Technique for
tion a 6 DOFF device would be required. The frictional catheter insertion, which covers the initial steps of intro-
forces exerted on the laparoscopy tools as they pass ducing a guidewire and catheter into the patient. A con-
through a trocar must also be considered as these may struct validation study is currently in progress.
well prevent more subtle haptics cues being detected. No Anderson [96] extended work from the daVinci simu-
tactile feedback is present in laparoscopic surgery apart lation toward an IR simulator for cerebral vascular, pe-
from at the tool/hand interface. ripheral vascular and cardiac applications in collaboration
with Kent Ridge Digital Laboratory in Singapore and the
4.4 Endoscopy
Johns Hopkins Medical Institution [101]. An earlier paper
A clinician feeding an endoscope into a patient will ex- [102] describes NeuroCath, the cerebral vascular track of
perience resistance between this flexible tool and the pa- the simulator. The latest developments of NeuroCath are
tient’s body. There have been several examples where given in [103]. The system interface is a mannequin struc-
endoscopes have been used with haptics in a simulator to ture and the simulators focus is guidewire manipulation.
give an appropriate physiological response and accurate Currently, actual cardio vascular IR instruments can be
tool behaviour, e.g. [91] a bronchoscope force feedback inserted into the guidewire interface, which tracks and
device, VIRGY endoscopic [92], and [93]. Commercial provides force feedback to the user in conjunction with
products for endoscopy include GI and URO Mentor visual feedback. A vascular model and potential field
from Simbionix and, Endoscopy AccuTouch from Immer- catheter navigation method for the simulation is dis-
sion. Trifan and Stanciu [94] provide an up-to-date and cussed in [104].
comprehensive endoscopy simulation review. The deci- Modelling the response to a guidewire as it is manipu-
sion of how many DOFF is needed for an endoscopy lated within the vascular system is a complex research
simulator is similar to that discussed in the previous sec- topic as both structures are deformable. Alderliesten et al
tion. [105] test the reliability of their catheter simulation by

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This article has been accepted for publication in a future issue of this journal, but has not been fully edited. Content may change prior to final publication.


comparing the simulated results to those of real wire ma- simulation.

nipulation in a phantom model. The reproducibility of
guidewire propagation was also assessed. A straight and 4.6 Arthroscopy
curved tip wire was modelled with a series of rigid seg- A knee (or shoulder) arthroscopy procedure requires a
ments. The static friction of the wire against the side of small camera and specialised instruments to be inserted
the vascular system (which had been previously ignored) into the knee. In this procedure the practitioner’s tools
was also considered [106]. The latest simulator from the will interact with the soft surrounding tissue and the hard
SIM [107] group, EVE, is a neuroradiology training simu- bone of the knee. Simulating realistic hard contacts is a
lation [108]. Some features of the simulator include inter- significant problem [16] especially when combined with
active fluid dynamics of blood flow [109], volumetric con- the need to simulate soft contacts next to the hard objects.
trast agent propagation and, real-time collision detection Arthroscopy simulators include the commercial prod-
and collision response [110]. Current efforts are aimed uct insightArthroVR marketed by Immerison, created and
toward integrating performance assessment and user manufactured by GMV (Madrid, Spain). The device uses
guidance. an LCD monitor for visual feedback combined with two
Other simulations of interventional procedures under SensAble Omni devices with modified end effectors. The
fluoroscopic guidance include Simbionix’s ANGIO men- tips of the end effectors are manipulated within a knee or
tor for interventional endovascular procedures. This in- shoulder mannequin depending upon the procedure per-
cludes two smaller portable versions of the product: the formed; giving the simulations good face validity. The
Mentor Mini and Express which can be run on a laptop simulator has undergone a recent validation study of face
and use the compact Mentice-Xitact endovascular inter- and content validity using a questionnaire style evalua-
face device. Mentice also sell a compact version of VIST tion, and construct validity judged with a time metric on
which uses this same interface device. The CathLabVR, a small subject number [115]. A larger subject group
simulator from Immersion, uses a custom haptics inter- needs to be studied along with a longer term transfer of
face device. skills study to draw any concrete validation conclusions.
The HERMES project [111] is a project to create a train- Mentice sold an arthroscopic simulator called the Pro-
ing system for coronary stent implants. The system uses a cedicus VA that originated from work at Prosolvia. It was
custom haptics device [112] and a finite element method acquired following the dissolution of Prosolvia and the
for soft tissue modelling of the artery [113]. The CathI subsequent creation of Mentice where the product was
(Catheter Insertion System) [114] simulation adopts a refined and commercialised. This simulator, which saw
mannequin approach. The mannequin is laid on an oper- extensive use and publication as the first commercial ar-
ating table to provide a simulation environment as close throscopy simulator, is now being re-engineered for fu-
as possible to a real procedure’s environment. SimSuite ture re-introduction.
(Denver, CO, USA) also produce a commercial training Another commercial simulator is available from
Touch of Life Technologies (ToLTech) (Aurora, CO,
USA). This simulator has undergone extensive develop-
ment under sponsorship and guidance of the American
Academy of Orthopedic Surgeons. Two separate moni-
tors are used, one for the virtual mentor and the second
displaying the procedure. Force feedback is provided by
two SensAble PHANTOM Desktop devices with modi-
fied end effectors. SensAble’s force feedback device’s
have also been used in academic arthroscopic simulations
[116], [117]. Heng et al [118] provide illustrations showing
that an off the shelf PHANTOM Desktop can’t be directly
used in their simulation as its three DOFF are not the cor-
rect degrees for the simulation. They have developed
their own four DOF device which offers three degrees of
force feedback.
Force feedback hardware has also been incorporated
into a knee mannequin. Examples include KATS [119]
which has undergone validation studies [120], OrthoForce
[121], and the early work at MERL that used voxel-based
Fig. 5. Custom haptics based needle holder from Bangor University.
A needle can be held at a chosen orientation through which a haptic simulation approaches [116] coupled with a pow-
guidewire and catheter are fed into a Mentice VSP haptics device ered gimbal linked to a SensAble PHANTOM [122]. As
(black lozenge shaped box). Fake skin covers a yellow disk shaped humans can distinguish between the high frequency vi-
pressure pad which senses the users finger position. Commercial
off the shelf haptic devices cannot be used for guidewire simulation
brations that occur when two objects come into contact
as specialised hardware is required to provide force and track the [123], Tenzer et al [16] have tried to recreate the vibrations
wire/catheter. Such devices typically include optical motion sensors felt during the arthroscopy procedure to enhance the tac-
combined with force feedback mechanisms to allow a guidewire and tile fidelity of the OrthoForce device. Although the device
catheter to be used simultaneously whilst monitoring depth of inser-
tion and applying forces to each tool as appropriate. has only been tested on a small group the results appear

Authorized licensed use limited to: University of Wales Bangor. Downloaded on April 28,2010 at 11:22:23 UTC from IEEE Xplore. Restrictions apply.
This article has been accepted for publication in a future issue of this journal, but has not been fully edited. Content may change prior to final publication.


to be positive. Commercial haptics devices can be used build an effective simulator is advocated. Other impor-
for athroscopy simulation if heavily modified. Frequently tant points made are that it is advantageous to decon-
custom devices are used. The tactile information involved struct tasks into simple steps, to have repeatability of pro-
with touching the knee above tool/hand interaction has cedures which will facilitate learning from mistakes, to
not been simulated. provide objective feedback, and that it is necessary to in-
tegrate simulators into the education curriculum. There is
often a tradeoff between the fidelity of the simulation and
5 SIMULATION EVALUATION AND VALIDATION it’s cost, and it is not always necessary to achieve ultra
The fundamental perceptual issues whilst performing high fidelity in order to provide a training benefit. The
minimal access and other procedures are not fully under- current published evidence clearly demonstrates that VR
stood. Evaluating simulations of such procedures is there- simulation can improve intraoperative performance. The
fore non-trivial. Formal validation studies that focus on work surveyed above demonstrates that good use of hap-
the use of haptics in medical simulation are scarce. The tics has an important role to play in achieving this goal.
evidence presented in this paper suggests that surgical
simulations incorporating haptic feedback provide a
richer training experience than those that do not. The 6 DISCUSSION AND CONCLUSIONS
most complete validation studies to date have been per- The particular requirements for haptics within a surgical
formed upon the available Laparoscopic simulators (e.g. simulator varies with the application but the common
[124] and [125]). One study supports the use of force trends and issues identified above can be summarised as
feedback during a tissue characterization task in a MIS follows:
setting [126]. It concluded that “subjects are more com-
fortable characterizing tissues when both vision and force x How to use haptics and still have an affordable simu-
feedback were provided”. Another study conducted us- lator? The cost of multi-purpose force feedback de-
ing Immersion’s Laparoscopy VR suggests that for more vices has greatly reduced but custom devices often
advanced Laparoscopic tasks the addition of force feed- needed by surgical simulators are still expensive.
back in a simulation results in faster completion of tasks
[127]. However, a recent review of haptic feedback in x The availability and development of tactile interfaces
conventional and robotǦassisted laparoscopic surgery is still in its infancy.
[128] concluded that there is no firm consensus on the
importance of haptic feedback in laparoscopic simulators. x There are always technology questions to consider,
Often skills transferability is reported by demonstrat- with real time response essential.
ing an improvement in the task of trainees who use the  How many DOFF are needed? Is three DOFF suf-
simulator over those who do not [129]. One evaluation of ficient as six or more is expensive?
an endoscopic sinus surgery simulator [130] argues that a  What computational power is needed? Is dedi-
significant difference in performance between experts and cated processor required for the haptics pipeline?
novices demonstrates a similarity to real world perform-  Is the force range sufficient? Will the range cover
ance. It also advocates rating and comparing anonymous the whole pathology and patient variability that
video of procedures performed by simulation trainees the simulator will encounter?
and a control group. A complete evaluation of transfer of
skills where one control group does not use a simulator, x Multipurpose haptics devices are by far the most
another uses the simulator without haptic feedback and commonly employed, but do they compromise the fi-
the third uses the complete haptic simulation has yet to be delity of the simulation particularly when compared
carried out. This has partially been addressed by Morris to custom built haptics devices? However, software
et al [131] who demonstrated that recall following visuo- support for multipurpose devices is good with several
haptic training is significantly more accurate than recall haptics libraries now available. In many cases new
following visual or haptic training alone, although haptic and novel algorithms are also being implemented to
training alone is inferior to visual training alone. How- improve performance and fidelity of simulation.
ever, whether the latter would be true for an interven-
tional radiologist, where reacting to haptic cues is a vital x What is the objective of the simulation? Clinical skills
part of a successful procedure, has not been investigated. or tool training? A higher fidelity is typically needed
Another trend is to use data acquired from empirical in for the latter. In both cases a more successful simula-
vivo force measurements [132] rather than using a purely tion is provided if a detailed task analysis has taken
mathematical model. The measured forces can then also place.
be used to compare simulation output against real world
data and reduce reliance on the validation of a simulator's x There is a marked lack of validation studies that can
fidelity and accuracy by a subjective “it feels right” ap- report on the benefit (or otherwise) of using haptics in
proach. Such a study has not yet been reported. a surgical simulator. The question of appropriate
A good overview of the issues that need to be consid- simulator metrics for the use of haptics remains open.
ered when assessing a surgical simulator can be found in
[133]. The need for multidisciplinary collaboration to Inevitably compromises are made when incorporating

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This article has been accepted for publication in a future issue of this journal, but has not been fully edited. Content may change prior to final publication.


haptics into a medical simulator but nevertheless the therefore needs to be carefully thought out. The metrics to
technology has a growing and important role to play in be recorded should be defined in a task analysis preced-
the medical domain. This has been particularly the case ing the simulator development and not as an after-
for minimally invasive procedures and also when a tool thought. If the data recorded is the correct information
such as a needle or surgical drill needs to be simulated. and it is accurately correlated with expert judgement of
Open surgery and procedures where practitioners must performance, the possibility to use simulation for accredi-
grasp soft tissues directly with their hands remains a re- tation exists [136].
search challenge. The availability of effective simulators will ultimately
In a 2008 publication by economist R.M. Scheffler, the be defined by cost. The cost of force/torque feedback de-
cost of training a new physician is estimated to be $1 mil- vices is slowly decreasing but the volume of sales needed
lion [134]. The true advantage of providing an effective to reduce cost significantly is currently beyond the scope
training simulation is hard to evaluate. In monetary of medical simulation. SensAble Technologies currently
terms, effective simulation can reduce the time wasted in make the most popular choice of force feedback interfaces
extended procedures due to inexperienced practitioners for medical applications. Their PHANTOM Premium de-
practicing during valuable operating time; the guidance vices are chosen for their high quality response and their
needed from expensive experienced practitioners; the Omni device for its low-cost 6 DOF tracking and 3 DOFF
medical errors (costly by requiring corrective procedures capabilities. The games market has driven innovation in
and through compensation claims) and the need of ex- graphics cards and the GPU is now a powerful computa-
pensive cadavers. On an ethical level, a simulation that tion tool. Novint’s Falcon device augurs that force feed-
prevents medical errors that would have resulted in a back may also be adopted by this market. This may then
patient death or disability should make the simulator in- lead to more low cost force feedback interfaces being
dispensible, but in the real world of business this is not an available for simulation development.
adequate enough justification unless it is possible to Low simulation cost is usually high on the list of re-
prove to providers and insurers that a simulator will re- quirements during development of a commercial simula-
duce risk and so save money. Unfortunately a direct link- tion product. Cost cutting on hardware in the early stages
age between simulator training and improved patient in an effort to save money, however, may obstruct the
outcomes is difficult, if not near impossible to prove [135]. production of a simulation with sufficiently high fidelity.
Procedure variability between practitioners in a single Analysis of a high quality simulation can determine if the
department as well as between different hospitals will extra cost is worth the increase in fidelity and so produc-
cause conflicting requirements. A procedure carried out ing a quality prototype simulation, validating this, and
by an expert should not be deemed incorrect because they then reducing the fidelity to meet cost requirements
don’t perform the procedure in the same way as the con- whilst maintaining transfer of training effectiveness may
trol experts. To incorporate this variability into any meas- prove to be a better approach. For example, the low cost
urement and assessment approach then it may be advis- Falcon device may well be sufficient for many tasks cur-
able to limit definitions of incorrect methods of perform- rently using PHANTOM devices (e.g. needle puncture)
ing a procedure (for example, defining an area not to be and we have seen evidence of this trend occurring, al-
penetrated by the needle) to locality of specific anatomical though such information is difficult to obtain from com-
structures. Such measures would be turned off when a panies who do not want to reveal their intellectual prop-
simulation is used to allow the surgeon to try high risk erty.
manoeuvres in a safe environment and discover new Comparing simulations and devices is extremely diffi-
techniques. Any limitations of a simulator should be cult as each product offers different features and the
made clear so as to avoid incorrect training that could availability of evaluation results vary. For example, a
engrain bad habits (negative training). An extreme exam- basic real world needle insertion is a five degree of free-
ple of this could be a simulation that allows the removal dom operation. It could be assumed that nothing less
of the virtual patient’s heart without killing them. For than a device displaying this many degrees of freedom
such an extreme example, it is clear that the practitioner could be used to produce a realistic simulation. However,
would not believe the simulator is correct and perform realism comes at a cost and a near realistic affordable
this operation in real life. However, more subtle simulator simulation may be better than no simulation at all. It is
inaccuracies are harder to spot as being unrealistic. Al- not immediately obvious if the education value of a low
though many simulations aim to recreate realistic repre- cost simulation offering only three degrees of force feed-
sentation of anatomy and physiology to develop skills back is any better or worse than a higher cost solution
that can be transferred to the patient [136], this may not offering the full five degrees of force feedback. No study
be the most effective training method available. Valida- has yet been carried out to show whether this is indeed
tion studies of the MIST task trainer prove that manipu- the case.
lating simple geometric objects, i.e. not anatomically real- Emerging technologies will continue to offer the poten-
istic, is a very effective tool for training basic MIS tool tial of creating higher fidelity simulations, but should
skills [137]. only be used where a clear training benefit can be proven.
The ability to record metrics in a simulation offers ad- Haptics technologies have reached this stage and will
vantages for trainee evaluation. A whole array of data is have a pivotal role to play in the ability to maintain skills
available to the programmer to process for evaluation and competence and reduce the need to train on patients.

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This article has been accepted for publication in a future issue of this journal, but has not been fully edited. Content may change prior to final publication.


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“Haptic Feedback Enhances Force Skill Learning,” in
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EuroHaptics Conference, 2007 and Symposium on Haptic
12th annual Satava Award to acknowledge his accomplishments in
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fellow of the Eurographics Association, and a Member of IEEE, and
[132] A.E. Healey, J.C. Evans, M.G. Murphy, S. Powell, T.V. How,
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Force During Arterial Interventional Radiology Needle
Puncture Procedures,” Stud Health Technol Inform, vol. 111,

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